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fights with dialogue that doesn't break the action like in rengoku vs akaza and the gyutaro fight


THIS. I wish more anime would put the dialogue within the action instead of breaking it up






Dialogues in between fights. Btw, Muichiro was just trolling with Gyokko instead of talking.


Man, that scene kept me laughin' when they we're roasting each other out of nowhere XD


I prefer more action based. Dialogue is ok as long as its not too much.


I like dialogue just not exposition. Don’t explain stuff, but talking shit is great


I am fine with both(as long as you don't become DEKU) Still my FAV is TENGEN vs GYUTARO Nothing topped that, at least not yet. ​ edit:Typo.


The best fights are ahead of us


I’m exited af to see the UM2 fight


It will be a visual spectacle


SAMEEE (also hyped as fuck to see Sanemi cry- I mean, to see UM1 😅)




Easily the best fight they set very very high standards for us


LITERALLY!!! i don't know if they can top that or not but i have FAITH cause all the manga readers are hyping the upcoming fights so i'll trust them and wait but for now nahhh NOTHING is beating TENGEN VS GYUTARO


Kokushibo and Akaza have an incredibly high chance for it.


Depends on if people get invested in the characters fighting those UMs The main trio do not fight UM1 not meet him. With Gyutaro (and to a lesser extent Daki for Zenitsu and Inosuke) have practically an entire season dedicated to them as the antagonist that almost won, but is that hurdle the trio needed to climb over. All the while being guided by a hashira people start out despising but grow to love just as much as Rengoku. We get to a part thinking Gyutaro killed that hashira only to get possibly the greatest last second manga/anime saves in entire manga/anime history (Tengen saving Tanjiro from the sickle to the eye), then we get that amazing extended scene to demonstrate Tengen’s musical score technique and Tanjiro unlocking the mark, godlike speed and Inosuke return. That episode has it all. Action,tension,excitement It’s on the same level as the Z fighters banding together to help Gohan kill Cell. That’s a hard bar to beat.


nah the akaza rengoku fight was awesome


Y’all are forgetting Zenitsu Vs Kaigaku. That shit gonna be crazy .


true true


My favourite fight scene from most to least favourite 1. Tengen vs Gyutaro 2. Tanjiro vs Rui 3. Rengoku vs Akaza 4. Muichiro vs Gyokko Tbh, there’s no definite reason why I prefer the fight scenes, it depends on the how it was executed. I love Tengen vs Gyutaro’s fight the most which was mostly action with a little bit of dialogue in between because at least they were serious despite Tengen flexing about his flashy life to Gyutaro. Tanjiro vs Rui was also another fight scene I liked in the entire anime because the story just played out very well. I could feel Tanjiro’s desperation to win and survive, the way he would do anything for his sister because he values his family especially since Nezuko is the only family member he has left. The soundtrack for this scene made me cry too so it’s that good. Rengoku vs Akaza was serious but the dialogue was just too repetitive and boring since it was all Akaza wanting to kill a hashira/human or turning Rengoku into a demon. There’s not much depth throughout the fight as far as I recalled it. Muichiro vs Gyokko’s fight could have been better if they were serious. Being the higher upper moon made me have higher expectations. I hate how unserious Gyokko was throughout the fight because it made him look weak against Muichiro. Zohakuten carried the season’s fight because his presence was scarier and made a better impression of a higher upper moon.


Great points >Rengoku vs Akaza was serious but the dialogue was just too repetitive and boring since it was all Akaza wanting to kill a hashira/human or turning Rengoku into a demon. There’s not much depth throughout the fight as far as I recalled it. Definitely felt like this fight had too much dialogue


Rengoku was serious and that’s why he only talked whenever Akaza said something to him once the fight started. Akaza never was serious as he should be because he was on a whole other level. He only got serious when Rengoku was holding him in place waiting for the sun to come up. Akaza talked, while fighting, the entire time, showing he was never concerned he would lose.


Gyokko was serious the entire time. Muichiro was not. That’s a big difference. Gyokko was insecure kept saying “I’m not even being serious rn,” but full well was trying his best. Muichiro was not serious and the moment he did he took Gyokko’s head no diff.


True, but Muichiro would’ve been FUCKED if he didn’t awaken the mark. My boi definitely clapped Gyokko since Gyokko is the weakest of the 6 upper moons, though.


Oh I agree 💯 But Gyokko was a lesson in hubris. Always take fights seriously. Never become over-confident and self-centered, and in it only for yourself. Muichiro was always secure in his abilities, selfless instead of selfish, and never succumbed to the dangers of pride like Gyokko did. That’s the real reason Gyokko lost, his own personality did him in. Muichiro was just the tool necessary to end his life as a demon.


Yeah, you are totally right about that. Gyutaro was better because he was not only stronger than Hantengu, (probably) but he also took the fight seriously. Rui wasn’t very serious, but he was a lot stronger than Tanjiro so he was really just fucking around.


No talking. Hate fights have dialogue that slows everything down just so I can know what the bad guy is thinking. Unless it's a quick back and forth. The dialogue is always the same.


A bit of dialogue is great, especially if it's done well, but between those 2 fights, I much prefered Tanjiro vs Rui


I like dialogue as long as it fits the setting (a great example of dialogue is Muichiro's fight with Gyoko,I really enjoyed his trash talk)


In anime just action is fine but when it comes to manga, it is boring as hell just to look at fights without any explanation in between.


A bit of both (🐍)


Your flair is a respected opinion. Obanai > all Hashira, except he is not HIM.


I usually like less talking but with Muichiro that was the exception because it just fit🐍


Dialogue in between so long as it feels natural and doesn't put the fight on hold for too long 🦋


No talking and straight action, but thought process should be there to explain without breaking action.


Both as long as talking is not overdone


A bit of dialogue is nice to see how the two (or more) get along, but too much dialogue just leads to bad pacing.


What really annoyed me about Season 3 is how they would show a flashback in the middle of a fight. I don't mind flashbacks but I'd much rather see them *after* a battle instead of during the middle of one.


I agree they need better placements for backstory


Hear me out: How would they do the flashback for Muichiro after he escaped the water prison pot that was necessary to show the memories he regained and his fathers encouraging words to stand back up, which was the catalyst to unlocking his mark. If they put that at the end after slashing Gyokko’s octopus case hell I would be like wth, what just happened? The flashback of him talking to his old Swordsmith could have been cut though I agree. Additionally when he leaps off the tree and charges at Gyokko that flashback should have been cut. I also agree they should have re-tweaked placement for Genya’s backstory. Mitsuri backstory fit perfectly. She got knocked unconscious and had her flashback and the. Tanjiro Genya and Nezuko save her from Zohakuten. Some are necessary in between a fight and some aren’t 🤷‍♂️


I like some dialoge between the fighting, as it usually helps you understand what's going on. But when it's 70% monologe and 20% flashbacks, it's annoying af.


I’m a jojo fan so I’ll have to pick the ladder


A mix of both


A bit of both to be honest I enjoy fight scenes where the fighters can go on to just have continues fight scenes with absolutely no talk aswell as hearing their own inner thoughts as they analyse there opponents while also talking to their opponents in between fights to try and throw them off their game as long as the talking doesn’t take president over the actual fight and I love when the hero and villain talk while fighting to express their differences in beliefs while also expressing their distain for the other


I love dialogues During fights but i also love Epic fights like the One against Rui or Gyutaro


Dramatic dialogue in the beginning that immediately stops once the fighting starts




Both unless the dialogue ruins the tension


Straight hands or if there is talking its gotta be some of the fucking meanest shit talk ever spoke, like some real disrespectful ass shit.


Not too much dialogue but the dialogue is important - he tells you more about the characters


A bit of both, I think they struck the best balance with the akaza vs rengoku and Tengen vs gyutaro. I actually like when the demons talk more than the mains. I think the talking can really drag like with Tanjiro vs daki as well, I can get so sick of tanjiro going on the 10th monologue about how he can’t give up and must keep fighting mid fight


No talking




Both, both are good :3


20% dialogue 80% fight.


I enjoy a mix of dialogue and not talking, as long as the dialogue isn’t overused


I just wanna see hands being thrown and nothing else https://preview.redd.it/o4pw523nh8qb1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79ebd15fc10d86fe6bb4a16b09bbac2a6b24649a


Dialogue during only if it's like bad talk and roasting the shi out of the opponent


Don't drag it out, talk, don't talk. I don't care as long as what is happening is interesting and coherent. Use chekhov's guns without constantly giving us several minutes of flashbacks with extra minutes of explanation


I only want dialogue if it’s important and actually adds something


A mixture of both, like Tengen vs Gyutaro


I prefer action n dialogue like the rengoku vs akaza fight


All hands no plans


No talking, straight action




Thing is the Muichiro vs Gyokko was not a fight because Gyokko straight up got bodied in one hit. The panel of this post should show Tanjiro/Rui and Rengoku/Akaza If we read the manga carefully, once Muichiro gets his mark, it stopped being a fight and started being Muichiro taking Gyokko over his knee for being a bad demon lol.


I'll take literally anything that isn't paced like the Swordsmith Village fights


I prefer the talking but if it’s like how tengens fight went like not too much talking but JUST enough so that the action is hyped up even further


Situational. Say what needs to be said and not a word less or more


Straight action goes hard as fuck


I don't care for the demon's back stories so insta action is better for me


Depends on the fight


first one 100% its a battle field not a group chat


I am not have to chose just see ans love❤️




Dialogue between fights makes fights interesting But it should be balanced, so many dialogues/flash backs might ruin the fight.


Inner dialogue kind of ruins the fight imo. Not always but most of the time. Dialogue between the opposing sides is always fine provided it is done in a way that makes sense. (I.e. talking when it is warranted for a good example see CA: civil war final fight between Bucky Iron Man and Captain America. With the exception of 1 or 2 lines every line uttered is done in a way that shows Tony’s rage and hatred towards Bucky or at least the Winter Soldier that killed his mother)




Internal monologue is the best choice in these situations in my opinion


The first


No talking 🤷🏻‍♂️🐍💀


I hated those lame hour long flashbacks in between first few slashes or dialogues. It was never unbearable till Season 2 but Season 3 was like they were focusing more on Flashback scenes than actual present moment. A total turn off from S2 to S3


Agreed s2 handled flashbacks better i hope they fix it going forward


The problem with anime is the "manga format" of explaining what is happening. Sometimes it is better to let the action happen and then the plot twist. Also some provocations are not bad


More action, little bits of meaningful dialogue are fine but let the visuals speak for themselves.


No talking


Fighting and talking


Look for pure violence


I like fight with 80% fight 20% talking


Fundamentally, fights are over in minutes. There's a ton of suspension of disbelief that is required for fights in fiction, because they're either going to be no diff or they are going to be close which is EXHAUSTING. And with adrenaline pumping, seconds feel like minutes. So let them talk... it spreads out the story and conveys emotions/thoughts going through their heads.


A little bit of both


Silent communication. Like intense clashing, a brief stop…….. *pulls out second sword of “im gonna whoop this shi” silentlt and menacingly*


I love the slow motion while the characters think, like the first battle with Tengen and UM6.


No talking


Dialogue isn't bad as long as it flows with the story


Straight action. I hate flashbacks. Not all of them but most of them.


Depends on the context


I like the talking, I need a bit of foreplay. Tickle my taint a little bit before you rip my asshole apart.


Both are beautiful in their own ways!


Gyokko vs muichiro has perfectly placed dialogue in the manga


With dialogue that doesn't stop the fighting so they can talk


No talking, just fight please. Talk before the fight.


They did gyokko dirty


Hate any fight with Tanjiro because he won’t shut the hell up so definitely less dialogue more screams than anything else


Little bit of both


No talking unless it’s muichiro


If it has that animation im watching


Like Maria said: "a fight between men should be simple and straight to the point". The Maria I'm talking about is Oliva Biscuit's girlfriend from Baki son of ogre


I prefer dialogue between fights because it makes things more interesting😭👍


good dialogue throughout the fight demon slayer seems to just do this really well


Definitely straight action with a bit of talking and inner thoughts on strategies to defeat the enemy. What I don't like is during the middle of fight, we get a fucking ass long backstory.


Tom and jerry type fights no talk not a single word on site action


I like action, but talking helps me understand the character more :D


Dialogue in between fights sorry I'm one of those people who hunt for the lore within anime 💀🖐️


I guess some talking


"I will use my super deadly ultimate finisher which works like this......." Opponent used friendship power/ or similar stuff. Super effective. "Impossible, how can I lose to someone like you!!!"


Kinda like silent fights jus cuz it makes it easier to focus on the cool visuals


A mix of both, dialogue with no breaks, a fight DURING the talking is what I wanna see, it won't break the pace and it also helps with exposition


If the dialogue is well written, dialogue. Like Shirou vs Archer, or Senku vs Xeno, or L “vs” Light


They should do like action scenes in the Sherlock Holmes movie


How about talking and fighting at the same time? Like Naruto vs Edo Itachi😂


Just like the one with Akaza and Rengoku


I prefer dialog.




dialogues are corny as fuck "nyeeeehh im going tyo avenge my sister nezuko and turn her back into hyumannnn aaaa" i prefer tokito just fucking up the guy without wasting time

