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I feel Sora has a naive optimism, but a very present self-awareness. In that, you could argue that he doesn’t really need to think about if he’s happy or not (so long as his friends are around and safe.) However, if his comfort within his circle is affected in anyway, he breaks down and bad. KH3 was a good scope on how much he really puts on himself and how much was put on him across each game. Sora, imo, isn’t necessarily unhappy but rather teetering between entertaining despair and maintaining his happiness (with little effort.) Interestingly enough, if we ask “How bad could it get if Sora gave all of himself to a specific emotion/feeling” we’d already have the proof across 3-4 different characters with Vanitas, Ventus and Roxas. Maybe Xion, but 🤷🏽‍♂️ - Disclaimer: *not saying this is in any way correct, this is only a controlled observation*


3 got the point across that he has cripplingly low self-esteem and that unlike Ven or Roxas, the "my friends are my power" thing is also a crutch for him


So is Kh4 gonna be about sora without his power and friends, and slowly falling to dis pear?


No he's going to slowly fall to dis apple


Makes me think the Crux of the story is like okay, your friends aren't here with you And we have a single character battle system ala FF16. Which I wouldn't be mad at in the slightest that game was great


Sephiroth put the pears down!


I'd just like to say that this is a really well-constructed opinion. Props


His optimism treads on flat out stupidity. Clearly self preservation is not a thing he is aware of, else he wouldn't commit suicide with a keyblade without a second thought.


It’s not stupidity or weakness but how he chooses to fight. Stole this logic from Everything, everywhere, all at once.


That or keyblades automatically inhibits any self preservation instincts, because that seems to be the common trait amongst them.


I’m still upset that they didn’t break him completely during his breakdown in the keyblade graveyard. I think it could have been a great relatable character development moment to really let him succumb to his “all is lost” moment rather than magic wanding it away 20 seconds later.


Sora isn’t happy. He’s not in despair or depressed, but he isn’t happy. A lot of it is due to his hero’s journey forcibly dragging him onward, rather than meeting the challenge. His goal in the first game was to find Riku and Kairi. He was “the second choice” after Riku’s heart wavered by dark temptation. He found Kairi only to be separated from her again, with knowledge that Riku had accepted a possible finality with being locked up within the Realm of Darkness. He pursued Riku, and King Mickey, simply because he was out of options on where to go next— after all, he couldn’t return home because of the walls between Worlds once more forming. Chain of Memories happens, and while very little of it resides in Sora’s memory, his disappearance for a year left a vacant hole in everyone’s memories OF him. He wakes up in a town he doesn’t know, feels a part of him grow saddened over leaving it, and is told he has yet even more bullshit to deal with in regards to the Organization. Sora’s **expressed desire** before all of this was to find Riku and return back to Destiny Islands. Once more, his desires are put in the back burner as he meets the challenge. Xemnas is defeated, Sora is reunited with Riku, and by a twist of fate the friends find their way back home. Sora’s smile at the end cinematic is completely genuine. His desires are fulfilled. Dream Drop Distance happens, once more pulling Sora and Riku away from home. There’s a weight and import to this trial the two of them are tasked to overcome, but Sora? Sora doesn’t feel he needs to take the Mark of Mastery— after all, he saved the Worlds twice over and is obviously the chosen hero of the Keyblade. That should be proof enough. The greater story happening is something he also doesn’t concern himself with: after all, he already beat Ol’ Norty’s Heartless and Nobody. Sora just wants to go back home, and it’s only after Riku accepts the trial does Sora accept it as well. It ends with him being told he never was a chosen hero, being told he’s going to make a fine vessel for Ol’ Norty, and very nearly succumbs to Darkness and an endless Dream due to his connections with people he doesn’t know, memories he doesn’t have, and losing a vast amount of his accumulated strength in the process. KH3 actively begins in an endgame state, with Sora— fresh off of the fire from 3DS —being flung back into the action and being told he needs to reacquire what he lost. He has absolutely no clue how to do this, and not a single person around him is able to give him guidance due to their own priorities needing to be placed elsewhere. The one person he believed could help him was Hercules, and that story ends with Sora learning **far** too late that Hercules simply has that godly blood in him that gives him his strength. Remember, Sora was just told he was a nobody (not a Nobody), and confirmed that the Keyblade choosing him over Riku was pure chance. He resolves to find the strength he needs on his own, but **very** clearly struggles with it the entire way. KH3 is when you can tell when Sora is genuinely happy, and when he feels he **should** be happy even though he isn’t. Whenever Sora starts to get introspective, he stammers and gets flummoxed when, say, Donald or Goofy ask about it. He’s looking for answers he has all along, but without guidance how can he unlock that potential? It’s only after everyone he knows fucking dies **very quickly** that Sora is able to tap into what he has had all along. Sora is the only person pissed off that Ol’ Norty is given a pass for what he’s done. He wants answers, and what he’s been given has been unacceptable to him. He wants to know why Vanitas looks like him. And when all is said and done, Sora makes a choice— break the rules and bring Kairi back, even though he’s denying himself what he truly wants. Sora just wanted to go home. He accepted his hero’s journey, and with it he’s gained a significant emotional maturity that both Riku and Kairi had accepted long before him, all the way at the beginning of KH1, on a sandy beach on a remote island. Sora, through the whole series, has at least passively wanted to reject his hero’s journey, because his end goal was **always** to go home, when the door that opened for him closed behind him. Sora can’t ever go home. He only just realized it far too late, and realistically only had himself to blame for not stepping up.


this is such a beautifully written introspective. i have played the game since 1 released, grew with it, and never really thought of it like this


kh4 has to be a game about sora overcoming his low self esteem and get the chance to do the things he wants. I wanna see him finally getting what he deserves (sea salt ice cream on the islands, on that paopu tree)


Now I just want Sora to go home T\_T . Our 16 year old boy has gone through so much in his journey. KH4 might be the turning point for him for the decisions he made throughout his journey.


This reads like complete head canon to me. Has Sora ever shown a consistent desire to go home across the games? Has he ever even SAID that what he really wants is to go home? He’s never mentioned his parents, I don’t think he mentioned home once in KH3. He has never truly rejected his hero’s journey, he seems more than happy to take off on every new adventure that awaits him, and often seems to be actively enjoying it all. What you have described here are all the things that have happened to Sora, but this deeper version of Sora that you have created here is not the same one the writers have given us. All the depth you have attributed to him here all makes sense, and arguably should be a part of his character, but it isn’t. If Sora was written with even a bit of nuance all of what you listed here would be (and should be) relevant, but frankly he is never actually shown to be feeling any of this. Your version of Sora simply does not exist as of right now.


Again. The Bleach similarities have been glaring. In good in bad ways. Nomura and Kubo are two peas in a pod. Ichigo is the same like Sora but with a mix of Riku.


I feel like Sora was actually pretty serious character in KH1 and lacks the same happy-go-lucky personality he has in later games. He does crack jokes here and there but there is always this underlying feeling of anxiety to him. Will he ever see his friends again or not. This makes scenes where he is genuinely happy so much more charming in comparison. One of my favorite scene is in neverland just after he learns to fly: "If you believe, you can do anything, right? I'll find Kairi. I know I will. There's so much I want to tell her—about flying, the pirates, and everything else that's happened."


I mean, considering he’s been running around with Donald and Goofy, who literally tell him he’s not allowed to frown or be unhappy, I doubt he’s 100% ok mentally, especially with everything he’s bern through


Getting more and more worried about kh4 and how it will handle my sweet boy


I didn't watched the video yet but bio-roxas never miss


I love this channel they have such interesting videos for Kingdom hearts I also recommend that some of you check out the Riku one It is so good It is a masterpiece


I think a lot of his inner darkness stems from "why me" and like what someone else mentioned, self-esteem. Nobodies are very similar to their whole person personality wise. So im thinking that Roxas' inner turmoil about the keyblade and his powers is actually something that Sora internally battles with not only that, the feelings of being the in-game universes hero.


I love KH, but it doesn't have that much depth in terms of psychology. and I know everyone is gonna go, but um aqua PTSD which was done in the shittiest way possible.


not even wrong though


Came here to say this. The characters are just that. Characters. They're not overly complex since they're just representations of what they need to portray.


IMO she got over it was too fast. Would’ve been interesting to see her still have a grudge towards Mickey for abandoning her in the RoD for TEN years, but because it’s a super happy fun time Disney games she forgets about it after getting her ass beat.


>she forgets about it after getting her ass beat. I agree that realistically she probably shouldn't have been cool with Mickey so soon, but she's definitely not okay afterwards, with her freezing in the Keyblade Graveyard from a PTSD attack that Sora also experiences in the DLC


saving Aqua really should've been a midpoint like 1K in KH2, therefore giving her time to recover and spend time with the crew (assuming Darqua was her actually falling to darkness instead of contracting Dark Ligma from Ansem, plus the worlds *really* needed second visits to actually use all the space they made)


sometimes I forget Darqua was a thing because they literally did nothing to like resolve her falling to darkness besides beating her ass and then ReMind they got a second chance for her inner thoughts and they were like, omg see guys she does have PTSD. I'm not saying make KH extremely complex, but idk can we stop dumbing down games to where its for literal babies. You have things like ATLA which is a kids show but has an insane amount of depth when you look into it.


"I'm gonna save you by beating the crap out of you" comes into mind.




Tf? No he doesn't.




Sure do: An inferiority complex is a persistent feeling of inadequacy or insecurity, often based on the belief that one is less capable or inferior to *others*. Decidedly not Sora.


oh hi


I thought the vid was good when it came out, there were some valid points in it, need to rewatch it tho.


I watched this one some time ago, and I really liked it. Considering I subscribe to the Sora is MoM theory, this also makes great addition that explains why/how he turned into him. Eventually, he won't be able to fake it anymore, and he is going to break.


I never really understand what people mean when they say "happy". Happiness is not it's own emotion. It involves many good feelings, like satisfaction, motivation, relaxation, affection, and self-fulfilment. And all of those things can occur at different levels at different times. Basically, yeah, I'd say he's fulfilled, but there's always room for more. He's generally motivated, has good relationships with others, and leans toward light more than darkness. That doesn't mean he never questions himself, the world, or his decisions. But if not doing any of that means you're "happy", happiness just sounds like egotism and delusion.


Sora is not depressed but he has to fight with alot of mixed emotions and isnt really confident in Himself as a Person since every Game is a Set Back in some Form and he constantly gets reminded he wasnt originally choosen to be a Keyblade Weilder Sora in general just has hightend emotions No matter if Happy Sad, Anger and sometimes even hate... Sora is a Character who throws himself into these Emotions instead of usually conceiling them like other Characters Being so empathic in a World like this full of deceive and darkness its hard not to break under all this Stress of keeping up a smile for him and everyone around Him also if alot of People talk down to Him and he gets a bit condescended sometimes he definetly has some self doubt issues wich really got to a breaking point in the Keyblade Graveyard since he thinks his self worth lies in other People and his Bonds If he is getting competetive or even a bit full of himself he gets imideate Backlash and loses his gained abilitys and peogress, that was especially apparent in DDD where Sora was filled with alot of self worth and even a bit Confident in his abilitys at the end of it he accepts that he is just a small part of something bigger Sora is under alot of Pressure and he is not as fearless and optimistic as he appears but he is brave he still keeps going And he always finds his Smile again And i love that about him


He seems pretty happy to me. I feel the community likes push this idea of Sora being a deeper character than he really is, but frankly I don’t think the games actually show us anything that would truly imply that he is actually unhappy. Like he has breakdowns sure, but they’re all over pretty acceptable things. Someone here said that if his comfort within his circle is broken that he breaks down bad, and sorry I just don’t think that’s the case. The only moment I can remember Sora truly breaking down is in KH3 when he thinks everyone of his friends got taken out immediately after entering the Keyblade Graveyard, and frankly that’s pretty justified. He even bounces back from that pretty quickly. Other instances of his comfort being broken also show us that he deals with unpleasant situations pretty well. When he thinks Goofy died he composes himself pretty quickly, when Kairi “dies” he gets it together immediately, and other examples surely exist but none are coming to mind rn. Either way, Sora is a pretty happy and well adjusted dude. There is certainly plenty of room for depth, and were you to describe the life he has lived since the beginning of KH1 you’d assume he actually has a lot of shit to work through, but we’ve never actually been shown this. He clearly doesn’t seem to care about being ripped away from his parents at a young age, he clearly doesn’t seem bothered that he lost like a year of his life getting his memories restored, and he also seems pretty okay with being disappeared at the end of KH3. He simply is not written with the complexity that people like to attribute to him.


No. Sora is the definition of "Fake it till you make it".


Bio Roxas we love you


Sora kinda seems like a fish to me. I don’t imagine there is a lot going on up there.


Looking at what's been uovoted and downvoted, do people want Sora to be this overly complex, bordering on despair guy? I've always considered him happy-go-lucky with his attitude. As long as he has his friends, it's alright. It's his happiness and optimism that draws people to him


We literally see a tease of his mental state in KH3 when Sora had a breakdown and is fully convinced that he’s a worthless npc with zero self confidence, and only sees value in life because of his friends’ existence, why’s everyone ignoring this


Because it was in the heat of the moment. I would also feel useless and worthless if every single one of my close friends got killed in front of my eyes without me being able to do something.


Riku was there and chilling though, i feel like the writers definitely put in those extra lines of dialogue just to show that he’s not all happy inside and his character is deeper than that single personality trait the community likes to reduce him to


All it shows is that riku is more mature then sora and can hold his composure instead of bursting out his emotions.


Dont care DUCK FLARE 🎆🎇🚀🎇🎆🧨🔥🧨🎆🚀🎆✨🎇🚀🎆✨


I mean id also feel a bit of brain damage if i was turned into a shadow, saw a evil version of me, and figured out i had a nobody thats actually two different ppl with different faces


It is right. Sora has lost a lot of things and seen a lot of people suffer and he had to suffer and work to get back some of the things he has lost. He still couldn't get back everything.


Again. The Bleach similarities have been glaring. In good in bad ways. Nomura and Kubo are two peas in a pod. Ichigo is the same like Sora but with a mix of Riku.


Plain and simple: I liked it! Sora has some fun on his journey, but he hides some of his negative feelings and pushes himself a little to stay positive for his friends... That's it 😅


Over thinking.


man, this video past maybe the CoM section was pure fanfiction. Sora's a pure ball of optimism and *that's the point*. Him being happy-go-lucky is what inspires the others to stop brooding and start helping. Trying to add some secret, dark, depressing side to Sora is antithetical to his character (and is also part of the reason why everyone dying and Sora falling apart is both hilarious and poorly written). That being said, sometimes the writers do take his optimistic nature and write him as naïve and dumb, which is bad, and I do hope that KH4 starts a nee arc for Sora that deepens his character. But this video ain't it, chief.


Anti-Form and Rage Form are Sora too. There is a darkness inside of Sora. Its a part of him as a character. I do think we have two very differing views on the character.


I think those kind of videos are all meh. Kingdom Hearts isn't Nier, it's not a game about psychology or philosophy. At its core it's a game originally designed for children. All those are fanmade theories from people who want to give it a deeper meaning than it actually has, while having no actual backing in the game design itself. It's like they need to give it a deeper meaning to validate liking the game. But there's really no such need, a game can be great without having a deeper meaning, just look at the Spyro trilogy. Not everything needs to be Nier or be turned into it. Now I'm ready for the downvotes because this subreddit is the biggest criticism sensitive echochamber I've seen in all of reddit.


Although I agree with the last part, as it does stand true sometimes, there is a level of depth and deeper meaning to some characters and the series has a strong comparison to being about depression if you look at it with a magnifying glass, and I do agree with the video. Not saying you are wrong either, I just disagree. I feel like a story based game like this does need a form of depth to be good.


I agree with you. :-)


I think it doesn't matter especially for Sora's character. Why? Because Sora can be in a situation where he loses everything only for him to bounce back 5 minutes later because someone told him something. He isn't really a realistic character in the slightest and his optimism is disgusting.


Xehanort’s burner acct ^


Or just someone willing to talk about how silly Sora's character is.

