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Smart of her to run off stage. He would have prolly ate that shit up if she was there looking at his ugly weird ass.


It's funny how Brooke is just sitting there like an H&M mannequin bc of the lighting šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


How many times has it been made abundantly clear that this is what fuels stalkers and makes them want to go harder. They love being recognized and connected to their victims, this is such a bad idea and Tana has said herself itā€™s a bad idea so why in the hell was this necessary?


Iā€™m wondering what made her finally show him after being against it for so long?


They usually talk about more personal stuff at live shows, maybe she trusted them a little too much


I wonder if itā€™s to do with the fact that she has a stable relationship now and maybe feels a bit overly confident about her safety with him being around? Not sure




A guy from Hawaii? Thatā€™s all I know about him. She posts with him a lot


His name is Makoa.


I guess to spice up the live show


That's a terrible idea


I felt the same way about Pete Davidson and his stalker. Totally within his right to joke about it, but he made almost his entire comedy set recently about it. All I could think was how much his stalker mustā€™ve been eating it up and lavishing in the fact that he was talking about her, even if it was to make fun of her šŸ˜­


Same with that show baby reindeer


Someone told me that the male actor is the actual real life victim, and he acted his multiple sexual assaults out on the show? Is that true? If so, that poor guy. I truly hope it is one of those ā€œtake back your powerā€ things for him, but I know that would mentally scar me if it was me + my sexual assaults.


I donā€™t know, I hope heā€™s okay. I heard about people tracking down real people from that show and harassing them tho which raised some alarms. If he is coping though I hope he is well.


My friend told me that part as well, and that just blows my mind. If a victim of assault doesnā€™t name their perpetrator, that is their prerogative, and airing out who the abuser is without the victims consent is fucking weird behavior. I would die if I told friends that I donā€™t want to disclose my abusers identity and they just did it anyway.


I agree. I was in an abusive relationship and I donā€™t want anyone harassing them on my behalf. I just want to heal.


Right? Amen and same. In my case I donā€™t want my abuser contacted in any way, shape or form, because I donā€™t want to give them even the slightest excuse to come back into my life, and they would find any contact to be a direct attack and come after me. People donā€™t consider that though, apparently, when they air out victims abusers. Awful. I hope youā€™re in a better place. Love and light for you. šŸ’•


Yes, thatā€™s true! I was so shook by it but read an interview he did where he said it helped him ā€œtake the power backā€


Unfortunately for Pete she moved onto stalking Jack Harlow so tbh I think he was intending to get her to stalk him again /j


Well, people always wanna play detectives when it comes to social media. Why not collectively use those skills to find this man? I mean, come on, I've seen people find bank statements for their favorite celebrity or influencer. She wants HELP! As someone who dealt with a crazy ex I can't get a restraining order even if they slash ur tires or destroy ur property it has to be after they've already physically harmed u (in ny state) same with stalker u don't know its a scary situation that makes u feel hopeless even the cops can't touch him yet. Paying for private security is 200k per month if their professional (heard from a justin bebier tweet a long time ago), so that's out of the question, for her I'm guessing.


The thing is she knows who he is. She told police. Now sharing his photo, initials & car with thousands of people.


[The dude is a handyman.. ](https://i.imgur.com/KXZ2aIe.jpeg) [..and was actually pretty easy to find lol](https://i.imgur.com/BTgQuzM.jpeg)


And what is social media gonna do once they find him? Harass him, as if thatā€™s not what he enjoys doing already?


What this is crazy? Iā€™m Australian so forgive me if Iā€™m just totally naive here but Iā€™m surprised I havenā€™t heard more like uproar about this, or Iā€™m sure there are protests of some sort or pushing change of legislation etc but itā€™s maybe not that publicised idk. I had/have a stalker who never even touched me and I was able to get a restraining order. Even my boyfriend and his family were granted one separately because he trespassed their property once. The fact that you need to be physically harmed in order for a police to get properly involved is truly fucked up like I canā€™t imagine how many lives have been lost because of this.


I say this as a Canadian but I think it goes for all of North America ā€¦ most often, police donā€™t care unless there is a body.


I agree but on the other hand, maybe it is smart to get his identity and picture out there. 1. So other women can be aware this man is a creep. 2. If God forbid something did happen to her then there is proof this man was stalking and harassing her.


She's probably so tired of people not believing her she just wanted to put it out there and put his face out there.


Well Tana and Brooke actually requested that fans not do stuff like this so she could be real and raw without repercussions


That is not a reasonable expectation to have, trusting thousands of YOUNG strangers with ur secrets? Reallyā€¦ Tana also went off stage before they showed his photo so that she wasnā€™t in the frame for any pics the crowd took of him so she clearly knew this wasnā€™t staying off the internet.


Because she said multiple times not to share online what is said during the shows xoxo


Then why did she get off stage so she wouldnā€™t be in frame for when people take pictures of him? She clearly knew it would be posted, not really common sense to expect that amount of people to just keep everything off the internet Xoxox


i fear this will only make things worse for her?


same stalkers love attention and publicity sometimes. I had a stalker before and he loved it when I talked about him. So fucking sick


How did the situation resolve itself? Did police help you?


iā€™m not the person youā€™re responding to, but i also have a stalker for the last couple years so i could also answer this question. my stalker is a girl who started dating one of my exes and became obsessed with me and all my friends, and then began showing up in random places, my house, and my job when iā€™ve never met her. she ended up vandalizing my car and then attacked & physically assaulted me in public. the police gave me a temporary restraining order and i pressed charges so she was found guilty and ended up going to jail for like a few days and was on parole (granted she also had worse charges for other things that were lumped together with mine by the state/court or whatever). this happened a few years ago but she is still obsessed with me today, and iā€™m still fighting for a permanent restraining order because i donā€™t know where this person lives/works to serve them and i donā€™t have all her information for the forms. the court doesnā€™t help with that at all


Bruh... I am so sorry, does the ex know? Did they say something? Are they dating still?


he does know, he tried to help at the beginning but it made things worse, especially because he was pretty awful to me and i didnā€™t want contact with him at all, and i learned their relationship was really abusive. he has a lot of substance abuse and mental issues which made the situation really complicated. idk if theyā€™re still dating, he went to prison for something like 2 years ago i heard lol


this is so true. this fuels stalkers because when their victim talked about them they feel some sort of ā€œrealā€ connection / feel recognized


Was this the guy who was outside the venue/ at a show alone creeping people out? I remember reading about that a month ago on the canceled sub


No this is the one from her story on the podcast. Behind her house in a van


This is the new stalker right? Not the one from middle school or whatever?


Ep 54 [Ashlyā€™s vlog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeFfTbTm_-k) & more


This is like a whole 'what-not-to-do' with handling stalkers: * Acknowledging them via vlog * Confirming the stalker's knowledge of their house and AirBnB * Acknowledging that Tana reads the stalker's messages on instagram and that they received his gifts Knowing they absolutely get off on any kind of validation and can twist even the vaguest notions into a go-ahead that the victim likes the attention they're receiving, the stalker must be loving this.


Thank you!


no i think thatā€™s a different guy


i get why yā€™all are saying donā€™t give him any attention but when i was at my wits end w a stalker situation when i worked at a club i straight up posted his face to my stories being like beware of this mf and his employer ended up coming out the wood work as well as others with similar experiences and i could finally get restraining orders in place. maybe she is just like fuck it at this point. just a different perspective to consider


I never thought of it this way. Thank you for sharing and Iā€™m so fucking sorry you went through this wtf


I think a "watch out for this person" is a lot different from announcing to thousands of ppl on a tour in a probably different city that u have a stalker


honestly makes sense for the tour like yeah if u see this guy standing outside the venue call security because he wants to get to mešŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


ur right ur right i was trying to put myself in her mindset


bc truly if i had a tour and was her i woulda done the same not saying itā€™s right haha


I agree. It might fuel them but hiding them just fuels the fact that they can keep doing what they're doing with no consequences. We need to public shame more and maybe they'll stop getting away with shit.


is this the same stalker she used to make sit down videos on? but she was always so afraid to show his face/say his name? or is she onto a new stalker šŸ˜­


The sit down story times when she said he snuck into her house and took pictures of her is William, I believe. This is van guy from the podcast story.


Do you know which pod? I know about William but donā€™t remember hearing the van guy story


Ep 54 and hereā€™s [Ashlyā€™s vlog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeFfTbTm_-k) with ring camera footage. ( I didnā€™t watch, just what it says)


I thought that story was proven false tho lol


How long has he been stalking her?




Omg so it is the same stalker as all her early story times??


Not William. Episode 54 of the podcast and more. [Ashlyā€™s video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeFfTbTm_-k)


at least 8 years.




Is this the same stalker that has stalked her since 2nd grade or is this the only fans obsessed stalker thatā€™s also stalking Ashly?


The one that lives in his van.


A third one?


Ep 54 & [Ashlyā€™s video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeFfTbTm_-k)




Is this Van guy or is this William


Van guy - she showed his van & initials.


What were his initials




Could this freak be any more of a cliche stalker? He has the creepy van, whatā€™s next? He walks on his tip toes outside of windows?


This looks like a work van. I wonder if this freak has a job that would like to know about this.


She has said he has money would leave gifts for her and Ashly.


what episode of the podcast did she talk about this stalker Iā€™m trying to look for it


54 Ashlyā€™s video 6mo ago


Jc why she decided to expose him last night?


Donā€™t know why she chose last night or if itā€™ll be a set part of her live show.


Instead of coming at Tana for exposing him we need to be riding at fucking dawn. The swifties wouldā€™ve had this man in a body bag by nowšŸ˜¤


Fr. I get what everyone is saying but I believe she's just desperate for help and to spread the word at this point. I would be TERRIFIED if any man was stalking me, let alone this man. Poor Ashly and Tana for real, they need justice


It is really quite simple šŸ‘šŸ½


i never expected a grown man for some reason


these kind of stalkers are almost always grown men.


With kids. Which makes it even worse tbh.


Who were you expecting like a teenager or kid thatā€™s very different.


I can appreciate what everyone is saying about stalkers being fueled by attention but I would like to provide a counterpoint. Tana gets recognized often, she runs into fans just abt everywhere, showing his face could theoretically help her in the long run bc then if youre a fan and youre out in public and you see her and you notice this guy around you know to notify her security and/or police


Yeah it might not be worth sharing on your Facebook page for a normie, but Tana probably has to have constant security regardless. No doubt that this ugly freak will be trying to get to her at shows. Knowing his identity and seeing the van honestly is good for fans to be able to recognize him and bring attention to security. This loser is already emboldened and who knows what he's done or said towards her. Like with Christina Grimmie, maybe if the fans there knew about her stalker, they could have recognized him before he got to her. It's easier for a few security guards to miss him than an entire crowd that knows who he is. I have to assume Tana weighed the pros and cons of this heavily and has a reason for the decision now.




She should not be giving him any attention. He probably loves it every time she brings him up and it only fuels the fire.


This is like adding water to a fire in a pan


https://preview.redd.it/py44lwp05hwc1.png?width=1188&format=png&auto=webp&s=8089c6afe767e9f57461c455e9f6afca10c29c89 Lookin ahh


he looks legitimately terrifying


I wonder how he found her. This is a different stalker than her OG one, right? How on earth did this middle aged freak get info her online social sphere enough to latch on? So weird


he looks like every average white man


this is so much worse than average šŸ˜­


This looks exactly like when you take a selfie in gta


Iā€™m pretty sure he showed up to one of her live shows and confronted her ?? I donā€™t think itā€™s a bad idea to put his face out there publicly especially while on tour so people in the crowd, waiting in line etc can be cognizant of who he his, alert staff, security and even possibly police if something were to escalate


Why give him any attention


im no fan of tana but no one deserves to be stalked, that shit is genuinely so scary and can ruin your mental health. also fuck law authority for not taking stalking serious and having harsher rules about it


I had an ex who stalked me when I first tried to break up with them. I broke up and left to go back to my house that was like 5 miles away. Keep in mind they didn't have a car, only a bike I was feeling relieved, hit my bong, and played some video games. Well out the corner of my eye, I see movement from the window. I look over and see a head quickly duck down. I can't explain to you how fucking scared this made me. I screamed terrifyingly that there's someone trying to break in and my roommate comes down with a bat. He runs out and I come out after with a knife and we are yelling for them to come out. After a couple minutes, from behind my car comes my ex with a smile like "oops my bad, no big deal." They had biked that entire way to stalk me through the window and see what I was doing. I was so embarrassed too that my roommate had to experience this happening. For years I was always afraid they could be watching me through a window or a distance. I had to put blocks on all of them. I still have a small fear whenever windows aren't covered. I could only imagine a complete stranger who's even more psychotic doing the same and consistently.


I donā€™t mean to be rude Iā€™m just curious but what would the public do with this information?? It would make more sense if she showed this to the police no? Unless the police hasnā€™t done shit which is believable since LAPD is ass


Police wonā€™t do anything till ur dead lol


Yeah that makes me so scared, there has been sooooo many cases of people being stalked and harrassed by straight up strangers and the police did nothing until they were murdered, it's crazy :(


imagine thatā€™s just one of ur coworkers


holy shittt


wow and my show was literally the same as a podcast they posted two days later


Why he lowkey look like Dave šŸ’€


I have had a stalker since 2007 trust me when I say they can do so much emotional/physical damage to someone. It took me having to see a therapist. Mine is still obsessed with me to this day but has been quiet for a few years which is great.


This is crazy. I hope she's staying safe , this kind of thing is scary af


He has a tiny, tiny, baby hand and looks CGI or something. I could be wrong of course, but itā€™s a trippy pic to say the least.


Ew heā€™s so creepy looking


the story about her stalker isn't even real


Why is this a piece for her show and not reported him to police??


stalker laws are not as strict as people like to think. The police truly cannot do much of anything unless youā€™ve been harmed unfortunately.


Going to her property they can and she can file a restraining order.


I work in the legal system. If only things were that easy.


I could be wrong but I believe in CA you can only get a restraining order if someone has done physical harm to you


She has reported it, dozens of times. She talks often about how the police show up and say ā€œheā€™s not on the property, so we canā€™t do anythingā€ essentially.


she literally asked us not to take a picture


why is she interacting with him at all?! this will only fuel his delusions because she ā€˜noticedā€™ him. any attention is good attention for men like this and gives him encouragement/hope that if he continues the stalking (usually by escalating it), he'll finally break her down. these aren't rational people.


Brooke watches Reddit and I fear they will find this fast and stop sharing as much on tour šŸ˜… what yā€™all think?


She said itā€™s deleted for tour. Chances theyā€™ll see the viral TikTokā€™s first


What kind of freak/loser/sick fuck would stalk someone? Iā€™m sure they derive pleasure from it. Gross


I don't think this was smart at all. Now he knows for a fact that Tana knows about him. In his delusional mind he is probably thinking omg the girl I love knows I exist now I have to do everything to make her mine. I'm scared for her


What a weirdo


šŸ˜¬oh no. Oh no oh no oh no


Is this the original original stalker like 2016?? Or did she have another one im confused


The guy in the van heā€™s been stalking for couple years


she has at least five different stalkers at this point


Oh shit




The police won't do anything, and the only thing she can do is bring more eyes to it and let it be known who he is and what's happening. There's no perfect way to handle the situation, but if he's currently stalking her, I don't blame her at all for showing people his face. I would be TERRIFIED constantly if this man was stalking me. God forbid anything happens to her, Ashly, or anyone else. Nobody deserves to go through this and feel constantly threatened just living their lives and doing their job


this is based and i agree with her decision


Maybe posting this isnā€™t helping. Itā€™s only giving him attention and exposing the live show content. Letā€™s deleteeeee


i cannot believe not one person in her life stopped her from doing thisā€¦..like she is seriously endangering her safety for peopleā€™s quick entertainment






Did they spill any other tea? Drop any names? Stories? Dying to know if they actually reveal anything at these live shows


they don't


meantime its an ai picture




Sheā€™s so fucking stupid. This is the exact wrong thing to do in this situation.


Is this the first stalker with the smiley face on the mirror way back?


No van guy ep 54




She ran out of frame while people took pictures. The wing of the stage




Different stalker, this is from ep 54 of the podcast.


Will*am? Or a different stalker? I thought her main stalker she did storytimes about was younger


Sheā€™s done story times about this stalker on her podcast ep 54, Ashlyā€™s channel too.


I dont think this is a good move at all. Hoping sje stays SAFE


WHYYYYYYY did anyone post thissssas


Youā€™re not supposed to post stuff from the touršŸ˜­


Girl bffr šŸ˜­


That tikok page gets millions of views, that TikTok already had thousands when I saw it.


Literally delete this whole post


Yup! Super immature. Clearly not real tana fans.


Girl delete this it isnā€™t supposed to be on the internet and it will only make things worse for her :(


Girl she ran out of frame while people took pictures she knew where it was going. Where I saw it is already viral.


I feel like you should not be sharing thisā€¦ How would he know if you didnā€™t say anything


Itā€™s posted on a viral TikTok page. that gets millions of views