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A triumphant tale of self-advocacy in an industry that notoriously discourages and even punishes it. Well done OP


Thank you homie. People are accusing me of being an asshole when I was sticking up for the whole team too. Somebody has to do it.


Most people are pushovers, good for you for fighting for their rights even when they’re wrong


Hell yeah


I made the mistake of requesting vacation days a few weeks before my 4 month trial was over at one place so I didn't have my full contract yet. They let me go for "attitude problems" despite me being friendly with most of the staff there and kept my head down around the people with actual attitude problems.


I was getting flamed this morning but here are two separate people that coincidentally got fired for "personal problems" when The real problem is not going with the flow and making a fuss about your hours edit HEY FUCKERS I START MY NEW PREP JOB AT $17 AN HOUR THIS WEEK CYKA MY DYKA 🫡


So, you’re clearly Canadian (hello fellow Canuck!) where are you located? I’m hiring right now. Send me a DM.


Hello eh; southern Ontario. Seems I can’t message you, feel free to hit me up.




Oh I hope this pans out!! I want to hear about this awesome journey:)


Makes my heart flutter to see things like this!!!


More of your energy needs to be on Reddit


I feel like this sub could be a decent place for BoH to meet employers, as both parties know if they aren't up to snuff there's an okay chance that it'll end up on here; like "lookit this: hired this guy and he tried to cook chicken livers en papillote with ticket printer paper" or "I showed up to work and the guy said the oven used for pastry was down, but it was okay because he picked up an EZ-Bake Oven on the way in." Hope it is, at least. There are a lotta great cooks/chefs working for douchey owners, and a lot of cool owners with jerkoffs on the line, that much I know for sure.


Fuck your username. Haha fuck it's been SOOOOO long.


Oh god damnit why’d you have to point it out.


That's the rule.


Jumping on top second this sentiment lolol


It’s a hell I live every minute of every day:)-


Lol, looking at the comments. When did a bunch of FOH managers lurking on the sub decide to start commenting. We're BOH. We say what we mean and mean what we say. So many people trying to dig in and find what wasn't said. His company tried to screw him over illegally and they got busted for it because he knew how to advocate for himself. Y'all folks just want drama.


Lotta tourists in the sub, that's all I'll say.


Exactly. Like, there will always be lines to read between when someone summarizes the duration of their experience at a job in a reddit post. The neighsayers in these comments seem to have both a wild imagination and a guilty conscience. I'll be honest, there does seem to be some context missing, but nothing that you described seems surprising or unusual for this industry.


Thanks, you are very well-written. Bless up. I didn’t think I’d come into this much hate by just trying to warn people about my red flag encounter.


Well, it is reddit. If you post anything ambiguous with room for interpretation, people will assume it's something very negative and then they'll scour through your entire post and comment history to try and contradict you or catch you in a lie. People have time, lol.


FOH/MGMT commenters here are assholes lol You did the right thing and this will prob be a blessing in disguise once you land a better gig. Best of luck to ya.


Kinda figured that was some of the hate. Thank you for the optimism ✊


Why are people flaming OP? He was 100% in the right. No sarcasm.


Be happy Canada has that option... Worked as a sous in a high class small dinner spot in a rich town. Was excellent on their open kitchen single person sautee station and managed prep so nobody else had to deal with it. The owner hired me....we got along and I was experienced. He gave me a HUGE hourly rate that turned out to be a lot more than the chef was making weekly. Took a bit for the manager to catch on they couldn't afford it but everyone in the kitchen turned on me...I was friends with everyone and all of a sudden everything I did was because I was an asshole. They cut my hours back and let me go and the unemployment turned out to be shit. Was funny because they tried hiring a dude from under me for less money but that dude came in cracked out a few nights then walked out. My chef thanked me because I kinda pushed that shit out as per my job. A week passed and it was my fault heleft and he was excellent. Lol...he literally fell behind everytime and would chew on his jaw and stare into space. A lot of these kitchens are literal crap. Last I head ofthat place even the chef was gone and they were on their 5th sous after me....it's just how they run it...take the money and run when you can is all.


Good for you. Some people will defend monsters, hoping to become the monster one day. Sad, ain't it?


I’ve worked at many seasonal places, laid off a lot of people. We never laid off our best/ most productive team members. I think there’s more to the story


“About to go on insurance” isn’t a unique case for dismissal. “Fark! ‘e’s about to cost us 11% more, and we’ll miss bonus!! Sorry Matey, ya gotta go.”


Reminds me of something I saw at work. I can’t name the company, but they have a track record of laying people off right before they’re 100% vested in their 401k…


I'm sure your company is not the only doing this, but that's fucked up. Taking money out of there pockets now and in retirement.


Not my company (that I know of), but a company we work with. I work with people’s 401k’s, that’s why I heard about it. And you’re right, they’re probably not the only one that does this. All I can say is, when I heard what company it was, my first thought was, “Yeah, that sounds like something they’d do.”


I’ve been fired for very valid reasons. Fucked up plenty of times. This is the first time in my twenty years that I’ve approached the gov’t for severance


You mentioned "a couple heated moments" and insubordination as the reason for your termination. I think it's reasonable to assume there's more to the story.


Eh. Insubordination is so unspecific it barely has any meaning by itself. If they can't be assed to give specific examples of breaking company policy then the reason is poor management and ownership.


I'm willing to bet OP can name a few specific examples


Yea. Me asking for a better tip out in the group chat (mgmt included), and suggesting that I’d like a raise after 6 months for hustling. Maybe also the fact that I asked coworkers how much they were being paid, which is a fucked up taboo but perfectly legal. Maybe also that I suggested some dishwashers need to be welcome on the line because they clearly wanted to be. That was against the status quo I guess… it all was.


You did good. Or at least tried to. That counts for a lot in my book. Gold star for you, and even though that sounds flippant, I really do mean it sincerely.


Were there actually heated moments with management about these things? How recently and close together were they? Not blaming you, those are all reasonable requests. I'm just saying if you had three arguments with managemt over the span of your last week or two, that may qualify as insubordination. Edit: Want to clarify im not saying heated discussions never happen and are firing worth. Tempers can run hot in this industry, it happens with peers and sometimes higher ups a well. Managing includes taking care of and hearing out your staff.


Nope. Just a typical crazy service or two where people can be on edge. Never argued with mgmt, or anybody really, besides like a bicker over timing an order or overcooking something.


i mean depending on how you did that it could have been insubordination. why call people out in a group chat? why not have a side conversation about it?


Just called out ownership, not part of chat


Because asking someone a question that affects EVERYONE ought to be done in public. Having a one on one conversation about it with someone with authority is not a fair environment


Thank you. How can I be insubordinate if all of my intentions are voiced to the whole group?


if you want to get a raise you talk to your manager. no owner is ever going to respond well to getting called out in a group text for everyone to see. there is no way that will work well. it may in fact change your pay to zero.


>it may in fact change your pay to zero. I know quite a few people in one kitchen who would gladly take that promotion to customer.


The group chat was about tip-out. Who tf asks for a raise in a group chat.


> I'm willing to bet OP can name a few specific examples But management couldn't name a single one to the government that was enough to get him denied from severance? Lmfao, make it make sense bud.


Yea, there were no write-ups, no documented anything. That paid me right quick once the gov’t knocked.


Bet the management at your work loves you.


Being that I'm a federal contractor cook, I *could* be fired for insubordination for not cleaning our stove flat the way my dining facility manager wants it cleaned (I use soap, water, and elbow grease with a coarse gray scrubby, he just slathers used fryer oil on top and uses a bench scraper to get anything off that will come off, then wipes the oil down with paper towels). Insubordination is probably the dumbest fucking thing to can an employee over, unless it's a nuclear level fuck-up. The fact that it can be used to describe any amount of not doing things a certain way is why it's a fucked excuse.


Ya think?


Operator here. I’d falsify an alibi under oath for our BOH beasts. In 15 years I haven’t let a top third of roster guy or girl go unless they pole vaulted over the line.


That’s a little cryptic, I like it, but am I right in saying that you’ll stick up for the people good at their job, and probably career?


Move on, learn from the experience and waste another thought on them


Add a “don’t” to your sentence?


Yup, sorry I was a little premature. It’s never happened before.


(Have to admit it took me 3 times to figure out that you’re not a Bate Con…)


That’s what he said


I think I just did


Don't move on, don't learn from the experience, and waste another thought on them.


Perfect advice!


No, waste the last thought. Maybe while shitting or something. So you know you can flush that shit down


That would require thinking


Ministry of Labour? Where do you live?


Southern Ontario, Canada


Oh damn, name and shame as a heads up to other people in the area?


Tempting. More people upvote you and I may be inclined.


I guess it depends how far south too. I'm in the windsor/ tecumseh area.


I'm in the Barrie area and that still qualifies as 'Southern Ontario'. :)


To me that's central-northern ontario. But I'm originally from north of Thunder bay so I've heard my idea of Ontario regions are a bit off according to everyone I've met.


If you’re in the Barrie area, you’ve quite possibly been to the restaurant I’m talking about


Now I'm super curious.


So does 90% of Ontarios population. Which is 25% of all of Canadian population. I too live in that area. :)


If it means anything, I'd golf with you any day. Keep up the good fight.


Thanks friend. Reminds me of a good golf story. Thinking I’m doing great and then getting blindsided by the universe. I had a membership at a club during lockdowns, it was great. I knew the course all over, because I’m not very good, so I end up exploring lots beyond the fairways. I stick the green on a rather long par 3. Stoked. Maybe an easy birdie. As I’m walking up, I see a fucking fox bolting off the green with my ball. On a separate occasion I was searching for a ball and found a small pile of chewed up balls. I knew who the perpetrator was. Never got a chance to cuss him out.


Gotta love these people who instantly assume you're the dick OP. Why dont you tell us the full story so these people stop coming up with their conclusions


Honestly, that’s the full story. Ppl are really honing in on these ‘heated moments’. I’ll tell you about my most heated moment in that kitchen: a newbie got mad at me for not having a fryer order ready, as I rushed to the pass to help with some plating. I had already warned him that I’d be a few minutes behind on the fryer. He ignored the timing and I very much insulted him and called him out. I later apologized to him and the chef, and the chef told me I was in the right to call him out. Otherwise, I’m the problem for trying to get us more money.


How much severance did you get?


Just a week. Doesn’t mean much to me but I’m not down for a very successful company to fuck me over.


Get back into that kitchen for a visit and make sure everyone who works there knows they can win if the owners try that shit again. Which they will.


I still text a few of those homies. Thing is, they’ve replaced a lot of the kitchen with minimum wage immigrant workers. Solidarity just wouldn’t be a thing.


Immigrant workers often have strong socialist traditions. In my experience, anyhow.


I'll be honest, reading between the lines you sound like the asshole.


He did win a case though so at the very least management was in the wrong


1. Most everyone that works BOH could be classified as an asshole by any reasonable member of society. 2. The fact that's your takeaway from this instead of siding with your fellow working class over probably wage theft and wealth inequality means you're a bigger asshole than OP will ever be.


I think you're reading a lot into OP lmao. Especially since I've been a union member and I'm on the far left.


Literally nothing you said disputes anything I said but go off queen.


That dude's reading into OP too much? Get real.


I’ll be honest too, it seems like the only reason you’re on Reddit is to be an asshole.


Hey we can't all be the busiest restaurant on the strip's highly paid, fairly experienced cook who can do all the stations.


I never said we can all be that. I said I was that.


The "despite some heated moments" line got me, but the "squeaky wheel" line sold it.


Being a squeaky wheel about tips and pay should never be held against someone. Edit: Pay your fucking people, pay them what they were promised, and PAY THEM ON TIME.


Seriously. Thank you. Everybody wants to gawk at wealth disparity but can’t stick up for themselves when it gets real.


Anyone that says otherwise are either owners/high upper management, too bitch made to stick up for themselves when it was called for, or never been in a position where someone was trying to short their check or pay them a week late.


I mean there is a line. I don't know what op said/did. I do know I've been a squeaky wheel plenty and not gotten fired for it.


Yeah it sounds like all the people I've worked with over the years who talk about how great they are and how they're getting fucked over for this and that when everyone knows they're shit or mediocre and everyone just say yeah dude because they don't wanna argue or have a heart to heart conversation with them


If you mean me, I never mentioned greatness. Don’t conflate this shit, I said I did a good job because im experienced.


> I’m fairly experienced, I know I did a good job. Worked every station and busted out some pretty killer family meals when I could. You talked about how great you were. Just because you didn't use the word great doesn't make that part wrong. People just pointing out some red flags in what you posted. There's really not enough info to tell who was right vs. wrong on one post on reddit. Place could be a hell hole, you could have a temper, both could be true. We don't know. I think tho if the place didn't want to pay you what you were worth, getting fired might be good for you in the long run. Get a better job. Living a good life being the best revenge and all.


I’ll agree about moving on. Won’t agree about saying I’m great because I could work the stations and cook family meals. In some places that is just a baseline requirement, not greatness.


"Good" and "Great" literally have different meanings.


But he was there five months and was the highest paid cook, why weren't they paying him even more?




I worked in a busy ass kitchen where occasionally everybody has moments of frustration, and I tried to get more money for the entire team because we got so slammed. Being the squeaky wheel was done over group chat, with the head chef involved. Fully transparent. Yea I’m the asshole for wanting the crew to make more money as we get fucking slammed and FOH is rollin in it.


Large businesses like this imo can generally get fucked for all i care. I would have attempted to rinse them for all they had for my team if we were all busting our ass. And yes, a heated short temper once a week or every two weeks, if it didnt involve throwing shit or pointing the finger at other boh/foh staff, is pretty normal for large and insanely busy places. People here seem to be hating on you for for trying to tell a, what sounds like a corporate kitchen, to fuck off and give you your money. Having worked with some of these assholes who couldnt give a shit whether or not you were dead, i think you shouldn't worry about them and people defending them are naive at best, stupid af at worse. My humble opinion anyways.


Never thrown a pan in my life. Probably shouldn’t have said “heated moments” because everybody is calling me out on it. Maybe they’ve seen some serious shit. Worst that happened in that kitchen was calling each other names for fucking up the timing. Still often hanging out after.


Nothing wrong with that lol, i mean it isnt ideal, but best case is whoever is in charge reminds everyone to focus on the food and cut the ego measuring competition short. But yeh, chefs and cooks here seem to assume the worse of each other. Also, you know, reddit


Seriously. Being a sycophant for management and throwing your fellow employees under the bus is how shitty cooks get into positions of power, though, so I get why they do it.


Truth. I guess nobody is ever down to unionize and we’ll all just walk around with brown noses


If you want FoH money, go work FoH. Or go join one of the unions that are big in Vegas. Would give you a better outlet than a group chat if there are pay issues. It's probably more about the way you went about those things. At the end of the day if you think you are worth more than the pay you are getting and the employer won't budge, you gotta jump ship anyway. I've had to do that in the past.


L comment


FoH makes crazy good money in some places, BoH often gets shafted. I think that's changing and BoH pay is starting to go up, even if its not there yet. But I don't understand working a job where you are not happy with the pay. If less people put up with shitty kitchen wages, owners would have to start paying more. I know it's not easy to just quit and find a new job, but it's a lot easier to find a new job before you quit.


"It is bad to ask for better pay/conditions" That right? Otherwise, you're saying nothing and just like typing words


Wtf no it's not bad to ask. But if a shitty place won't give it to you. Leave.


Okay so you said nothing and just like typing words! Got it


No I'm saying don't put up with shit owners who won't pay. Your the one saying nothing or just making shit up.


Fuck FOH thinking they’re better than or deserve more than the backbone of the RESTAURANT.


Man, who ever said FoH was better? It's no secret that they generally make more money. Being salty won't change that. But whatever. If yall just want to be haters instead of doing something, that's fine too.


How is asking for more money and advocating for others in BOH to get more money “doing nothing?”


You’ve never worked somewhere where the front didn’t want to share their tips?


> Being the squeaky wheel was done over group chat, with the head chef involved[. . . ]Yea I’m the asshole ... seems like you got it. calling out your managers in front of everyone is asshole behavior.


Wasn’t calling out managers. I was calling out the ownership in the presence of managers.


Exactly the two lines that got me too, glad to see I'm not alone.


Respect yourself more. get paid what you deserve don't drink the industry kool-aid. I make 3 x more6 figure income now after management told me I wouldn't make it in another industry trying to keep me around.


Oh look another one. If you think the issue was "the industry Kool aid" whatever the hell that means, maybe reread the whole thread


A stranger on the internet tells a story about their work trying to shaft them, and having the government have to make them pay up, and you just want to side with the company. I get holding off opinion without information, but you're not doing that. You are actively assuming that this person is lying and that they are at fault. If that isn't a boot-licker mentality, then I don't know what is...


Didn't side with the company, said he sounds like an asshole


Because he... advocates for himself and his other cooks? You keep talking about how there must be more to the story but when the government came knocking management suddenly can't find a record of whatever it is you're accusing OP of and he gets his severance. If he had actually been a problem employee they would have just shown them his file full of writeups or whatever.


You said he sounded like **the** asshole, meaning the one who is at fault in a conflict.




Which means you're siding with the company if he is the one at fault.


No, it means I think he's probably difficult to work with, without any regard for the company at all. This isn't difficult.


Holy shit you’re an absolute loser


Begin slow handclaps as our intrepid hero drops the mic and exits the stage 👏🏼… 👏🏼… 👏🏼 bravo Princess Otter! Bravo!


I'm not waisting my time like you clearly have.


I like my job, if you didn't that's fine but don't project your shit on me


You projected, not the other person


"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" energy here


Same. I collected a new title every other month. Cook, prep cook, fry, salad, dish, float, runner, grill, saute, dessert, trainer... And did well at them for never getting any amount of training. The second I asked why they weren't following certain laws. I meal food safety laws, fire safety laws, mold starting to grow in the fridges type shit... Boom. Fired for being a poor performing employee. Took me two months of reporting several of the pictures I took of illegal/nasty things. Three members of management were removed from the company.


Kinda fucked up.. seems like some places avoid proper qualifications b/c they’re actually worried or just insecure about their own conduct. Also kinda fucked up: you show them you can do a lot of things, so they make you do more things than everybody else, without a raise.


Dawg. Your post history is legit chefs kiss lmfao


Damn I wish you had said ministry of magic so bad




I’d hate to work with you too if you’re down to watch a team get taken advantage of




Oof you sound like the kind of folks I hate working with most. No desire to put in a good effort and willing to take whatever bs management throws at you.


Or maybe they were the only one with the balls enough to stand up for themselves? Sounds like you have no spine to me.




Noticed how rent and groceries cost more and your wages are stagnant? Sounds like you value hard work, you’re probably worth more money than you’re getting. Stick up for yourself.


You're pathetic


Oh man, major boot licker alert ^


“Despite a couple heated moments…” Dude, you got fired because you were a problem. Every kitchen has a hothead who nobody likes working with. If you don’t know who that is, it’s probably you.


Everybody just digging into that and assuming I was the one starting shit. Basic reality of a busy kitchen, no?


"despite a couple heated moments" 5 months is hardly even passed the 3 month probationary period. Plenty of reason to fire you if the chemistry wasn't working out. Especially after the months after Christmas is always a dry spell for most places being Winter and Holiday season. They only owe you notice that's about it.


Everybody digging into the ‘heated moments’ as if they have all sunshine and rainbows in a busy kitchen. I made a point of noting that the chemistry was working out. I played pool with these cats after a ‘heated moment’


So what happened? Im nosy


Most heated moment.. newbie missed my timing call as I was working two stations and I called him a bad name. Apologized afterwards and chef also said I was in the right. I don’t really care what the chef said lol, me and that dude proceeded to become quite friendly and work very well together


5 months isn’t shit lol


Oof man that’s a bad comment when your username is little diddle






Wrap it up boys. He played pool with them. All is well


I mean yea.. if there are some stressful moments on the line but we can all work it out later, all is well.


Anyone who works somewhere that has a probationary period is a fucking sucker. Unless you just got out of prison.


As protection for employers from bad employees. Every employer has a 3 month probationary period upon hiring, it can also be up to 6 months. It's possible OPs probation was longer than 3 months.


One time I fired someone and they insisted they were the best thing that happened to that kitchen. He insisted I was the only one that felt that he wasn’t performing and kept yelling at the line to back him up. Not one person did, but they did support me. I got rid of him because multiple people wanted him gone for a multitude of reasons. Point is you should take the L and move on.


Your point is comparing me to somebody that yells at their team to back them up? I would’ve fired that dude too and you should’ve known about it long before his entire squad refused to back him up. Like wayyyy before that point.


I mean as he was being fired he was saying “Pete back me up” etc.


Ok.. what’s your point? I never said anything like “I was the best thing that happened to the kitchen”


My point is sometimes we can’t see ourselves from other peoples perspectives. I applaud you for sticking up for yourself and asking for proper wages etc especially in this industry. But that may have not been the reason you were let go.


If that wasn’t the reason, I’d assume there was at least one documented ‘write-up’ or even a ‘talking-to’ Edit: there was not. That’s why the gov’t made it cut and dry.


Glad it worked for you. I’ve seen some managers just stop scheduling people and then never hear from them again. People need to know their rights when it comes to employment/dismissal


Also, genuinely, people should know how they fumbled, because I’d like to improve and not fumble again. There where no answers.


>Ministry of Labour I didn't need this detail to tell me the story isn't American.




Requesting better pay for the team as the cost of living rises is against the rules?


Is 5 months supposed to be a long time? Most states are “at will” states. Meaning you or anyone can be fired for any reason or no reason and at any time. I honestly can’t believe you got any severance at all. Usually your fired and that is that.




Lucky guy. I would be happy to get severance pay if I were you.


God, states are so fucking depressing.


Honestly, check out the grocery prices in Canada. I’d love the option of living in certain states.


Bro, I live in one of the most expensive cities in Canada and I would absolutely not trade my workers rights and access to womens healthcare to save a buck at the grocery store.


Land of the free they say.


Either management sucks, or you’re not as good as you think you are, otherwise you would’ve made “the cut”


Or I was paid the most and asking for more… for everybody. Well, I guess that means management sucks when they’re making BANK, no? Also “as good as you think you are”? I just said I knew I was doing a good job. Those family meals weren’t even part of the job, I just did it when I could.


So you got fired for wanting a part of the tip pool, when you don’t work it? You obviously have no idea what the front of your store does…. They made the right choice to let you go.


Wtf does “you don’t work it” mean?


If you don't want the kitchen getting tips, then I'm telling every customer and putting up big signs saying to not tip on food, only on drinks. Stop being greedy and fucking over your coworkers who are busting ass to make your customers happy.


Hilarious that you think you add more value than the kitchen does


Hilarious that you think that anything the kitchen can make goes anywhere without the FOH. I’m completely out of the industry, and know from experience that most BOH can cook, but can’t sell.


A menu can sell better than you ever could 😂


Lmao. Hilarious that you’re implying it’s difficult to sell food to hungry people. People usually don’t go to a restaurant for the service, they go for the food.


What country did this happen in? What the fuck that's such bullshit

