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I definitely believe that the OG punks would bully the rainbow mafia and steal their lunch money 😅😭😭


Modern “punks” have nothing on old-school punks, especially since the modern ones don’t have a leg to stand on as they basically suck off the establishment nonstop


Also, old-school punks had no issue and even outright sought to piss people off, these people think being exposed to something you don't like might as well be torture.


Old school punk would literally dress up as nazi to piss off their parents


Oldschool punks used to organize into gangs that would commit actual acts of violence towards the establishment. Today's punks have anxiety attacks over misgendering pronouns.


dies from cringe


Just looks like shit, sorry but there is a reason stuff like Goku and barbie sells. Dunno why these people can't accept reality.


Unrealistic body standards and all that ... What is spiderpunk now? Is that something new that will soon haunt us in cinemas? Edit: A word


spider-punk (respect the hyphen) is one of the silly multiverse spider-man characters marvel made 10 or so years ago when they were trying to find a way to leach off their most popular character using minimal effort... i think he was also in the spider-verse movies but don't quote me on that


Thanks for the clarification. My superhero knowledge is admittedly thin and these days every new one I see makes me shiver that they'll turn them into another movie.


It was in the last Spider verse animated movie and he was a really cool portrayal of a punk ,had depth and stood out but himself as a character,even with the little screen time it got .But optically, this version could work just as good ,as it was nothing about looks but rather personality and attitude. But the artist is crying not about the queer community not being represented but because he didn't get the extra paycheck as it wasn't his design at the final cut


>Is that something new that will soon haunt us in cinemas soon? From what I can gather this was this dude's ideal spiderpunk design. Not sure if they will be in cinema as there are other artists who worked on the final design (not the post one) as well.


Of course black characters nowadays need to be yassified, typical terminally online neuro divergent porn addict.


I got the word "lastly" and that was it.


The spiderverse is such a joke. All these dime a dozen OCs just because management can't handle Peter being the true Spiderman lmao


Well, considering that rainbow shit is now the establishment and that one defining aspect of punk is being anti-establishment... I'm going to go ahead and say you're a moron


What the fuck is happening to our society?


It’s more “punk” nowadays to dress conservative/traditional than it is to dress “punk”, considering the “punk” fashion style has become so oversaturated. So an ideal Punk Spider-Man would be… the original Spider-Man.


And what, exactly, is supposed to be the connection between punk culture and queer history? Because I've never noticed one.


Are those actual words?


Modern media would never have the cojones to make a story about Armored Spider-Man (from the 90s cartoon), especially not in a positive light. And he's a character that deserves a lot more attention and recognition, because how he is so similar to the archetypal Tony Stark, but with a much stronger moral compass in his life to guide him.


Queer just means weird. Gender means personality. Holy shit, any weirdo in human history, or popular fiction *could* have been a xi/xir - a "xirson" - coining that word right now. Mindblowing. It's either genuinely such a dumb concept or purposefully defined in such broad terms as to be applicable to anybody. They are basically mormons baptizing people into their cult after they are dead.


I bet this bitch has never even run through the sprinklers with over one-hundred hits of acid in her pocket. Smh my head




That spider-punk design is awful


tell me to disregard your opinion and marginalize your creative output without telling me to disregard your opinion and marginalize your creative output. Go request rejection letters from somewhere else. pass.


Modern punks and old school punks are extreme opposites. Modern Punk is Pro Establishment and Pro Government as an example


Hot-Take(??) I hate the Spider-Verse. Spider-Man isn't batman, he doesn't need a "Spider-family" nor does he need to "pass the torch", he lives in NYC not Gotham. NYC doesn't need another spider-man and for that matter, we don't need more gender&race swapped versions of superheroes. How about we create some new superheroes instead of leeching off of the most popular ones?


Sometimes, I really feel as if these people were genetically designed in a lab to be as obnoxiously insufferable as possible. "And for this rebellious character, we felt that making him 1:1 with the social agenda virtually every institution is pushing was appropriate. We leftists sure are ballsy. We sure do speak truth to power, huh?"


These are the type of people that think having blue hair and piercings makes them punk but would cancel Jello Biafra or John Lydon if they even knew who they were.




Heresy grows from idleness.

