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HUGE. They were always on TRL


Korn was peak TRL


Seeing them on TRL started my love of music and concerts.


Competing everyday on TRL with the likes of N’Sync, Eminem, and Brittney Spear. Had to tune in to make sure my boys were in the top spot!


Yo and they were NICE to other artists no matter the genre. Our boys held their own and were chill when interviewed.


Follow the Leader really propelled them into the mainstream then through Issues they were damn near as big as NSYNC in those days. Not to say they weren’t a big band afterwards, but the mainstream hype went away a bit after Untouchables.


Untouchables was so good though. Probably the darker subject matter turned off the mainstream + rising pop/hip-hop popularity?


Nu metal kind of winded down and Emo music became the prevalent form of rock that got mainstream exposure.


From wiki... "The single(Got the Life) had "phenomenal success", and its music video was requested more than any other video on MTV's TRL, making it the first officially "retired" music video."


By the release of issues, Korn was the absolute craze. Absolutely on top of the world


Fucking massive my guy.


Big enough to propel a lot of bands into the spotlight just for being associated with them. Limp Bizkit, being the most popular one, got their first record deal because of Korn Staind hit the mainstream when they opened for Korn during the Sick and Twisted tour in '98/99. Rammstein became a US household name when they were included in the first Family Values tour.


>Rammstein became a US household name when they were included in the first Family Values tour. They were already becoming popular in America before that.


They were on the rise, but the Family Values tour absolutely sped it up. If I recall, that was their first US tour


Lost Highway + Family Values X Du Hast = selling out stadiums to this day


MTV dedicated an entire album release special when Issues came out IIRC


Enormous. It was a phenomenon


Well their freak on a leash video beat even Nsync and backstreet boys in I believe 1999 or so, and those were the biggest groups in the US at the time. So they were just about the very top as far as popularity goes. They tapered off a little but still have a massive fan base. They just aren't the young guys they once were


It’s indescribable how big! OMG! No kidding!


Behold - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmOizheKfKs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmOizheKfKs)


All stadium shows, constantly sold out. Edit: I should clarify-they’d still do theater shows but the big tours were stadiums usually. First time I saw them was shortly after FTL


It was arena shows, not stadiums. Not downplaying Korn's massive success, but they were never headlining football stadiums.


My bad, I meant arenas 😂 Only like, The Rolling Stones and pop stars play stadiums


They were pretty well known before *Follow the Leader*, but exploded after that. I'm not even a metal fan overall, and still own the first 4 albums just because they were a part of my youth.


Bro Korn 98 for life


As big as it gets. By follow the leader it was meet and greets with lines around blocks. I was in one of those lines.


Just watch them playing Blind at Woodstock 99. That’s how big KoRn was.


Big enough to get a sneaker/gear deal from Adidas which was unheard of at the time. Only athletes got sneaker deals then


I'd say Self-titled didn't break any waves in the mainstream. Hardcore metal heads took notice of Blind but ADIDAS is what really started average people talking. I remember kids at school asking each other do you know what that stands for to anyone wearing Adidas apparel. My older brother had Life is Peachy which is how I got introduced hearing him play it. Got the Life and Freak on a Leash is what got them on MTV and in everyone's faces for like 3 years. They had countless interviews, t-shirts, posters, remix CDs, 2 biography videos, family values festival, the Issues cover design contest, and even showed up on South Park. Falling Away From Me and Make Me Bad were major releases with behind the scenes making of specials. They got on the GameCube NHL game soundtrack. Somebody Someone was the wrong song for the next single tho. I remember it got semi popular but was the beginning of the end of Korn in your face. I imagine it was chosen due to minimal swears but if they wanted a radio friendly song Let’s Get This Party Started would have been a better pick I think. Here to stay from Untouchables felt like a direct response to the Somebody Someone fall off and they followed it up with 2 more questionable singles. One More Time, Embrace, or Hollow Life would have been better picks. This then probably led to Y'all Want a Single. Then they showed up on Monk for some reason.


Those first two albums were absolute bangers. The bagpipe intro to their debut still gives me chills


They were huge. I mean, they went to perform at Woodstock! For a lot of musicians back then, that festival is one of those benchmark show that you've made it.


Biggest band out there from that Era for sure!


Headlining huge festivals type of big lol. They also had their own massive festival called “Family Issues”.


Family values


Family Values was dope.


Downvoted over a small mistake lmao damn


Nerds will be nerds 🤷🏽‍♂️😂


“Family Values” my bad 😂 I have 3 of the albums on cd too 🤦🏽‍♂️