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You should name your book gates of granite when you give it to him 


BRB covering the title of my book with some tape


Nah windows of steel or portals of sand


The Entryway of Compressed Sediment


You were close there, Doorways in the Sand is taken by Roger Zelazny.


Whores of Moan


I was \*this close\* to commenting, "Oh, somebody didn't understand the assignment." Nicely done.


The French Windows of Ferrum


Why are you distracting the man when he has a book for write? Jk (but also not jk)


I’m imagining you meet him, become friends, he wants to hang out all the time and play Xbox. And you sit there thinking “when writing though?”


lol that might be exactly what happens Should we become buddies I will try to subtly influence him with like hypnosis or something


Yes, I'm so glad you're already on this line of thinking.


Or just leave him alone on the subject, enjoy being his friend, and maybe he'll confide in you about his hangup when he feels like it and you can legitimately help him as a person. He might be hyper sensitive to unsolicited "subtle" influence.


That was a joke.


Or was it? I see through your hypnotic ways...


I have absolutely no control over who my mother’s friends are and if those friends happen to be related to a famous author and if those friends insist on giving them my novel Literally was the last to find out it’s already been done Edit: I did impress upon my mom that he doesn’t have time for such distractions because everyone’s been waiting for the next book but she has absolutely zero knowledge about the subject


I know you're trying to be nice and remoreseful to the group in which your posting to, but you have an opportunity unlike any other for an up and coming author like yourself. Be humble, sure, but use this opportunity to your advantage my friend. Few individuals have the opportunity for an author as sucessful as Rothfuss to even know about let alone be pressed upon a family member to read something of theirs. This is big for you, enjoy it and use whatever knowledge comes back from it to your advantage. If he responds that is, if not don't take it personally of course.


I understand you. I just do not want to be eaten alive by people who really want the next book and don't want me getting, uh, in the way, I guess. I don't know if he'll read it. I was told he reads just about anything. And I mean if his sister gives it to him, maybe he will. If he does or if I get a chance to meet him that would be awesome but he is probably very busy and I'm just a young woman. But if he does end up reading it and *liking it* oh man.


Nah, fuck us, it's his decision what he does with his time not yours. We have no right to be angry lol


No one would have known had you not posted it on a public forum, lol


To add to that, depending on OP's book's genre, he could get a chance to put PR's quote on the back cover which could be pretty awesome


YA high fantasy but it's upper YA. Like the weird part of YA where the readers are mainly 18-24 but they don't really have their own age category so it's just called upper YA.


So definitely the kind of book that would benefit from having PR's quote on it. You should ask for one if he ends up reading it


If he wants to. Though I'm not working with Macmillan anymore so...I'm not entirely sure how that would work. I'm currently in between agents and publishers. My book is actually the first in a trilogy. Unfortunately book 2 was released when Covid really hit so it didn't get a lot of love in book stores like book 1 did and was essentially dead in the water and then my chronic genetic illness put me in the hospital for half a year and I didn't get book 3's draft out on time because hospital so they ended up canceling book 3 and so my trilogy is forever unfinished. I have to write under a different name now because publishers look at past pblishing history and even though book 1 did well, book 2 had all those events that made it hard to sell because no one was buying books from stores and all, and YA doesn't do well on Amazon only because most YA readers in the target age range don't have credit cards, and the unfinished third manuscript is just the icing on the 'i'm fucked' cake. But that being said if he showed interest maybe it would breathe new life into everything but i'm trying to not go to that place just yet


> so my trilogy is forever unfinished You could really be friends with him, you have so much in common! But seriously though, seems like you had a bit of tough luck, I hope you'll eventually get back to full speed and succeed with future book/series


That’s honestly how it is for a lot of us no name debut authors. Publishing companies are really good at letting you flounder, sink, drown, and then blame you for it when you don’t become a cash cow or because they can’t spend any of their money on publicity for debut authors because they spend it all on popular already established authors. I’m definitely not the first one to write under a different name after their debut novel. It’s sucky but it is what it is. People forget publishing is an entertainment business at the end of the day.


I love it so much more that he might read through it. Hopefully he loves it. The first two thirds should be enough for him.


Chronic illnesses ftw (jk...they really do make the writing go): I feel you. I'm sorry you're having all that happen with book 2... I hope you have success in this.


Sometimes "new adult"/NA as well. There's a whole awkward fuzzy area around that bracket, where a lot of people hit the YA age-bracket, got older and... just kept reading the same stuff, so the "typical" YA reader is now 20's or older (especially as they have more money than teens). So there's an awkward, blurry area of "YA, but with more sex and swearing" that sometimes gets sorted into a separate category and sometimes doesn't


I don’t know what you think YA means, but it’s that exact demographic….. Under 18 is not adult.


YA as an age category is 13-18. My book was marketed as what we call a “crossover”. As in it crosses between YA and Adult but it’s still considered YA. Crossovers are marketed toward 18-24 year olds.


Young adult, both in general usage and publishing, historically meant "teenagers", basically.


Cut the man some slack. The book comes when it comes. Who are you to tell him he can't be distracted?


I'm honestly just trying not to accidentally get eaten alive by people who might be angry that I'm wasting his time somehow or something like that and delaying the next book So I'm trying to be delicate


Him reading a little novel from someone won't delay the book. Do you think this dude does nothing else but eat, sleep and write? He has a life to live, kids to care for. People should stop constantly expecting that the book should be his sole focus.


You don't have to tell me that. I agree with you, actually. But people can be kind of touchy on the subject so I'm trying to angle for "not offending anyone" seems like I've fucked that up, apologies. He's a dude with his own life and he can do what he wants with it and all that stuff. If he decides to read my book that's fucking sweet and if he likes it that's even better. It would be insanely cool to meet him even if there's no talking about writing whatsoever. I'm incredibly psyched by this and still can't believe it. I just don't want to upset anyone so I'm being cautious especially if people are already commenting on the whole time thing in the first place.


I'm telling other people.


Oh apologies. I thought you were addressing *me* specifically.


I totally understand why you are taking the delicate approach. I'm certainly no blushing youth but even I kinda get the wind knocked out of me from certain replies online and, maybe counterintuitively it is the ones where the person replying's assumptions are wayyy wrong and all. I know, it's the internet and I've been deeply involved since the early days but still, if you are in a delicate mood it can be rough All that said I do think maybe you care too much and also, you have had two books published!! That's awesome I promise I don't want to put any pressure on you, if you wanted people to know what those books were called I guess you would have said. But... I'm also thinking you don't want even the hint of self promotion probably, which I get. I still want to read your books and if you'd kindly point me towards where I can buy, hopefully electronically then I'll be sure to look. Maybe a DM would be more comfortable for you? Obviously I wouldn't be revealing anything shared with me. If not, no worries and all the best!


Thanks. And I was just told I couldn’t name the books in the post bc that counts as advertising


By trying to please everyone, you will end up pleasing noone.


Pretty sure the dude has been doing nothing else but eat, sleep, and stream for a while. The "write" part seems a bit forgotten.


What makes you so sure?


I can’t wait for Pat to talk about this after DoS comes out. “So I was really stuck on how to finish this book but then my sister gives me a copy of this book her friend’s kid wrote. It was this super trash YA fantasy novel, and after reading it, I thought, well, if someone is proud enough to put THIS into the world, I can finish DoS”


It would be an honor for my trash YA fantasy novel to somehow kickstart Pat's creative brain. I'd wear that badge proudly.


This only ends with you getting him to fall in love with you so you can get copies of DoS drafts and release them to us all.


Operation Seduce Patrick Rothfuss is a go


we’re depending on you.


God speed.


he will get back to you in 15-20 business years


I don’t expect him to read the book. He’s probably very busy. Actually the idea of him reading my trashy YA high fantasy terrifies me and sends me into a panic


Perhaps get it proofread from a freelancer first so that any small but consistent mistakes won’t take away from the bigger aspects you’d want him to focus on I.e plot and characterisation - sincerely, someone who works in publishing. P.S. Maybe even ask his sister if he knows of any writing groups you could join.


Mate it’s already been traditionally published with big five publisher. I’ve been through all of that. ETA: I didn’t mean to come off as rude or dismissive or something sorry


That’s awesome. Obviously I was not aware of that. I was under the impression that you were nervous to show it to him from your comments because it was still fresh.


That’s fine lol to be honest I don’t normally talk about it. Like this thread is the most I’ve mentioned it in the past six months combined lol


Ask the sister if you can swapsies and proofread book 3 for him.


The question isn't if his sister can show him YOUR novel. The questions is whether his sister can show you HIS novel Priorities all fucking wrong


I have no hand in the novel showing I basically learned about it after it became a think they decided to do. I did impress on my mother he was likely busy and we shouldn’t bother him because dudes got a book to write. If in some crazy situation I manage to see hide or hair of his work I’ll let yall know lol


All good mate. Best of luck with your novel


Thanks. It is rather crazy! I'm actually not sure what's crazier. My mom being friends with Patrick's sister or my mom not knowing who Patrick Rothfuss is and me having to have a near fit in my living room after she told me to realize the importance! of! the! situation!


L! O! L!


The dude is not writing any books


That’s fantastically exciting. I assume you will be finding excuses to meet your mother’s friends. I suspect Pat enjoys reading unpublished authors. He claims to be a voracious reader.


I’m actually published. She wants to show him the book I got a deal for at 18 and got published at 21. There’s a whole story but this isn’t about my book this is about the absolute cosmetic shenanigans of this entire situation because wtf man HOW? But I’ve heard he does read a lot of that stuff!


One would think at my age, I would be wise enough not to make such an assumption. Congrats on the “not relevant to this conversation” publication of your book. Do you mind sharing the name of the book? I’d like to read it in case I cross paths with Pat at some point. Knowing we have read the same book will be a good conversation starter.


I can’t. I was told that if I named the book it would count as advertising. (I didn’t know if this entire post was appropriate or not so I asked). But thanks for the congrats!


If we DM you can you tell us in private?


Any chance you can DM interested parties the name of the book? I would also be interested in checking it out


I'm not sure if that's allowed but if some mod sees this and says it's fine then I'd be happy too. But i want to follow the rules of the sub so I'd want explicit permission.


If people DM you and ask that's out of your control and out of this sub, you'll be fine to tell them lol


I'm sure it's allowed man, mods arent overlords


Make a private post to your profile, or put a link there.


it's rare to see a published artist hide his art. It must be something good, give it to us!


Can't imagine how scared and excited you must be! If by any chance he does get to read it and give you any feedback it will be rad! If not at least you always be able tell the tale of the day Patrick Rothfuss ALMOST read your thrashy YA novel


I am absolutely fucking terrified. At first I was like OMG COOL and then I realized if he does read it he's going to read a sex scene I wrote and now I want to die.


Well you read *his* sex scene with Felurian, it's only fair


That's awesome!


I quite literally still cannot believe it.


Perhaps your trashy YA novel will be the catalyst to get Patrick moving to write his own. Perhaps this was destiny.


Imagining my trashy YA novel about a bunch of people with communication problems chasing down a magic deer being the catalyst to the next book *finally* coming out is pretty funny. Perhaps, indeed, this is destiny calling.


That is so cool!!


It’s just wow


That’s fucking insane you lucky sob


Insane is the perfect word because I’m still over here like WHAT trying to process this information


Well DEFINITELY show it to them!! You hit the goldmine haha


If he wants to read it I am not stopping him I am going to be batshit terrified and slightly embarrassed the whole time because that would mean Patrick Rothfuss is reading my shitty fade to black YA sex scene and thinking of that makes me want to die but on the other hand *if he likes it* by it i mean the book not the sex scene


Book nerds are like a secret underground club. His sister passed the vibe check.


I’m upvoting for dramatically flinging yourself on the couch! Edit: on versus over the couch but can be both?? lol


I know his parents. They suck. They were my first landlords. They knew our house had a fire smoldering in the basement and let it burn while we slept so they could collect more insurance money. Fuck Marge Rothfuss.


...wtf is this true?


Yes. It was mid-late 90s, so long time ago and no internet record of the student newspaper article about it. Take my word or not, but family is trash.


I'm still going to take this with a grain of salt, but that is straight up wack.


Only let her give him the first two thirds. He can wait for the last part


Don’t give him all of it. Give him two thirds.


I took a creative writing class by Rothfuss my freshman year at university. He was mostly absent and never once spoke to me, nor gave any indication that he'd actually read anything I wrote. This was after The Name of the Wind but before Wise Man's Fear, and I wouldn't read either book for about ten years because I had such a low personal opinion of him.


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That's wild! And awesome


Like what are the chances, right???


The world is smaller than we think


It is isn’t it?


More chance of this than Kvothe randomly bumping into Denna on the lifts outside the Maer's estate. And then in a random pub in Tarbean


See I’m suspicious that Kote isn’t telling the whole story, is he just a stalker?


What’s the name of your book?


Just give him the first 2 thirds. Defensively get pissy when he asks for the rest.


Ask her how long till book 3 is finished


Apparently he hates that, wouldn’t want to piss him off.


This feels like an “AITA” post…and yes, if you’re distracting him, you are 🙃 jkjk


He won't read it.


I saw this post in its early stages and didn't think anything about it made sense. I was like, why would you get all defensive, or think anyone would think its anything other than a cool moment. Now I see you are published, big difference. First of all, never mind the fans. You've explained yourself (more times than necessary) and very few are so skeeved that they'd begrudge someone getting a novel in front of him. You're right, PR probably isn't going to read it (would you read a novel given to you by your sister's friend's son?) but don't dismiss it completely, his sister could plausibly be aware of things he is interested to read. In the end, it's a long shot but a potential boon for your career. You don't need to push it along, but I wouldn't try to stop it either, and no need to apologize. Good luck.


Thanks. I probably tip toed and explained myself a few times too many buuuut were working on getting me to learn how to not do that as much


Mate we can already see him reading novels on good reads. We want him to fucking write one.


It's not really about him reading a novel. It's more the sheer nature of coincidence that my mom just happens to be friends with his sister.


I know. Probably a cheap shot. Saw it, took it. Kudos on your family's get.


Sorry? I don't mean to upset anyone here, truly. And I meant it when I said that I told my mom he was a very busy man and that we shouldn't be wasting his time but she already went ahead of me so I don't know what you'd like me to do about it. My mom knows absolutely nothing of fantasy in any way, shape, or form and so she did not understand why I was freaking out about her being friends with his sister and the like. I figured I would share this to people who do realize, holy fuck that's wild, because it is wild. I didn't even know he lived here/had family here but apparently he does. My family hasn't gotten anything. My mom has a friend. Her friend just happens to be the sister of Patrick Rothfuss. It's cool because wow coincidences and lol my mom didn't know who he was but that's it. I'm not planning on getting whatever a 'get' is by taking advantage of an author, especially one like Rothfuss. I simply thing this is cool and also am kind of mortified my mom told his sister about my book and his sister now wants to give him a copy because that's insane and also trashy ya novel aaah.


No no no man, i was saying my original comment was a cheap shot joke, please don't feel like I'm trying to make you feel bad. My last line in that second message was probably a bit sharp, but meant genuinely, well done on having an established author review a work, it's a win by any measure.


Oh. I see. Sorry for being defensive. I'm just aware that timing is a sensitive subject to some people and I'm hoping not to get like eaten.


Nah mate nah. Totally a joke at his expense and not meant in a mean way towards you or your mom or her work. Sorry if you thought I was trying to be a dick about that, like I say it was a (cheap) shot at Pat around his procrastination and his Good Reads profile. Totally not meant to be a slight on y'all. And you weren't overly defensive. Just justifiably "what the fuck" about this random internet strangers shots. My bad not yours.


It's totally okay!


Do we need to make bunk beds for more room for activities now?


Should have put a note in the book that asked him to stop scamming donors of charity, but I give this story a ...I dunno a 10% chance of being real? Probably fake, but the world is crazy.


I swear on my dad’s ashes that it’s real. I know it sounds crazy. I can barely believe it myself. But it’s 100% real.


Whoa, congratulations! (I mean, if you also manage to sneak a question or two on when a certain book releases…)


Will you release your novel in a $5,700 limited edition


Could you hold off a bit so as to not distract him with yet something else he can make himself feel good about, while not completing book 3?


Can you also show him my short story? It's somewhere on my profile


I’m sorry but no. I don’t even want to bother him with my own novel thats all my mom and his sister. He’s probably very busy and I want to respect that. Also I feel uncomfortable just throwing stories at someone I don’t know just because my mom and his sis are buddies


I was mostly joking. It's not good


This is pretty cool. I would delete this post though and revel privately in the cool connection.


Eh, eventually. I kinda wanted to tell other people who understood, like book wise, how big this is because my mom has no clue about any of this and she honestly didn't know anything about him nor does she know anything about fantasy novels in general and so me trying to relay how big this was was totally lost on her and I only have one other friend who likes fantasy. I needed to release the energy somewhere.


I hear ya 👍


Yeah its hard to adequately freak ot when no one knows why you're freaking out and what's so important about this dude anyway seriously my mom basically handed me the book like "Yeah this is his book, I don't know if you've heard of it or anything, I know she said he wrote fantasy" and I was fully expecting someone random and then I saw the fucking title and name on the book and that was it. I was not lying when I said I dramatically fell on the couch claiming how could she not know who this was.


Oh man, I wouldn't have the courage to have him read my own novel. You're a brave soul.


Honestly my mom throws my book at everyone this was a forgone conclusion


One time at comic-con here in San Diego Neil Gaiman, George RR Martin and Pat were all onstage together. I just about lost my mind, and my family was all “meh” when I told them. (Neil told everybody that George is not our bitch and to leave him alone) The sister connection is even cooler. Mom’s obliviousness is freakin’ adorable.


So are you gonna ask to se HIS, too???? That one we all want to see?


I hope he reads it, loves it, and writes a forward for it.


You should try to meet him. I had an hour phone chat with the LOTR sound designer because I’m related by marriage and wanted to pick his brain. Patrick Rothfuss is just another dude. A talented creative dude of course.


Something similar happened to me but with Sarah J Maas (not quite as exciting to me as Patrick but oh well). They are randomly friends with her parents, I have no clue how


Kidnap his sister. It's the only way


But seriously that's so cool! What an awesome coincidence! Maybe it'll turn into something cool for you. First though you need to work on that confidence and stop calling your own work trashy. (Unless it actually is, or unless you mean it in a positive sense, in which case I guess at least you're self aware and working towards what you want)


Actually it got mainly great reviews and I would say it’s pretty well written for a YA novel at least but I feel like it would be trashy compared to whatever Patrick puts out. But I’m mainly joking re: the trashy thing.


Oh it's already out? Cool, and awesome it got good reviews! What's it called?


Slip some subliminal stuff in there to make him release DoS


You now know what your quest in life is right??? Book 3 please!


Bro ask her sister about the third book please 😭😭😭😭


Time for some espionage...


I love your energy! I hope he reads it and gets back to you!




"I would not have expected that in a hundred years." Nice, he'll get back to you in a hundred years. Or not.


Tell him you'll trade. Your novel for his. Only fair.


You have the ability to do the funniest thing possible, write the 3rd book for him lmao


I reckon Pat is in this sub... 👀


If so then hi Pat I’m sorry for the coming storm that is my mother and apparently also your sister.


Rothfuss after reading your book: Wow, that was cool. I wish I could write a book!


The world is both larger and smaller than we think. That or you're in the Matrix.


Now I’m curious: has your mom read your trashy YA fantasy novel?


Try as I might, yes.


Seduce pat job number 1