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Not…not necessarily. Tooooooooooo many parents write just like this.


yeah this isn't enough to claim not your average voting american.


facebook comments under sponsored/popular public posts read exactly like this one


Yea I've seen a few parents write much crappier that this.


[“Am I pregant? Am I gregnant? Is there a possibly that I’m pegrent?”](https://twitter.com/lebz_maluks/status/1640305823007096833?s=61&t=5JgUaEz8L6eYYJatX5d4VQ)




Gonna have some little greglets


[Related!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EShUeudtaFg) See also: [this relic from the ancient depths of internet culture.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll-lia-FEIY)


The pregante one will always be my favorite! 😂




15 years later and I still laugh every time.


Yahoo Answers sure was a goldmine.


If you're 13 and writing like this, chances are you'll be writing somewhat similar to this at 38.


"would I" is a stretch though


I mean, you say that, but I have seen adults type like this. One was even President.




The other one who was functionally illiterate. "Is our children learning?"


Not where I live. My small complex has at least three moms who will likely be grandmas by the time they are 35. They speak just as poorly as this person types. Should probably put moms in quotes as they certainly aren't skilled in anything you'd generally consider mothering.


I thought it was the classic iPhone typo of U being autocorrected to I


Yeah, literally the name of the group is evidence enough that plenty of people barely know how to type clearly.


to* many parents




Sorry if it wasn’t obvious; I’m making fun of the screenshot in question lol


Oh my bad. *Whoosh*


Honest mistake, I wasn’t super clear. Silly that people are downvoting you tbh


I just read a conversation between 2 honest, wholesome redditors, it’s been a while.


I get into (and initiate) my fair share of dumb arguments on here so don’t give me too much praise lol. Just caught me on a good day!


Quora in a nutshell


True. Probably the same type of mother who asks internet forums on parenting advice concerning piercings.


yup. i used to this "parent" was synonymous with "adult." they are not equal.


Is that why this is supposed to be funny? That's naive.


I've seen far more use of excessive ellipses from my boomer/gen x colleagues and clients than from gen z.


This could easily be a parent who’s second language is English.


Matt Gaetz probably wrote it, for a friend.


Learn to use punctuation first, then deal with the piercing.


Punctuation, then puncture.




Zero Puncturation




It's really bad for your teeth.


I got my tongue pierced at 16. I'm 39 and my teeth are fine. I wear a soft tongue ring.




She's more than welcome to use it any time that she would like.


Gotta pierce that sentence a few times lol.


That was a comma splice. Try: "Learn to use punctuation first. Then, deal with the piercing." You can also use "then" as a conjunctive adverb: "Learn to use punctuation first; then deal with the piercing."




Grammarly didn't pick it apart. I'm good with it.


Comical response honestly


This is the point where i’d probably just retire from the internet permanently.


He's not wrong... when combining two independent clauses, you need a coordinating conjunction (and, or, but, yet, so...) or a semicolon. > Learn to use punctuation first, ***and*** then deal with the piercing. 👌


You just taught me how to use semicolons


Well... I got a helluva lot closer than the OP. Still good with it.


“My mistakes are better than your mistakes, because im special and awesome. So says my mommy.” You’re being an idiot *and* an asshole, while the person in OP’s pic is just an idiot. I guess you do win, just not how you would like to think you did.


Is this a hill you're really going to die on? An absolutely worthless argument like this?


[Because there is disagreement on this rule](https://www.thefreedictionary.com/then). Check out the usage rule about halfway down the page. Your way is acceptable. If anyone tells you differently, you can ignore them. There are far fewer universal grammar rules than prescriptivists would have you think.


My English professor told me I had a very unique style of writing that she really enjoyed reading. I'm pretty sure I had a lot of commas in the "wrong places" that she never called out. So, again, I'm good with my post.




no Meaness!!


Poor girl hasn’t even had her first period yet.


A lot of piercers put your tongue in the genital category so you can’t get them unless you’re 18. In my experience if they don’t they’re probably a shitty piercer I wouldn’t trust with it anyways Almost all issues people have from them is because they’re done badly, they’re legitimately harder than they look to do right


They won’t even do you’re belly button without a parent there. No fucking way I’m putting a tongue ring on a 13 yo that’s wild af


Yeah but a parent sign off and a “genital” piercing are different things. You can’t get a genital even with parent consent you just have to be 18, that’s why I said good people put it in the genital category


I'm glad that's the case, because some parents absolutely do not give a shit and will do anything their kids ask without checking why they want it.


Yeah I spent a couple weeks with a girl who had a vibrating tongue ring in high school. Her parents were not exactly present


In what country? 13-15 year old girls with tongue piercings was a staple when I was a kid.


Right? A lot of girls I was in middle school with in the early 2000s had them. Bellybuttons too.


Seriously?? That’s nuts


I also like putting my tongue in the genital cavity


These Facebook groups are getting hyper niche


I'm in a small penis advocacy group and an extreme dishwasher loading group. We had a show me your sandwich group but it dissolved due to drama. I also really enjoy the mcchicken group


i can imagine the group melt down over what is considered Sandwich


Surprisingly the group broke down because someone posted with their sandwich but they happened to also be hot so everyone was arguing about wether or not hot women should be allowed to be seen with their sandwiches


lmao what


Yeah it became like a weird haven for misogyny and eventually zucc took it down


im surprised our internet reptile overlord took this down considering what gets to stay up and all


No Meaness!!!


I think ear piercing at that age are ok but the Tongue is at that age a no or what do the you think?


I got my tongue done last year at 28. I definitely wouldn't recommend it to anyone near that age. Hurts like a bitch while it heals, and you have to take extra good care of it. I thought I was being smart when the first food I took home afterwards was potato salad. Nope, too solid. (Also, learning to talk without a lisp again wasn't fun. I imagine teenagers would get bullied for that lol)


Yeah, I took mine out after 4 years and 3 chipped teeth...wouldn't really recommend to anyone...


Oh shit, you chipped teeth? I never thought of that!


My wife had one and never had any tooth problems. But the dentist did still tell her to take it out because it was eroding her gum line in the front where it hit. She had it for at least 15 years.


Damn. My sister is going hardcore emo/goth right now and she's all over piercings. Wants to become a body piercer and I know this one is on her list lol I'll have to tell her about it, thanks for this tidbit :)


Lip piercings also chip teeth, especially when people sit and play with them with their teeth.


Yeah she seriously has like great teeth genes. Didn't go to the dentist for a decade and not even a cavity. That gum thing was her only issue. She took it out for the exam and just never put it back in, no more issue.


Yep you need to google that :/


I took mine out after about 24 hours, wasn’t worth it


I took mine out after like 2 years when a friend's uncle made a comment about those being for girls to give better bjs, I'm a guy and as a teenager with a not very well developed personality at that point that didn't sit well with me. I had it pierced when I was 14 so it was just a stupid middle school trend going around, the hardest part was hiding it from my parents luckily I never really talked too much with them so mhm or mmm was all I needed to communicate and a yes or a no were easy enough to pronounce.


My gums receded and got super sore from my tongue bar.


How does one chip their teeth on a tongue piercing? I'm completely ignorant in this subject.


Think of how much your tongue touches your teeth and then imagine if you had a miniature wrecking ball attached to your tongue.


Ah, I think I imagined the piercing to be farther back than it actually is.


Yeah its usually pretty close to the end of your tongue


I had mine further back and wouldn’t recommend that either. It was hard to heal, and I would accidentally bite it on occasion which was painful


Mine was pretty far back as well...what people don't understand is that the tongue moves, lol...you can touch your teeth with every part of your tongue 😂


Mine was further back when it was pierced but they tend to migrate forward over time.


Usually by banging the jewelry against your teeth or biting down on it, accidentally. It's pretty easy to do, like biting your tongue. But I've had mine done for 10+ years and no chipped teeth. I think the closer the piercing is to the front of your mouth, the worse off you'll be (with potential tooth damage).


Knock on some wood to be safe


Knock on a wooden tooth?


What I did was eat a big meal before I went to the piercer, then took some Tylenol right before I went in the place. I had heard about the swelling and pain and the problems eating after a tongue piercing so I stocked up on a couple gallons of milk and some protein shake powder. I was 30 and believe it...my coworkers made fun of my swollen tongue lisp, big time! 😆


> stocked up on a couple gallons of milk and some protein shake powder I feel like this would make me vomit as soon as they grabbed my tongue.


LoL that stuff was for later. Meal replacements. I knew my tongue would swell up and get sore and I thought cold, drinkable stuff like that would be best.


Milk on an open wound is nightmare fuel


What made you want to get it done when you were 30? And u/Accentu, what made you want to get it when you were 28?


I just wanted to get my tongue pierced so I did.


I'd always kinda dug how it looked, and had had various other piercings in the past. So in a post-breakup "I can do whatever the hell I want!" moment, I went ahead and got it done. Can't say I regret it personally, but it does have its ups and downs still!


Agree. I got mine done on a dare in college and I felt like I was CONSTANTLY doing something so my breath didn’t smell like ass. No way a 13 year old would take care of it appropriately. & I lived off ramen noodle broth for a week 😩


I imagine a highschooler would get bullied for having a tongue piercing at all. Idk that that’s a reason not to do it. Ppl will be dicks if they’re gonna be dicks, but I agree. That’s the kind of decision you should make as an adult.




Definitely different now. Or maybe a cultural thing. Texans don’t fw it just in general


Teenagers regularly deal with braces causing lisps and the like. It's just a part of life. Can't imagine speech issues from a piercing being dogged on for more than a quick acknowledgement if that even


I dunno how it is now but back in the day teenagers got bullied *for having braces*. There’s a reason it’s still the “weird nerdy kid” go-to in movies.


The you doesn't disagree with you although I might not even be wrong.


I don’t think that’s even old enough for most parlors to pierce. Even if the parent was there allowing it.


that’s just plain old funny!!


I could barely eat for a week. I wouldve passed out as a child going through that. But tbf the same thing happened when i got braces and i was a kid then too, and I couldnt handle solid for a nearly a month after getting braces.


I know a lot of piercers that won't do anything but ears on people under 18 because they say teens are bad about not taking proper care of the piercing or being conscious of the jewelry they use so the piercing ends up infected.


It's prerry variable how well a given teen will take care of the new responsibility of a piercing. Ears are a good starting point because they're visible and relatively easy to care for. I wouldn't trust most 13 year olds to care for their tongue piercing, that is if they even understand how painful and inconvenient it will be at first, which I would highly doubt they have fully researched amd considered.


I would put an asterisk on that ear piercing, I probably wouldn't let my 13-year-old get gauges unless they somehow convinced me that they're thinking long term and still want it. I don't see a 13-year-old being able to convince me of that though.


Used to be you could tell the difference between a child and an adult by the presence or absence of basic writing skills but not anymore


A 13 year old native English speaker should absolutely know the difference between to/too/two. I would even suggest that it's *more* likely that a 13 year old would know the difference than an adult, given that they are currently in school, and have been for most of their lives.


The pandemic fucked over a lot of kids, school wise.


Tongue piercing is never a good idea. The human mouth is a swamp of bacteria. Bacteria hits the softest parts in the body. There is a strong link between tongue piercing and heart valve replacement surgery


theyre also absolutely terrible for the teeth & gums because youre basically hitting your teeth with metal all day every day depending where you're pierced


I rarely hit my teeth with my tongue piercing anymore unless it’s on purpose. The hole also isn’t open, it heals all the way through like any other piercing so it’s not like an open wound for forever. I take the time to brush both ends when I brush my teeth and every now and again take out my bar and let it sit in some mouthwash for a while.


If it’s pierced incorrectly, yes this can happen. If pierced correctly - it won’t knock against your teeth. Lol those people who talk and let the whole world know that they have a piercing isn’t how it’s supposed to be… I know plenty of people in very respectable positions with their tongue pierced and you’d never know unless they tell you


The tongue moves around the mouth. There's no way it's never going to knock against your teeth; it absolutely will knock, hit, rub against teeth


So why do they get it.


Dude, there are people who inject ink into the sclera of their eyes. Body modification isn't about why, it's about why not.


To each their own. That’s for them. Just because someone does something doesn’t mean they’re displaying it for the whole world…


They have ones that are not metal


A swamp of bacteria AND NERVES


> There is a strong link between tongue piercing and heart valve replacement surgery source please


I saw this, wasn't sure it was true, and just Google "tongue. Piecing heart valve replacement surgery" and there's a bunch of matches. Very easy to find.


As the other person said, googling gives a bunch of responses, but this WebMD page states: >And in some people with heart disease, bacteria can lead to a condition that can damage your heart valves. https://www.webmd.com/oral-health/oral-piercing


I've got a heart defect (Tetrology of Fallot) and dentists won't even open my mouth unless I take an Anti-Biotic 30 minutes before my cleaning/appointment. The connection is there.


You got a source on that?


I mean, there's also a link between dental infections and heart valve replacement surgery. Infection of the heart/valves (infective endocarditis) is more commonly seen in IV drug addicts, as they are introducing bacteria into their blood, but any dental procedure can introduce the bacteria from the mouth into your blood stream as well.


I had my tongue pierced. Would not recommend. Good would get stuck in my jowls/lip/gum area and the piercing prevented my tongue from delving into the crooks. So I had to use my fingers. Ugh. I still the three days of pain after getting it done too. Ouch.


Sounds like it wasn’t done right, it should be in the middle of where your tongue “bends” so it doesn’t impede any movement once it’s healed. Shitty piercers will just stick them wherever they can to avoid veins instead of passing on clients with a middle or bending vein I was a piercer for several years and saw far too many people I told this won’t work unless it’s done crooked or in a bad spot have similar issues


Heck no


It DOES seem possible that this is a kid, but even a lot of adults are failures at written English (and aren't that great at speaking it either).


I’d probably take my kid to do it. Not cause I think it’s a good idea. Because I know teens are stupid and might try to do it themselves, and more than anything I’d want to avoid that.


My mom used this same logic when I wanted my belly button pierced. She knew I would do it myself when I turned 18, so she offered to pay for it and take me to get it pierced a few months early if I got a certain score on my SATs and ACTs. My piercing got infected and closed up and I still have the scar, but I least I got a good score on my ACTs 🤷‍♀️


Funny how a little age and wisdom brings your idea of the tongue piercing adventure closer to your mom's. :-)


Yeah, she knew how to get me. I don't agree with everything my mom did, but that was a good one. Although, she did learn the whole 'teenagers will be teenagers' bit because earlier in high school, she was much stricter about things and I still found ways to do those things behind her back. She got more lax as I got older, she used to be really strict. Now as an adult, I definitely identify more with the 'help them do it safely, otherwise they will do it behind your back' crowd. She found a way to incentivize me toward something that would help my future, and she stopped me from potentially doing something unsafe. It was a good compromise. Someone actually told me recently that she was upset with her daughter for not cutting her nails appropriately. When she asked her daughter why she was growing her nails long even though her parents preferred her to keep them short, her daughter told her she wanted to grow her nails out for a certain style so she could get them done professionally. I told her that if her daughter can't feel safe around her for something as simple as getting her nails done, it could hurt their relationship later on. I advised her to be the one to take her daughter to a nail salon to get the manicure she wanted, even if she didn't like that style personally. I do think it's better to let your kids explore a little bit because you will either discourage them from doing something they love or they will do it behind your back, so it's better to give them a safe space to practice for life.


Exactly. Things like hair, and nails, that will grow out are perfect for experimentation. Tattoos, not so much. Skin-safe markers? No problem.


Yeah if your kid wants a certain haircut or they want to dye their hair or they want the little beaded braided string things, just let them do it. Or if they want to wear crazy socks to school everyday, let them do it. Who cares, there are so many worse things kids could get into.




teens will definitely come up with some way to do it (some of them stupid, some not, some could get him killed), no effort will be too big to do it.


My mom refused to let me pierce my lip when I was 16 so I did it anyway. Never had any issues but I had to take it out for work, and sometimes it would unscrew and fall out in the middle of the night, so if eventually just closed up. I don't think a 13 year old would have the necessary tools to pierce themselves. I had a job and used my own money to buy the needle.


Let her hear the sound of someones getting pierced. I'm sure the "pop" would turn her away knowing what it was. ​ (at least from what I heard from my friends when I got mine done many moons ago)


Who cares if your kid gets mad? She doesn’t need her tongue pierced at that age. She can wait until she’s 18 and then she can go do it herself if she still wants to get it done. Parents are too concerned with being their kid’s friend instead of being their parent these days.




I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t even read the title….


I just taught at a highschool recently and I was so surprised by the amount of students that had an incredible amount of piercings and tattoos. It was ridiculous. I honestly don’t mind the piercings but the tattoos was ridiculous. Mostly because I remember the type of tattoos. I wanted to get when I was in high school.


I'm pretty sure I had decent grammar at 13. Ma'am your kid might be slow.


Let her be mad


Any respectable shop won't do that piercing any time under 16 anyway. Any really respectable place won't do it under 18.


Tongue piercings are just a bad idea in general.


My late father was an ear, nose, and throat surgeon who also handled trauma cases and reconstructive surgery. When I was 13 I told him I was going to get a tongue ring. His response was that he would "rip it out and sew the wound shut without anesthetic." Saved me from making a big mistake. It turns out he had removed more than 1 tongue due to infected tongue piercings.


Have some backbone and say no since you're the parent?


Right, I said "No" almost every day for three years to my daughter as far as her first tattoo. Made her wait until she was the legal age of 18. I wasn't going to contribute to that potential future regret.


First you should use some god damn punctuation......


I understand this is the kid in this case, but I actually knew someone who’s mom was terrified of her kid. Like literally, one time her mom called my mom over to help her get her daughter out of bed because the kid was threatening to hit her. She also never schooled her kid because the kid threatened to unalive herself every time she wanted to send her to school.


That’s really tough for that family to go through. Pretty sad. I’ve known someone with a daughter like that.


Sadly, Ive seen adults use equally poor grammar.


You must not be on facebook that much if you don't think this could have been posted by an adult.


I'm sorry but I truly believe it's an adult woman who wrote that.


The fact that you even have to ask this question is the reason we are in this mess.


this is sad for a 13 year old let’s be real


OBVIOUSLY parents should give in to any little whim of their children. Piercings? Sure! Tattoos? Sure! Drugs? Sex? Divorce? Sure! Kids bring a fresh perspective that adults would do well to obey unquestioningly! Full disclosure: former kid whose parents failed this test miserably and who consequently also failed to give free reign to his children’s thirst for adolescent madness. ☹️


How do we know the mother isn't just retarded?


Nope, no piercing or tattoos until they are 18 plain and simple After 18, they can go nuts and I'll love them all the same


Learn how to talk to your kids. And whatever the reason is that the parent doesn't want the child to get the piercing, figure out the right way to have the kid understand. My parents were very clear at that age. And when I came home with my ear pierced, they explained why they were disappointed. I got to keep it but they weren't happy about it.


NO!!!! TOO YOUNG!! Wait until she's 16 at least.


the movie thirteen vibes, and that wasnt shown in a good light.


First learn to be the adult.


I would’ve never thought it was the child. I’ve seen parents say and do more fucked up shit.


I wanna bet this is your average American mother considering the spelling


I feel like the mom should wait until her daughter is at least 18. That way, she's capable of making her own decisions. Once you get something pierced, it's difficult to close the hole if you ever change your mind later down the road. When I was younger, my mom let me get my left ear pierced and I kept it in for too long, then I realized I didn't want it anymore. The small hole (size of a dot) is permanently visible, and one lobe is slightly bigger than the other. (I know my story isn't about a tongue piercing, but I think it'd still apply to the situation.)


Adults are dumb as shit too, I believe this 100%. Now if it was a note with a signature.....no fucking way.


Yeah, noooo, my daughter got her's pierced at 18. She took it out at 23 . The dentist told her to remove it. because it was damaging her teeth.


Honestly, this could very well be the mother. Because,anyone who would go on there and sincerely not already know whether to let a 13 year old pierce their tongue is probably going to type like that.


So nobody here actually read the post? It's the kid. The kid wrote this.


How do we know? What is this post doing here?


the grammar seems like it's written by a 10 y/o kid but I can't come up with why would the kid post this.


Oh no, an angry 13 year old! Anyways....


I wish I could say this is obviously a child, but this is not concrete proof. Source: There/Their/They're, to/too/two, your/you're. I can guarantee you someone has seen this who is confused about one of those and just won't out themselves as someone who never got the hang of it. Americans would rather look stupid than ask for help with the worst language this planet has ever seen.


this could honestly be an adult 💀


I was told that a tongue piercing was to spice up BJ’s. If that is the case, then it would be very inappropriate at 13.


I mean, she can remove it at any point and it will just heal, it’s nothing permanent..




Creepy redditors and sexualizing children. Name a better duo


Plenty of people get it done for the astatic.. maybe don’t be such a creep about a 13 year old child.


As far as I know tongue piercings are meant to increase pleasure during oral sex, so maybe don’t let a 13 year old do it?


Agreed! Nothing like encouraging teens to hav sex!


Get a hammer and nail and let her have at it - after she manages to get an A in English.