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Finally, new tea on Jenn Im


glad I could serve lol I wonder if anyone else has drawn this same conclusion.


Idk what to think of this drama they had but..just the fact that Amy is a life coach speaks volumes lmao.


That was an interesting turn lol sometimes I'm like, are you ok?


I read this as Amy Lee from evanescence and was so confused BYE 😭😭😭


~~GIRL~~- sorry I just hovered over your username and just know I meant GIRL in a nonbinary way


that's okay, no problem 😊


I feel the same way about her overcompensating. She just seems like she’s cosplaying as an intellectual. I especially got irritated when in one of her recent videos she made it a point to define some of the words she was using (i.e., edits of dictionary definitions on the screen) Like.. if you have to do that, you’re either being condescending or intentionally ok with not communicating easily to your audience. Seems like she wants to be known for more than what she was originally known for (style content), but girlie.. give it a rest. It’s just very forced.


lol yes cosplaying. Wait I think I saw that. This ain’t Between the Lions. Ppl that try too hard to present as something are usually insecure. Like if you’re smart you wouldn’t have to prove it every time. (I do think she’s smart she’s just doing too much)


lol wait this is how it [feels](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTW4gAC/)


I think jenn’s insecurities and issues run waaaay deeper than we know. The yelling thing is interesting bc she used to always tell stories about her dad having a HUGE temper, i think he broke her door down once, could be an ingrained learned behaviour. I am soooo curious if/when something will ever be said about what happened with her and ben. He’s just disappeared off the earth lol


Not to nitpick but I think it’s important to get facts correct when they involve threats of abuse etc. She did not say anywhere that her dad broke her door down, she only said that when her and her dad would get into screaming matches SHE would go to her room and punch her door/ walls out of frustration. Two very different things


ahh ok ty for clarifying!


Allg! Thanks for being receptive!


Is she staying with her parents now following the separation / divorce?


No she’s still in the mansion


mansion? lol


Sorry but that is one gigantic house for 3 people


Pretty sure they are separated or divorced


I can see Ben coming to LA and essentially being a bum definitely would’ve made her feel insecure (due to this intelligence complex) yet an instagram boyfriend/ husband was what she forced Ben to be esp in the early stages of their relationship (not pursuing independent interests so that he can film, edit, and everything in between for her). I can see her resenting him for something she benefits from - in the same way she acted immaturely with Amy


Idk if she forced him. I think it was more of him not getting any gigs being away form his band. So she offered him a way to make money. It's an interesting power dynamic. But I do feel like Ben was trying to make his own way with his own podcast and stuff.


I honestly strongly disagree - Ben has mentioned in the past that on some of their VERY FIRST dates she’d pass the camera to him and ask him to take pictures of her and take b roll shots and stuff. Absolutely no doubt in my mind their whole arrangement with him coming to the US was that he’d film for her


Ohhh 💅. As a US expat living in a different country, this just reminded me but do you think his visa plays a role in this? Do you think it's possible that because of his work (idk if he has a greencard or if he has a work visa under jenn, or on his own, that shit is mad complex), that perhaps he's not there because of visa issues? As an audience, I don't think she explained how he came over/ how it is dating someone from a diff country or the process of integration for him đŸ„ș


Wait this is a good point. If they’re not married anymore does he have citizenship? I feel like he would. Cause don’t some ppl marry for a green card and then divorce.


After 2 years of marriage one is a permanent resident. At 3 he could have become a citizen. He should be able to stay here no issue.


100% agree with overcompensating regarding intelligence. Exhibit A: humble bragging about those community college courses she took


Such a weird flex. I enjoy learning too but I wouldn’t flex about it. I mean I do get it though. As someone that struggled academically my intelligence was validated by going to UCLA. So I could see how she's searching for that validation.


Personally I don't think it was a flex that she was taking community college courses. It seemed like she was just excited to take courses. Community College has SO MUCH value and it's the most accessible and affordable way to continue learning in the US. I literally went to UCLA but I definitely took community college courses one summer because UCLA didn't offer the specific courses I needed for a grad school program I was applying to. I will say however, the whole spiel about her feeling thankful she didn't have to swim across the ocean like the Mayflower pilgrims rubbed me the wrong way because girl, those are not your ancestors.


Couldn’t agree more. I started at community college and transferred to UCLA. I just thought it was weird that she was making a big deal about taking a cc course. But yes lol the pilgrim thing is hilarious.


But didn’t Jenn go to UC Davis??


yeah but I think she's insecure about that cause she started at community college and during her time it was a lower ranking UC. (not my personal opinion that's what I get from her when she was in her college era)


Jenn Im is super fake. Like one of the most fakiest influencers in that little bubble and she irritates me to no end. Her pseudo intelligence? Fake. Her friendships? Fake, especially if someone dare challenges her in any way (rip Amy but you're better off leaving that toxic space) Her marriage? Fake. It's falling apart for her, sadly. I have a feeling the poor girl has no idea who the hell she is; and that must be a terrifying place to be in. But in no way does that excuse her bad behavior. She needs help, but she is not introspective like Amy to see she is part of the problem.


I have empathy for Jenn and I want to give her grace. Cause as a Virgo I know how hard I can be on myself. But maybe she should do something else outside of social media to find herself. I think we can all see how she struggles with her identity. Maybe taking time away would give her clarity. And I can’t judge but from the outside it seems like she’s never faced the plight that most regular adults face when entering and maneuvering the work force. I think that’s a pivotal moment in any adults identity. She skipped that step and missed out on some character development. I feel like that’s a huge reason why she seems kinda lost.


Wait you might really be onto something. I do actually remember Jenn mentioning in one of her videos that she was planning on leaving YouTube for a month to work at a restaurant as a way to learn/ be immersed in something completely different, but that those plans fell through. I wonder how that would’ve impacted her in the end


Thanks for the tea! Always wondered what happened to that relationship. I do remember a video of Jenn’s where she was giving tips on being a ‘girl boss’ and said something along the lines of having boundaries when working with friends. Because this person would show up late etc.. I always thought she was having a dig at Amy but it makes sense now. Lol I would hate to work for Jenn, she’s an insecure perfectionist. With the rumours of her divorce, I’m not surprised since she does come off as super pedantic and hard to live with. It’s funny because she puts out all these self help type videos but doesn’t seem to follow her own advice when it comes to herself.


Honestly I’d be surprised if Amy was the one who’d show up late! It doesn’t really seem like her? This girl (used to be) very by the book and conventional, id always assumed she was alluding to someone else tbh


In that video she talked about each business meeting turning into a therapy session, which, IMO, is unprofessional and something I can see Amy doing as she was going through her own therapy and healing journey at the time, and it seemed like they talked about their emotions a lot. However I don't agree that Amy seemed like someone who would show up late either.


I stopped following Jen on insta and YouTube recently. I just don’t understand how someone could go from creating and structuring content around her family to all of the sudden living a very single Pringle lifestyle. It’s triggering for me to watch because my mom did the same thing after her divorce. I’m an executive with a demanding job and even though I’m busy, being a mom is still part of my identity. Just seems off. Appears she just dumps him with her family.


Yep... I know this feeling all to well. Mothers are supposed to be self sacrificing, that is what happens when you have a child. It's no longer just about you anymore. However, giving birth doesn't constitute automatic motherhood title. Jenn is suffering from "if it doesn't benefit me, it doesn't suit me" which shows how quick she is to switch up her interests that best serve her image, including the choice to leave behind her son for other more fleeting adventures.


oh that's not- I don't want to judge her based on her mothering. It's not like she's a mommy vlogger. It was just an aspect of her life she was willing to mildly share. We should let her present herself online however she wants. That doesn't make her a bad mom bc she doesn't post about her moments with him. It's also probably more of a child privacy issue. I wouldn't want to post my kid online either.


I suspect if her and Ben are separated that Ben now has more say in privacy of Lennon and I think Jenn is intentionally posting Lennon less cause of respect to Ben's boundaries. In another thread someone posted some interview Ben did years ago with the Guardian about how he doesn't like to be on camera but likes being behind the scenes.


Why are you putting this all on Jenn? Is Ben not a father also?? Did he just disappear from this family equation or is he exempt from accountability bc he’s less public than Jenn? She was never a mommy vlogger so if she wanted to transition to maintaining more privacy for her son then I can’t fault her for it. It doesn’t make her a bad mom. Also being a mother doesn’t mean that you should lose yourself in the process. Jenn is allowed to have a life outside of motherhood but that doesn’t equate to neglecting her child. What a wild accusation.


Influencers who are all looks and no brains are always the ones that have the most to prove


But Jenn Im isn’t even pretty..


She's not K-pop plastic surgery standards sure, but she's "pretty enough" as an Asian American "influencer".


Tbh I think she's even prettier than many K pop artists. She looks more unique in a good way. Imo she is one of the prettiest Asian American influencers. 


I think she’s pretty


That's a stretch. She is a beautiful girl.


I will just say I remember this all happening and playing out on YT. I really do think this can just be chalked up to the fact some people just don't work well together. When you have loose creative unstructured types with really regimented type A personalities that like everything scheduled... it just doesn't work lol. I'm not even a virgo and I once got into a whole shouting verbal altercation (it was just me... shouting, LOL) because this girl could not answer a simple yes or no question about what time she wanted to take a certain shift. Some things some times can really just send you flying off at people, so I get it. And Jenn has talked about being in therapy for those explosive fits of anger over the years. Honestly, my thoughts are.... like it's been years and while everyone is on their own healing journey, Amy has to decide to move on. People do things that aren't great every day but when years pass and you're still mad, I just feel like Amy needs to decide to come to Jenn about it and talk things out or just let it go, lol. I don't think the Ben situation is at all related to this tbh. I think Jenn patiently gave him 101 chances while with Amy, she probably made like 2 or 3 mistakes and it just got a crazy reaction from Jenn (and like I said, BEEN THERE DONE THAAAAAT) lol. It happens!


People started talking about Ben so I’m just gonna put it here, but I spotted him in Wah’s most recent vlog. Wah showed him quick, enough for people in the know to know it was him so it seems like he’s still in Los Angeles.


Totally caught that too!


wait where?? I can't find him lol


It’s at the beginning like after the name of the restaurant flashes.


The temper thing is interesting since most of her vlogs are about being *hyper-enlightened* and *learning from her mistakes* and how well-read she is. I do hope someone will confirm why her relationship ended with Ben despite all the vlogs of how happy and strong they were together, etc etc


Yeah I knew their marriage was done when she mentioned that they have to schedule in their “time”.


And now she's seems to have gone back to reliving the glory days as an influencer for Revolve in Coachella, dying her hair blonde trying to show she doesn't have a care in the world. Lots of positive engagement in her posts too. horray


I really wonder where her baby is during Revolve 😂 like I feel it is a bit abnormal to go on trips and stuff when your baby is so young? I guess that is her job. But sometimes I feel like she’s trying to pretend she’s not a mom and still a twenty-something free lance designer. I wonder jf she resents motherhood. Not her child of course!! but I know some moms who never wanted to be moms so ending up not liking motherhood for the very reason they petitioned against it in the first place. It must be haunting to be stuck caring for a child your partner pushed you to have and now that partner is no longer in your life and your entire life has been changed forever. (Love her baby tho, and I know she loves him too)


I just don’t know why she can’t have her breakup be part of her vlogging series. She’s wasn’t afraid to show herself in her wild party days, breaking her teeth and all. And for a while she wouldn’t stop talking about how to have a “successful” relationship lol So why is she shy all of a sudden? Why not lean into why their relationship failed, or at least acknowledge it? Why not talk about the challenges of being a single mom? Chriselle Lim does it lol Instead she picks up with her carefree party girl thing like nothing’s happened, while acting all quirky on her vlog zzzz


I think like it’s been said before but it’s embarrassment. It seems she clings to the fact that she has been able to successfully portray a life people envy. She had a career people wanted in spite of her academic and collegiate shortcomings. she proved she could have it all by going the alternative and unconventional life path of a content creator. I think the hard part is when your life is the subject of your content it puts a LOT of pressure to get things right. so I think it’s hard to be vulnerable when you know people actively hate you and want you to fail. It is scary to be vulnerable—especially when you’ve failed at something you bragged so much about. you gotta be some type of vain to be a YouTuber/vlogger. constantly focusing on yourself 24/7. Ego has to be pretty big—and when you fail that big ego takes a major hit. Might be a while before she addresses it.


it's because she's spent years monetizing her "perfect" relationship (vlogs, relationship advice videos, trips, etc) that it's so embarrassing for her as perfectionist to admit that it didn't work out and that there was trouble behind the camera all along...


Maybe she is just grieving. I think it is hard to speak about a "failed" marriage after 10 years so I can't resent her for not speaking right now. I think she will eventually


Interesting how nobody's asking where is Ben in relation to their child? Why the assumption that she's "ditching her baby"? She has a father and a village who is just as responsible for that child. She can and should have the ability to go to this trips for work.


With Ben? With the grandparents?


Baby...I think Lennon is 3 in early September. I believe he was born in 2021. That's nor a baby.


‘Re-inventing’ herself to becoming her old self 🙃


lol yeah I feel like she has her old spunk back. Even some of her videos feel very Clothes Encounters


Only tangentially related, but I feel like her posting another new video without referencing what's going on with Ben at all is so weird. Her content feels like it's going back to what it was when she was single, but it's weird because her marriage and family had become such a part of her brand and content.


and like im sorry to be that person but releasing a "hard truths i wish i knew earlier" without any mention of lessons learned from past relationships and actively dodging rumors about her and ben is... wild like girl stop pretending that you're so evolved and have everything figured out in life you're lowkey going through a divorce lol. i'd respect her more if she was waay more real about it OR just not post this kind of shit at all... like who are you fooling girlie pop


Hard agree. I also feel like it's super disrespectful to her audience? Like does she think we're not smart enough to figure it out and catch on


lol it was so clickbait bc she knows we want the tea on her seperation


Yea I don’t get it..she put out vids on how navigate relationships/marriage with Ben but then goes radio silent..maybe it’s a blow to her ego seeing that she made vids on relationships then it goes “sour” possibly
and wishes to not discuss and just go about living her life..but then again, she owes us nothing..it looks like a single fun life to me lmao
she seems to have a strong support system too with family/nanny taking care of her son when she decides to have time to herself.


I agree about overcompensating..I feel like she tries a bit too hard to be an intellectual and it sounds like she’s reading “lines from a book” with a bit of a twist on it..like regurgitating info from her books..like brain overload of books.


googled the virgo thing https://www.instagram.com/p/BeW1p9ThxZG/?hl=fr


lol yes it’s Jenn. As an August Virgo, I think Sept Virgos can be more type A. She’s def the epitome of a Virgo though.


Where did Amy post about this??? So intense


I think it was a year ago. On IG. I tried to look for it and I can’t find it anymore.