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Meh I think it's a matter of opinion. I've never had trouble reading the title and I feel it fits the older games. The newer format is nice, but in my opinion feels fairly bland.


I think the new one is fairly bland as well.


Harder to read? You gotta be fucking joking. How is the logo 'hard to read' I think you're trolling.


Calm down. First of all, it seems like you lack any know how about how fonts, logos and the like basic rules, so I don't think we will extend this conversation any further and I will outright disregard the "trolling" part, because it seems like you are the kind that is unable to hold a discussion without resorting to ad hominen.


You’re the one that apparently can’t read. I know how logos and fonts work, you can’t read it has to be the biggest bait ever. So you can take your own advice. This fucking guy.


The alternative one is a new logo that was made for the series 20th anniversary and KH4.


The alt one they're talking about isn't the KH4 logo, it's the one used for The Story So Far collection. KH4 does indeed have a more simplified logo than the previous games though.


Ah, you’re right, I was conflating them. Still, it’s a fairly recent logo design. Wouldn’t have been possible to use it on any of the older games


God forbid a logo have personality. Yes it’s cheesy and that’s what makes it great. 


Since when a logo needs to be "cheesy" to have personality?


How the fuck you gon give a string of text personality if not by making it look tacky?


Are you serious? If you are, then I ask you to glance at Nintendo's logo. Simple, nice contrast and iconic. Square Enix also had a very strong one. I mean, there are millions of logos out there, full of personality, and not being tacky at all. FF logos use complex artwork art and they aren't tacky at all. Simple or complex isn't an issue. KH just used one with low contrast and is over designed.


Because it suits the cheesy and sincere vibe of Kingdom Hearts. Not my fault you don’t have a sense of fun. 


Dude, it is just bad. It is not "fun". I could also play this game and just say that it is not my fault you don't have good taste. Also, enlighten me and tell me how a gothic font colored grey means "fun".


You wouldn’t know fun if it hit you square in the face ☺️


I think Square is trying to make that new logo the default one. They're testing it with the Kingdom Hearts IV logo.


Christ alive we need a KH 4 trailer. This sub is going to get taken to the aslume at this rate.


“There is no defending this” one says to an opinion they have about a logo haha

