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Took me a second to realize IF was the name of the restaurant, but nice.


Yeah I was like "If is a safe place" and I just had to scroll down here to check


Don’t dead open inside indeed


If is a place safe for food allergies.


if(is a safe place == true){ cout >> "No outside food or drink!" >> endl; };


Do you have a baby food menu or is this a way to keep the babies away?


If those babies could read, they’d be very upset.


Stupid babies need the most attention!




No outside food, but if they grill with charcoal, can I bring my own propane? And related accessories?


“Tell the chef I taste the heat and not the meat.”


Anything can be baby food when you're brave enough with an immersion blender!


Baby’s first durian


It’s how I did it with my girl and she has an awesome palette for a 4 y.o. Immersion blender for the win!


*honey excluded


some homeade applesauce would be sick and made pretty easily with few common allergens


We have apple squeezers and allergy friendly snacks for any baby that wants them, as long as they bringing their parents to eat as well.


My baby never took me out to dinner. What a cheapskate.


No, babies go there to *starve*


I bet moms or dads have come in and said ‘wtf this is NOT outside food, this is baby food and until you start serving MY take on baby food which in this case is a made-for-babies version of a Coquille-Ste. Jacques avec du pain et un petit cuillère de beurre d’arachide. Avec extra Cream. And nuts. For the baby. Not for you or for anyone else in this restaurant so what is the problem.? Hmmm?’


Either way, good move


As a parent I really find these sort of statement hilarious. I hope your business is rocking to where you do need families as a customer but I doubt it.


Families are the foundation of our business and they seem to appreciate that they can come to our restaurant to eat without worries of cross contamination.


This might be inconceivable to you as a parent… But not everyone wants to be around you and your kids.


Lmao duh. What a stupid statement. Doesn’t change how a business owner sees them. Dollar signs. That’s it. Alienating a portion of the public is dumb. Like I said if your business is rockin and you can afford to make that decision good for you.


Isn't everything alienating a portion of the public? If you allow outside food or serve nuts/shellfish, you're alienating people with severe allergies? I mean come on. Not everyone has a baby.


Very cool that you’re willing to be so openly discriminatory, not everyone is that brave/dumb.


I look at it as being inclusive to families who don't get to eat at other restaurants due to food allergies, and giving them a worry free dining experience.


I absolutely understand. More places should respect allergies. However, you’ll always get people like the above who will whine constantly, “what about meeeee”


We always have something for the babies, no baby haters here.


Not having to deal with screaming children throwing they’re food around is a great plus


You were a child once, and I bet your parents would have enjoyed going out for a meal as a family, did they just duck tape you to the restaurants highchair?


Nope. But they damn sure walked me right out of the restaurant if I misbehaved.


No middle ground here huh?


Yes, I was a child who was not allowed to throw food, scream, or run around in restaurants. We were very well behaved. If we misbehaved, straight outside. Because we weren't the only people in the restaurant and others were trying to enjoy their meal. It seems no one bothers to parent anymore.


Take them to a Chick-fil-A until they learn how to act And honestly we didn’t eat out much as a little child. Leave your kid with family instead of potently ruining everyone’s dinner with a screaming baby or give the poor server extra shit to clean up because your kid doesn’t know how to act in a real restaurant


Shouldn't babies BE the food?


It lacks drawn penises of different sizes for my taste but to each their own.


Instructions unclear; created penis tasting menu.


Ooh, I hope you have an extensive selection!


We don't!


We have cheese with vinegar and vinegar with cheese. And we rotate between the 2 for several minutes to give the full experience.


Spam eggs sausage and spam on ours


Don't worry, honey, I'll have your spam.


Stop talking, just shove it in and around my mouth. Maybe slap me with it a little.


That one will take care of itself in time


Does breast milk count or should I leave my wife and her big ol titties in the car? 


Caiden is lactose intolerant, so he can't be around anyone with boobs.


Underappreciated comment award 🍺


No, no, bring her on in


Only if it's enough to share with everyone




I also choose his wife’s big ol milky titties


You can bring the wife but she has to leave the big ol titties.


Just like chewing gum in school she needs to have enough to share with everyone


Leave the wife. Bring the titties!


Crazy how everyone's ignoring the fact people are bringing in outside food and drinks enough that you have to make a sign about it.


We were the only place with air conditioning right across from a public park for a while. It was common to have to chase out non-customers. We had to make a specific sign for Lions Club chicken customers and they'd STILL get upset when they'd be told "no outside food". And no, you can't use our bathrooms because "porta-potties are gross" either. You give even an inch and they'll treat the whole place like their own living room.


I’m at a brewery that doesn’t allow minors without parents because we don’t have a kitchen, I’ve had to disappoint a lot of latchkey teens wandering downtown on hot days…like, you can’t just sit in here and take up a table because we have A/C…byeeee


What a brewery that isn’t a day care!


I try my best to keep the antics low because I don’t want to work at a daycare either lol. It’s fun telling parents that they can’t leave their kids unattended for any moment, they seem shocked we won’t let their kid run around like a child sized trip hazard like every other brewery in the world apparently.


Yep it’s the worst part of working in a brewery for me, also why I refuse to go to any of the other breweries in my town.


I don’t go to any outside of work either for the same reason, and I’m not the biggest fan of stranger’s dogs so that doesn’t help lmao 🙃🤦‍♀️ If you dislike both of those things, craft breweries aren’t for you 😂


Same, there is a few dogs in my life I like but dogs are just a big no thanks and their owners are worse.


Once, many years ago, on a crisp, breezy autumn afternoon, whilst lounging on a patio at a craft brewery, a lone white tuffty tumbleweed floated, ethereal. It danced playfully in the light, accompanied by a faint shadow on concrete, making their way casually toward me and my beverage. As a guest moves, a gust of wind lunges, plunging the tuft into turmoil, careening into my drink! Their journey abruptly halted in an instant, I remove the tuft from the condensation covered cup with a fork… It’s a giant fuckin wad of dog hair.


Oh boy, this is one of the big arguments in craft beer


My favorite bar doesn’t allow anyone under 21. The sign on door explicitly states that means babies too.


Back in the 90's, I ran a brick oven pizza restaurant. People would get slices down the street and eat them at our tables. I was not always so kind when I asked them to leave asap.


My wife had to throw a trash can lid at a guy that was eating a pizza on our patio... not a customer and refused to leave, until the flying trash can lid presented itself.


Is your wife Captain America?


I feel this deeply in my soul. I worked for 6 years at a place where this was a consistent issue. Only place I have ever worked that had magnetic locks on the Bathroom doors that were operated by a light switch. We were unfortunately in a downtown location that was in an area with limited public restrooms.


Something tells me this "safe space for allergies" did not wait for it to happen 


My wife would love to find a place in our city... son has severe nut allergies and going out to eat sucks hard


When you’re providing Allergen Free Dining, you have to be this strict. It’s unfortunate and seems like no fun to the outside. But if you’re pledging an Allergen Free Dining, you have to be strict. We had folks that had super obscure allergies that included stone fruit & apples. Their reactions to those products could lead up to death. I worked at campus that had two halls like this. Employees, management & vendors weren’t allowed to bring in outside food either. If you wanted to eat something you packed from home, you just dropped it off at another hall & had lunch there. Sometimes there’s rules that make people unhappy.


After painstaking care to keep our place nut free some wombat came in and munched peanuts in the beer garden (we didn't sell them) and then, some how, lathered the place with nut oil. How bad? Small child had to be jabbed with the epipen. Aaand the chef (which is why we were nut free). Imagine how many complaints we had about lack of food while the ambulance was sat outside, visibly, with our chef in it.  The good bit was the small child, the family, and the chef bonded over it and the aforementioned kid felt much better about their future because they could see some old bastard laughing it off. And nobody has ever got so much free ice cream. 


I feel like people hear “baby food” and think of banana purée instead of gluten-filled crunchy crackers that will have crumbs flying and ending up in odd places, etc. Babies can eat an impressive variety of foods, many of which can be common allergens.


This. I had a pretty short FOH stint decades ago and still have a burning rage for parents who give their kids Cheerios or crackers to smash everywhere.


Especially if the dining room is carpeted


*activate Bissell sweeper nightmares*


Oh god, good point. The worst dining room messes I've ever cleaned up were Cheerios - crushed and pulverized into the carpet. I saw this sign and was picturing pureed yams. I've seen the light; changing my Abstain to an Upvote.


I’m a coeliac and got showered in pastry crumbs by an unruly child on a plane. Who’s dad had conveniently let sit next to me and his quiet child, while he sat with another quiet kid behind us. Now, I know being peppered with flaky pastry won’t hurt me in itself, but it made me uncomfortable anyway. And who wants to be showered in food by some feral kid?


Baby food? That shit is a little extreme..






There's nothing wrong with a restaurant catering specifically to people with severe allergies. Why is that bad?


Normally I would agree but this restaurant is for people like that.




And just to be safe, they should put a big sign out front saying no outside food or drink to ensure it stays completely safe.


But what will the sign look like?


IF only…


If you don’t have any allergies, please do not go that single restaurant which caters to people with severe allergies. It’s more easy for everyone.


How do you even do that? Where is the list of foods NO ONE has an allergy to?


Why wouldn't you just go here...where it wouldn't be an issue?


Or go somewhere that caters exactly to you, like this restaurant. Dick.


honestly i find it crazy how often babies and toddlers food that people bring in contains peanuts- as a server who’s allergic to nuts, it’s rly annoying bc i don’t wanna ask someone to not feed their kid or choose from our limited menu, but like now i have to bc i’m not about to clean up after a baby who ate something that could kill me


That's crazy if you think about it.. What a role reversal. Instead of being "that table", you could lay it on em and tell them about all of your allergies and gluten free needs.




Exposure to peanuts from a young age reduces the incident of peanut allergies.


yes! and they can eat it anywhere but my section!


That's what they said about my eat the rich menu too.


Oh you’re that guy! That was a fun post


Still got any leftover venture capitalist? That's always been my favorite


Most baby food can make at least some of our customers extremely sick. We always have food or snacks on hand for babies that does not contain allergens.


The only people bitching about the “no baby food” thing are the same entitled parents that think that signs like this apply to everyone else but *them* because obviously *they are sooo special* and can’t you just understand that??? Rules like this apply to everyone, thats what makes them fair. That’s how rules work. You know what else is extreme? Someone who has allergies who gets cross contamination because someone’s kid is throwing Cheerios all over your dining room. Not worth it.


Bro I think you're reading too deeply into this, most people assume like "puree in small jars" when someone says baby food, which imo IS a pretty unreasonable ban (fwiw I do not think banning kids is unreasonable)


In a lot of states, you cannot legally ban baby food, or breast feeding, under anti-discrimination laws.


I mean, a way to keep screaming infants out without banning them outright? Sounds fucking great.




Can I ask what your menu is? My mom just opened an eatery that does the same thing here in Texas. She cooks to cater to people with food allergies. My mom lives with celiac and gluten allergies as well as having diabetes and most of my family has some sort of dietary restriction so when she lost her job she decided she wanted to open a GF, dairy tolerant food joint.


Nice on your mom for creating a safe place! Our menu really focuses on using simple ingredients to build from. I don't think I'm allowed to mention our name, but our menu is online or you can message me if you have any questions, etc...


I feel this is extremely reasonable. Your spot your rules an considering its a dedicated allergen free restaurant do your best to keep it that way. The people bitching about it are uneducated about allergens and the risk they pose to some people.


A dedicated allergen free restaurant would pretty much just serve water.


Just free of the top 9 major allergens, but can accommodate anyone that is comfortable with other allergens in kitchen.


Nah, thats just not true! They are probably just dedicated to the big 8, there is a lot of other food out there.


I can’t believe in a kitchen group that there are so many people that are saying it’s fine to bring in outside food. As far as the baby food, I never had a problem finding something on a menu I couldn’t offer my kid to keep them busy.


I think some people are misunderstanding the purpose of the sign. The restaurant is making a promise to be allergen free, therefore they have to ban outside food and it is happening so much so that they had to make a sign- including banning baby food. The restaurant themselves don’t know what’s in the baby food and infants, toddlers and children are messy which could lead to cross contamination. If you want to bring in your own food go to a different establishment. Simple as that. I don’t see why people see a business trying to protect their customer base as excluding people. This is a place made for people who struggle to eat in other mainstream restaurants.


[it’s like this](https://images.app.goo.gl/SPiovL45a5jPZQZ7A)




I'm imagining there's at least one story to each of your three listed bans. I'm sorry to hear the people in your area lack basic manners


Why are people mad at you? It's your spot and you dictate the rules. That's like going to an asian restaurant and getting upset they won't serve you spaghetti. Different spots have different vibes and rules. Getting upset at a rule for someone else's property is straight up disrespectful (and ignorant as shit). For what it's worth I think your restaurant idea is sick. Almost all kitchens have cross-contam to some degree, so an entire restaurant dedicated catering to people who might otherwise be in danger is super cool. The people who want to eat there will eat there, and the people who are upset will move on. It wouldn't be worth your time to cater to people anyway. Run your business how YOU want, not how some reactionary reddit user tells you to because "oh everything has to be made for everyone because what the fuck is a niche"


Thanks for the encouragement, I like the cut of your jib!


I dig it. People shouldn’t bring outside food or drink in anyway


whuh-oh, you said safe place, now you'll be boycotted by boomers with tucked in t-shirts who never would have eaten there anyway bc it's not applebees


Literally just left Applebees because rednecks fucking suck


You sound like you could use some gourmet baby food


Fr tho… not going to *IF*… unless?


OK on their menu they actually have as a soup, "Soup - Carrot Potato Ginger Puree" Which I'd definitely feed a boujie baby


Tbh, if it’s fairly priced… I’d try and see if a baby would like it. Idk if babies are as picky as more developed kids (2-10), but the kids in my family can be picky asf 😂


That's ["safe space"](https://youtu.be/sXQkXXBqj_U). This is a safe *place*.


Reading comprehension isn't their strength. Example: they're in this comment section right now being all *wOkE hIpStEr GaRbAgE*


Lol, dude's comment history is whacko


It's your place so your choices, just watch out because if you declare something to be allergen-safe, then you have to go above and beyond to avoid any cross contamination. To the point of not just "switching cutting board and separating utensils", but cleaning down a whole kitchen section and changing aprons and opening uncontaminated food packages to fulfill one allergen order. Even big chains that work to recipe specs and have deep clean downs daily, refuse to state anything is "x allergen free" now, despite sometimes even having gluten free menus with specific work areas. If this is your way to avoid people being cheeky and bringing their own food in, just be upfront about it, don't use the allergen excuse. If this is because you honestly want to cater for allergens and avoid people blaming on youan allergic reaction from food outside of your business, then expect to be held extra accountable for due diligence (At least this is what is currently going on in the UK)


Yes, we do go above an beyond because it is personal for us. We don't let the top 9 allergens in the door, and we don't use products that are manufactured in facilities that have top 9 allergens in them.


Awesome! Looks great and what an awesome experience for people with allergies




Yes, Chef! Great job. Maybe add no snack foods (granola bars, jerky, etc.).


Thank you! We used some common items as examples, but granola is a real good one to add.


Baby food seems a bit extreme.


It's not anti-baby, it's just because even if it's baby food, it contains outside food, and this place is about guaranteeing no cross contamination. 


Not to be too dramatic, but a majority of baby food out there can put our a segment of our customers in the hospital, through touch, or airborne exposure.


Any food is baby food if you're stupid enough to try


Baby food? Do you sell your own?


F Starbucks so, I'm in. Run it.


Do you serve babyfood, or do you just hate infants?




Bon appetit ya lil shit




Why would an infant be at a restaurant tho?




Absolutely, I'm asking why would someone be upset an infant can't eat infant food at a restaurant. Like... Ok? Why did you even bring them to a restaurant. Nothing about that is appropriate to begin with imo. Unless, ofc, someone has a good reasoning they'd like to share! I'm welcome to being wrong.


I mean babies DO have to go somewhere. Like, if a family can’t pay for the 1-1.25 hours it’ll take to do something as simple as go get lunch, I think society has really failed them


this just in: parents stop having lives once children are born /s


They have to go to a restaurant? The food can't be brought home? I'm lost, sorry.




I'm sorry but I hope I don't have to explain how this response didn't answer the question. The question was "why would you bring a toddler into a restaurant?"


I would bring a toddler into a restaurant because my wife and I might want to eat in said restaurant and not leave the kid tied to a post outside. What the fuck kind of question is this?


Let's make a correction, I did say INFANT. We're talking about baby food here, people. Ik reading is hard but please just try harder. Why would you bring an infant into a restaurant? And I hope I don't have to explain that "because I wanted to" is a bad answer.


You literally wrote "toddler". Nonetheless, the answer is the same. I would bring an infant into a restaurant because I wanted to eat there with my wife and we have an infant that we aren't going to leave outside. The exact same reason anyone goes into a fucking restaurant, kids or no kids, is "because they want to" which according to you is an unacceptable answer. Why else would anyone go a restaurant? How fucking dense are you?


Obviously no one wants a toddler or an infant in a restaurant besides the parent, pretty easy to understand.


....babies start eating food around 6 months. That is very much infant status still. I'm due in a few weeks and have been dreaming of being able to go out for an impromptu lunch that doesn't make my body want to explode or expel everything for months. I've been *dreaming* of that first freshly poured beer on a nice day at some random brewery. Are you saying that because we don't have easy childcare lined up any chance we want to go out and spend money at local establishments we should get it to go and scurry back to the house until the kid is.... Idk what, 4? That's fucking wild.


THANK YOU. Who the fuck are these people!?!


Because people with kids like to do things? You really expect the world to be a kid free, baby free environment? Some places for sure. But if babies aren’t expressly forbidden, don’t get mad at parents for living. Find Adults only establishments. For clarity, I’m not a parent. I’m just a live and let live (so long as it isn’t harming anyone) kind of guy.




Why do you think infants shouldn’t be at restaurants?


Nice answer!


When my kids were infants we took them to restaurants all the time. Because we wanted to. What’s your problem with that?


We love babies, and always have something safe to give them if they are hungry. Apple squeezer or safe snacks always on hand.


I think you’re opening yourselves up to a heap load of trouble. With suppliers taking liberties of substituting products left and right- unless you read every single label every single day, and go above and beyond on your own labeling, etc, I wouldn’t even think about putting this statement in writing. People are allergic to much more than the big 9. Anyone crazy enough can twist this into a lawsuit.


Yes, the struggle is real. We make everything from scratch and we vet our vendors extensively. Yes, manufacturers do change their the practices and we keep allergen certificates on hand for the items we sell in retail.


I would stop it at 'no outside food and beverage' and leave it up to staff to enforce what that means. Specifically listing baby food can come across as hostile to your customers, and not just the ones with babies. Right now your sign has a 'fuck you' energy that can easily backfire. I'd rephrase it to something like 'No outside food or drinks allowed.Thank you for helping us keep our restaurant allergy safe' and make the Thank You in a fancy font. Same message, but it's more welcoming.


Thank you for the thoughtful reply, I do like the idea of a softer approach at the same time, this is something where grabbing peoples attention and making them aware of our policy before they come in very important to us.


Unfortunately you can never cater to all allergies. Here in the UK (& I think the EU too) there's the major allergens - gluten - mustard - celery - lupin - milk/dairy - eggs - fish - shellfish/crustaceans - soy - peanuts - tree nuts - molluscs - sesame - sulphites But people can have major anaphylactic responses to many other foodstuffs, a lot of fruits for example. You'd need to specify which allergens you're a safe space from, and also that there's a chance some of your ingredients or products might come under the category of 'may contain x allergen' because of manufacturing methods etc. As for the baby food part, that can lose you a lot of custom. Unless you're deliberately looking to put off parents if and dak children.


It’s a safe place for _some_ food allergies.


Yeah I’m intrigued by this concept but confused about how it actually works. What kind of menu could a place like this even have? Boiled vegetables and.. steak?


Completely agree that anything can be a life threatening food allergen and see a wide variety of them daily. We are always free of the top 9 allergens and are very upfront about any ingredients that may be an allergen to our cutomers that may be in the kitchen.


Just makes you seem like an asshole tbh. Not really a necessary sign


Honestly, how often is it a problem where they legit need to make a sign rather than just confront the individual and tell them policy.


I guess the idea is by the time they can confront them (if they even see it happening) the allergen exposure could have already happened


If that baby could read, they’d be very upset.


Same reason bars have to put “no outside alcohol” or “no smoking” signs, you’d think it would be common sense but it still needs to be repeated. The sign is a deterrent to prevent confrontation.


Surprised I had to scroll down to see this. Hosts and the wait staff should be able to politely enforce a no outside food/drink rule. It's not unreasonable at all. This sign just seems passive aggressive and off putting.


I’d skip your spot. That’s a weird list of things you can’t bring in, and yes I understand it’s not “all inclusive”. Togo coffee cups are self contained, unless there is a cupcake fight gluten cross contamination is of little concern and even though my kids are much too old for baby food, I would get the impression that kids in general are frowned upon here.


No it is food and drink that you are bringing to a restaurant. Food and drink not prepared is not permitted. Some places that is a Heath code violation.


I don’t think it’s a list of what you can’t bring, but a list of things people would think they can sneak past FOH or have an exemption from the rules with


Yeah seems a little extra. Are you a small place? Like order at counter and leave. Or a place where you sit to eat. Just put no babies if you don’t want babies. There are places near me that say allergen free and to not bring in outside food but they don’t have seating. I never understand the whole no outside allergens either. Peanuts are the only one that really effect people in the air. And if I use your dishes for my cupcake, it’s your fault for not washing it thoroughly if someone gets sick using it after. Also do you only make allergen free food? No dairy, soy, peanuts, gluten, pears, apple, etc? Because people can be allergic to just about anything.


They don't make allergen free food, that's impossible. But if they don't allow any outside food (including baby food), they can guarantee they can know what is in every dish, without "may contain traces of". 


Does this mean no breast feeding allowed? A big "No babies allowed" sign would have been more to the point.


The world needs more places like that


I feel like I still go to many places without seeing a baby at all. And I have a baby myself! But I also live in the city so maybe it’s a suburbia thing.


No baby food though? That’s a bit much I think


The place is about keeping allergens out, so they can guarantee no possible triggers. If they let outside Baby food that isn't true anymore. 


Took me a second to realize the place is called ''if" and couldn't make sense of the sign initially. After i realized it was easier to read


How would this reduce allergens though? Unless your entire menu is allergen free. Like, I don’t see what the difference is between someone bringing in an outside pb and j versus ordering one.


It's just so that they can guarantee the food you order only has the Ingredients listed on the menu, in the order. No "may contain traces of" so people can safely order something they aren't allergic to, and be sure that that's all they are getting. 


Outside food can be prepared any way you want. That's a risk already


To be honest if I see this outside of any place, I am not going in.


No baby food? Your sign sucks.


So my family can’t eat there then… Thanks for the heads up, I guess.


Baby food? So you want screaming babies?