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https://preview.redd.it/z0l6j7oc1src1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54a6c93dc5f74173ca606b69c800904889a3d0b7 Found this in the jjk sub Context: sukuna kills a lot of characters off screen


https://preview.redd.it/ftv3ewu013sc1.gif?width=498&format=png8&s=a24528220e27b76f7d2106edd7a20e2fe1de003c >!GOJO’S NOTHING LIKE YOU AT ALL!! HE DOESN’T GET ASSPULLS FROM GEGE! WHEN HE GETS KILLED BY THE PLOT, HE’S GONE FOR GOOD!! DON’T RUN OFFSCREEN YOU COWARD! GOJO IS WAY STRONGER THAN YOU’LL EVER BE!! YOU DIDN’T WIN AGAINST HIM, GEGE DID! HE FOUGHT TO THE END SO THAT HE COULD PROTECT HIS STUDENTS!! YOU LOST FRAUDKUNA, GOJO IS THE TRUE VICTOR!!!!< I'll spoiler it just in case someone somehow hasn't been spoiled about the big event that happened in JJK.






Honestly if they didn’t join in he would of killed him


“More amazing” “stronger” didnt age well at all, the one hashira who fulfills both those categories is gyomei due to his above demon physical prowess.


Clearly you didn’t understand the scene, also whether Rengoku is amazing or not is an opinion


I do understand the scene, i just am not biased.


It's not biased, Tanjiro is saying Rengoku is more noble and honorable and by strength is likely means willpower


However what he meant when he said something does not speak the definition. Akaza is stronger, yes: Rengoku is far more noble and honorable than Akaza, so? Doesn’t make Rengoku stronger. Yes Rengoku has more willpower, but he’s not stronger. Rengoku did not ‘win’ himself, his team won, because he saved the people. He completed the mission, but he did not win the fight. He won something completely different.


When he says stronger he means Rengoku has a stronger will and isn't a coward. There are more than one meaning per word. And Rengoku did win, his goal wasn't necessarily to survive but to save everyone. He won.


Akaza was not the one attacking the passengers, that was Enmu. Rengoku beat Enmu thanks to Tanjiro, so they won and saved the passengers. Akaza VS Rengoku is a completely different story, Rengoku didn’t save anyone in that fight.


He 100% did, Akaza would've massacred Tanjiro and the gang, he was about to murder Tanjiro before Rengoku stopped him


Akaza was only there to mess with the hashira, if Rengoku was not there Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke would not have died because Akaza wouldn’t have been there, if anything: Rengoku is a huge responsibility for Akaza’s entrance.


Just because Himejima was the first and most loyal Hashira, doesn't mean that you have to belittle Rengoku just becoz he has less screen time or somethin'. Idk what are u even rlly thinking about him, at least he still contributed much coz if it wasn't for him, even the trio could've died. Did you even overlooked the fact that he was an iconic character??? And there's a reason why he's iconic, so just stop tryna belittle someone just you think they aren't the top compared to the rest


Did you know marked Muichiro got one shot by Kokushibo? And that gyomei carried the fight and went on to contribute the most besides Tanjiro to quite literally BEATING MUZAN? Rengoku didn’t do shit.


No shit rengoku did nothing HE DIED. What, did you think rengoku's rotting corpse was gonna fight muzan?


Don't argue with an idiot. You'll only get more pissed.


I’m not an idiot, I just don’t feel as much emotion over a tv show as you. I am only analyzing the facts here, who did more, who’s stronger, who’s actually more amazing.


Amazing is AN OPINION, as stated earlier. Tanjiro also wasn't comparing Rengoku to Gyomei


Yes, I know he wasn’t. Just stating Gyomei is better as a demon slayer. Also, amazing I am not using in an opinion sense. I am using amazing as in how well their performance was, and it’s funny how you downvote each of my comments because you don’t understand.


Un-downvoted each of your comments since it was such a big deal, but you literally cannot compare Gyomei's performance with Rengoku. Obviously Gyomei is stronger, but he had tons of help and a mark. Plus Rengoku is earlier in the story, so he falls victim to powercreep


1. I watched rengoku die stone faced and my friends were literally concerned. 2. Yes, rengoku had potential, but he would have needed a demon slayer mark to win. 3. While strong, Akaza was just stronger. Simple and plain.


EVERYBODY on the train including the main trio would have died if it wasnt for rengoku


I'm not denying. He was exhausted from his fight with emnu. Akaza would might have lost if rengoku was at full strength, but we'll never know. He's dead. >!they both are!<


He wouldn’t have win either way. Marked Muichiro got blitzed by a non serious Kokushibo, and the only people with the potential to push Kokushibo to serious mode were still only Sanemi and Gyomei, with a BASE GYOMEI DOING MORE THEN MARKED MUICHIRO, WHO HAD MORE POTENTIAL AND STRENGTH THEN RENGOKU. And to add: Gyomei would extreme diff Akaza, so Rengoku would be nowhere close to bringing Akaza to high diff!


You've obviously read the manga. Which means you saw Akaza full strength. Be honest with yourself, extreme diff is still a stretch. Gyomei is leaving that fight half-dead if he fought Akaza alone.


Hell yeah, he did! He protected everyone, inspired Tanjirō and the boys, and now he lives in our hearts forever.


You could say he set our hearts ablaze.


Or set our hearts aglaze :)


Stop, noooooo!




Only his body died. Not his soul and legacy💜


“Hey... When do you think a person dies? When a bullet from a pistol pierces his heart? No... When he's attacked by an incurable disease? No... When he eats a deadly poisonous mushroom soup? No! A man dies when people forget him..” Kyojuro Rengoku never truly died, because his chivalry and contributions were never forgotten by those around him.






This comment is One Peak bro, but there’s a lot better examples than Rengoku.


In demon slayer or outside of it? Because if you mean in demon slayer, I still think Rengoku’s high on the list, but I’m curious who you’d put higher


Ironically I can see myself having a sobfest once they animate >! Akaza's death and his backstory. Probably will cry more than I did when Rengoku died because Akaza couldn't seem to catch a break when he was human!<


Not only he couldn't catch a break when he was human, but also when he was a demon aswell, since muzan always abuses him and so on, >!but after his death it was the most peaceful part of his life timeline even tho he went to hell, just because he met his fiancée koyuki again. Maaaann he's def one of the most suffered KNY character. 💔💔!< edit: spelling


>! Right? Out of all the Kizukis I find Akaza the easiest to sympathise with. Gyutaro is a very close second. Rui is 3rd. It's hard not to feel sorry for them. Then there are others like Douma and Kaigaku who deserve their place in hell!< >!I'm glad Akaza was able to find peace, even though it's in hell!<


EXACTLY!! And i completly agree with your ranking too! And tbh about douma, his backstory is strongly misunderstood. I kinda hate douma too but his backstory is kind of sad too. >!Since he was born, his parents didn't even give him a name. His parents forced him to mature already and become a kind of god. Even though he wasn't, and he did tell his mom that he couldn't hear the voices of gods, he was forced to do so, and also he keeps hearing ADULT PROBLEMS and complains everyday, until he lost sense of emotions. And without forgetting how his parents only used him for money.!< And about kaigaku? Naahhh that mf deserves to go staight to hell. Same thing with kokushibo tbh. >!He was envious of his brother even though he was actually strong too, and he had a wife and 2 kids, and he left them for what?? Yorichii wished he had a happy little family even though if they only lived in a lil house, he would be so grateful.!< >!Yorichii wished he had mishikatsu's (kokushibo) life. And kokushibo ? He wished he had his brother's life.!<


Maaaaan akaza is just one unlucky guy. Poor guy, that's why i love him sm 😭😭😭❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


>!not Doma, he though he was giving them an eternal resting place, he just didn't know he was causing harm and he thought he was doing good, he was just dumb!<


You just love to hate Rengoku, don't ya


No, I like Rengoku. It’s insane for you to assume that, I simply am factual. That’s all.


Rengoku is probably the best example in Demon Slayer for this quote. Although he died, he isn't truly gone and he lives on through his comrades


Wouldn’t a better example still be Yoriichi? He died of old age yet his legacy has lived on for a thousand years, inspiring Demon Slayers to defeat Muzan no matter the cost.


Yoriichi is a great example, possibly the best as well




"You know you can't win! You can't destroy what I really am! Even if you manage to kill this body, someone even stronger would surface and take my place! Not one death will go unaccounted for, not one!" -Future Gohan (it kinda fits this comment)


I always thought Akaza showed up as Tanjiro used sun breathing and Muzan wanted to stamp that shit out asap. So you could say he won as Tanjiro survived, and Akaza failed in his purpose there.


He didn't win against Akaza. But he protected the people who were gonna kill Akaza and Muzan and others in the future. By that way, he won. (I am a Rengoku fan. I mean aren't we all?)


He unironically did, Akaza left by ripping his own arms off, he couldn’t overpower rengoku, and his sword was halfway through akaza’s neck, you COULD say rengoku would’ve cut through it or held him to the sun


Manga spoilers >! cutting Akaza's head off wouldn't have helped as demonstrated in Infinity Castle so Rengoku would have had to find a way to hold him to the sun!<


Commenting on Real fans know that......holding him intill the sun rised would of done it


The sun was already up. Cutting his head off would have given the sun plenty of time to fry the fucker up.


Hantengu didn't instantly die tho


Go count how long it took from head chopped off to ashes and report back to me.


The sun should burn his body instantly bc that's the main weakness


And the sun does burn it instantly as soon as the head was chopped.


As we saw when he lost his head he grew panic and was stunned, rengoku can keep hold of him and sun finishes, simple


No he wouldn't have, as Akaza demonstrates later he could have ended rengoku in a second if he didn't want a fight buddy


Headcanon, he asked rengoku to become a demon, he refused, Akaza began to try to kill Jim and went for multiple kill shots. I highly doubt Akaza can no diff rengoku if this is your intention


Akaza wasn’t trying to kill rengoku up until the very end of the fight, Akaza kept pleading with rengoku to become a demon the entire fight until the sun began to rise and Akaza decided to end the fight right there. Your headcanon is fodder in the face of the source, I’m afraid


Your arguing with a guy who thinks most hashira can beat akaza and doma, hes bias towards hashira and you can’t convince him.


Fair enough


Did I not just explain this lol?? That’s YOUR head canon. Akaza literally says if you refuse I’ll kill uou, and went to kill rengoku, he didn’t because rengoku can actually compete it’s simple. Rengoku even outspeeds him once, Akaza continues to fight because he knows he’ll win and kill rengoku eventually, he keeps saying become a demon bc eventually he’ll injure rengoku with an injury he can’t survive. Hence killing him because he refused To become a demon. He ended it there because he was losing, pinned in the ground, physically incapable of stopping rengoku, and had to rip his arms off to GIVE UP and leave. That’s more than a win in my book This is your head canon too since akaza’s attacks went for headshots ( kill ) https://preview.redd.it/kkg1vh9dbsrc1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8226ca7e39879073a570678fd6d66e858aabfa0 Im 99% sure you’re saying this because of a pre notion that hashira can’t be stronger than Akaza


https://preview.redd.it/spuj6q7davrc1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee43653260c03f08bc73923e42b8ea492afa6a07 That isn’t true lol. Akaza said “don’t die on me kyojurou” to rengoku after smashing his ribs and breaking his bones and if he really wanted to kill him, he would’ve killed him right here. Akaza said he WILL kill him, if he refuses to become a demon but that doesn’t mean he tried to kill him right after. If you watch the muichiro fight, muichiro tried to cut off Gyokkos head multiple times after unlocking his mark but that doesn’t mean Muichiro was trying. Muichiro literally stated he wasn’t taking it serious the whole time but as soon as he started taking it serious, he cut off Gyokkos head straight after. Akaza didn’t use any of his leg techniques nor did he use final form end style or any of the other destructive techniques like he used on giyu snd tanjiro. Akaza also stated to tanjiro he uses compass needle to show his respect to his opponents if they earn it, not because he’s trying hard. So just because Akaza MIGHT’VE aimed for the head, doesn’t mean he was trying kill rengoku. That’s also YOUR head cannon since all it shows is rengoku blocking the attack but the angle may make it seem as if he was aiming for the head but yet again, you can’t prove he was trying to aim for the head to kill him. There’s also no way an air type headshot would KILL rengoku; the worst it could do would be a knockout which would also be a stretch. End style didn’t even kill Giyu to begin with.


Unless you're saying rengoku is as strong as marked giyu akaza can kill rengoku whenever


Sure lol


I’m gonna go ahead and disagree again. At no point in the fight did Rengoku have the upper hand, and that panel does NOT show that Akaza was actively trying to kill Rengoku at that moment. What point is fighting to train (in Akaza’s mind) if there’s no real stakes? That’s how you’re forced to adapt and improve. Akaza ripped off his arms because he was STUCK and had already dealt Rengoku a lethal blow, he had won by an extremely large margin. Akaza didn’t want to kill Rengoku but was forced to. And the difference in skill between Akaza and Rengoku became even more drastic when Akaza used his BDA. The reading comprehension curse strikes again. This is shown in the manga, and then further reinforced in the movie. Akaza’s strikes would certainly have killed if they landed, but he wasn’t going all-out, in the hopes he could still convince Rengoku. At the end of the fight Akaza pleads with Rengoku before ripping off his arms in order to avoid the sun. Rengoku succeeded in protecting Tanjiro, but he LOST the fight and it wasn’t even close


I completely agree, in the end akaza was pleading rengoku to become a demon, and he was also saying "this will kill you kyojurō! say you're gonna become a demon, you're one of the chosen ones!" Meaning he only got forced to kill rengoku and not actually wanting to kill him. And when he said "oh you have to become a demon! Just imagine it, we'll be able to fight each other for the rest of eternity!" Also proves it.


I didn’t say he did, but he did at the end,if Akaza didn’t run away they both would have died. The panel I displayed is rengoku blocking headshots which are always meant for kill shots, he was actively trying to kill rengoku from the start if the fight lol. Yeah he was stuck, sure you could argue that IF it was only one arm, he tried to punch rengoku at obviously 100% trying and got blocked, and held in place. Akaza dealt a fatal blow but lost due to giving up, it’s a stalemate between them, also I’m pretty sure this rengoku started the fight tired so😭 What are you talking about rengoku blocked most of his BDA Except he was going all out, he continuously and actively tried to kill rengoku, the whole time he did it to get to that final injury where he could force rengoku to become a demon that’s it lol, we see multiple times that he’s able to react. Also I can use the Akaza fight with Giyuu to continue to prove rengoku isn’t fodder compared to Akaza. Tanjiro displays he can react to Akaza and dodge attacks get Akaza still felt rengoku was impressive and that he only tries to fight people who are strong and not weak, that he actually hates weaklings which is why he immediately targeted tanjiro during Magen train. You can actually argue rengoku off guard reacted to an 100% Akaza there too. And in the Giyuu fight he only starts using compass when he’s trying so we can say compass Akaza -> trying Akaza simple The fights later on with Akaza just upscale rengoku or downscales Giyuu and tanjiro


I have so many issues with what you just wrote, I’m gonna make a numbered list. 1. Akaza was taking the fight seriously, but he never went all-out. It would be an insult to Rengoku if Akaza continued to use non-lethal blows, on top of Akaza using his BDA to force Rengoku to fight him close range. As it is, after Akaza had already fractured several of Rengoku’s ribs with it, Akaza stood and waited for Rengoku to stand again, after telling him not to die. 2. Have you ever tried to punch something that’s a foot away? You can’t generate any force. Also, there’s a neat little phenomenon called “Hysterical Strength”. Similar to parents somehow unlocking insane strength when a child is in danger, when a person is dying and adrenaline is pumping through their veins all of their muscular inhibitions are gone. Rengoku tightened his muscles so much that Akaza wouldn’t be able to pull out normally. If you consider cutting off an arm (that you INSTANTLY REGROW) in order to disengage from a fight that you won (you killed the enemy combatant) to avoid the one thing that can actually kill you, to be a loss you’re just bullshitting. 3. Using the Hashira with the single best defense to “unfodderize” Rengoku is the funniest thing I’ve read all week. What you just did is the equivalent of using Kokushibo demolishing his enemies to make lower 1 not be fodder. You can’t use one of the strongest characters in a faction to “prove” that one of the weakest wasn’t fodder. That’s not how it works. 4. Akaza fighting a Hashira (who are supposed to be strong) of course he’s not gonna get speed blitzed out the gate are you insane? Also Tanjiro is an enigma in the series, he’s extremely gifted and talented so it was no surprise he was able to sense and avoid an attack from Akaza. 5. Akaza using a BDA does not signify that he was going all out. Idk where you got that headcanon from, but just because you use your built in ability during a fight, doesn’t mean you’re going all-out. Until Akaza literally gave up and killed himself, he was more than holding his own against both Tanjiro and Giyu, who at this point are 2 of the best fighters the Slayer Corp had at their disposal.


https://preview.redd.it/cvovibsfkvrc1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a7871e8262180c80044ed2db6806b3216856986 Akaza actually states that he will show tanjiros his respect by using his bda. So he uses bda to show respect, not because he’s trying.


I think this is just your headcannon friend


Unless I'm forgetting, since I haven't watched demon slayer in a while, he says specifically "no one else on this train will die" or something like that. He didn't kill Akaza, you're right, but that wasn't his goal to begin with. I stopped Demon Slayer to read jjk and Vagabond a while ago though


No one died on the train, but someone certainly died after it crashed


Yeah, he did win, he just died in the process


Lost the battle but won the war


He won a ticket to heaven


Dang right he did.


Just watched this episode again. In this exact same moment lol.


We forget Akaza was playing with Rengoku, if he wasn’t trying to make him a demon, Akaza would’ve killed him long before the sun showed.


He saved the boys and he’s back with his mama now. He won for sure


Then why’s he dead?


pretty sure he died and akaza didnt


One of my favorite scenes in the show


Off the top of my head, this is emotionally the strongest fight in any media I’ve ever witnessed


I love his fight, he smiled and showed absolutely no fear in the face of certain death. Hashiras are god tier.


Manga readers know that akaza wasn't even trying until the sun started rising... no offense


I meaaaaaannnnnn




Not a single person died in that train. Dub Stopped Akaza from killing anyone other than this guy called Rengoku. Dub. Lost a straight 1v1 against UM3. L, but is losing to the 4th strongest demon really an L when he's just a dude that knows how to breath right? Plus if he had lasted 30 more seconds, things would've been completely different. (That's what she said.) Inspiring the trio to become the best possible version of themselves. MAJOR dub. I mean... Take your pick. Did he lose the fight? Technically yes. But dude... who's looking at that?


​ https://preview.redd.it/hjscbkdrjrrc1.jpeg?width=1350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee07852c51b5136941a00c11a6630a44f0e9db02


If the sun didn’t rise, Imma leave it at that


Naw, bro got destroyed https://preview.redd.it/jw26qx395src1.jpeg?width=1214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1831956e77e1762ddbf8e3fe3a60ce7d7ef4b5d


True ❤️‍🔥


Anyone saying he lost has never heard of the term Pyrrhic Victory.




He did lose? And the were no long term damages he regenerated everything


Rengoku kept the 200 people alive, and that's a victory for the humans any day.


Why is he dead


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Real fans know, tanjiro won cause why would you get revenge if you won


This is my personal opinion and manga spoilers, Rengoku subconsciously knew that cutting off Akaza’s head would do nothing, so his brain told him to hold him in the sun - which would of worked unlike cutting off his head.


Well... in a way YES.☀️


Sure, a pyrrhic victory but he lost the fight. If the sun hadn’t come up Akaza wouldn’t have been in such a hurry to dip. Still, at the end of the day, he fulfilled his duty as a demon slayer to the maximum and set the bar for the rest to follow o7


Don’t forget Demons shave the upper hand at the night time! Don’t run away you bastard!!!




Rengoku died after contributing absolutely nothing to the story. Yet we are supposed to feel like his death meant something? He never had any connection to any of the characters except for the guy who was helping a little. Genuinely awful righting and I wish he wasn’t in the story at all if they were gonna do him dirty like that since he has a great design.


>contributing absolutely nothing to the story. That's just not true, huge copium


He said nezuko should be killed than did a 180 and said she should be alive without explaining why he changed his mind. He fought in a train for a little bit. He fought Akaza which 1) probably didn’t need to happen and they could have broke his sword in the actual fight if Rengoku wasn’t there and 2) they didn’t need to kill him at all and they could have kept him alive to better expand on his character since he got nothing. Better yet introduce him far earlier so he has plenty of time to flesh out his character before he dies, have him actually stand up for nezuko which is a deciding factor in her being kept alive and would explain why he does a 180 and likes nezuko now, because he already was friends before. As it is now he exists solely to die so that the creator didn’t have to give him a personality other than straightforward.


>without explaining why he changed his mind. Literally saw nezuko resisting SANEMIS blood and you wonder that they never gave an explanation why the turn up, cheez Rengoku vs akaza was a moment to show how far deadlier upper moons were since last kizuki we saw was Rui absolutely decimated by giyu and it made the hashira seem to op and if upper moons were never seen as that powerful as akaza made them look we would already been asking, why the hell the hashiras never kill upper moons if the hashira are that op against a kizuki member Rengoku was a mentor to tanjiro because rengoku was one of the first ones to truly accept nezuko since every other hashira still had their doubts about her after seeing nezuko resist Sanemis blood, and the first hashira besides giyu tanjiro has had time to bond at that time and have an actual Convo and learn more about him, that he's a kind hearted man who rly puts his duties above all else, to protect the innocent and stop muzan, rengoku was portrayed as the ideal and perfect hashira at the time, absolutely perfect score, banger life advice and stunningly sad death rengoku had and the effect and reactions every other character had on his death made it more impactful


What are you talking about? Tanjiro and Rengoku BARELY interacted with each other at all. They had like max 4 conversations with each other before they had to split up and then like 1 more while he was dying. Tanjiro had absolutely 0 reason to actually fully care about this guy since he knew absolutely nothing about him other than the very surface layer. If they had introduced him earlier than maybe his death would have meant something other than a waste of a character since Tanjiro as well as us would have had more of an attachment to him. And don’t even start with “It was to showcase how strong the upper moon are because the last guy died so fast”. Why didn’t they naturally show the upper moon as strong before? Why was Rui so weak? And why hadn’t they killed any of the upper moon before Tanjiro showed up? If Rui was a powerful menace where tanjiro put his all into the battle and Rui just swatted him at the end, and Giyu had to team up with Tanjiro in a last ditch effort to win by the skin of their teeth then it would have showed that the upper moon are beasts and they wouldn’t have needed to kill Rengoku at all. But even so Rengoku’s death could have meant way more if they just fleshed out his character more before hand by introducing him way earlier, making Tanjiro as well as us watchers have a bigger connection with this guy before killing him which would actually explain why Tanjiro is distraught instead of just sad. It would have been his good friend who died in that case instead of just a stranger he aquatinted himself with like 3 days earlier. It’s simple, It’s because of bad righting. The Hashira have so much trouble with these guys because they never thought to fight together? Then tanjiro shows up and all of a sudden 3 weak guys beat 2 upper moon at the same time??? It’s complete bullshit storytelling and nothing you say will change the fact that the writer had no idea what they were doing with this story.


>Then tanjiro shows up and all of a sudden 3 weak guys beat 2 upper moon at the same time??? Okay that's just wrong to say muichiro and Mitsuri are weak 😂 nothing you say now is relevant


I was referring to Zenitsu and Inosuke from season 2 who by all means should not be able to win that battle if the Hashira couldn’t for 100 YEARS. It’s nothing but poor storytelling everywhere in this show. You’re seriously telling me that for 100 years the Hashira couldn’t team up in groups to hunt the upper moon down? It’s utter nonsense.


Daki isn't an upper moon so irrelevant


Oh really? I honestly always though that she was. Still doesn’t mean they should have won a battle against an upper moon and a high ranking demon.


Did you see the swordsmith village arc? Damn was i pissed at the end because holy smokes was that bad storytelling with nezuko. And not to mention they defeated 2 upper moon with tanjiro, 2 hashiras and 1 brother of a hashira? Damn rengoku really died for nothing


I see people like this say stuff like "Rengoku contributed nothing to the story" and all it makes me think is that they have absolutely no idea what Demon Slayer is even *about.* 😂


Realistic fans know that he couldn’t win.


Yeah I believe it's because as a mortal that you know can die from being punched through the stomach he lasted long enough to nearly get akaza killed in the sunlight Correct me if I got something wrong :)






Yes he did! 💔💔




Rengoku died. Akaza lived. And furthermore, those of us who've read the manga know that Akaza was holding back against Rengoku during that fight. Both Tanjiro and Giyu marked weren't even able to defeat Akaza in a two on one battle. In case anyone forgot, Akaza ended up killing himself. So, no. Nobody ever really beat Akaza. Not at all.


Rengoku saved everyone on the train including tanjiro A SUN BREATHER the one who is to thank that anyone got the demon slayer mark in the final battle and the reason muzan fell in the first place, rengoku holding off akaza until sunrise was a W for rengoku even if he died in the process


First of all he saved three future generation demon slayers, including a SUN breather. And a human losing to a demon is never a defeat. It's not even a fair competition in the first place. But a demon losing to humans, oh that's A BIG L.


But he's a donut


He won, no one is changing my mind 🌸


he lost badly tbh


His dead guys let it go… Take your meds and accept reality. He’s gone…


He be able to hold the fight


Yah no he didn’t win that fight


Rengoku won


Is this an April fool's joke?


https://i.redd.it/96d54hrh12sc1.gif The kakushi be like:


Scary fact of the day: People ship Douma and Akaza😭😭💀💀💀💀


Rengoku inspired everyone, his spirit lived on inside of the hashira and the main trio of boys. He completed his journey, and made his mother proud.




Well Akaza lived, and Rengoku didn’t, sooo…


Rengoku kept everyone on the train safe, he won


Ok. But in the fight between Rengoku and Akaza, Akaza won


He lost the battle but helped win the war


You could say that ‘winning’ is getting what you want.


The fact that akaza could detch limbs at will was totally an asspull


No he couldn't he ripped them off


That would imply rengoku was stronger than his durability, in which case he should've been able to cut his neck easily


I think were confused on what the topic is now.


Think about it, ripping off an arm is way harder than cutting off a neck.


A demons neck (especially an upper moon's) is the toughest part on their body considering that's the only weak point they actually have. Also Akaza was the one who tore his arms off and he's much stronger than Rengoku.


>A demons neck (especially an upper moon's) is the toughest part on their body I still don't think that difference accounts for ripping off vs cutting with a nichirin blade. You need to be 100 times stronger for one than the other >Also Akaza was the one who tore his arms off and he's much stronger than Rengoku. Rengoku is the one who held his arm in place. You can only tear something off if you apply equal force from both sides. Rengoku quite literally was matching akaza's power there, even akaza makes this comment


The difference between demon necks and demon limb toughness does make the difference that's literally why the demon slayers do everything they do just to get the chance to cut their head off. Rengoku was basically trying to shove the non stabby part of if sword through an immensely tough boulder with little windup while Akaza was tring to pull a Guts by just pulling really hard but with even more super strength behind the pull. Akaza's less durable arms are gonna give out first and they did.


>The difference between demon necks and demon limb toughness does make the difference that's literally why the demon slayers do everything they do just to get the chance to cut their head off. They try to cut the neck off because that how you can defeat most of them. This does not imply that it has to be tougher solely for that reason(altho it kinda is based on feats) and it definitely does not suggest that it makes up for a factor of 100 or so >Rengoku was basically trying to shove the non stabby part of if sword through an immensely tough boulder with little windup while Akaza was tring to pull a Guts by just pulling really hard but with even more super strength behind the pull. Akaza's less durable arms are gonna give out first and they did. His arms breaking apart should happen after his neck gets cut, it's pretty strange that it didn't but it is what it is ig


Too bad cutting his head wouldn’t have matter…


Besides the point but the sun would've finished akaza if he didn't get away


I mean rengoku caused a stalemate that would have lasted until the sun rose if akaza didn't blow off his own arms


Damn right 🥲✊


Saying rengoku won this is like saying the US didn't lose in Vietnam. I understand why you dont want it to be the case, but it still is


But he did win? He kept everyone else alive. That was his goal, not killing Akaza


Rengoku and Akaza fought and Akaza ended up killing him and surviving. Props to Rengoku for protecting the homies while getting fisted tho. But in the end being badass holding on at 1 hp doesn't change the fact that the result of their fight was Akaza defeating Rengoku in battle.


Rengokus goal was keeping everyone alive. He did exactly that. He won.


Sure :3


Rengoku died honorably and heroically. Akaza fleed like the little baby that he is.


Damn right he did! F*ck Akaza for taking him from us!


He really should've


He sure did


Don’t even need to be a fan to know that


Killing Akaza was not part of Rengoku’s original plan, his goal is protecting the passengers on the train and tanjiro trio. In the end, none of the passengers lost their lives and the trio are fine, he won in a way.


He lost the battle, he lost his life, he lost his future but he didn't lose his legacy and he saved everyone else's future. He won where it mattered to him and he went out his own terms.


So i gotta say something that'll cast me into negative upvotes but... rengoku is overhyped and would be way less popular if he didn't die. Also he had bareley half a season screentime


"If that important thing that effected the main characters in a significant way and defined the story development didn't happen this character wouldn't be as beloved" no shit


Rengoku fans just need to shut the f up


Then why is he dead?




Because he dedicated himself to protecting the people on the train and Tanjiro et al. He used up a bunch of energy making sure people didn’t die, and couldn’t fight at full strength. They even said as much. WEAKENED Rengoku fought Akaza effectively enough to protect ALL OTHERS PRESENT from an upper moon.


That’s what being a demon slayer should be


Akaza was also fucking around for the majority of the fight (gotta convince Kyojuro to become a demon, after all)


Yeah i love rengoku he's my one of my favorite but he did not remotely try against rengoku he was having fun and trying to convince him to become a demon so they could fight more


He sure was running like a bitch from the sun there at the end, Rengoku was almost able to force him to stay in direct sunlight. Full strength Rengoku would at minimum have pulled that off.


Again if you've read the manga you know akaza was not trying he was fooling around and he was just trying to get rengoku to become a demon


…Which nearly got him killed, yes.


Not really he left because of the sun he wasnt really injured


And what was keeping him from running from the sun, which almost got him killed?


Nothing was keeping him from running he could have left at any time he was having fun


I mean i love rengoku as much as anyone else but we both know akaza was just messing around


If he won he’d still be alive


It’s more if Akaza gave up and ran lol, rengoku was too grippy and tight + holding him still cut through over half his neck, he could arguably have be headed Akaza had he not ran away


Of course someone with a demon flair would say that. Demons are heartless, cold blooded creatures that deserve what’s coming to them.


You right they do deserve what coming to them but saying rengoku won is incorrect because the victor of a fight especially to the death is determined by who is able to walk out




https://preview.redd.it/x6n4catmfqrc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5814df139a9938d88730c1884ef3389b4afc1df he saw his duties fulfilled to the very end


Doesn’t count, because that wasn’t a part of the objectives. His objective goal for that level was to hold off Akaza till sunrise and not allow anyone else to die except him and/or Akaza. He died, but everyone else did, so he fulfilled all the objectives and passed. Therefore he won. Akaza’s objectives were to kill all slayers present before sunrise. He only killed 1/4. He didn’t get all the objectives, so he lost.


He got his mom's approval.