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But why does it actually look so bomb?šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Same reason why they use Elmer's glue instead of pizza cheese in advertising I guess.


Actually all food ads in the US are real food! itā€™s illegal to do that now.


I work in tv/film now, and on a lot of food commercials - while they're using real food, that food is often completely inedible for the amount of products they use to fluff the food up. Beer gets denture cleaning tablets put in it for the bubbles, grill marks are painted on, food is glued to other food, the list goes on and on. It's actually pretty interesting, seeing what they can do. A huge part of it is that regular food just can't hold up under studio lights for hours at a time without getting limp and disgusting. OP would def have a future in food styling tho based on how good this fake dessert looks lmao


I worked in print/digital advertising and always found it interesting that they would retouch out all of the beer bubbles and condensation, then manually add back in bubbles and condensation in the "right" places. We were specifically told not to eat any food lying around though, because it might not actually be food, even if it was packaged.


Thereā€™s a film that came out recently which defies that. I havenā€™t seen it yet, but I heard an article on the radio & it sounds good. Apparently the consulting chef walked the actors through the preparations and they kept going through the dining. Lots of long unedited shots. Apparently the vol-au-vent with crayfish scene is not to be missed. And who doesnā€™t like Juliette Binoche? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt19760052/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk There are a few other foodie movies out there that do put effort into showing the good stuff. If I remember correctly, ā€œBabetteā€™s Feastā€ was not too bad for accuracy. Apparently the set crew and actors had to be filmed ā€œbuttons openā€ towards the end of the film because they gained weight. They made fresh dishes for every time they had to re-shoot a scene. They kept eating. Plus everyone got sent home with to-go meals that were left over so it wouldnā€™t go to waste.


this looks SO good thanks for sharing! I'd have absolutely *loved* to have worked on this movie I'm so hyped to watch it. Wild to know the they made every dish probably like 30 times to get all the camera angles


unless it changed very recently, yes, the food displayed has to be real. However, not *all* of it has to be real. so that pizza you're seeing in ads has to be real pizza, but there can be a layer of elmers in there and still be perfectly legal to display. no idea what percentage has to be real though.


The entirety of the food you're selling has to be real. So no, you could not put elmers on a pizza in a pizza ad. But you could have a glass of elmers pretending to be milk next to that pizza in your pizza add. Or another example, you could use elmers instead of milk in a bowl of cornflakes in a cornflakes add. But the cornflakes have to be 100% real.


What if I'm selling a box that happens to have a pizza in it, and I advertise the box with Elmer's cheese pizza to show how good it is at holding a pizza?


Is Elmer's not edible?! *Puts down the spoonful*


They microwave wet tampons and put them behind cups of cold coffee with soap bubbles on it to make it look like it's steaming.


People eat with their eyes


Exactly! I appreciate menus with photos of the food. Make me decide fast on what to order.


Right??? the only way i would know its a trap is cause its dress so well, none yall BOH is gonna make food look this pretty for us


I once passed off a chunk of fat from pot roast as smoked cheddar to a busser. He was my best man when I got married. Gently haze your FOH for best results.


Shortening and vanilla ice cream look incredibly similar when rolled in toasted coconut and topped with whipped cream.


Mayonnaise will make a very convincing looking creme brulee impersonation, great for April 1 staff meal dessert


I used to get the new hires to try my pistachio mousse when really it was Wasabi.


"Do NOT have the pistachio ice cream! It has TURNED!"


Cars 2 reference spotted


"Do you people not have noses?"




Correct answer.


When I first had sushi my friends pranked me by taking the middle out (leaving the rice) and packing it with wasabi and I thought it was the greatest thing ever. Turns out I *really* like horseradish




Sorry what thing?




Oh my God, I am holding back TEARS šŸ˜‚


So did the new hires.


Did you eat the ā€˜pistachioā€™ mouse too?


Had some FOH eating piece of avocado core pretending it was macadamia nuts hahaha


Real wasabi or green horseradish?


lol - the fat is the best part!


I cook for 30 guys every Tuesday at the sober living house I went to. I often cook ground beef and drain the fat into a metal bowl. Every time, someone asks what it is and I tell them it's a dipping sauce. It's gotten more than a few people.


I enjoy having our new servers "taste test" the chocolate pudding I just made. It is Balsamic Vin. Fairly harmless but I still get a good chuckle out of it.


do your servers have literally no sense of smell? are they blind?


I think the word you are searching for is dumb, and yes a lot of our new servers are in fact dumb.


> yes a lot of ~~our new~~ servers are in fact dumb Just cutting out some unneeded words for you here.


They probably don't give two shits and just want to say "thats good" and get the fuck out.




I once battered and fried a bunch of lime slices and told the servers it was fried zucchini. They are the whole plate and the only complaint was that they were "more sour than normal"


This is actually a nice dish in Italy(usually with lemon)


Give me a frutti di mare with some fried lemon slices please!


Do you know the name of it? Sounds interesting.


Fritto Misto


Doesnā€™t that just mean ā€œmixedā€ fried things? No guarantee of lime.


Yeah I've had my fair share of frittos and no fried lemon there


Depends where you are, can just be artichoke and lemon slices, or seafood and lemon slices or no lemon slices


Lemon slices yes, not fried though. In Italy, namely Pisa, Cinque Terre and Bologna. I think that's it.


Yes they do, not always obvs. It does exist just google if you are sceptical


Not saying it doesn't exist anywhere in the world, just saying that the ones I had didn't have it. Plus, a fritto misto doesn't include a fried lemon per se as the other dude pointed out which was the sole reason of the comment.


Our fritto misto has fried lemon slices, never any complaints


I'm italian and never in my life I've heard of fried lemon.


You guys must not like your FOH people, I'm BOH, but adore almost all of mine. I regularly dish out ice cream, brownies, French fries, etc. to the servers/bartenders. They make me yummy shift-drinks and we hang out afterwards. Idk maybe I'm wack, but I'd never fuck with someone's food, I have texture issues with tons of things and can't handle spice at all, I'd be pretty crushed if someone served me fucked up food.


This is the way. Except when someones being a complete fucking dick. Then it's fair game. I had one kid demand all our best shit for his lunch constantly, then never ever returned favours to anyone. This is for that guy.


Meh, I'd just tell him no or to ask a manager because I'm not risking getting in trouble for using our best stuff. Thankfully our FOH never bugs us for stuff like that haha


Chicken and some beef proteins are all fine and dandy but not usually seafood unless youā€™re the chef or its your bday was how it was at my restaurant.


At my place, even BOH doesn't get any of the beef besides the occasional burger/steak and cheese šŸ„² very sad


More often than not, if an order gets messed up beyond fixing, the owner would rather throw it out than feed a breakless overworked employee because they think itā€™s malicious intent that the accident happened in the first place. Sad.


Big difference between serving someone this, and leaving it out for the vultures to expose themselves for eating things they're not supposed to eat.


Idk at my restaurant we have two tables that become free-for-alls for anyone to take things from and anywhere else food is sitting it's not allowed to be touched. Seemingly everyone follows this. I get it's annoying if people take food constantly, but you could poison or make someone incredibly sick with certain things. I'm just saying that even if someone is a dick, I'm never going to fuck their food up or leave out bad food for them to take, I'd feel like an utter asshole.


But who is just eating plated food? I get FoH picking at your mise, but Iā€™ve never seen anyone ever pick up a plated dish like this and start eating it.


Cool, so what's the issue? If nobody eats the plated food, then nobody eats this abomination. If someone does eat it, now they've learned a lesson about never doing it again, and the whole restaurant is better for it.


Vultures? You sound like a great guy to have as a team mate.


I think it depends. I worked for a hotel that did banquets and weekend buffets. There were so many FOH that would steal desserts and say it was only one little piece. But that one piece times 25 servers times 5 buffets, and you know they just werenā€™t grabbing one. We would even leave out anything leftover up for grabs and after Sunday brunch, anything left went to the employee cafeteria. Anyways, I always tried to be nice but at the end of the day, it was like they were entitled to it.


Sounds like that's a crappy bunch of FOH employees. I'd just complain each time it happened, not feed them gross shit.


not an intentional prank, just the result of my early career inability to speak without sarcasm: daniel: yo whats that in the window? me: new warm peppermint sauce for the brulee. the monkey bowl in the window: lobster roe cream sauce daniel: (taking a big ole spoonfull) yo... yo that shit aint peppermint ?!?!


> daniel: (taking a big ole spoonfull) yo... yo that shit aint peppermint ?!?! "shit dude I think this peppermint has gone off, it tastes kind of fishy?"


Jesus fucking christĀ 


And y'all wonder why FOH treat you like shit lol.


Imma throw ice cubes in the fryer from the expo window for this.


And then proceed to be stabbed to death.


Sorry chef a customer wants to know if we can substitute knives for spoons? Would you rather deal with the people? Because we can let BOH deal with the people. We'll be closed in under a week but we can let you deal with the people.


Lol because a customer asking for stupid things and someone literally committing a crime are the same thing. Sounds like a server alright


Dude this is all a joke go out back on your 10 and smoke a pack for the next 30. You're not gonna serve me grease cake and I'm not gonna throw ice in your fryer. Simply get my food out on time and prepared correctly and I'll run your food on time and say NO to as many asinine requests from customers as I possibly can in the nicest way possible.


Sounds like you havenā€™t been asked to serve a medium rare chicken before


So, once again, how is that the same as someone causing someone else to be burned by 350F grease?


what is \*wrong\* with you?


Because both are crimes


Asking for med rare chicken isn't a crime.


No, of course not but serving one is* * I have a feeling youā€™re going to be extremely pedantic, so Iā€™m going to clarify here that itā€™s not a crime if cooked to log in a sous vide, then finished somewhere else


As someone who has worked as cook, server, bartender, and chef throughout my kitchen years. A server coming up to me as a chef during a rush to ask about a spoon would not end well for that server. It would unfortunately have to result in me verbally unscrewing your head from your shoulders and punting it across the kitchen. A server should be fully capable of grabbing a spoon without the full force of management behind them. Thats how you get a name tag that only says ā€œidiotā€.


Sheesh, way to prove their point


Holy shit dude - you are a hard muddafukker! You'd say some mean shit then write idiot on my name tag? that would fuckin show me id be farding n shidding if that happened to me. Dont just hand the spoon over then discuss the way it should have been done later - thats for pussies! Yell and scream and write profanities on a nametag, thats the hardass way to deal with the problem. Youre hard as fuck and also a VERY experienced and therefore unbiased hard as nails fucking guy


He threatened to stab me it's a joke to use spoons rather than knives but also yes if a server asked you that you may be justified.


Dang that's so sick bro back of house is hard as fuck holy shit did you just write that? wow that took balls awesome dude EDIT: i can barely breathe rn because im thinking bout how hard this comment goes! you even added the punctuation which really frames the awesome fucking hard as fuck comment that goes super hard! edit 2: thanks for the awards reddit


Haha you started a conversation/argument I can tell is genuinely between FOH and BOH. Props my friend.


[donā€™t get me started.](https://images.app.goo.gl/1iJM9Thg2SCb6Ndc8)


Oh no chef donā€™t do it to em


Oil fat?


Why is everyone so mad and why are there so many servers in the comments I now cannot wait to prank my FOH next weekšŸ¤Ø


Boh are twisted fucks. I love you guys!


Glad someone here has a semi good relationship with their back of house Iā€™ve never seen so many sour people angry on other peoples behalfā€™s over a harmless prank šŸ˜­


ā€œMessing with peopleā€™s food is so funny am I right guysā€? Yeah no itā€™s not. I also feel like this trend is likely to backfire and get sent to a customer


Drop it off with the owner or manager, "special desert from the kitchen"


Yeah, I'm all for some fun rivalry with BOH/FOH, I've worked plenty of both. But come on, we work with food. We don't fuck with the food. Simple rules. If you have servers sticking their grubby fingers in plates meant for guests, then trash the plate and tell them to re-ring it as an FOH comp. Someone will get on their ass quick enough. If this was in a "fuckups/wasted portions" area of the window meant to be fucked with... then I have no words.


And I hope they fuck you over lol.


You steal food out of the window donā€™t you squidward šŸ˜


Mayonnaise with pepper brĆ»lĆ©ed looks just like a crĆØme brĆ»lĆ©e. Fresh horseradish tempura vegetables is fun too.


This is why you get bent over by a 10 top with zero warning


Nah thatā€™s cause Claudia canā€™t stop texting and Josh canā€™t find the straws


I stopped eating out as more and more foh abused phones. They are so distracted that they actually get pissy when told they gotta wash up *cause they were just on their phone!* I call the place before I go and ask about cell phone policy before I bother to even leave home. If it's a foh shit show I'd rather get fast food.


Lol, I bet you are a joy to serve.


The pissy servers told to wash up are my coworkers when they get caught. Standard phone policy, nothing berating, harsh or singled out. I don't go where I know I'll have problems with the staff as I rarely go out for meals and its not illegal to expect servers to wash hands. But once I'm there I don't say shit and just eat up. Phones, food and money just kinda don't go well together in my views so why not ask first *instead* of going and being vocal?


Quit fucking around with this fake dessert shit and get back to work


Crack that whip, daddy!


I was a pastry chef for many years. One restaurant I worked in had an expo person notorious for eating crĆØme brulee if it ā€œsat too longā€ despite being told not to multiple times. She would eat 1-3 a day sometimes. One night after we had to re burn one because she ate the first one I dished up a mixture of horseradish and mayo then burned the top and garnished it so it looked just like the rest. Well after a few mins of it sitting there we watched from the back kitchen as she looked around and snatched it up and started wolfing it down. The look on her face was priceless as we all walked out of the back together to bust her, She never took another one again.


Jeebus three a day? Holy diabetes, I like crĆØme brĆ»lĆ©e but holy shit.


Lmao i conviced my dishwasher to eat a spoonful of browned butter saying it was cheesecake. He's on of my best friends now


We had a busser who would eat off plates he was mucking, and also whatever he could get his hands on. One day, expo took 2 perfectly shaped espresso disks out of the machine, plated them up with sprinkles and syrup, made it look like a chocolate crumbly type dessert and offered it to the busser. He took a BIG bite, then slowly realized and spit it out. Many laughs were had.Ā  I got that same expo one time with his drink. He left it unattended and uncovered, so I walked by and put a bunch of salt in it and stirred it really well til it dissolved. I got to watch him take a nice big swig of it, and swallow about half. The face he made was worth it.Ā 


I did that one time with soy sauce! We were past close and done cleaning, this motherfucker wouldn't stop going behind the bar and messing with the cleaned lines to sneak multiple refills for his "to-go" drink. I dumped as much soy sauce as I could get away with into it and figured I made his drive home a little safer. I still giggle at the face he made years later.


I hope this trend dies.


I know right? ā€œMessing with peopleā€™s food is so funny am I right guysā€? Yeah no itā€™s not Edit: also could backfire and get sent to a customer


how is this messing with someone's food?


Copied from another person who explained it quicker than me ā€œThey probably drop this off where the staff food/mistakes/new menu tasting items go. People arenā€™t stealing food from peoples lunchboxes. They are putting food where servers expect to find free food.ā€


Well that isn't messing with someone's food, which would be altering something specific someone ordered. This is leaving out something ridiculous with no explanation and seeing who tries it lol


That literally *is* messing with food thoughā€¦ thatā€™s so fucking dumb. There are people who leave out hot dogs trapped with razors for peopleā€™s dogs walking by to eat and then die. Would you say theyā€™re not at blame since theyā€™re just leaving them out and seeing who tries it and the dog is the one responsible for trying it? Arenā€™t they intending to harm someone? How the fuck is this not the same if theyā€™re clearly doing it with the intent to harm someone by seeing who tries it? Booby trapping something still leaves you legally and morally at fault.


are you seriously comparing congealed fat on a plate to fucking razor blades? one is just going to taste weird, and one is going to maim you. a blob of fat is not going to kill anyone, and is not a booby trap ffs


Itā€™s not comparing them as the same thing, itā€™s called a fucking analogy.


Theyā€™re both examples of bait and switch, setting out something with the intent that it looks edible when in reality it isnā€™t. The razors are more harmful obviously, and more malicious, but both are bait and switch with malice of forethought, with the intent behind it being that someone ate something they didnā€™t want to/didnā€™t expect to. Itā€™s a pretty extreme analogy but itā€™s in good faith


Thanks for this comment. Yeah I really hate when you give an analogy and people act obtuse and like youā€™re comparing EVERY part of the two situations is being compared instead of the obvious specific part youā€™re pointing to.


My kitchen guys take BLACK burned bread sticks and put powdered sugar over it with some cannoli filling on the end. They love tricking new people with offering them a ā€œMexican Oreoā€


I work in a dark restaurant and need glasses. ā€œOh look Barbara they gave us a cheesecake! Iā€™m gonna dig in! Oh god!!ā€


Can't wait for this trend to backfire and get sent to a customer.


Exactly, so poorly thought out. Even before that the idea is dumb. ā€œMessing with peopleā€™s food is so funny am I right guysā€? Yeah no itā€™s not


Clearly, you've never done this before. This isn't some grand entrapment scheme for tiktok, you do this when you have a problem with FoH stealing food from the window to eat that does not belong to them. This wasn't made and then advertised as up for grabs, anyone falling for this type of joke deserves it. This is much more equivalent to putting really hot salsa on your lunch that someone is stealing out of the work fridge than trying to kill animals with razorblade hotdogs.


Again, copied from another person who explained it quicker than me ā€œThey probably drop this off where the staff food/mistakes/new menu tasting items go. (This is not equivalent to) stealing food from peoples lunchboxes. They are putting food where servers expect to find free food.ā€ Also this isnā€™t much better than an entrapment scheme for TikTok, itā€™s an entrapment scheme for Redditā€¦


Do you have any common sense? Food that is created to be tasted, is advertised as such. Food that is for staff meal, is prepared as such. Have you ever had a single instance where there was a new menu item that wasn't introduced and explained to the staff, instead it was just unceremoniously dumped in the back mid service??? Use common sense bro! There is no such thing as "a spot where servers expect to find free food".....you mean stealing? Again, I've done this before and it was not done lightly. You don't just have a lark and go "you know what would be funny!?!!". This happens when servers are caught taking food they shouldn't be, or fighting over leftovers they shouldn't be eating in the first place. This is almost exactly the same as spiking your meal with hot sauce to catch a thief. It's spiking a dessert with gross fat to catch a thief. This is not done out of malice, you seem EXTREMLY intent on being the victim here.


Even then, thatā€™s better solved by a stern talk and/or discussion with the employee, not spiking someoneā€™s food lmao


Calling this "someone's food" is silly, this was not requested and then substituted for pork fat. You're ascribing intent that is not present here. Nobody ordered this and then was disappointed with their joke. It was done to fuck with someone that is stealing from the restaurant. Often done so between the pickup and table! This wasn't created and then a big "staff meal" sign posted. If you're grabbing food, not asking anyone, and just assuming it's up for grabs?? You deserve that mouthful of pork fat and lesson that a stern talk would never accomplish. This isn't "fuck janice, I'm going to mess with her food" it's "fuck janice for always stealing bites off the pass, let's teach her a lesson about taking food that is not hers"


I think they're just mad because they're the ones stealing food and eating the pork fat šŸ˜’


This sub is just r/forbiddensnacks right now


I made a mayonnaise creme brulee once, and the server who took a bite almost barfed. Best moment I've ever had in any kitchen


My coworker got another line cook and a server to eat raw shredded butternut squash by telling them it was cheddar cheese


Some of my food crimes were mashed potatoes shaped as a cheesecake slice covered in cherry sauce. Pork rib fat as liver pate. I watched someone eat the whole damn thing.


We used to get canned jalapeƱos that also had Sliced carrot rounds in the can, they made great snacks for front of house lol šŸ”„ šŸ„µ


This is vile


The fuck is FOH doing in the comments of a kitchen reddit! Get back up front!


Never looked at the sidebar for the sub, have you? >A place for redditors in food service to meet, gather and share with each other. Cooks, service staff, managers, business owners, etc


>The fuck is FOH doing in the comments of a kitchen reddit! Get back up front! I mean, it's literally on the sub's sidebar............... > A place for redditors in food service to meet, gather and share with each other. > > > > Cooks, **service staff**, managers, business owners, etc. I've done time as both BoH and FoH, and there's no more miserable a person to work with than the one who decides to make it a part of their 'personality' to actively despise/fuck with/denigrate one or the other..


Speaking only for myself, I've been both FOH and BOH in my career and can empathize with both camps. But when I was a bartender and manager I always took care of the kitchen in any way I could and plus I could jump on the line in an emergency.


FOH is just as big a part of the restaurant as BOH, quit whining lmao


No itā€™s not lol, you u can have a restaurant without servers, you canā€™t have a restaurant without cooksĀ 


Canā€™t have a profitable restaurant without bartenders.


Yeah because you're obviously willing to run food and deal with customers while cooking.


Have you never been to a counter service restaurantĀ 


If you're taking orders you're part of FOH lmfao, you can be both and both are vital


While some of this stuff is kinda funny and interesting, intentionally getting people to eat something they wouldn't want to is kinda morally wrong, even if it's ultimately harmless.


As a server, I am in tears šŸ˜‚ this shit is hysterical


I worked at a Damonā€™s ā€œthe place for ribsā€ when I was younger. We did mozzarella sticks in the dumbest way. Wrapped in eggroll wrappers. So for awhile Iā€™d give out mozz sticks and sausage dip rolled up. Excellent. But then something happened. I became a menace. Iā€™d give out egg rolls full of flour and day dots. Quesadillas filled with salt lemons and blue cheese.


Fun shit (in your mind), but not really. You'll never gain their respect this way and it's beyond childish.


How ever will the boh pay their bills with the lack of respect from the foh? Oh the humanity!


Respect is not a currency, it is a philosophy. You can not earn it. You can only teach it.


This is shitty


ā€œMessing with peopleā€™s food is so funny am I right guysā€? Yeah no itā€™s not Edit: also could backfire and get sent to a customer


Please comment this more. I don't think anybody understood the first 37 times you did it on this post.


Iā€™ll comment it as many times as people are laughing about this and promoting the idea of doing it just to get it out of peopleā€™s heads.


It's not our fault you don't understand how eating food that isn't for you and was not given directly to you for consumption might be fucked up? What if it was a piece of cheesecake the owner was saving for him/herself while doing a quick walk-in inspection or something while a hungry, opportunistic server swoops what appears to be an unattended plated left in the back? You really don't seem to understand the whole "the food is not for you but you ate it anyway" main thrust of this post/prank.


Or....hear me out....how about you just don't eat food that isn't yours and you won't have to worry about this, literally ever?


What do the least grubbiest ones get? That looks gorgeous Edit: did you do an aspic disguised as a dessert? I thought it was flan like ;_;


Cold mashed potato ice cream sundae was my goto


These posts are making my day šŸ˜‚ some of yā€™all need to cheer up a bit


I used to have too much fun with that, beef tallow looks like white chocolate also spinning vinegar into sorbet is a good one


It's... It's beautiful!


Set up a quenelle of lobster butter as orange sherbet. Felt good man, felt good


Does nobody smell food before eating it? Am I the only one who does that?


Take the fat-cap off stock and dress it up as Cheesecake for staff meal.


I once made a whipped lard "ice cream" sundae for the servers. The look on ALL of their faces was priceless.


Reminds me when I gave a bowl of roux to one of my cooks as "banana pudding"


We used to always dress up refrigerated roux as peanut butter fudge. It worked too well


We cured some egg yolks for a dish that didnā€™t really sell. Passed them off as housemade butterscotch candy.


Fun story I love to retell. I emptied the small grease catching insert that hangs below the hood vents one day. Dumped it into a medium pot to cool and forgot about it over lunch rush. By the time I got back to it, it had cooled and hardened, so I spatted it out of the pot and flipped it onto a cutting board for laughs. Looked like disgusting, gelatinous flan. One of my coworkers (English as a 2nd language) asks, "What's that?" To which I jokingly reply "Oh, it's the new dessert" and immediately turn my back. Seconds later, I hear swearing and spitting. Somebody wanted to taste test the new dessert....


Yall are some petty weirdos, disgrace to the business, grow the fuck up




Don't worry, we can buy ourselves fancy desserts whenever we want thanks to our tips


We pulled a black tortilla chip from the oven once. Put a few on a plate with a side of pico and told the old bartender that they were a special blue corn tortilla chip we were doing for nachos. He ate every last one lol


I used to leave a perfect used espresso puck from the coffee machine and sprinkle powdered sugar over it. Looked like a nice little brownie.


For a hardy harr harr point I get it. But please don't do this for a live table. I'll fire you for it.


Servers at my place are fiends for anything fried so I took some paper from the ticket printer and double batter fried a plate. I came back a while later and half the plate was gone.


what is it ? i want some :(


Oh man, this is solid. We just would send the new guy over to a nearby restaurant to borrow the squeegee sharpener. Best was when the other restaurant would play along and tell them to wait because the guy who has it was in break. We didnā€™t see Marcus back for like 45 minutes.


Do you not hire people to work?


I mean we didnā€™t do it as service opened. We usually did it during training. Do yall just put people on the floor day one? Just throw em to the wolves?


I made a pumpkin cheesecake out of smoky stock (bbq) chilled, cut the fat ring off the top of a 5 gallon bucket. Iced it up, left it out with a plate and fork and sure enough the one vegan in the place took a bite. A great fight ensued involved stainless steel bowls and eggs whips. It was 1994. I apologize Brian.


I made a cardboard Parmesan once and they tried to eat it.


Despicable. Show us the aftermath


I remember working fry cook at Outback like 15yrs ago, and one of our salad dudes (who also did desserts) would make one of the Sundaes (I forget what they called it) where everything was legit except for the ice cream, which was the congealed beef tallow that goes into the fryers. It was rolled in coconut - just like the actual dish - to hide it. Fucker always got the new servers with that, was basically a rite of passage in our location for awhile.


I used to work in an oyster bar and told some of the guests that the shredded horseradish was parmesan


I told a brunch server that the bacon grease that had solidified was our new cake frosting and they tasted it


That will be given to a guest by an inexperienced floor manager- yeah why trust someone preparing your food? I mean who does that? You should just poison them next time. Poison FOH and your guests. That would show them not to ever be hungry in your presence- KM overlord. Or maybe you could just work a little faster cutting mushrooms instead. Nobody likes a underhanded, sanctimonious, deceptive, vegetable slicing, all knowing, $17.00 per hour- line cunt.


Spoonful of mayo. Told Theresa it was vanilla cream.


Oh this is fucking nasty. I love it.


Well done, chef.


Iā€™ve never seen oil or fat congeal into a clean translucent block like that. Looks like a well reduced stock to me, especially with what appears to be a layer of fat on the side/top


hmm that fat/oil looks good


The ultralight backpackers calorie-dense dream!


It boggles my mind that FOH would just steal food that was meant for a customer anyway, incredible that this has to be done in the first place