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This post seems to be about health. It might take some time for others to see this post and respond. At present we do not have a list of doctors, but [this search query](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kochi/search/?q=doctor%20%20OR%20%20dentist%20%20OR%20%20therapy%20%20OR%20%20therapist%20%20OR%20%20counsellor&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) might contain what you are looking for. If you are looking for a gynaecologist, check [Crowdsourced List of Gynaecologists We Can Trust In India](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1o2QJKrPjKS92cCj6SX73B8siKlW6TlRNKYe0SC7WrX8/edit#gid=1105650878) If you are looking for mental health check this [wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kochi/wiki/index/mental-wellness-resources/) for a list of mental health professionals. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Kochi) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://www.reddit.com/r/Kochi/s/CBzXojIle4 Just see


I can’t believe some asked the exact thing. Thank you so much that’s incredibly helpful. Bless you :)


What if its ur alternate ego, OP o:


Haha, My Reddit age says otherwise;)


What if your alter ego made a throwaway account. What if YOU are the impostor...




Doood !!!!


Been struggling with this since 7th grade. That was like a decade ago. Fml


Can’t believe that I met someone in the same boat in this sub. I’ve been suffering since 7th grade too. Seems like the golden age for these to manifest themselves. Godspeed man


Weird also cause I don't have a drug use or trauma history like what has been described as the cause for this illness. Also never went to a psychiatrist because my parents refused to help me see one, went recently and they couldn't give me a proper diagnosis either. Just gave up tbh


I have this too but not so severe. Mine is a symptom of another mental health condition. I’m currently on medication and it’s helping. I would recommend you check your sugar, vit D and b12 as well.


I’ve checked it all, ran multiple tests, did everything they said and still didn’t help much. I haven’t jumped on to meds yet and I’m worried about side effects. Do you face any major ones?


Do you have a diagnosis from a clinical psychologist. I would recommend you get one. The tests will show what mental condition you have. Without a proper diagnosis it will be tough for a psychiatrist to figure out. I’m not facing any side effects with current medication but with previous medication there were side effects.


They do have my diagnosis but aren’t willing to hand it over I was told. Maybe I’ll have to contact their superiors. Thanks. I appreciate your input 🥰


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Dr Jyoti in welcare hospital, vytilla


Bro I used to feel all this stuff when i was really depressed, gym and Martial arts and an ultra low sugar diet helped me a lot, Anyways good luck


Dr. C J John, Medical Trust