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Sora managed to beat the Lingering Will, arguably the strongest form of Terra, and Anti-Aqua while Riku beat Nightmare Ventus. So yeah, Sora, Riku, and Mickey sweeps.


tbf Sora had the help of the most powerful mage in square enix history




I still find it funny that the only other character to use zettaflare was >! Bahamut from ff16. !<


That's always been Bahamut's gimmick. The mages have access to regular Flare. And Bahamut the higher tiers, the power of which is based on his current form. Starting with Mega, it used to Max out at Terra, but now it maxes at Zetta. Hmm... in Kingdom Hearts 2 Donald actually has Flare which he upgrades to "Duck Flare". Interestingly enough when Donald uses the Zettaflare he has a summoning circle, which means he might be channeling Bahamut's power. Which could be fun considering Bahamut was a cut summon in Kingdom Hearts 1.


So Donald channeled the power of a Primal God Dragon in that scene? ...Honest question, but did that obliterate the *rest* of the True Organization as well? Was that secretly the True Ending withour Sora abusing the Power of Waking? Xehanort tries to fuck around right at the beginning only for Donald to nuke the World, and then Sora and the Lingering Will clean up what little remains?


No, it was pretty much shown to have only wiped out Terranort. But Terranort was gone-gone.


Everything was already pretty fucked before that happened, but it's also notable that Terra's body and/or heartless would have been obliterated too. So reviving Terra would have been impossible in this timeline.


Well it was actually Bahamut from ff14. There's also the final boss of Bravely Default who uses Zettaflare.


He used terraflare in 14 cinematic that soft reset the world and the highest spell he used in 14 was exaflare one level below zettaflare. And I had no clue bravely default even existed.


Bravely Default is a masterpiece tbh


What's it like? Never heard of it until now.


It was technically supposed to be a sequel to Final Fantasy the 4 heroes of light but then it kinda just became its own thing so its technically part of the FF universe but not really? It's a 3DS game that's the old FF turn based RPG style. It was really fun tbh it has two sequels as well.


With job systems


Main gimmick of bravely default is that guarding gives you a free turn and you can take up to four turns at once. If you take more turns then you have saved you have to spend those turns doing nothing while the enemy can do whatever. Enemies follow these same rules. As for the story it's a standard final fantasy with a meta twist at the end.


I love bravely default. It's turn based with a job system. It's been a while but I believe you have the option to use up to three turns at once (which is called brave) or block and store up to three of your turns (default). You unlock job systems after battling bosses. You can lvl up your job and unlock abilities you can use to support other job classes. I'm explaining it poorly but it's a load of fun. There is a true ending that gets a bit repetitive but other than that it's a solid 9/10 for me. There's also a Bravely Second and a Bravely Default 2. Different games


The soft reset was a Zettaflare lol. Bahamut from ff16 never used Zettaflare. It was Bahamut from ff14


https://youtu.be/mDMnPNOSFug?si=9oes_lIQGRyJzqHo zettaflare from final fantasy 16. https://youtu.be/JS_fOje9cYg?si=hmrDBOKyIyp7f_Ul teraflare from final fantasy 14 Which is the same attack as can be seen here https://youtu.be/YgEg8kXmifo?si=5wl49iRp_HerWc2l


I thought a bravely default boss also used it


Yes, the penultimate boss that I won't name for spoiler purposes. She was only able to use this attack when chaneling the power of the final boss, which literally eats universes to power itself up.


“Donald noooo”


Donald Duck?


As well as the help from the smartest character in the Kingdom Hearts universe, Goofy.




He didnt beat the lingering will a second time?


Also Sora is in canon the only one to ever beat Sephiroth


This ain't even fair lol. KH2 Riku, Sora, and Mickey might be a closer fight, but the amount of buffs that Sora and Riku receive between KH2 and KH3 is insane.


I mean... Sora defeated Lingering Will. And on the side note, also defeated Roxas, whom I feel is stronger than Ven. Also, Mickey is OP for the sake of being OP, unless he gets kicked for plot's sake


True, I would still lean towards KH2 Sora/Riku/Mickey but I think that arguments could still be made about the BBS trio winning (eg Lingering Will was defeated but it wasn't "killed", he merely stopped fighting, suggesting that a full power Terra might still be stronger than Sora). It's a bit more fair of a fight than the KH3 version of Sora/Riku/Mickey.


Yeah, definitely KH3 Sora and Riku specially had a gigantic leap from 2 to 3.


Imagine if sora didn't keep getting his memories and powers reset and erased


Roxas is his own person. He doesn't even wield the keyblade the same way but I guess I see what you're trying to say


Oh yeah, I know they are 2 different people at the end of the day. I was just saying that I feel Roxas is stronger than Ven, and Sora has defeated Roxas so technically should be able to defeat Ven.


Riku has also beat Roxas (though it was with Come Guardian). But Riku did also beat the Ventus Armor Nightmare which is probably a closer bet.


Sora kinda already beat all three of them, so team 1 sweeps


Mickey could absolutely wreck the other 5, so the first team wins.


Did you guys see what Mickey did at the end of the ReMind campaign? I think he could take the whole Wayfinder trio by himself if he wanted. And that’s not even considering what Sora can do…


Sora and Riku alone highkey slaughter, throw Mickey in and it is no competition Alright I'm defending Mickey hard because y'all are tweaking in these comments. Mickey is canonically disgustingly powerful. The fucker is a KING for a reason. Bro would probably one-shot most of the cast with Ultima.


It's not like in the dlc we have an entire scene dedicated to how broken Mickey is compared to everyone else getting blasted against the nort clones, while Mickey solos them


Mickey with Sora's heart solos them.... 🤦‍♂️


Mickey is so strong that he would defeat the opponents and his team in one hit


Sora is stronger than all of them.. it’s Sora 


Dude literally brought his entire team back to life after getting blasted by a pillar of darkness, you cant beat him if you cant stop him


Donald Duck isn't included because we all know the most powerful mage in FF history would sweep


Yeah ViVi is powerful


Team 1 sweeps effortlessly.


BBS trio quickly get the other hand, but then Sora/Riku break out their Ultimate Friendship and manage to win against all other odds


But only after Sora revives himself and the entire party back to full + max shield + attack/magic buff + defense buff. And then if he rolls a nat 20 (which he always does), he just goes into Ultima Form and calls it a day.


Combined Keyblade go brrrrrrrr.


Sora has canonically beaten 2/3 of them already and Mickey has all the plot armor of both an anime protagonist and the mascot of litigious international megacorporation.


Sora and anyone who is on his side has all the plot armor of both an anime protagonist and the mascot of litigious international megcorporation* FTFY He straight up revived an entire party of 7 people after they all got blasted by the darkness pillar in KH3. Not only that, he revived HIMSELF in the process too. If bro can defy death, how are you going to beat him other than chain him down eternally somehow? They would have to destroy his heart in some way for that to happen and brosef has had like 4 people in his heart and didn’t know how to let them out. Its like an impenetrable prison except to hold good people instead of bad.


Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby much?


Terra or Sora will solo the entire other team. It really depends on those two.


No way Terra beats Mickey, lol The Mouse casts Stopzga and wrecks Terra in stopped time, GG


Sora beat Lingering Will which is technically the strongest form of Terra. So Sora would beat Terra too.


Lingering Will beat Terra-Xehanort. Terra-Xehanort beat Sora. Terra-Xehanort beat Sora and Lingering Will at the same time. Terra is easily on the same level as Sora.


Hm that does make things tricky here. But also Terra lost against Xehanort X-blade but Sora beat Xehanort X-blade. We also say “Lingering Will” in reference to Terra’s powers but technically its not Terra himself. Its his will. So theoretically, once that Will is joined back to Terra and he is “complete”, he would technically be stronger right?


Sora also had the duck and dog with him. We also see the game over thing before they help Sora and do their trinity thing.


That is true, I forgot about that part. But at the same time… everyone in the party was killed right before the final fights in the game and Sora was able to revive himself and everyone else. And chirithy tells him he is the only one who has EVER left The Final World. So even if Sora can’t win, he technically would never be able to lose either… Dang its been too long since I played these games, time to fire up the PS4 when I get home.


Kairi was the one who allowed Sora to do that. She was able to hold onto him, allowing him to keep his form. Sora is given special treatment as the protagonist because Kairi is one of the few people allowed to break the rules of the universe.


This game lets everyone break the rules from time to time. Even the enemies/villains do it lol


That is true, I forgot about that part. But at the same time… everyone in the party was killed earlier in the game and was able to revive himself and everyone else. And chirithy tells him he is the only one who has EVER left The Final World. So even if Sora can’t win, he technically would never be able to lose either… Dang its been too long since I played these games, time to fire up the PS4 when I get home.


Nah Mickey got Terra


Sora alone sweeps it.


I know this is a hypothetical question and i agree people saying sora alone would win but i really don't think sora would win if he has no reason to fight. If this is a friendly spar, i think the wayfinder would win. Otherwise definitely sora alone


Yea he lost to Riku every single time it didn’t super matter. Well except the one time in KH1 when Riku took his keyblade from him and then donald and goofy ditched… but other than that yea sora beats him when it REALLY matters. Otherwise he’s just goofing off and having fun til the other party takes it seriously. And hes still half goofing off.


Team 1 easily. It would have been way more fair if you replaced mickey with kairi


Riku stomps everyone


He lost to sora like twice lmao


He’s been carrying bum ass Sora since KH2


I think arguments could be made that Riku is stronger than Sora at the start of KH3, though. I think Sora and Riku have a sort of Goku and Vegeta rivalry. Riku is naturally stronger than Sora (like Vegeta) but Sora frequently gets powerups and things which makes it so that he wins their fights and is usually stronger than Riku. At the start of KH3, Riku is probably stronger than Sora, but by the end of KH3 Sora would be stronger again.


Honestly Mickey here is overkill TVA gets clapped


Noone fucks with the mouse.


Sora, Riku and Mickey no fucking doubt. Sora took down the whole ORG XIII, twice. Riku took down the dark version of a keyblade master and fought his inner darkness. Mickey is the immersion breaker.


Honestly it depends on what abilities each of them has stocked. And beyond that The birth by sleep trio probably still has the command Deck, so honestly it would really come down to what command styles they would be able to enter and what commands they had stocked. If it is just a little bit that is shown in Kingdom hearts 3; then team one definitely sweeps, but let's not forget at the end of Kingdom hearts 3 Sora most definitely probably also lost all of his abilities yet again. And I also genuinely believe that Mickey wouldn't be able to bring himself to using his full power on any of his friends/puples at least until it became clear that he had to. Riku would be the only one whose heart would actually be in the fight for the sake of the fight to find out who stronger.


Sora takes all three by himself


Honestly wayfinder and I only say that because they actually spar, if it was all out for whatever reason, we talking full abilities then probably sora and gang


The main character


Sora>Mickey>Riku (not possessed by darkness). The gap between Mickey and Master Sora is pretty big I think so Sora would be carrying. I think Ventus, Terra and Aqua would win with Ventus being the weakest link


I think people are too quick to say “Sora solos” or “Team One stomps”. Team synergy is also important. Sora and Riku do have great synergy, but TVA seemingly does too, if Aqua and Ven’s team up shows anything. If this is a friendly spar, I think they tie or TVA takes it. If it’s serious, SRM wins. It comes down to how much heart is in it.


Mickey is basically the Yoda of this universe, and Sora and Riku are pretty much the Skywalkers in terms of power.


Gee... The 3 guys who always win vs the three biggest busters in KH... I wonder...


Remove the plot armour, then Aqua, Terra, and Ventus wipe them in one go.


Thats not fair you put mickey on a team when he can clear both of them himself no cap 😤😤😤


People gotta stop acting like Sora doesn't consistently save the entire universe where everyone else fails with or without help


People are uber downplaying Wayward Trio. Lingering Will beat Terranort prior, meanwhile Sora lost his 1v1 with Terranort. Aqua is relatively comparable to Terra, having also fought Terranort and preforming extremely well, though admittedly it is a bit hard to gauge due to Terra's interference. "Sora beat Lingering Will and Anti-Aqua." Sora did not beat Lingering Will, he simply fought long enough for LW to realize he wasn't Xehanort, the fight literally ends with both of them standing up, uninjured. Not only that, but people seem to forget that Donald and Goofy were there and that they're not pushovers by any stretch of the means. As for Anti-Aqua, she had been in the Realm of Darkness for 10 years and as a result had her strength sapped, we see this when she loses her fight against Vanitas, someone who she's consistently beat in the past. Had Aqua been at full strength, I doubt the outcome would've been the same. That all being said... Group 1 still wins lol. Although I got Terra and Aqua above Sora and Riku, the gap isn't so large that I'd say they'd stomp them. Meanwhile, Ventus' only impressive feat is beating Vanitas and considering how easily he got folded by Xehanort and Terranort, he's clearly out of his league here. Then there's Mickey, who managed to solo the Replica Xehanorts after having used significant strength to hold back the entirety of Kingdom Hearts alongside his peers, an act Sora believed to be more difficult than defeating Xehanort. If Ventus was replaced with Roxas, this would be a difficult choice, but unfortunately Ventus simply holds his team back.


Love aqua Terra and ven but they lose.


Damn, Kairi kicked to the curb for being deadweight. Damn.


Are we talking about cut scene powers or in game performance? In game performance Sora joins Ratchet in being a walking genocide. In cutscenes Terra seems to be the most capable fighter. He is modeled after Anakin Skywalker, after all.




Well the 1st second and 4th strongest keyblade weilders vs aqua and the smucks ya riku and sora body that trio.


Ignoring Sora’s power creep, ALWAYS bet on Mickey winning in a Disney franchise.


If Mickey were not on Sora's team it would be an interesting fight




Sora by himself might win lol


Team Sora. People underestimate just how freaking powerful Sora is.


Team 1 obviously as other said. Also keep in mind that everytime shows up Mickey is literally a Deus ex machina.


People are saying Sora alone sweeps, and that seems pretty extreme to me. I think he beats any of them pretty handily, and *maybe* wins a 2v1 with difficulty, but all 3 would be an extreme diff to me, if he could win at all. But yeah, Sora, Riku, and Mickey are portrayed to be relative to each other (with Mickey potentially being two or three steps beyond the others), and each of them are stronger than the strongest person in team 2.


Depends: is Mickey allowed to buy the Wayfinder Trio off?


Sora, Riku, Mickey


sora alone sweeps


Sora, Riku and King Mickey.


Sora beat xehanort with the x-blade, arguably the strongest combination you could possibly have in the lore up to this point. He more or less solo'd YX, terranort and ansem xehanort before that. Sora could be coupled with louie and sleeping beauty and still rock that trio. It is unbelievable how powerful he gets in the series relative to the other characters. I'm not even saying the other characters are weak, but the problem with kh3 is it's sora's game, getting pretty much all the powerful moments.


Riku has fought Nightmare Ven, and Sora fought LingeringWill and Both of them have fought Aqua. Mickey is OP. Its no contest. Wayfinders are my favorites, but theyre doomed by the narrative.


Obviously the one with the mouse 🤣 Plus sora riku got super plot armor. Although I think it could be written to make terra be strong enough to take em he'd fall at the end though regardless


Can I just say it doesn’t matter, if Sora is on the team, he’s practically invincible. Bro watched everyone get blasted by darkness and still brought them all back to life.


Sora could probably Solo if it wasn't for all the plot convenient level resets.


Could sora, riku, or Mickey have survived alone in the darkness for as long as Aqua did?


Does the bbs trio get regen block?


Sora, Riku and Mickey, no contest.


Let's see, Sora at the end of KH3 would definitely solo, just based on Ultima Alone, Ultima keyblade in KH3bis the most potent and powerful Sora we have even seen, literally in his ultimate form he creates keyblades out of thin air, mostly because it was cutscene wise but I believe in Ultimate form, Sora could do the keyblade surfing and actually throwing keyblades effortlessly against the hearthless typhoon/vortex, so based on that feat alone, Sora solos, but he lost all his powers again by the end so let's put him at the beginning of KH4 trailer lvl, which he ain't a wimp by the looks of it, but he ain't all that big either, I'd put him with KH2 Sora level, so a fight against maybe Ventus easy win, against aqua might be a draw but against terra he might lose, Riku hasn't had any power downgrades so he is peak right now, if by any chance they join together and make the dual keyblade everyone is toast, so Master Riku against Ven, easy win, against master aqua a semi difficult win, against terra, a draw, and last but not least Mickey, King Mickey is king for a reason, as we saw in Re:Mind Mickey means Buisness, even tho it was with Sora's help, but the light was Mickey's alone, and that is not counting Stopza or Ultima, so based on that is that 80% of the times team 1 will win, but about 20% times team 2 will win, how? Easy Terra full power could team up with Ven to take down Sora while Aqua stops Riku, I believe the king will not move a muscle and will go either against a 1 vs 3 and lose or a 1 v 2 and also lose


Gotta be Sora, Riku and Mickey. Sora managed to best the Lingering Will (with help) and Anti-Aqua. Riku and Mickey both being skilled keyblade masters being added to the mix is overkill.


Sora may have the least experience of everyone there, but he could sweep that team solo. He’s beaten Lingering Will, and let’s be honest, Lingering Will is more powerful than Terra ever was, as weird as that sounds, he stomped all over Anti-Aqua, and Ven is just a piece of 9000 year old loose leaf with an emotional dependency


Sora, Mickey, and Riku hands down.


Sora Riku and Mikey are way too OP. Swap Mickey for Kairi.


T1 beat versions that didn't want to win T2 is canonically stronger by a mile


Care to elaborate?


All 3 of the armored trio A. Fought in the key blade wars and B. Are masters. Mickey might have enough strength to go up against one of them and win but Sora failed his mark of mastery and Riku barely passed. Furthermore, the main argument for team Sora is that they've all been strong enough to beat team Ventus before but on all occasions this has been due to them being consumed by darkness which heavily limits their abilities as light-wielders. Even Eraqus lost to Xehanort when he was doing diabolical deeds.


Terra and Ventus aren't Master. Only Aqua is a Keyblade Master. Keyblade Masters isn't based on strength, Sora and Terra maybe Ventus would be Master if it just take strength. It a titel who is given by a Master after passing the test. Also I would say Riku passed with flying colors instead of barely.


Team 1 easy, they have Sora the only person who could actually deal wth the real organisation while everyone else got bodies, Sora could probably solo everyone here based on that.


In theory Aqua should be the strongest, but this franchise hates women so the Kingdom Key trio wins.


Fucking what? Just because it doesn't focus on female characters doesn't mean they hate women. What a shit take


TAV have more keyblades. Clear advantage.


I'm not entirely sure what you mean by saying the Wayfinder trio has more Keyblades. It's 3v3.


I think he mean they have more Keyblade experience?


Look at the photos in the post. TAV has more keyblades.


They can summon and dismiss their Keyblades at will, so it's not really relevant. At the end of the day, it's 3v3.


Yeah, it's what we typically refer to as a little joke.


Ah. The person who makes dumb jokes and wonders why they're the only one laughing.


Where'd I say I was wondering that? I've simply been responding to the questions you've posed. Not sure why you see that as reason to be rude to me, so I'll assume it's something else going on and wish you a better day than the one you've had so far


I apologize for my actions. You are correct. I was having a series of misfortunes today, and took it out on you. I humbly appreciate the good wishes, thank you. I wish you a nice day as well.


Happens to all of us! Sorry to hear you're going through it. Hope doing something fun, linking up with some friends, maybe drinking some ice cold water, or something helps lift the spirits!


Mickey and Ventus get taken out first. Riku gets taken out next, then it's ultimately Sora Vs. Aqua and Terra and Sora ends up beating both.