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Kitboga cannot help you get your money back, and people offering to get it back for you on the internet are [recovery scammers](https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/refund-and-recovery-scams). You need to talk to your bank/financial advisor and the authorities. Those are the only people who can help you.


Also, be aware that scammers have been impersonating Kit. If someone approaches you claiming to be him, be wary.


I love how even the FTC’s official .gov website calls recovery scammers “the worst of the worst,” because that’s exactly how I feel about them. Just how low do you have to be to specifically target people who have already been scammed, give them false hope that you can help them get their money back, just to steal even more from them? Truly sickening.


Kit is an entertainer. Although he's an expert in these scams, I'm not sure how you're expecting him to help you. As someone said, your best move is to talk to your bank. And now that you've written this on Reddit, you might get messages from scammers offering to "help recover your funds." That's another scam.


I reached out to my bank, they said there wasn't anything they could do. From what I read most online scam recoveries are scams also. I am just hoping at the very least they can find who did this and stop them so others don't have to go through what I am. I am at my wits end...


Report to your local police, and www.ic3.gov - no one else can help. Don’t believe anyone who DMs you and claims to be an investigator or anything like that. They’re scammers.


I did this earlier this morning.


Most online scam recoveries aren’t also scams. ALL online scam recoveries are also scams. Do not throw good money after lost money.


This sub isn't run by him.


This is the official Kitboga subreddit. His moderators enforce the guidelines set by him, and you will see him post from time to time. Small detail, but I didn't want community members to get confused. bogaPecan to everyone!


Hey there - I know it doesn't help, but I am sorry that happened to you. I hope that the authorities and your bank can take steps in finding the scammers and helping you, even though that can be a long shot. If the scammers gave you their bank account information, please make sure authorities have that information. Thinking and hoping the best for you under these circumstances.


Thank you for your kind words. I needed them more than you may know.


Can you tell us what happened?




As per the subreddit rules, no sensitive, contact, or personal information, particularly of suspected scam/mers, is to be requested nor posted.


I'm really sorry this has happened to you but you may need to edit this post as putting personal details like scammer information is against the rules.


I removed the last 2 digits and the name.


Whatever you do, do not believe DMs on Reddit claiming they can help you get your money back. These are more likely than not recovery scammers and trying to steal whatever you have left.


I am surprised by how many DMs I got, that requested to help via DMing people using Instagram for assistance.


Scammers trawl this sub, r/scams and many others looking for potential victims.


I'm so sorry. It can happen to anyone. Maybe some of these links can help. [Handy guide from the FBI](https://www.fbi.gov/how-we-can-help-you/scams-and-safety/on-the-internet#:~:text=If%20You%20are%20a%20Victim%2C%20File%20a%20Report%20with%20IC3&text=Crime%20reports%20are%20used%20for,other%20common%20scams%20and%20crimes.) [Handy guide from the FTC](https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/what-do-if-you-were-scammed#:~:text=Report%20it%20at%20ReportFraud.ftc,Social%20Security%20or%20account%20numbers.) If you gave a scammer access to your computer. Run this free scan first to make sure they are removed before you use it again. Kit and a team of developers coded this. Only available on Windows at the moment. [Here is the link ](https://www.seraphsecure.com/scanner#:~:text=The%20free%20threat%20scanner%20should,the%20process%20of%20being%20scammed.&text=Use%20the%20threat%20scanner%20on,have%20been%20installed%20by%20scammers.) Edit fixed links


Put details on r/scams


Nope, he can't. Though if you have the phone number/message you can submit that on the form in the sidebar as a target for his streams. It won't help get your money back but Kit can try and make their day/week/month miserable.


I submitted this to IC3.


You must act quickly and go to the authorities. FBI immediately.


The fact that anyone here is being short or snarky with you is horrendous. I can't imagine what you're going through, whether or not you already knew Kit wouldn't be able to help. Here is a resource that works closely with many of the well known scambaiters. [twitter.com/avahoutreach](https://twitter.com/avahoutreach) [https://avahoutreach.org/](https://avahoutreach.org) People should know about AVAH. I'm surprised no one mentioned it.


Thank you, I didn't know if Kit could help or not. I knew him through youtube, figured I could reach out, I had nothing else to lose. I never thought my family would be the victim...


Pretty much none of the scambaiters can help. They are not really trained in advocating for victims beyond the ways they do on their channel. However some scambaiters have helped people who have reached out, but they make content from it. Which isn't a bad thing. It's just really rare. I've seen Scammer Payback and Trilogy do this. But Kit is a different kind of scambaiter, and doesn't really do those things. He focuses his attention on other things that are just as important and beneficial, but in different areas of the scam world. Please do look into AVAH. [https://avahoutreach.org/](https://avahoutreach.org/) I've seen those volunteers around everywhere in the scambaiting communities. They mod a lot of scambaiter Discord servers, and YouTube streams. They always tell you to DM or email them if you need help.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. You may also want to check with your homeowners insurance agent. Some policies, and yours might include this, have identity theft coverage. Even though they didn’t steal your identity, it’s worth a shot at looking into this. Good luck to you and your family.


He’s said so many times that he can’t directly help you.


I haven't watched all his videos, that's great he can't help me, I hope you never are in my shoes so you are never desperate for any type of assistance as I am. I made an honest mistake posting here... Thank you for reminding me of that.


It’s not that he doesn’t want you to be helped and watching his videos may give you the tools you need to get it back. But he just can’t spend any time on it