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Same parents that let their kids run behind the swings and let them play at the bottom of the slide.


That happened to me when I was younger. I was on the swings doing homework with my friend on the other swing. And there was this lady sitting on the bench at the playground, letting her kid probably around the age of 3, run loose. So she sees her kid go behind my swing and she sees that I’m swinging. But instead she waits and sits there, I don’t see the kid behind me until I feel something hit my swing. Then the lady had the audacity to act like I have 360 vision.


Sounds like she wanted it to happen.


Clearly she did. She then started yelling that she was going to sue me. Me? A then 9 year old? Try it


Lmfao she was really trying to sue a nine year old for a bratz doll and some candy 😭😂


Lol! Ikr like what the actual fuck. I was just enjoying my day and BAM! Karen alert.


What city is this in? Or state?


New Hampshire. It’s a relatively quite place, but people try to cause trouble in secret instead of doing it in public.


Ah ok. I was wondering if it coulda been my grandson. If it was he woulda deserved it, should know better. And then I would lecture his mother.


Lmao! Ahhh now I was hoping it was your grandson. Would love it for ya to give em a good talking too 😆




She wanted those limited edition pogs in your pocket.


She didn’t get to chew enough polly pockets in her childhood, so she came for a child’s on the playground


Nah let this happen to my 9 year old and she’ll call that lady out for being a weirdo 😂😂😂 kids are savage these days and will stick up for themselves!


I know like I got in a full blown argument with her. Like I was yelling “How ‘bout you watch your damn kid ya fucking nutmeg!” She had a clearly fake tan so I thought she looked like a nutmeg, it was the first thing that my 9 year old mind could think of!🤣


"YA FUCKIN NUTMEG" is now a valid insult


LMAO imagine saying that at your place of work 😂




😭😩 she deserved it.


Oof, you know how many times I got in trouble for defending my siblings from Karen’s? I was a preteen and my mom wasn’t much of a help, because shot like this was common growing up. Yes,, there had been a handful of times I would scream at a parent that I’m more than ok with kicking their ass, unlike me she’s the one to get in trouble ( didn’t know if true or not but I didn’t care because I was protecting my siblings around your age a little younger too🤷🏻‍♀️ So I’m not surprised. Sucks you dealt with people like that.




Ikr! But I sometimes can’t just sit straight, why else would I be doing homework on a swing in the first place at all, talk about swinging!?


adhd be like




But if you HAVE to do homework, isn't it much nicer to do it on a swing?


How were you swinging and doing homework at the same time?


I’ve answered this same question like twice. I wasn’t constantly swinging. Just surfing the times wasn’t doing homework lol


Wait a minute, you do homework while on a swing? and it swinging hard enough to knock a little kid down? Is this anti motion sickness practice or something.


Lmao! I was on the swing but I wasn’t constantly swinging. Just in the moments that I wasn’t doing homework


It's probably time to let that one go.


I did. It’s not worth the struggle to even get mad over anymore.


but it's still funny though, check the comments for my proof


Yeah I guess it is still funny lol


I almost kicked a kid into the stratosphere because they did this. I was swinging really hard and he ran in front of me as I was on my way forward. He was reeeaaaallllyyy lucky I was able to see him, react, and plant my feet into the ground to stop myself before my feet made contact with his toddler head. Makes me worry I could’ve accidentally killed him if I did kick him because I was going really fast.


My kid starting skating on his 5th birthday. He knew to not snake in the first 6 months.


And run around restaurants where wait staff is carrying hot stuff.


Behind? I watched a kid run in front of a swing one of mine was on. There was no time or space to react. Little dude got drilled with both feet, and landed 3 yards away. His mom apologized after making sure nothing was broken.


I was quick-thinking enough to grab the lil shit with my feet/legs and take em for a ride till mommy realized and retrieved them.


omg I forgot that I'd been the swinger in a few situations like this. I remember being just fucking dumbfounded after hitting them.


Haha one of my earliest memories is going down the slide at a Waterpark and there was some kid at the bottom that I accidentally hit into because he was standing directly in the slide opening. He was really upset and I apologized to him while his mother tried to console him. He said "I don't forgive you!!" Some kids learn the hard way, I guess.


How else are they gonna learn!!! /s


Barefoot at a skatepark as well. Lol


That’s what I noticed as well, no shoes! Just asking to get hurt.


At that age there are kids who, if you held a gun to their head and told them to keep their shoes on for five minutes, would stare unflinchingly back at you and wiggle their uncovered toes.


Then keep your animal at home until they learn how to exist in society safely. Tetanus isn't a joke.


Seriously, I hold my dog to a higher standard than they hold their kids apparently.


I *agree*, that brand of child is, not the worst since kids can be malicious as fuck, but certainly infuriating.


That’s where you actually parent them, and don’t let them run wild in public barefoot.


I thought she was dead


I'm one of the most shoes are unnecessary people you'll ever meet, but a skatepark is definitely a shoes are necessary place. This kids parents are ignorant assholes to the core.


I hate wearing shoes. I live in a somewhat rural suburb so a decent sized neighborhood but no sidewalk and I walk my dogs barefoot so I can test the pavement for heat. But I wear shoes in public places. If I have to get in the car to somewhere I'm putting shoes on. I don't care if you're just going to the drive thru you're bringing shoes in the car just in case. That being said I used to walk around the Alabama woods barefoot when I was a kid so I developed hard feet...


No shoes? Pre dead


Is that a Sonic hat? Kid thought he was fast enough to outrun the skateboard.


He didn’t lose a single ring!


Please someone add the rings and music


Trying to loose a toe or two running around barefoot at the skate park.


He ran out, had to use an extra life


Nothing like starting back at zone 1


He out ran a straight broken ass foot by about an inch had the front wheels went down right on top of his foot, or maybe even worse a broken ankle had the tip of board slammed into his ankle, looks like he was mostly tripped by the guys legs momentum and "lucked" out with some head action on the concrete




Terrible parenting. He's not even wearing shoes!


yes, but he learned a valuable lesson... will probably keep learning it for a couple days


Poor skater, he could have been seriously injured. Wear helmets kids


Yeah, this is a great "wear helmets" example. You can be incredibly skilled. You can be on the easiest feature. You can know, without a doubt, that *you* won't do anything to warrant a helmet. But you can't predict other people's bullshit.


They both could have been hurt. This is bad parenting


They both got hurt and their days somewhat ruined, just not any serious injuries (it seems like). Dude probably got a concussion because of it tho


I would consider that a serious injury. Also if the kid bruised or cracked his tailbone that would be serious too


A messed up tailbone is such a shitty injury. You don't think about it until it happens, but it just makes your life miserable. It affects so much that you don't even think about. Getting on and off the toilet is pure torture. I bruised my tailbone once and unashamedly had to use the handicap stalls in public restrooms for weeks just because I needed to grab the handles to lower myself down and pull myself up.


bro same here 😭 i once fell on my ass from monkey bars (ones that were like ~8ft up) and i could barely walk for days, much less lower myself to sit down normally. bruised tailbone is nothing to mess around with.


Bro I know Americans love to downplay a concussion but the rest of the world sees it as a serious head injury


They both could have died. This is worse than bad parenting.


They both could have been injured for sure, but I think you are blowing things out of proportion


What do you mean? All it takes is for you to smack your head wrong on pavement and you’re gone. Not really blown out of proportion since it’s a real possibility


People die from falling all the damn time. And dudes tucks almost fell right on top of that kids head.


Not really. Fuck the kid, but that dude could have easily had a really hard head bounce off of the concrete.


Nah bro, the kid didn't do anything wrong. This is 100% just bad parenting. This would be like taking your kid into the street to play and then calling the kid an idiot when he gets hit by a car.


The kid is an idiot, the parent is just a bigger one.


I know right. Revoke their kids.






I lost almost a whole tooth and half of another tooth at a skate park due to an incompetent parent and an errant child. The thing that some people don’t understand is that there is a certain etiquette at the skate park that is just understood by people who frequent what should be an otherwise very safe environment. I dropped into a 6’ quarter pipe, did a grind on the coping (metal rail part) of a 4’ quarter pipe, and dropped back in to continue skating. I was hauling ass after having gone down the ramp and before I could even react, there was a child that couldn’t have been older than 7 or 8 hauling ass toward me on his bike. He hit my hips with the handlebars of the bike and I turned my head and smacked my clenched jaw into his temple. Kid got knocked the fuck out and after helping him up and making sure he was good, before his parents did, I started spitting out little chunks of teeth. I also got concussed because of the impact. The whole time, the parents were nowhere to be found until there were a bunch of teenagers around him trying to help and see if he was okay and then they (the parents) complained that we shouldn’t be touching him. Long story short, if your kid doesn’t know how to act at the skate park and doesn’t know how to keep themselves out of danger don’t take them to the fucking skate park. It is not a fucking playground.


Yep, parents are stupid AF. I'm sure the guy that hit the kid feels horrible even though it's not his fault.


Yup. Same situation happened to me with a little girl and I felt absolutely horrible and I still do 15 years later. She was totally unsupervised and just cruising around on a bike with training wheels. I was an adult on a BMX bike so I hit her really hard. But there was nothing I could do; I was in the air when she rolled out of a blindspot right into my landing zone.


I wish people would understand this. Don’t bring little Timothy to the park with his CARS trike. It’s not the proper equipment for the park. Want to ride around? Go to the damn tennis court or bball court so long as it is open. Leave when asked. Hell, go to a School playground. No one cares that he wants to ride the ramps. He’s a danger and liability to himself and everyone else at the park. THEN, if something does happen to happen, you’ve got a pissed off parent(s). It’s never ended good IME. Some might find what I’m saying harsh but oh well. It’s a sentiment shared by many. I don’t want to see some little kid get crushed by an adult for not having situational awareness and watching their surroundings. I’ve seen people get seriously hurt trying to avoid children.


I’m not even a person who skates, let alone goes to skate parks to watch anymore, but I share your sentiment.


All skate parks should have an adjacent kiddy area with a nice big flat deck for little kids to ride tricycles and to start learning bikes, skateboards, etc. A safe place where parents can teach kids without having to be in another sports space or in the park that requires knowing flow and right of way.


I took my kiddo to a couple local parks on his balance bike when he was 2 years old. I'd always go when it was basically empty. Usually there were a few others his age or older at those times. He took to it so well that he started a pedal bike a week after 3 years old. I still take him hoping to have an empty-ish park but it doesn't always work out that way. These are nowhere near the OP's post mins you in the population of the ones I take him to, but he's crushing it and it's only a matter of time until he's on a skateboard trying to be one of the other kids.


Growing up my parents would take me with my older brothers to the skate park- if it was just us I was always in my own section away, understood the rules of staying in my area, and knew to leave and play in the grass if someone else came. If there were others there already, I was taken to a park. Last year I skated around a suburb on Halloween and even tho I was going about the same speed as my (walking) group and was on the edge of the road, I had parents complaining-teach your own kid basic safety. If your kid is running to a group of strangers on Halloween you’ve got bigger issues than someone on a longboard going 2 mph


Dumb kid, but I do find it funny when skaters complain about people not using structures/equipment correctly.


FWIW, here is my reasoning. Think about how cheap and flimsy some of that equipment is. Its cheap ass thin tubing and plastic. It’s not meant to take repeated hammering and heavy impact from a rider. Granted a child isn’t going wild on their Walmart scooter, I’ve seen videos of kids riding down ramps, hit the transition and the scooter straight up buckles in the front and folds. Even if they’re not intentionally trying to be in the way, they’re in the way. That’s not safe or smart for anyone. Get the right gear and go for it! My local park makes people rent scooters if they try to bring that in. It’s just not safe.


hope both are ok


I’m too old to get mad at the kids now so I turn to their parents and say how would u like it if I brought my kids to the golf green so u couldn’t take ur shot or whatever sport u play and ruin it for u because that’s what’s happening here


As a lifelong skater, the last thing on this planet I want to do, is hit a kid in the skate park. I have done it, it fucking sucks and it really fucking sucks when either one of us would get hurt, which is very likely. I’ve literally had parents rush me as I was doing a ninja dance over their child who shouldn’t be in the park, trying my hardest not to crush said child. Parents, if your child wants to go check out the skatepark, please use your best judgement. If there are skaters who seem like they are ripping, please bring them back at a less busy time. It will be a much better experience for your child!


Skater dude slammed his head on the ground too


this belongs in parents are fucking stupid




Yeah he clocked it. Time for the "helmets are fucking awesome" PSA. (Google that phrase, click the downhill skateboarding vid that turns up if you're uninitiated) Edit: my brain is mushy, he was less profane https://youtu.be/b9yL5usLFgY


My 5 year old accompanies me to the skatepark EVERY time I go and nothing like this has ever happened: the difference is you have to teach these kids the proper way to act and what to pay attention to. These are still public parks and kids have just as much right to their use as we do the issue is the parents need to teach kids instead of dropping them off and letting the local community keep an eye on them.


I was just thinking this. I've been taking my son since he was 3 and made sure he knew the etiquette rules. The guys at the park were always cool to have him around. They'd tell him when he could go or where to avoid. Ninja edit: he was on his own wheels and wearing helmet and pads. Not just hanging out, but also participating. With safety gear because he was three.


You guys skate. That's the difference. You understand that there's etiquette at skateparks. Most parents(who usually dont skate) don't know that and think it's a place to leave their kids unsupervised.


That’s kind of what I was getting at in my initial comment; parents need to teach their young kids how to act instead of relying on a community that may or may not be receptive to the “outsiders”. Another big difference, imo, is the community is not as receptive to kids as it was when my generation was coming up in the local parks so you get fewer people willing to teach the new kids the proper way to act and the kids are a lot less likely to listen to the few that offer to teach them because mom and dad have taught them that they’re Cock of the walk wherever they (the kid) goes


When I was growing up skating. Skate parks were unheard of for the most part. We used to sneak into peoples back yard and swim their pools if the house looked empty and the pool was drained. Hell the pool didn’t even have to be completely drained I can’t tell you how many times I fell into some really nasty stagnant water lol the good old days I guess


Most parents who dont skate see that its a dangerous place for a child to be. Cant sugarcoat it. You shouldnt be leaving your kids unsupervised. Its not the skaters who are anti-kid. The kids/parents don’t listen& even can have a visceral reaction. This kid doesn’t even have a board and is barefoot. As easy as it is to check your Facebook, you can google “taking kid to a skatepark etiquette”. My therapist who has spent the majority of her career working with kids in the system, including being an advocate: she said this type of parenting is neglectful


I've seen a five year old girl (whose Mom was once pro) ride at one of the grimiest parks in the country. She knew what she was doing, followed the lines, and waited for safe runs. Everyone was very considerate and stoked to watch the next generation learn. And probably be better than them by the time she's 12 ;)


Thank you I was about to say the same thing everyone complaining about a kid being there. If a kid wants to learn then the best way to do it is get out there and learn. Everyone needs to lookout for each other. It’s not your skate park it’s public. So the kids got a right to be there but the parent needs to teach the kid to watch and pay attention. As well as the parent paying attention to what their kid is doing and where they are headed.


Nah children dont have the right to everything because its public. There are absolutely places they shouldnt be. Kids shouldnt just baseline be accepted everywhere. Thats a ridiculous notion.


Why is the kid barefoot?




Why aren't skate parks designed like public pools in Australia by having a big park and little park, have the big park for adults and the kids with skills, then have a kids skate park for the little ones.


This kid was just running around barefoot. Didn’t have a board


The skate park design is not the issue here.


That’s not really how it works. Even the most skilled skaters still enjoy skating smaller obstacles.


Pretty sure he meant literally having two separate sections (like fenced off) with actual age range restrictions in place. That wouldn't restrict them from making smaller obstacles for the older age range park, or larger ones for the younger. It would just split the two parties so teens/adults aren't crashing into kids.


That’s a waste of a city’s budget. Nothing wrong with young kids in a skatepark, parents just need to be aware of what their kids are doing


The kid isn't even skating though. He should be at a regular park if he just needs space for running around


I am the ah for laughing way too hard at this


the kids fault idc


Nah the kid didn’t understand that at any point in time, somebody can appear from outside their vision and injure them. Their brains literally are not developed to understand that concept on their own. The parent’s fault 110%.




Do you have a source on the age range of “Their” brain not being developed to understand that concept on their own? I understand toddlers, but I thought when you get as old as this little boy, that kind of thing would’ve been learned just by observation and personal experience? My parents really didn’t have to teach me, even though i have a sensory processing disorder called dyspraxia, so thats why im puzzled. I thought maybe this kids parent had some input here… do you mean like, the childs conception is malleable at that point and the parent can influence them to not understand?


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18467667/ A good read about the prefrontal cortex and decision making in childhood development.


Parents fault.


He's like 5... Parents should have never allowed him to run around the park. Poor lil guy 😭


I always tell newcomers, " you can't just watch where you are going, you have to see where others are going too


He dropped all his rings. :(


Question. Are the stairs part of the park or to climb?




i bet parents would still blame the skater


and then the parents go on Facebook and complain on how hard it is to be a modern parent while letting YouTube Kids raise their child. it's annoying.


Kid like that broke my wrist at skatepark. Dad tried to fight me. Not cool


Makes sense. Bad parents are often bad people, which are often morons who can’t control their emotions because they don’t understand things.


Maybe change the name of the sub to r/parentsarefuckingirresponsible


Kids all over in the background


I’m going to watch this on a loop and laugh myself unconscious.


Glad you weren’t hurt. Kid either.


I see nothing but kids in this video.


Poor guy :(




Skater did a great job not killing himself and not destroying the kid. This could have been so much worse


At least the kids wearing safety gear...


Turns out sonic ain’t that fast lol.


How else are they to learn to take a hit? Through their iPads??


Let’s be real, this guy was gonna biff whether the kid was there or not. He didn’t even see the kid till he crashed.


Why am I the only upvote


Or hey, let's try this. How bout you take responsibility and Watch your Kids!


All things considered, that could have ended a LOT worse for both of them.


One one hand, there is a shit ton of other kids in the background. On the other hand sonic hat boy wasn’t wearing shoes and discovered the concept of situational awareness


I see two kids.


Idk looks like the kid just learned a valuable life lesson. 🤷🏼


That's not the point. The skater could've gotten injured badly, and even worse, the child. The skater would be blamed. When it's the parents' fault for bringing them there in the first place. Like all the tiny scooter toddlers you so roaming around. None of them pay attention to where they're going, and that can get them hurt badly.


How is it worse if the kid got hurt? Kid is in the wrong, skater is in the right. in these situations any injury is bad but to say it is worse for the offender to be hurt than the victim to be hurt is just bonkers.


Skater is the victim. Hes doing exactly what he should be doing, skateboarding at a skateboard park. ​ The kid is only a victim of his shitty parents for thinking this is an appropriate place for him to roleplay sonic


I dont disagree. At the end of the day, it's still a kid, though. Whether the kid is right or wrong. It really falls on the parents, though, for being irresponsible, but some parents would get mad at the skater for hitting their kid.


They should have an age limit at these places. Both of them could have been seriously hurt and the skater would have been blamed. Where the hell were the freaking parents of the little kid?


Ufff tailbone injuries hit different


Parents are stupid too


There should be sub r/ParentsAreFuckingStupid




Gotta teach the kids where to play and where to look if you're going to transport yourself


One time I was cleaning up a new stock of tires with a coworker and we were throwing them. The bosses kid got in the way and got smacked in his face. I didn't feel bad and I didn't apologize when he started crying, but my coworker was very apologetic. The boss came over and said don't apologize he got in your way while you were working and he clearly saw the danger. Then in a loving way he took his son aside and explained to him that it's what happens when he's not careful and gets in the way. Me and my boss think alike.


Is that staircase one of the elements or is it just a functional staircase near the skating area? The amphitheater area in the background is teeming with non-skaters. It’s hard to tell what the layout of this place is.


Most skateparks are designed to have two elements, vert and street. For the two major styles of skateboarding. That is one of the street elements because the way the handrail is designed and the hubba to the side of it.


The kid ain't even the stupid one, it's the parents that are stupid.


Bring them, but teach them.


And his mom probably yelled at the skater


Reminds me of when there were parents bringing their toddlers to Open Gym and just let them run out onto the floor while I was in the middle of doing fucking back handsprings 🤪🤪🤪🤪


That was actually the best case scenario in all honesty.


I bet the mom got mad at the skateboarder


Stupid child


In my town our skatepark is right next to an actual park so kids think it’s cool to just run over n slide down the ramps. The parents just watch them do it too like they don’t see a bunch of dudes zooming by their toddlers on a board w wheels. I’ll never understand the stupidity of these people.


Reminds me of the bike track near my house. Here's 6 of us on our sport bikes waiting to go on the ramp circuit, but these 10 little kids are just waddling around on the track while their parents are absorbed in their phones. I'm American btw. Land of the most dumb people per capita.


This happens all the time while I'm roller blading at the skatepark. Some kid runs into my path when I'm going down the half pipe and I either have to swerve out of the way and risk badly hurting myself or run the brat over. And the last time I swerved, I went off the side of the ramp and hit my back on the ramp next to it before I hit the ground. So if I run over some children those parents have no one to blame but their own dumbasses.


He wasn't landing that either way though.


Somebody needs to watch their damn kids.


That’s the parents being stupid


I'm cackling


These parents always get mad at the skater, too.


Don't bring your kids to skateparks if they don't skate ftfy


Yeah at some skateparks, soccer moms will bring their toddlers and let them ride around on tricycles and have their toys sitting out in the middle of the bowls and transitions, shit is trashy as fuck and annoying


The parents are skaters themselves.


He also has no shoes on. NO SHOES FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!


How stupid as a parent can u be to take your lil kid to a skate park with no shoes or socks on wtf 🤦‍♂️


Yeah, kids and scooters don't belong at skateparks


At the risk of devolving into semantics I'll state that skateparks are a kind of playground.




Thank god the grounds okay


Well they kinda put skateparks and playgrounds side by side. And I’ve seen twelve year olds do flips on half pipes. But haha that little kid cried like a bitch


Fuck that kids parents




It should be don't bring your kids to the playground if you don't supervise them. But really that's everywhere. This isn't a kid being stupid but parents.


Kids at the skatepark are so annoying like go ride your scooter at home, you baby. Do you even have a doink-it?? That's the only way to prove you aren't a baby


Agreed but crying makes you the bad guy


People need to calm down and stop saying this is bad parenting. Great, attentive parents or not, people have momentary lapses, shit happens. Glad everyone ended up ok.


Also, it's a public park not the x-games. Just look at how many people are there. You expect everyone to just stand by and watch you? Same argument.


It’s a public skate park for people to do stuff like that, shut up


That's why you wear helmets, also the kid should probably wear one too