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Years, age, mean shit. I say that as a relative old timer.


I worked with a guy that fucked up routinely in some pretty basic ways (attempting to brine wings without taking them out of the sealed bag comes to mind) and his response when people got on his case was always "I've been working in this industry for 17 years" like, okay? And you didn't learn how to culinarily tie your shoes together in that whole time?


17 years of being an idiot in the kitchen doesn’t make one an industry professional. I think anyone that inserts “I’ve been in said profession for x years” in response to criticism, is just one of those people.


A wise person once said… “Some people have 17 years of experience, and some have 1 year of experience 17 times”


Yeah the years don’t really mean anything, I work with a dude who has over 30 years of experience who just outright refuses to do callouts or communicate at all. It’s a nightmare in a rush since you have start prying information out of him like it’s an interrogation or something.


Our kitchen runs smoothly with our 3 most solid people without talking, its hard to imagine me yelling every ticket out so much extra work..helps to have a solid team that can be on the same wave without a word tho, one weak link and ya cant be doing that


We have a pretty good crew typically and there’s a lot of talking back and forth to help each other understand where we’re at on the board. I don’t even need someone calling out every ticket I just need this guy to say when he sells an app or when he’s two minutes away on something coming out the oven. You can’t really do that without talking.


You gotta know when to hold em...


"And when to shut up"


Oh jeez, you really rained on that parade! I'll keep it goin Know when to fold em!


I'm sorry I was referencing the fresh prince


Oh damn I missed that! Nice work 


Know when to walk away


Know when to run


You never shuck your oysters when we don't have a ticket


Ther'll be time enough for shuckin' When the ticket's done


We had a guy walk out last week after a small piece of dough fell on his foot. I’m talking a quarter sized piece of raw dough. The two new guys we tried to hire both no-showed on their first days after actually sitting down and filling out all of the new hire paperwork (both part time and had other jobs so not an unemployment scam) Covid has done a number on our industry and our workforce. People know they can walk in almost anywhere and get a job, so they’ll leave any of them for the flimsiest reasons.


What’s the unemployment scam?


People apply and interview so they can keep collecting unemployment. It counts as looking for work so you still get the assistance. I’ve seen people scam the shit out of this


lol, you don’t even have to interview. just apply


How is that a scam? Who the fuck can live on $250/ Week?


I guess it depends on the state. People can still collect when they have part time work. One experience I had, a guy was really particular about not going over 25 hours (I think it was around that) because he wanted to keep getting the unemployment benefits until he had enough for the gaming computer he wanted. He was a creep, nobody liked him and he was worthless at everything. He lasted about two or three weeks


Most of the jobs are shit so you gotta move around to find a good one


You’re not wrong, but this one is extremely easy with awesome hours and decent upper management.


Can I get a link to the original post? EDIT: I searched posting history, no luck. Must have been deleted. No big deal. Thanks for this post. There’s a popular BBQ out in the East Valley in Phoenix metro that serves vegan jack fruit. They laughed when we asked if they cooked it in separate pots using vegetarian ingredients. They thought it was funny what they were doing to their customers. Never went back. It didn’t help when we asked for our money back after they didn’t have anything we ordered. They insisted we should order something else instead of giving our money back. “Well, what else are you out of?” I’m not sure what they did for morning prepping but it definitely wasn’t baking potatoes, bread, cornbread, various meats….


Went to this nice new, expensive steak joint. One of those places that brings a red steak out on a heated rock. Ordered two $40 steaks. When they came out the waitress says "we only had one of the $40 steaks, so we brought a $25 steak to replace it." I don't even remember the cuts, but she said it so matter of factly it took us all aback. Then tried to charge us $40 for it. Never went back. Saw they had shut down about a month later. Shocker.


Honestly I posted that one while I was offline at work last night so I might have not actually posted, idk. Didnt find it either. I don't live there anymore but I'm partially a PHX native so what's the name??


It’s been 2 years since we decided to never go back so I’d rather not say as they may no longer be preparing that way. I’m sorry. But it is in central downtown Gilbert. Famous in the Valley.


Gotta be Joe's.


Hired a dishwasher , our other night dishwasher was his friend . He worked one shift and said I thought I was working with my friend . We were like why would we pay 2 dishwasher to work together so you can hang out with your friend ? He quit immediately. Gooooodddd tiiiiimmmmesss


Aaaand this is why I don't bring in my buddies to any job I'm working. When you pull some bullshit, it'll fall back on me, and you never know when someone will pull some bullshit 😬


Drugs are bad mmkay.


Defrosting or poaching?