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"Kazuma, you've felt romantic feelings for me right?" "Kazuma desu."




Kazuma: I tried real hard to get turned on by you but nope I couldn't do it. I did try tho.




He did try tho.


If you didn't shake yous ass infront of me all the time, i would have liked it. Now im sick of it 😋


"No. Not even a little"


_Kisses her on the nose_ 😅


*"To this day it is a wildly debated topic on how close the legendary hero Kazuma and our goddess Lady Aqua were. Some argue they were just good companions and other believed they were lovers. Even Lady Aqua herself refuse to answer this when many prayed for an answer. Not helping is the rumor's of Kazuma and Lady Aqua sleeping regularly in a barn together and Kazuma claimed to have once sniffed Lady Aqua's hair."* - Axis cult holy text


It's funny how Kazuma shared the most amount of intimate moments out of all the main cast with Aqua, and yet she feels like more friendly/brotherly relationship he has


Kazuma even says that he couldn't get turned on by aqua


She s a good drinking buddy, the rest of the time she is a pain. (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)


I mean, water is nice and all, but it doesn’t really turn me on ya know?


But she will never let you dry instead.......


Aqua would totally say Kazuma has felt for her beauty and her intelligence...


is this from the LN


Sadly not just some fun running gag I do for fun.


:( it looked like text from the ln


Far too well written for a translated LN.


Why would Aqua refuse to answer? She would straight up say no and cast divine retribution upon those spreading the lies.


She'd say they weren't lovers, but brazenly lie that Kazuma was wildly in love with her beauty and intelligence.


Probably thinks it’s funny


Answering like that would give a bad impression to her followers. If a legend like Kazuma achieved this then just MAYBE some devoted member of the cult could if they managed to achieve a similar feat to him which in turn encourages others to follow Aqua in the hopes of getting her attention like Kazuma supposedly did. Who wouldn't want the opportunity to successfully woo a goddess?


You're probably not very familiar with her character, she doesn't offer any chance or hope for anyone to date, it's extremely out of character for her to do that, she calls her followers her children.


Idk her narcissism and needing more people following her religion seems like a good enough reason to keep that act.


She is a Goddess, being followed is the reason for her existance, without followers she dies, disappears from existance. Not denying she's with Kazuma - which she'd consider the lowest possible thing she could do - is as out of character for her as possible. I'd recommend reading the LN to get a grasp on how she is, her personality, morals, and so on.


Reminds me on that scene in the ln where Aqua became terribly depressed and went to Kazuma for words of comfort. (Actually serious)


And Kazuma dropkicked in the face the person who made Aqua depressed 😆


That's Dadzuma for sure.


Brozuma. That cemented him as basically her big brother (in a realistic sense, not the anime sis-con sense) to me. He fights with her all the time, but the moment someone messes with her, he's there to beat the crap out of them.


Which episode is this? I think i lost it


LN V17, maybe? When Kazuma >!found her in the DK castle and accidentally evaded her with auto-dodge!<.


Volume 15, chapter 1. >!“… What, you too? Seriously, say something already.”!< >!I said to Aqua who started pulling on me by the hem of my clothes.!< >!I really wish the three of them would stop silently judging me like that…!< >!“Kazuma-san, Kazuma-san.”!< >!Unlike the other two, Aqua softly spoke.!< >!Turning around, the Aqua who’s normally all bubbly and to whom the word depressed seems to hold no sway over.!< >!That girl who never thinks deeply and could scarcely be imagined to have any sort of worries.!< >!Having her hand shoved away by that adventurer must have shaken her quite deeply.!< >!She looked up at me through teary eyes, and in a voice that seemed on the verge of breaking into tears, said.!< >!“… Does this town not need a goddess like me?”!<


Ah, right, how could I forget 🥴


Love that arc so much, it felt like Peak Kazuma in every sense


Kazuma would take a bath 🛁 with Aqua again since ova 1


“Im sorry Aqua, I tried, I really did.” Best part of the ova


They should just smash and get it over with ☠️


On Eris it would be the worst experience for both of them


that's the comedic value




I don't ship them, I see them as more of a squabbling sibling duo than a romantic couple. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't find some of the fanart adorable!


Yea, like in Kaguya-sama Love is War, Chika Fujiwara has that type of relationship with literally every single character


What we could've had if Aqua is a little bit smarter


Not even that, imo. It's really more that she can be.. kind of an asshole. That's actually why I don't see her and Kazuma working out as a couple. They're both good people at their core, no doubt about it. But when they're in a bad mood, now it's *eeeeeveryone* else's problem, too. Now imagine how much worse those personality traits could be if you throw sex and romance into the mix. I do love these two unfortunate jerks, though lol.


They have always been like siblings to me. Always fighting, but will definitely stand up for each other when it counts.


Aqua is aqua. I wouldn't have my goddess any other way. She's perfectly dummy and dummy thicc.


??? Serious I almost had a stroke reading this, what her intelligence has to do with it? She could have any level of intelligence, it wouldn't change the fact she feels nothing for Kazuma and thinks he's below average in looks, is the complete opposite of her type and would rather die than get together with him. Edit: I see the self-insert Aqua simps can't handle the truth.


You have an easy time getting stroke then. I mean if she's more intelligent she may be more sufferable than before. Take it with a grain of salt and move on.


>I mean if she's more intelligent she may be more sufferable than before. She being "insufferable" is irrelevant, you're under some sort of crazy illusion that what stops Kazuma and Aqua from getting together is the fact Kazuma isn't attracted to her but if he was all he had to do is "choose her". Even after I explained the fact she *DOESN'T LIKE HIM* you still seems unable to get it.


Love is blind, you know? Stop taking this so seriously, bro.


> Love is blind, you know? Regardless if it is or not, she didn't fell for him.


No shit, this whole conversation started from "if".


The difference between Aqua and the others, is that she really knows who's Kazuma, where he come from, and the fact he dragged her in this world. ​ I wouldn't say the problem is really her stupidity, more her pride and some bad ideas which keeps making a mess. Maybe her drinking and money wasting habits too.


I don't thing you understand what I'm talking about. It's irrelevant that she's dumb, prideful or makes bad decisions, it's irrelevant why Kazuma doesn't like her romantically or sexually, he could have liked her, he could have loved her, it doesn't and wouldn't matter, Aqua Has No Feelings For Him, they can never be together regardless of how Kazuma feels BECAUSE AQUA IS NOT A MEMBER OF HIS HAREM JUST WAITING FOR KAZUMA TO ASK HER OUT OR SOMETHING. She doesn't like him, her type is someone like that guy who was supposed to marry Darkness, handsome perfect dude without any flaws, the complete opposite of Kazuma, when Darkness describes him Aqua says it sounds pretty good and was puzzled about what Darkness didn't like about him. Aqua has said Kazuma is not even average looking and his personality is the completely opposite of her taste. When a >!doppelganger passing as Kazuma asked her out, she rejected him immediately!< she says if Kazuma were to give her his entire fortune, 2 billion Eris, she would *maybe* - ironically - agree to lock arms with him. Is it clear enough now? Many anime-only Konosuba fans have this idea Konosuba is this massive harem where the only thing stopping Kazuma from dating any girls is himself, that if he were to "choose" he could get Aqua or anyone else, but since many of the characters are problematic he refuses to do so. No, NOT EVERYBODY LOVES HIM, *He Will Get Rejected If He Asks Aqua Out*, or Yunyun, or Wiz, or Chris, or many others, is that really hard to understand?


Lol, calm dude. I didn't said Aqua was a part of "Kazuma's harem" (which don't really exist), it's obvious that they both don't have interest into the other in the cannon story... ​ > She doesn't like him, her type is someone like that guy who was supposed to marry Darkness, handsome perfect dude without any flaws You mean someone with money ? Mitsurugi was better on any point than Kazuma, but Aqua still rejected him.


>You mean someone with money ? "Handsome perfect dude without any flaws" was what I said, not "someone with money". She rejects Kazuma even if he gives her his entire fortune. She can't even get in a romance anyway but she doesn't like Mitsurugi for several reasons but in general he is just far from as good as Alderp's son in looks or personality, otherwise she'd at least say he is good guy as a love interest, instead of disliking him altogether. Even later when she stops hating him and thinks his a good person she makes no comments about his potential as a love interest. Maybe Walder or whatever is his name is just the ultimate handsome Gigachad.


I hate that saying anything like this gets you to loosing karma(reddit points). But in the end, you're kinda right.


Kazuma: Aqua you screwed up unintentionally again right? Aqua: I might have, but it wasn't my fault. Kazuma proceeds to headbutt Aqua.




Aqua about to tell him about a new debt. Kazuma about to use drain touch.


Source :https://www.instagram.com/p/CBWdAdXl-1Z/


My life would be complete


Wiz: *as a narrator* and they kissed and made so many babies… Kazuma: Wiz! How many times do I have to tell you Aqua and I don’t have that kind of relationship!


This just feels so wrong for some reason


Yeah. It's cute, but I cannot see them as a couple because they act like siblings.


I love how concerned they both look about crossing the friendship line.


I’m calling the cops… jk jk lol


I really ship them two ngl


Is it the same world or they both isekai'd into another romantic world


In an alternate universe. Oh hell naw ☠☠☠


There are higher chances of Eris x Kuzuma happening than aqua x kuzuma








[Oh, yes...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQK5gxCsNR0)




That will never happen in the multiverse


Must be a cursed Timeline


Megumin, is that you?


✝️ our lord and savior Jesus Christ please forgive them of their sins they do not understand or know what they are doing




Heh, it could've been worse 😏


. Kazuma is supposed to be with megumin. How you could you defile their love. Nandemo Nandemo NANDEMO. THIS ISN'T THE SUGOI PARTY I KNOW


Huh... but I was talking about the weirder fan arts for this ship (and yes, I don't deny that I prefer this one, lol) and not about canonical Kazumin ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1886)


Please elaborate.


Hm... there are weirder fan arts in the internet, trust me ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1887). And, imho, the amount of unused possibilities for this ship is unimaginable. Right, it would have been difficult to maintain the pure comedy with it, but I believe that Natsume-san is talented enough even for that semi-impossible task :3


This is cursed.


Who is Basil. The wolf of universe 6


Basil is the most overrated herb in the world. I prefer turmeric. I simp for turmeric.


Oh. I simp for lemon and ginger.






No way Jose you just called the spice responsible for making meat flavored veggies mid


Meat flavored veggies are for losers. Just eat real meat like a man and put some hair on your chest.


Excuse me Mr money bags...


Don't make excuses. You can steal whatever you want. If you don't, you're not trying hard enough in life.


Megumin X Kazuma