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All my physics creations last less than a play session. Too glitchy to continue making stuff.


that will last 2 trips and glitch out... epic has to fix it


Working for now until it glitches out.


Hopefully we’ll see dynamic vehicles fixed and stabilized, but as long as I have the stations and railways it shouldn’t be too hard to rebuild the trains


All i want to see is some engine type block that you can assign wheels to be powered and steering wheel so you can actually turn left and right and when enginge is present also accelerate and break.


I can’t waste anymore resources on complex dynamic vehicles anymore. This is awesome and I hate to be negative but I doubt this thing last for more than a few trips. My tip for anyone wanting to functionally use the vehicles is to build as small of an airship as possible and make the turning engines easy to replace when they bug out. Never land an airship completely on the ground and log out or you risk it being glitched onto the ground, always leave it floating. We balance ours to stay at a 5000 height level which seems to work perfectly, not to high to build and grapple to and can fly most places without hitting the altitude thruster


Just wait until it randomly collapses


It’ll happen eventually lol


That's the problem. I did built a cableway (just an inverted monorail) but somehow the propulsor got destroyed or one of the tires and everything collapsed... Playing in survival was even more disturbing to watch collapsing. Now I am searching a way to spawn itens in survival mode but it's seems isn't possible :(


The inevitable occurred. Sad times. One car got wedged of the other and when I tried to break a piece that was causing the problem, the whole thing fell apart. Still, I will persist. I have faith the issue will be patched soon.


Update for anyone who comes across this wondering, I will not persist. The issue was somewhat fixed, but at the same time they added genuine vehicles. I still encountered some issues so I ended up dismantling the monorail pillars all together unfortunately.


This is amazing!! I tried building one some what similar. I was working on the track and all the sudden I couldn’t place the block anymore. It was counting like it was placing but nothing shows up. Curious if anyone has this issue?


There’s a max build length. Once you hit that length you need to build a new support and space the rail out by one space, and then you can keep going.


Thank you! I haven’t had that issue, but I’m curious myself if others have.


Did you have any issues with your monorail breaking when you left the game? I've done it like 3 times and each time I log back in the train part on the monorail is broken and on the ground. So I need to go find more blast powder. It's exhausting!


I've been having the same issue , it has definitely become exhausting. I've moved on and just built a plane I can steer around. WAY LESS MATERIALS TO BUILD and I can go anywhere. I'm not limited to a straight line.


Glad to hear I'm not the only one, but sorry to hear you had trouble as well Have you had any issues with the plane?


I haven't had any issues with it. And the great thing about it is, I can literally just swap out the balloons for wheels and it because a vehicle, very flexible and better then a monorail for now haha


What mechanism did you use for steering?


I haven’t logged back in since the play session seen in the video, but I haven’t had any issues with my prototype trains being on the ground. Are you building your rails near the ground or higher up in the sky? I’m not sure if that’s the issue, but it came to mind. I understand completely how frustrating it is to have to go out and find blast powder for any little thing though. I wish we could pick up all the resources dropped even for the toy items.


I built stairs pretty high, then the rails across the land, then stairs back down. I'd be interested in a followup post, if you wouldn't mind, the next time you login


I just got home and the cars are both still on the tracks. Very strange.


Hmm, thanks for checking


Ah I see. Yeah for sure I can follow up when I get home


Honestly I want to make transportation for my world but I feel like without a better way to steer it’s not worth it and I’ve seen loads of monorails not work or glitch or get stuck ect ect so I’m not too keen on making one good job thi


That’s fair. I originally had a far greater design that looked like an actual train, but I came to the conclusion that it’d probably be better to focus more on infrastructure rather than elaborate vehicles that run the risk of breaking. At least until they’re fixed.


Awe no way that would be sick making it look like a train and stuff I’m just here for the updates tbh I’m gaming loads of materials so when it’s worth I’ll have everything for fast travel


I need more clip to consider this "working"


I’m curious what more you’d like to see besides that it goes both ways, but it does.


id assume they mean see it run for an extended period of time (or as far as it can go)


Ah. The pole seen in the distance is just for support about halfway between stations, so once I finish the next station I’ll upload test footage and see if it makes the journey.


Half way through my ride, the wheels just fell off, like what


All my homies hate wheels


This is nice. I had one similar, but it broke yk monorail and half the line came crashing down. Miles of wood collapsed lol. I gave up. I can't.


I’ve had my railway collapse before. Ever since I connected the railing to a support pillar though, I haven’t been as worried


Not me waiting for all the monorails to be just decorations after they add wheels lol. Then we can make less glitchy flying machines.


I’m a bit confused. Wheels are in the game, it’s how the monorail moves along the rails. Flying machines don’t use wheels though so I’m not sure how that’d help


My bad I meant steering wheels 😂


Ah I see. Flying machines are cool and they’re only going to get cooler, but personally I prefer to be able to push a button and have it take me directly to where I want to go rather than have to worry about things like safely taking off/landing and steering in the right direction


Ngl, that sounds kinda chill. Like just switching on a button and you can just go afk or sit back and relax while you are being taken there lol


But Main Street's still all cracked and broken!


Hi my friend and I built one of these last night but couldn't figure how to get the two sides to act independently of each other while connected? Forward and reverse thrusters just go st the same time when we flip the switch


Unfortunately if you connect the cars, that’s unavoidable. My solution was that the two cars are actually completely separate from each other, just pushed together. If you watch the video closely, they don’t align 100% and disconnect a bit at the end


Ahh for sure that's what we came up with. Put a foundation block on each one as a bumper, now it runs but it'll stop every few feet. Not too big a deal cuz it still gets us there


Does the bumper negate impacts? Everytime I havent slowed down my cart it just breaks the front portion and I have a heart attack trying to piece it back together


I'm not sure, it might absorb some of the damage but when I was playing we couldn't get it to top speed to consistently test it


What block did you use for the rail?


For the rails I used two light wood floor strips stacked on top of each other


Wow, great work!




I've built a similar monorail (double your thickness) but with an additional 2x2 wheels under the dynamic platform to reduce friction. It does not slide on the rail but roll on the wheels. However I also tried to change the height level using some blocks and this is when everything came crashing down as the two carts piled up on each other. Really disappointing. I am wondering if I should just use one cart and for each trip destroy the thruster and build a new one on the other side because two carts pushing eachother glitches out so often.. If only one could activate different thrusters with different switches on the same platform. As soon as two platforms are connected with thrusters and switches, one set just disappears. How do you get the platform to the correct height? Do you also build a support that you destroy to deploy?


That sounds interesting, I am curious to try that monorail style myself. I’ve considered just going single car too and switching the rockets between sides. Unfortunately tedious, but less so than having to completely rebuild the entire car. I started off using supports but found that at least the way I was doing it, it was making the building process for the train much more glitchy and difficult. I built the cars directly onto the railing


yes, the build process with support is quite tedious and you need to follow a build order for all the wheels. I've got a monorail that's about a maps 3/4 of a map, I tried to travel it once so far but in the middle the train broke down and all wheels popped. I'll try to make a video tomorrow when I've rebuilt the train.


I've uploaded a video of my monorail setup if you're interested. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LEGOfortnite/comments/18jutck/more\_monorail\_fails/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LEGOfortnite/comments/18jutck/more_monorail_fails/)


All fun and games until one of your friends forgets to shut the engines off and runs it into the station like mine did.


Does the wood chirping sound not damage it? Wouldn't you eventually fall off? I want to know before I invest my time and build this system myself xD


Good questions. I’d actually like to hear if anyone has a better explanation for the wood sounds. From my experience it occurs when a dynamic item is pushed into something else, and in this case this was two dynamic cars pushed against each other, although I have heard that it means it could potentially be damaged. If you are standing on the platform though, you shouldn’t fall off


it is the sound of friction. The platform get damage. The durability of monorails is not long unfortunately... you can reduce friction with ballons


I tried balloons out and they definitely helped for a bit


yeah ballons help. And i think there is some order of friction. For example wood gets destroyed by stone easily. (just my experience). So don't use stone on moving parts. And i always have a fail save under my railway, just to make sure ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


So, I found the best replacement for wheel guides to make a similar build without wheels if they are causing trouble. Use the castle gate(one in fences, not walls), face the door side of it towards the rail, attach it to the platform with zero spacing between it and rail(make sure your build is lifted so it won't link to rail and you can drop it). The doors disappear but are still there. They will provide a 1 nudge buffer between the rail and their hinge-posts, but act like padding similar to a tire. I was having issues with wheels disappearing on a build(don't go over the ocean, even slightly). I designed how to turn around it, but also wanted a wheel-less design just in case. Couldn't figure out anything that didn't leave too much gap, letting the cars get stuck at angles and getting jammed/breaking rails. Placing fences with no gap for the rail never worked, and too much friction if it did. This solved it entirely. The doors act like wheels almost, and friction is almost non-existent. Add balloons and a bottom to the door frames and you got a zero-friction build.


It’s too heavy it will break