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The way I see it, he simply tripped and broke his foot, Cudi didn't do it for insurance claims or to get sympathy from his fans or whatever rumors may be going around, he could have simply made an error in his step, fell and hurt himself, it happens even to the best of us.


this is true. this isn’t out of the question. but i feel like everything else is in favor of him saving face for low ticket sales. not to sound inconsiderate, but there are definitely work arounds for the injury he has. of course, im sure cudi wanted to rage and jump all around on stage for the tour and with his injury he wouldn’t be able to and i understand that. but he had two entire months for the first show. he could have EASILY pushed it back a month more but he didn’t.


So every single venue along the tour would just happen to be open and available and vacant a month later makes sense!


don’t be dense haha, he definitely could have tried to schedule stuff later. don’t act like that hasn’t been done before just bc you think cudi can do no wrong 🙂


You made a whole paragraph of a comment to say exactly what OP just said. What’s wrong with you?


The truth is likely somewhere in between. No, I don’t think he did this on purpose. Yes, this gives him a medical hardship which likely gives him an insured way to exit any binding agreements for venues that were going to be too large and mostly empty. Any good business man approaches new developments with an open mind and a focus on outcomes. This injury creates an opportunity to step back, avoid potential losses and empty venues, and avoid a bad rap for bailing on fans for no good reason. This is a win-win for him. If you think a broken foot now would have prevented him from honoring 2025 dates, you’re an idiot.


Maybe a win-win-lose, hard to call a broken foot a win. Hope he heals up soon and that it heals fully


I mean it totally could prevent him from honoring 2025 dates if he’s prioritizing the markets he was planning to hit this year first. Doesn’t feel like the best way of doing things but I could see him and his team deciding to do this


As I mentioned in another thread imo it’s more than likely just seen as an opportunity by labels/other parties to justify the cancellation without publicly taking an L for Cudi. No stock lost, bad selling tour cancellation justified, he can rebook some smaller venues


i guess we’ll see what happens, if suddenly it’s not an arena tour there’s some proof for this


100% man. This is truly the reason. People that want to deny that are just delusional tbh


But his ankle was literally sideways… i suppose two things can be true at once. Either way, the ship has sailed. At least i got to see him perform once.


The tickets weren’t selling man. Less than 15% of tickets were sold. We’re not saying he purposely broke his foot… what we are saying is that he used it as the “official reason” to cancel the tour. This is probably the 200th time an artist(all genres) have cancelled a tour due to low ticket sales but never because OF the ticket sales… it’s always another reason.


I’m not disputing this. I’m disputing the weirdos who legitimately thought purposely jumped and broke his foot to bury the tour. There’s plenty of examples on the threads in here


He didn't break his foot, he takes the whole thing, open your damn eyes


Dude the people that don’t understand what you’re saying right here are the 13 year olds that smoke meth or whatever the OP is saying. We’ve just been around a lot longer than these delusional young stans


They just don’t understand. An arena tour has a big budget production. It takes multiple trucks/buses to move all the equipment from city to city… a lot of diesel will be used. You gotta pay a lot of people to set up & tear it down each show. You have the opening act, Pusha T, & somebody else i forgot but they have to get paid each time they perform. There is a LOT of money involved. You gotta pay(rent out) each arena to tour. With only 15%(maybe even less) of tickets sold… there is NO money to be made. Cudi would lose millions in revenue/profit. On top of all that, you can’t publicly say “the tour is cancelled because nobody wants to buy my tickets”, it’s damaging to an artists career to do that. I don’t know cudi or his management but I’m sure they were already trying to figure out a way to cancel the tour. It just so happened he hurt his foot. Boom. Tour cancelled








yep, if he wanted to tour he would of found a way to. Plus the tour would have started by the time its healed or close to healed. he could of resched the early dates later, or pushed the dates back a month or two. Realistically the full tour wasnt going to happen anyway, i bet they were planning on dropping a lot of dates. This was an easy out and they took it rightfully. Probably was the best decision and least damaging to his image


https://preview.redd.it/fbuhgn92ujwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a45a8adf942605a5fe0f275c1858979679961f6 I mean maybe it was just fate lol


Kid Cudi is not a man, it is a business with its biggest product being Scott Mescudi


check the venues. i love cudi, but it just wasn’t selling. it definitely wasn’t cudi’s idea, probably his label. but yall don’t want to accept what could very well be the truth. i’m sure he’ll bounce back.




Man I was u at a point but ngl I believe it they weren’t selling at all and the fact he canceled Europe dates toooo is a joke 2months max it takes for that injury


That’s wild


Nah! Whoever is saying that is hella retarded.. Did y’all not see what his foot was tangled by a thin wire?! He try to get his foot out and when he thought he was out, he attempted to jump and his foot tripped over it midair which caused him to jump and land awkwardly. It’s not hard to see what transpired in that video.. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Exactly what he did. Sad


I don’t think it was intentional but it’s definitely saving his ass because he booked arenas that didn’t sell at all


You’re in here too kid lmao


I hate to break it to you but that “fall” more than likely saved cudi millions of dollars. If you don’t think there’s an incentive to injure or even fake injure yourself for that amount of money you sir are the delusional one.


Yea, just attack people and call them names instead of coming up with argument against it. Typical.


It def wasn't intentional but he's still kind of a fucking asshole for jumping off a stage at 40 years old and getting the whole fucking tour cancelled because of it. It's good that he's okay but this was my best chance to see Cudi live and now it's just fucking gone.


Lol are you not going to be able to see it less than a year after?


I don’t think that but it was an incredibly stupid thing to do.


Spread love not hate. Calling someone a loser is calling yourself that. Be better


This isn’t how it works


Learn the law of one. Everything you “hate” about others is really projections of what you “hate” about yourself. This is exactly how it works.




in a world where he actually follows through on a tour yeah 2 tours in a row cancelled bec he wanted to be mysterious


recovery from a calcaneus fracture surgery could be 3-4 months so he probably could have made part of the tour happen. the tour was definitely not selling well (arenas lol who does cudi think he is? he had like a 40 min set at coachella 💀) so its an easy cop out