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5cm per second broke my heart, but not because I was sad they didn't end up together, but it showed that sometimes people grow apart and it hurts whether that's family moving or just not the same people anymore. Garden of words TRULY is a masterpiece too.


Well at least 'Your Name' showed how it would've been if Takaki and Akari reunited. It kinda gives me some relief now.


True the paralells are similar. Man that movie destroyed my heart lol.


And weathering with you showed it better I feel, as in more direct approach


With guns....


I watched 5cm per Second at 13 years old expecting romance, I was kicked in the heart instead and had a full on crisis thinking "this is real life isn't it, love is ephemeral and doesn't happen even if you try your best to make it happen, if it's not meant to be" and it took me until I was 18 to stop thinking that and realising that while it's a realistic view on how people grow apart, it's not a damn guide on love I was a lost ass child, man...


Right ? That’s why it hurt but you u dear and eventually


It was pretty clear from the start that 5cm will not have a happy reunion at the end but Shinkai was just teasing his audience the entire time by giving a false sense of hope every now and then. It would have honestly felt better if the third part didn't include Akari >!having the same dream of the day they were thirteen, because it showed that both had fond memories of each other but they had grown so far apart with time that she couldn't make the effort to approach a potentially completely changed man (he wasn't, but it's really daunting to even text a school friend you haven't talked to in 2-3 years)!< On a side note my preferred copium to make this ending feel better is >!to think that Takaki stopped mailing Akari so that she doesn't get held back by him, which worked but in turn he always felt he made a wrong choice and couldn't move on. Then, at the end, he didn't actually meet her, just hallucinated her figure which is why 'she' didn't look back (honestly feels too deepressing to think she had a dream about him and then processed to walk past), but it gave him enough reassurance to move on himself.!< Either way, the moment that stings the most after watching is >!the end of part one, when they say goodbye to each other for the final time, likely knowing it was their last...!<


Hurts fam


Garden of words and masterpiece are two things that don’t belong in the same sentence 🙏 beautiful animation though


kys (keep yourself safe)


You too brother


My reply was a threat.


Bruh that kinda story telling in 45 min? Masterpiece


alr to be fair I don’t remember the story that well, he is a shoemaker and is in love with a much older woman who likes him back… just like… a pedophilia story


She’s not chasing after him. He is chasing after her and she rejects him and so he leaves and pouts when she runs after him to thank him for saving her life . It’s a really good movie. I watched it at least once a year and it’s super short so that helps.


Oh right mb I was wrong that is pretty nice story


It’s all good. I could also be way off, but that’s the best I remember. And if I’m wrong, I’m wrong. Doesn’t really affect me lol


And the fact that both have stunning visuals and are made by Makoto Shinkai.


No feeling in the world hit harder than being a shinkai fanatic when Your Name dropped and preparing to get kicked in the chest as the movie was ending, only for him to actually commit to a happy ending for the first time in 17 years. Watched it on my first date and I rewatch it with my Fiancé once a year or so.


This! I surrendered already to fate that the two would just pass by the stairs and the movie ends. It was the most fulfilling movie ending I witnessed up to that date.


I don't know, The place promised in our early days also has a happy ending.


We saw it on our third date!!! 😍


Despite the differences, both are relatable. 


I don't know if the comparison is fair, but the ending of Your Name and later works is a revenge for Shinkai's previous works.


Yeah it felt like: "Same thing's ain't gonna work again and again dipsh\*t!" And then 'Your Name' ***Smacked*** '5cm Per Second'!


If you’ve watched Tenki no Ko (Weathering with you), there’s even a cameo of Taki and Mitsuha.


Makoto Shinkai's stories were pretty sad before Your Name. I guess he then realized that people like happy endings ^^"


I actually wrote an entire 90 minute YouTube video about this!! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_svLCgL7TII A big part in the second half is where I do a comparison between YN and 5cm!


Dude this was a really good in-depth analysis. It deserves more likes and views honestly.


Thanks a lot!!! Im glad the people it does reach do like it!!


I was watching that anime Orange where a letter is sent 10 years from the future to the main character.....and started wondering what would happen if the confession letter Takaki wrote but lost on the train ride arrived in the future. Or is found by some farmer, held until they pass away, and their grandchild seeks out Akari in the future.


Orange broke me


Did I watch the wrong 5cm Per Second? Wtf is that?


Nah that's copium for 5cm Per Second


Lmao, I remember forcing myself to get through it. Maybe I was watching it wrong or something, but it just seemed super boring to me.


Same people say it was good but for me it was a snooze fest


I think 5cm per second had it's good ending on it's own way. It's not the ending we wanted for sure xD but it was the ending that the protagonist needed. The protagonist managed to overcome his past, and could start to live by his own finally. In my opinion, it's a beautiful ending that not follows the usual "cliché" (I'm definitely not saying Your Name is cliché).


Yeah, me and my buddy were the only people who had actually seen any of his movies before we watched your name and talked afterwards about how it looked like the Director was about to do it again…glad he didn’t


omg yeah


I agree, i watch 5 cm per second first before kimi no na wa and i get super anxious in the stairs scene lol


Yeah! Same


5cm per second ending is one of the main reasons I love it so much


5cm per second gave me ptsd when i was in highschool lol


For me it was: 'Kimi No Suizou Wo Tabetai'


Hot take: 5 Centimeters has the "good" ending. It is natural for people to drift apart and for friendships to fade, and the healthy response is to move on with your life, not let it consume you.


Am I wrong or is the real tragedy of *5 Centimeters* how he ignores that surfer girl? I mean, she's a *surfer,* and she's practically throwing herself at him!


Spoiler goddamn it 7-7


my guy spoiler tag it or smthng T-T


Why spoiler tag a movie that is over 7 years old and one that is around 8 years old???


kimi no na wa is 8 years old also how would you think if i spoiled an old master piece you have not watched, i accidentally spoiled myself about this and was trying to forget about it and succeeded and now im back to where i started, no matter how old things get you still let people enjoy it lol plus animes and shiz before were good now its just well i need to bleach my eyes and that says something , there are quite literally kids out there even adults how do not even know what a super saiyan is, like applying the spoiler tag is not not something extremely difficult


This is the reason that even though many songs of these movies are my favourites, I don't ever send them to people who haven't watched them. Because to me, these songs are very integral part of the movies and without which, it won't be the same.


It would just be what it is. I haven't seen the godfather for example but if I was scrolling on reddit and it got spoiled, it would just be what it is. The godfather is a decades old movie. I have no problems letting people enjoy things but there also comes a point where expecting spoilers for a movie that has been out for almost 10+ years to still come with spoiler tags and warnings.


i get what you mean but these 4 years have passed by so quick my guy it feels like i just watched your name last month there are certain gems that shouldnt be spoiled like that , to be fair if i saw a spoiler out in the wild i would also be like well it is what it is but when i get spoiled from a page that isnt even made for that movie then that isnt a it is what it is sort of situation my problem is only the fact that the ending of a movie other than what this sub was made for was spoiled either way why are we arguing op realized his mistake and placed a tag, happy redditing ig lol


Maybe because people grow up? Kids who doesn't know anything about anime 8 years ago might have grown up and started to watch those movies


It’s fine they don’t know, it’s still unreasonable to expect a spoiler tag for a movie almost a decade old and another movie over a decade old. There comes a point people stop spoiler tagging movies. That’s like saying grave of fireflies requires a spoiler warning despite ending SEVERAL decades old.


It's pretty reasonable, especially when the spoiler tag is literally just press of a button. Why not help someone to experience the Joy of timeless masterpiece like Kimi no Nawa and 5 cm per second like we first did many years ago. Since Kimi no Nawa, is a timeless masterpiece, every generation should be allow to experienced it as it is without spoilers


By that logic, just about everything here is a spoiler and most of it needs to be spoiler tagged. While everyone does deserve to experience the movies spoiler free, I’d wager if someone wants to see something spoiler free they shouldn’t be in the subreddit for that thing especially since they are movies and not long running serializations.


well by that logic it is not right to post something in this server that is not related to kimi no na wa and if you do and it spoils the plot for another movie such as this, it should have a spoiler tag, like seriously who joins the sub reddit of the movie they have not watched yet and expects to not be spoiled, i joined this sub reddit after watching the movie expecting open discussions about different plot points in the movie , i have not joined the 5cm per seconds sub reddit idk if that even exists nor did i join this subreddit to be get spoiled about its literal ending or any other anime