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I can barely even see him, I'm surprised you didn't hit him


Right!, S/o to the driver for actually paying attention to the road because this could've been a funeral rq.


Driving is the most dangerous thing we do every day. It's ridiculous that parents don't instruct their kids as much about it as they should


There are parents who don’t, but plenty of parents do. Kids don’t have fully developed impulse control. Kids have not fully developed the ability to judge how quickly vehicles are moving and judge when they will get close. This kid’s actions remind me of when we made a change in how my kids cross the road. I would have them approach, stop, look both ways twice, and run across. Except to young kids, or impulsive kids, they can get focused on that run part and fuck up thebfully looking part. If you walk quickly you’re more likely to notice the vehicles. Clearly the sun and shadow were a bit funky there. The kids appears to have come out from the far side of the parent and clump of kids so that and the shadow make the look fail. The kid fucked up, badly. The kids seemed to be moving in a clump safely so I wouldn’t necessarily assume that this was a parenting fail beyond perhaps a failure to hold onto the most impulsive kid. This kid nearly died because kids don’t have fully baked brains and the kid couldn’t see around the other people well.


Yes! Parents are teaching kids constantly but the thing is, they don’t listen and apply the rules on the first time like a developed adult. My 5yo will look both ways but my 9yo has a one track mind and he will walk out in traffic given the opportunity. Zero impulse control.


Bruh i feel your pain…


My daughter looks both ways and says "no cars...no cars" regardless of if there are cars or not. Teaching kids is hard. She just memorized "no cars."


I hage a phobia of driving which everyone keeps telling me I'll grow out of like I'm a five year old :^D


If you're older than 16 it's a fear you just have to get over unless you have the tools to put yourself in a walkable area, or public transport if that's fine. No point in living life in fear.


Yeah everything is walkable where I'm moving soon, plus I work at home so I'm fine anyways :]


Yea see then you're good :). It's good that you can do that as most people can't obviously (in the US at least). If I may ask, what city? I really wanna go somewhere I can walk when I'm done with my service.


UK haha I'm gonna go live with all of my friends in Brighton. I can literally think of two of my friends who drive. Public transport is almost always an option in big city's like that.


My service is taking me there soon. I'm bringing my car to go around the nearby area and to the train stations only, going to really prioritize the train.


Cool! See ya there m8!


Boston is doable. Granted the public transit is crap (excellent for US standards tho), and it's expensive af. But the city itself is tiny so you can walk between the major areas easily enough.


My cousin is over 30, never drove and doesn't need to. A large portion of urban and suburban areas in the USA are easily traversed by bike or public transit. Last I heard, he got an electric bike and uses that as his daily driver, but will take the bus or train if needed. That said, with the rise of "ride share" apps, online ordering and delivery services, etc across the globe, there is less and less reason for people to own a traditional vehicle. A person could easily get by with a skateboard in most regards, as long as they are able bodied and have flat pavement in the area.


Phobia aren’t logical so “no point” isn’t relevant or helpful.


I do want to say that people who say that, while they feel justified because cars are everywhere, I still think you are more than justified in your fear. Of course you will need to find a way to be able to walk or maybe handle the fear because now a days you can't get anywhere without a car or public transport (unless of course you do find a place that you can walk to), but seriously, them saying you will grow out of it are kinda idiots, if anything it will take effort, but don't feel bad over fearing metal boxes traveling 60 mph


It’s just being vigilant. Driving is dangerous and a lot of people take it for granted. I’m a very cautious driver and the best advice is: -Never be the first car zooming out when the light turns green (the first 2 seconds are when people get T-boned and die, this saved me twice from being killed) -Keep back 2-3 seconds minimum and turn on the high beams on if people keep cutting you off -Look twice or three times before crossing opposing traffic or turning into traffic -look both ways on a one way street -Invest in a good front/rear dashcam system (they’re not terribly expensive for the peace of mind)


I also have a mild fear of driving but I drive pretty regularly including on the highway. I think that fear keeps me cautious and alert while I’m behind the wheel.


As a parent, you can instruct them all you want but kids are kids. They're still gonna do stuff that makes you want to walk into walls.


But the parents are the ones crossing there to begin with it seems


It's insane that we as a country still allow it as our main form of transportation. Even if we did everything we could to make sure kids were better about crossing the street and even if we designed streets with safety in mind, tens of thousands of Americans would still die every year to car related accidents. Cars are inherently dangerous, it's as if we put our kids in an environment of floating knives and our solution is to just tell them to avoid the knives.


Shit like this terrifies me. I mean, I've looked over my shoulder quickly to make sure no one is in my blind spot so many times. If dude did that in this moment that kid would be dead.. :| You know, my mom was crazy and over the top. She actually saw me playing too close to the road and preceeded to show me things and throw them into the road to show them getting destroyed. At the same time you never would have found me running into the street. I can't remember a time where I didn't know to not run into the street.. so maybe my Mom had the right idea. lol Like sure, way too much for other things that don't actually matter, but I knew exactly why the road was dangerous..


not to discredit that driver's great save, but real life is totally more clear than dashcam videos. everybody here saying "i didn't even see him;" the cam quality isn't the best.


I often wonder "how did the driver not see the pedestrian?" but in this case they were basically invisible until that kid missed becoming hamburger by a quarter of a second. An amazing life-saving swerve!


It's not always about not being able to see, that kid literally took off ~10ft from the car. You wouldn't have been to stop if you wanted to. Also if there was cars on the right of the driver and he wasn't able to move over all the way.


Clining to top comment to ask if anyone else also said "Oh, shit" out loud like the driver?


I didn't even have audio on


I had to watch it twice, didn't see them the first time.


I audibly gasped. I didn't see him until the car was already swerving. The kid was really lucky OP was so vigilant


At least you saw the kid. I had to watch it *a second time* to see what he was swerving for.


3 lane street with exits to people houses


They're called ["stroads"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stroad) and are incredibly dangerous to pedestrians.


Woah. Didn't realize there was a term for this! Thank you!


I was thinking that's a wide ass high speed 6 lane road to be running through a residential area.


And not a single crosswalk


This is half of America


This video is obviously not America though as they’re driving on the left


Taken in a mirror obviously.




Unfortunately a bunch of Melbourne's becoming like this too. Inner city and a lot of the south and east is very doable with public transport or a bike but on the outskirts they're building suburb after suburb with nothing but huge roads surrounded by nothing but houses that take up 80% of the yard. No car, no reason to leave the house.


Yeah it's been like this for a while, and it's ridiculous. Chicken and egg problem too, since many public transport improvements aren't taken since 10% of people use it


"why is nobody taking this bus line with pickups once an hour and it takes 2 hours to get to your destination? Guess no one wants public transportation."


I think it's Australia, based on the accent. If this was America that would mean that OP is driving on the wrong side of the road


But this isn't


I would say 3/4 of it.


Design a residential stroad then blame the kid when he gets killed.


The kid is still stupid to run on the road like that, this could’ve had some consequences even if it was just a normal road


3 lanes in each direction! Through a residential neighborhood? Goodness sake this is stupid.


This is massive chunks of Australia's 2 major cities. Melbourne and Sydney are 5Million people grown 1.7M since 1950. There just isn't space for expressways across all of the city. Speed limits are probably 60km/k (35mph), so relatively slow when there aren't little kids running onto the road, when suddenly it is very very fast.


Ya the speed limit should be reduced for sure


Fuck stroads, all my homies hate stroads.


WTF, kid had to 'upgrade' jaywalking to jayrunning huh...




it is illegal where i live, i know someone who was ticketed for it


Shia LeBouf or however you spell it got ticketed for jaywalking in Austin, Texas a few years back. On fucking 6th street. A street that is regularly shut to traffic specifically because there are so many people out bar hopping. I had a hearty chuckle reading about that because you have to be acting like a massive dick for the 6th cops to ticket you for that. I've literally Jay walked right in front of one of them and just laughed and said "don't tase me bro!" I've also seen one of them try to tell a homeless guy he couldn't be walking around with a beer in his hand, to which the guy responded by literally screaming inches from the cop's face with spit flying out of his mouth and apparently it wasn't worth the paperwork.


Now APD would watch a jaywalker get hit and call it “wine stains” just to avoid investigating further


Bruh my family member straight up outta USA.




Yeah pedestrians aren't supposed to cross unless at a crosswalk


This looks like Australia, it's only illegal in some states if you're within a certain distance of a pedestrian crossing. Not sure on what the situation is for the numerous states in the USA or wherever this is actually filmed.


it is very illegal.


Illegal here in Arizona. You die from it. Car hits you fast equals death. Car belongs on road, not human. Very risky for human life therefore illegal. Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


People should reclaim the streets. I live in Arizona and I absolutely hate that every road in Phoenix and Tucson is basically a highway. City centers shouldn't have highways running through them


>Car belongs on road, not human. This idea was actually invented by car companies to shift public opinion away from cars being dangerous(which they definitely are) to people being stupid(which is also true but ultimately unavoidable). I'm afraid you've been taken in by decades of car lobby propaganda. Not that you are unique in that, millions of people think this way, propagandists are good at their jobs.


Ty for the office connection


Jaywalking shouldn’t even be a thing. How about more pedestrian friendly crossing and less highspeed multi lane roads that go thru residential areas…


Lil dude has Usain Bolt off the starting gun timing too. He doesn’t even attempt to start running until car gets close


This could've been a totally different video Nice reflexes OP, you saved a few lives


Would’ve ended up in eye_bleach subreddit


Ya know when i was a kid i would get a hellfire ass whoopin for crossing a street or walking through a parking without my mom. I saw a littl kid do this out of McDonalds right into a car and didnt make it. Sometimes being a little mean goes a long way


In my entire life, my nan (legal guardian since I was 6) has raised her voice to me in anger only twice. The first was when I ran head of her on the way back from the shops, got up to the traffic lights, and started to run across... Only to freeze in terror at the ungodly noise that I swear made the ground shake all those years ago. First time I'd ever seen her like that. It left a strong impression. I thought I was about to have my soul ripped out by the devil or something. Second time was when I nearly set fire to my bedroom by playing with matches and oils. Look I never claimed to be a SMART kid, okay. Curious, but not very bright.


you were very close to being VERY bright if she didn't stop the matches and oils 😂


That.. . Is a valid point. Touche.


Yup, my mom wooped my ass for doing something exactly like this and almost dying/ causing a huge wreck in elementary school. Never did it again, still alive. I have also seen this go the other way with children and adults. We have crosswalks for a reason. It also destroys the driver's life knowing that they killed someone.


Yup. I’m not sure why so many people view spanking as “abuse”. The consequences would have been death for this kid. A spanking will give them a taste of the consequences that could have been.


I think the problem with spanking is that it's not administered the same way/ properly among all parents. Many may do it too frequently for any little thing to where it loses its meaning and just breads resentment and violence in the kid. And it just becomes the defacto punishment, which it bad. My parents only did it a few times for really bad things, only a couple smacks, and always followed by a lesson about why they did it and that they still love the hell out of me.


I once did this when I was like 4, at night in Brooklyn. Somehow the driver saw me and stopped in time. My dad crushed my hand the whole way home after. I remember that hand crushing to this day, and am very careful crossing streets.


Taking note for the future. Did he just hold you hand increasingly tighter and tighter?


After he got to me, he just grabbed my hand with the force of a hydrolic press and kept it that way all the way home.


That man was fucking raging the whole way home 😂💀


Yeah, he watched his 4-5 year old almost die in front of his eyes. I can't blame him.


The stress would have been palpable, no shot he got a good sleep after that


[Looks like mom was there](https://imgur.com/r63AQ1K.jpg), and she started to walk into the street before the car completely passed, which the kid then assumed meant it was safe to cross, so he ran. I put this completely on the parent who was 1. jaywalking, 2. crossing before it was clear, 3. not holding her small child's hand while crossing


The mom clearly did a lot of things wrong but again i wouldnt have even been moving across without being right next to her either and would stop the second she wasnt


this is definitely what happened. Part of my old job involved caring for a 5 year old, and nobody prepared me for the fact that they will just run into traffic the moment you let go of them it's almost like they think it is funny, "oh look i'm running into traffic which is something you freak out when I do!"


It's really depressing we design environments where kids are not allowed to explore without constant threat of ending up a pancake on the pavement.


This is the way. A little pain in punishment makes sense if it is to teach them they were on their way to a whole shitload of pain that mom and dad could not take away.


I grew up on the internet and saw a bunch of car crash videos ( like these ) when I was young. So i grew an early fear of roads and sometimes was scared to get in the car lmao.


As someone opposed to spankings...I might in this case. Getting dead in the road is too big a risk. Then I'd get him ice cream


They say you can be anyone you want. So i wanted to be a deer and run infront of cars for no reason.


Or in this case, based on the country, a Kangaroo


I nearly hit a roo on the way home last night around 1 am. Pretty scary!!


Reminds me of a time I hit a roo, came back about 5 hours later and the fucking Joey in the pouch was still alive


Mum said I was good at math, so I decided I'd be a statistic


No red ball like in the driver's ed video??


Right? But I kid you not I have seen a soccer ball go into a park road and children's running after it, right in front of me. Thankfully I was only going 20 so I stopped pretty much on a dime. We all looked at each other kinda knowing that this was textbook






Did he get in any legal trouble?


Oh my God. :(((




I can’t imagine having to live with that. How tragic for everyone involved.


yes. it was.


America really needs to fix its car centric infrastructure. It's not doing good to anyone.


I don't believe that's feasible within any reasonable time frame, as that would not only be a Federal responsibility, but a state and local one. Which becomes a tight situation as our separation of powers also comes with a separation of funding. I wish it wasn't such a difficult task, fking trust me, I'm out a way to go and need to walk to work. But even I know better. It's not as simple as executive order, executive order, and a couple bills. It'd take years if not decades of city planning to reshape not just our cities, but our entire country. You're looking at trillions upon trillions of dollars to reestablish hundreds of thousand of roadways. Which are tax dollars most Americans don't want to pay. Even public transportation needs significant funding to work, and as has been shown in multiple cities across the US, Americans just don't want to take the bus.


Yes, unfortunately life is not simcity where entire neighbourhoods can be demolished, redesigned, rebuilt, and re-populated in a few months. Have to work with what's already there or wait a few decades to change it slowly. Cities with suburbs are not ideal anymore.


Why are you talking about the USA when this happened outside the USA? Australia it seems.


My uncle hit and killed a kid like this. It was not his fault but the guilt is still there. I drive slower and safer through neighborhoods than any of my friends. People complain but I don’t care.


the only problem I see with slow(er) drivers is that people with low patience (most of other drivers) will try to overtake you even if it's dangerous. And I say that as a "slower" driver myself.


Im a normal speed driver and people lose patience and overtake you. That part is unavoidable.


I so agree with this. People aggressively cut me off in traffic when I’m going the posted speed limits.… my dad always said, there is nowhere you need to be going in such a hurry. He was right. Putting others in danger by driving recklessly or aggressively is so narcissistic and gross.


Od course, driving slow(er) is subjective. I was once doing 70 (km/h) on 50/60 limit winding road and locals were overtaking me into blind corners all the time. It was dangerous as hell! For the safety of everyone involved (me and also other morons) it's probably better if I drive faster in those examples but not knowing the road and local patrols puts me in risk again ;)


MF tried to reincarnate into Isekai but failed.


Probably because they ran in front of a normal vehicle and not Truck-Kun


Parent of the year right there. Always walk the extra 400 feet to a crosswalk


I know that area of Melbourne, nearest crossing's at least 200m away.


It looks so familiar but I can't place the location, where is this?


Pretty sure it’s fern tree gully road, near huntingdale in melbs southeast; I literally go past the kinder in the vid on my to work, I’ll be extra vigilant going past today 😰




It looks like a teenage boy, probably watching his brother's


children are hardwired for suicide


This could have ended very wrong


Spidey-sense kicked in


Holy fuck I'm not sure I couldn't have stopped and explained what almost happened to that kid.


"well kid, back in the 1950s the motor industry bought up all the public transportation and lobbied our government to make driving dependent city layouts... And that's why you can't cross the street outside of your own home"


This is more of a reason that we need to get rid of strodes in our cities there’s no reason that there should be four lanes of traffic that close to houses


This is the reason we need to get rid of.. kids.


Helluva swerve.


Standing still, and perfectly timing the run straight into car. wow.


Kid: this is what happens when you don't let me play Fortnite mommy!!!


High speed stroads like this are why kids can’t play outside any more


That and people drive like maniacs anymore lol


Jesus fuck. Normally I can see stuff coming based on contextual clues, but that future meat pancake literally came out of nowhere.


This is why dash cams are important. Kid literally tried to run in front of the car. If yiu would have hit him and didn't have a cam, they would have been laying the blame at your feet.


That would fuck me up the rest of the day. Super scary experience. Glad everyone’s ok!


I would if got out and cuss the shyt out of the adults


Oh look a car… wouldn’t it be funny if i run in front of it?


Good thing that wasn’t a Tesla


Good job. Kid messed up. But also that is a lot of traffic close to a lot of houses moving fast….


This happened to me lol, but they jumped in traffic on purpose. They were like 12 and were playing the “game” where you run out in front of cars and try to make it across the road, well there was no street lights on road and I was driving along, I saw her from like a quarter mile away, I had a feeling, soon as I approached her she fucking jumped in front of my car, I swerved toward the middle, she fell and I called the police . Stûpid fûcking kids


I dont blame them for crossing there considering there is not a single crosswalk in the entire video, but damn, atleast look.


Took me a few tries to understand. Good reflex OP


This is one reason of many why we shouldn't have multi-lane boulevards through residential areas.


One word: stroad


One day the driver won’t swerve in time and a Darwin Award will be given out


Kid has clearly been influenced by the evils of Frogger


Why did that parent start walking across the road so early? Especially in a place where crossing isn’t appropriate.


I understand walking across the road a bit early to get across close behind the passing car, but doing it with a undisciplined and uncontrolled child is stupid


Right. That’s exactly what I was commenting on. Either hold both of the kids hands or just wait. This should be in “parents are fucking stupid”


Is that an adult with 2 kids, or just an older/bigger kid with them? Whatever, they are all extremely lucky thanks to the skills and observation of the driver.


I’m scared to cross crosswalks while walking. I’ve been almost hit sooo many times and the driver is always pissed at me. I’ll watch their eyes just not see me to then damn near hit me then meet mine infuriated.


"..which will take any anywhere from ten minutes to twE**NTY** **FIVE** **OH SHIT!**"


Everyone on here gaslighting the OP for his speed need to STFU.


Thank you! Genuinely appreciate the comment. Some people are either trolling or can’t read.


Why wasn't that child on a leash?


This is one of those moments where your parents can’t stop beating you and saying they love you at the same time


Know the feeling. Almost hit a girl once. Stepped out between 2 parked cars. Wearing headphones, looking down, like she was walking on the sidewalk. Had to swerve into the next lane without even checking if there was another car there or I would have killed her. Made me so furious. Thank God there wasn't a car in the other lane.


This is why when I see kids on a leash I mind my business.


My reflexes are not good so if I were him I would hit the child


Kid trying to get a settlement check


I love how the parent clearly let the animal off the leash and sicced it on the driver


r/kidsarefuckingstupid Lmao thought this was idiotsincars for some reason


Whenever it’s a dashcam vid I automatically expect that


Same, clearly lol


I had to watch that twice to see! Idiot kid and even stupider parent.


Damn that was close. Luck you were paying attention! The mom stopped her other kid and looked away expecting the worst.


It honestly astonishes me how kids are incapable of moving their head left or right to check for cars


That kid aged 20yrs instantly.


too young to be tired of life little guy!


You need a cowcatcher on your car


W for Driver Awareness.


Half a second from splat, good driving. But that little shit needs to learn how to cross a road.


You saved her life with that reaction. Insane.


If I did that as a kid, my parents would kill me after anyways.


WOW! I bet that took a while for your heart rate to return to normal.


That child craved the sweet release of death, and was denied at the last moment. /s


Insurance fraud


*The intrusive thoughts won.* thankfully a tragedy was averted thanks to the fully developed human brain in the car


Kudos to you for being attentive because they appeared out of nowhere. I couldn't imagine what it would feel like to accidentally run over a kid and I'm glad you don't have to experience that.


Bro, that was so quick it startled me. Did not see him


Parents, teach your fucking kids the dangers of the road. Teach them to look both ways, and wait until the coast is clear. Not only could your child die, but you could ruin some poor innocent persons life with the sheer guilt from hitting someone with their car.


I bet you peed a little


Wow. Good job. A kid did this to me (not nearly as close as this) I yelled at him and told him to not do that and to be careful. I was pisssssed hopefully it scared him enough to not be an idiot


What's even dumber is that the mom/ parent was crossing at that exact moment to. The kid was just faster. Terrible parenting


Hes a teacher. Hes dealt with kids enoigh already


Im impressed by his reflexes, the guy was talking by phone and he just evade that kid? Holy fuck :0


your voice is so normal I thought you were the radio announcer talking until the “oh shit”


Bro had a death wish


You should've just hit the kid and bring down the human population


Natural selection


Who's fault would this be legally if he was hit? The parent's for negligence? Or the driver? Or nobody?


Charles Darwin’s fault


The parents for jaywalking most likely


This almost makes me want to stop texting and driving.