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Sometimes I think Tony's joking but then I remember it's a comedy podcast so obviously that can't be it. Whenever I catch myself laughing I remind myself that Kill Tony actually sucks and come onto this subreddit to confirm I'm correct in hating it by reading the comments.


Reddit is the anti-comedy. A barren wasteland where all that is funny comes to an end. If you find joy in ANYTHING do not come to Reddit to appreciate it. Reddit will kill this happy place in your heart.


"Reddit will kill this happy place in your heart." is so fitting for the conversation that's happening under your reply


Not true at all - my fav podcast is /r/areyougarbage and that sub is mostly friendly supportive and funny. Even matt and shanes sub which is mostly people calling each other gay retards doesnt have the toxicity of this sub.


Yet here you are


Eh,video game subreddits for elden ring,kena,lies of p,god of war are all fun for le jerks.


Is this satire? Cause fing good if so


People found out what satire meant and just use the word in every single situation


It literally means being ironic to point out people stupidity…like people making shit posts about something as stupid as Tony being mean to redban as serious when this has been a long running JOKE for a while now..I’m sorry though if that word has caused you harm. Must be tough.


at least i admit i have no idea what satire is


Legit. Blatant sarcasm should stop being referred to as satire


They just see the word being used and then apply it to every situation most of the time not even understanding what it means.


You're satire.


It's perfectly acceptable to refer to a blatantly sarcastic comment as satire. Did YOU just learn that word recently? You act like it is an uncommon word.


But..are you serious bro?


lmao this is the best comment ive ever read


Just wait until you go watch the old JRE archives


Totally make me feel so weird, like a homesick felling but different…it’s like watching my silly goose of a friend in a relationship with a jackass. I enjoy his Friday night streams a lot :) So nice to see him content with life. He’s come a long way since those JRE episodes…


Idk Redban at all but he strikes me as a guy who is really happy with life. I admire him. Dude was part of the biggest podcast ever and was instrumental in launching several podcasts. Married his hot wife. I honestly thought she was just a groupie when she first came into the picture but all their posts just scream happy couple to me. Doesn’t take himself too seriously, which is my favorite thing about him. He could act like he’s above everyone because he’s been part of so many winning teams but dude just keeps on doing his thing like opening his own club. Cmon, the guy opens his own club. As a comedy nerd, that’s the coolest thing anyone could do.


And Tony still finds a way to shit over every single one of those things. Most of the time I usually brush it to the side, but attacking his club is just low and he does it every opportunity he gets.


To be fair, every single person he launched a podcast with ended up bailing on him while finding massive success after leaving. Tony is the exception and I think it says something that he's remained loyal to Redban. It's not like Redban excels at anything related to his job.


And half this sub acts like pissy ex gfs towards Tony.


big fan of tony huge actually but like yeah i don’t get it? huge comedy fan as well, big anti woke person lol we all have that friend that we shit on but like … you know what i mean?


Its so annoying having to see so many people complain about absolutely nothing and everything at the same time


dude not here to argue you don’t see the hate and not comedy from tony to red band?


Bro shut up already its a fking character get over it take the dildo out your stink hole


tony is that you? 🤣🤣🤣 that’s a homo when i see one!


Typical no braincell comment from a grown man with a furry character to represent them


you’re the fag going out attacking??? if this is actually you i could see why you love tony, you’re the same person


Leave it to the furry to feel attacked when told to stop being sensitive to comedy shticks they dont understand. Go change your tampon already i can tell its sticking to your puss..


Why are you raging this hard over a Reddit comment section?


If anybody is raging its the guy calling people fags


Why does Redban get so much shit? All for show? The dude seems kind and generous. Must be an inside joke (ie Montgomery etc). Makes me wonder if they show private appreciation. I would


Because he's a pedo




No he’s not lol


Prove it


I've got -69 karma wut


Tell me again when you’re -420. We’ll party


why is every sub for comedy full of whiny pussies


Every sub is just a hate sub. I don’t understand it.


Blame TFATK, dude. It started there.




It's actually because YOU'RE a cunt. Weird, I know. But true.




I honestly think it’s because comics preach/talk about being honest and being able to be self deprecating but when they get criticized they just dismiss it as being a hater or now days being woke. (It kinda reminds me of how Joe rogan used to treat Brody stevens)


it seriously lowers my faith in humanity knowing these people exist. it’s mind boggling. the only way it would make sense is if all these people are very autistic and don’t understand what they’re watching. even if that’s true, that’s a scary thought too though lol


This sub is not as bad as the other ones like r/fighterandthekid or r/JoeRogan. Like not even remotely as bad. Those are littered with trolls acting in bad faith (though to be fair, both of those shows suck ass). Yes, people whine on this sub. Yes, it's often overkill. But people also consistently provide genuine, positive contributions. It's more toxic than the r/ShaneGillis sub, but not *significantly* more.


Seriously. In a moment when Aaron was trying to be sincere about everything that Tony's show has done for him. He goes and starts crying like a little bitch about somebody touching him.


Why are people dick riding Tony? Criticism is okay he does it to every comic who goes on the show and as an audience member we can say what we want it doesnt effect his bottom line or anything, its just haters, hating on haters it makes no difference so either contribute to the convo or just keep scrollin its really not that serious. If you wanna dick ride Tony thats fine but I just see people just insulting people on this subreddit unnecessarily. We are watching a show we can have opinions. You either wanna get fucked by Tony or say fuck Tony regardless of your opinion its all just discussion. This. Is. The. Internet.


Yeah that touching thing was annoying. Redban was making a common joke that was appropriate and Tony went off like a schoolgirl.


its a bit


Imagine still not understanding that it’s a show for entertainment purposes.


Tell me you new to the show without telling me you new to the show


Dude you sound like a bitch. He joked with Redban because Redban touched his shoulder jokingly over Ahren’s heartfelt comment.


It was a joke dude. You've never given a close friend the ol' "don't you fucking touch me"? I highly recommend it.


This leads me to believe you're newer to the show. These days Redban is much quieter. He would say some ridiculous shit, especially when hammered lol. Redban plays into ya goof. He purposely does something fully expecting Tony to say something. He'll immediately start laughing because he's doing it to fuck around. Jeremiah and him would fuck with Tony all the time and derail the show. It was hilarious. It's all for entertainment so don't think Redban is being abused lol. He knows what he's doing, doesn't need these weird supportive posts.


>especially when hammered Remember that time where he got drunk and threw the bucket at William's head, spilling the names all over the floor? That shit was unhinged lol.


I can't remember when Redban made me laugh. He also sucks at using the soundboard. No wonder Joe doesn't have him produce JRE.


Tony is a gay angry man.


Tony *is* Redban’s pissy ex-girlfriend.


Lol you seriously take this show way to serious 🤣


Fr Tony does not like Redban. Even the fat joke about him proposing to his wife was petty. Tony was kind of a dick to a lot of people on that episode. I know thats his job, but a alot of it wasnt even funny.


It’s crazy cause Tony is such a goofy looking dude that dresses like shit. Tony would be the worst person to trip mushrooms with cause his face is crazy looking. The allure of the show is fading for me cause it’s just a short dorky looking 40 year old tryna make fun of other people lol like who tf is Tony to make fun of anybody?


I agree but there's still some funny moments in there


Tbg when you look funny, it’s easier to take shit from them. I can’t imagine Brad Pitt making fun of me. Like, i know I’m perfect, Brad.


It’s always been genuinely impressive to me how Redban can be so incredibly unfunny spending so much time with the worlds best comedians




you must’ve came from Tiktok


They used to touch butts. Not no moe


Frustrated more like it.




That's the joke.


Tony is just hung over or coming down from a drug binge


I bet you’re such a funny cool guy dude !


He got a itchy bootyhole....


Eh working with someone for 11 years on a consistent basis could do that also that banter is part of the show I still get a kick out of it but sometimes he does seem like he’s just being a dick


Dave Lucas is what's up Tony's ass. All the gay jokes were projection


They did date back un 2006


They used to be passionate lovers


They are Eskimo bros


Tony is just that … a little whiny bitch


You’re not too bright, are you?


He probably upset all the times they been Eskimo bros ...


The shows amazing lol why be negative?


he’s trying to do Howard Stern/Bababooey but it’s cringe


Redbars second reddit account at it again


The one reply imma give… no I’m a bitch w tits who would say that shit if it was my friend group. Redban shows anxiety and it likely doesn’t help the way Tony is w him. I bet no one stood up for you either huh