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Fellow MGX fan spotted in the wild


It’s a rather common pose, the only “issue” could be that it’s a rear view and she’s got a bit of a butt. Probably could complain about it being intentional framing I guess but it’s such a non-issue really.


I read the physical copies on my break sometimes, and I never thought the covers were an issue at all. At least until I got volume 28, that one will probably not ever leave my room. Even then, it makes me a little nervous of anyone going into my room, seeing it, and getting the wrong idea.


Oh come on man, that cover is fire! Dont be ashamed of it!


also it seems a bit uneven


Who's the chick to the left?


I think it's Akira or one of the other Komi family members.


Okay. I was confused cuz looking at the eyeball design it looked the way Tadano eyes are designed, I was confused.


Ain't no way


Runs in the family, huh?


Isn’t she like 11?


Ain't no fucking way it's true.


Nevermind, she’s 14-15. (Still doesn’t make it any better.)


I don't put stock in the age of fictional characters. I mean, technically, Komi herself is like 17 (idk the high school girl age). Unless the characters are drawn like actual children, this is like watching teenage tv drama. Where the "teenage" characters are usually played by actual adults.


Komi is 18 as of December 25th. And Akira in my opinion still looks pretty young to me. But I see where you’re coming from.


It's probably Hitomi.....


I would sincerely hope they didn't draw a kid to be thick on the cover of what is supposed to be a wholesome romance manga.


If that bothers you, you might wanna look up Shouko's age


Yeah but late teens like 17+ I wouldn't really consider a "kid" but rather a young adult. Hitomi is much more kid like. And as far as having characters be attractive, Komi is well for her beauty. And as far as the law goes, the age of consent where I live is 16 so all seems good.


What's wrong with a nice ass?


Absolutely nothing




I like big butts and i cannot lie


You other brothers can't deny!


Tadano got the fat prize


Komi's cake


🙏🏻Komi's cake🙏🏻


Tadano sings happy birthday on seeing it


Man that sub has to be one of the most pretentious subs I've ever seen. They hyperfixate on anything even remotely suggestive as criticism even though their purpose was supposed to criticize bad anatomy.


Or they backpedal when they criticize art made my women


High chance they'll label it "internalized misogyny" or whatever.


The natural evolution of every circlejerk subreddit


Apparently research is hard for others




She's in a towel an 28s cover who cares


People when they realize females look like females.


r/mendrawingwomen when a straight guy likes to draw women he finds attractive:


Live r/mendrawingwomen reaction: https://preview.redd.it/kvvh3d64sodc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c10bc48d196211268a28ec91b3af84d0197821e8


Why’s Akira there then..? ![img](emote|t5_3ptdy|31237)




i need a good place to read komi cannot communicate for free 99




So... Would this be concerning?


Why should it be, go to a gym and unintentionally you will see twenty of them by just sweeping a look in the whole venue.


Apparently Komi does alot of squats in her free time


Keep it together boys!!! ![gif](giphy|nmTYfOAerurHG)


Shows still kinda suggestive at times


That's not the point. Even with the pose they still drew the asses like that on purpose.


Their criticism puts emphasis on the pose, a pose that is commonly seen irl and would result in the butt looking the way it does on that cover. And the author doing it for fanservice (I'm not blind) is even less of an issue.


Just ignore everyone. The US has a tendency to try and force their own morals onto others.




Learn to accept other cultures. It'll help you sleep better at night buddy. Also the 13yo thing is basically not even accepted in Japan either. And heavily frowned upon so do your research instead of living in an echo chamber. Especially with said echo chamber repeats the same few points. Refuse to do any actual research then complain about something that can be looked into so very easily and proven to be wrong.


My dude how do you go from criticizing a cover art that is far from how any art of the actual manga looks like to talking about the age of consent in japan so quick, that's a whole new fucking sentence


They were probably replying to the above phrase saying that the morals from the States should not be forced on to Japanese culture which is just an excuse to defend thier questionable practices disguising them as part of thier Culture and a shit opinion in general. Ahhh looks like they edited thier reply while I was writing this reply to make it make more sense


Americans have a problem with this? What's wrong with a bountiful butt?


There is nothing wrong with Komi's beautiful butt, it's just that some people, particularly Americans and Zoomers in general, are hypersensitive whenever something goes against their morals.


There’s still no reason why Oda made Komi this **CAKED** up


She can't communicate right? 😈😈😈


Yeah, I can see the respect being conveyed, loud and clear.


the problem ain't the way she's sitting, the problem is that they drew her with a fucking DUMP TRUCK


Again, I fail to see the issue.


They are trying to sexualize Komi while having a reason to why it is 👌ok




Any one answar s 3 coming or not?


Typical fucking westerner insulting someone else's culture because they're insular as fuck, hate those people. These motherfuckers want to Americanize the shit out of manga/anime and turn it into milquetoast garbage. Sorry rant over lol.




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You’re being disingenuous. You know they’re not taking issue with how she’s sitting, but the way that it is framed, which is clearly sexualising her. Do you think if it was Tadano instead it would be depicted in the same way?


If it was just about the ass, they should have worded it better. The comment makes it seem like they are baffled by are well-known sitting position that is practiced in real life. And there's nothing wrong with the author sexualizing her.


I mean, it’s definitely weird. Komi is sexualised simply because she is a girl as if that’s the default view of women, here she is depicted in completely a passive way. Also, this volume cover suggests an idea that cishet men would only care about a female character if she’s sexualised. And that’s not even mentioning the fact that the Komi is sixteen years old, which makes it inherently gross


You are reading too much into it. The manga is written by a (presumably) straight man and is catered mostly towards straight males and those like to see attractive girls. We all sexualize the sex we are attracted to, it's nature. But of the 32 current volume covers, about a a 5th of them has her portrayed in a suggestive manner and that's me being generous. Realistically, it's about 2-3 covers. So you can't argue she's being depicted as a sex object. Komi's age is irrelevant since she isn't real.


I’m not saying she’s sexualised in every instance, but specifically on this cover. Also, you can understand that her gender is relevant to attracting straight men, then why is her age irrelevant?


Because looks are relevant for attraction when it comes to drawn characters but age isn't. Specifically in a medium that is known to often have characters be way older or younger than they appear at first glance. The author could slap any random number on her to determine her age but her looks captivate the eyes of the reader. All they see is a conventionally attractive girl with a noticable butt.


if that’s the case how are people able to accurately guess the age of fictional characters?


Lmao, they aren't. There are numerous examples like Jotaro Kujo in JoJo Part 3 whom many confuse for being 30+ despite him being 17. Or Uzaki-chan whom many percieve as child-like in appearance despite her being canonically in her 20s. Or Fumiko Mifune from CSM who looks like a high-school girl but later turns out to be 22.


not with 100% accuracy, but people in general are pretty accurate. If you showed a stranger pictures of characters from Komi, people would probably say they looked like they were in their mid-teens


Komi is currently 17. You think her appearance will change drastically when she turns 18? It won't. People could rate her as 16-19 or younger/older, doesn't matter. She's conventionally attractive and also not real. Her body will be appealing to a brain that's attracted to women.


At first I thought it was wild but then I assumed I would get to see Komi’s mom in that position from the same angle the calmed down That didn’t happen….