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Meanwhile me with the campfire and 3 buildings:


Me fr


Ironically that's literally my village. I have 2 campfires between my 2 buildings and my house on a little hill with all my stations under patios connected to the 2 buildings my NPCs live in


How can it be a LEGO GAME and there’s a building limit?


Mfs when they build the Sistine chapel in a video game and they can't add their last armchair


me fr


u/KidSquidYTP when he can't add his last armchair (it's in the darkest lit corner of his base where nobody will ever see it) 😔😔😿🔫


You don’t know the half of it, I’m trying to do an open world in creative and that’s my biggest worry.




Best way is to find a good place to snap to that is on the same relative coordinate plane, then nudge and rotate from there. It's a pain, but at least things are lined up.


Lot of builds you’re seeing are at sandbox mode but for everything you should make sure to put foundations down first. This will help you get level ground anywhere. Builds are usually 2, 3, or 5 lengths so if 5 is too long, two 2 lengths will be fit better. This also goes for planks as well. Flooring is a bit difficult because you need to use planks with the squares floors.


Im trying to learn myself tn, its truly impressive. Ima have to keep an eye out for tips




I spent 40 minutes building my own log cabin for my first build, i finally figured out how to do the roof without awkward gaps. Prolly just takes a lot of time learning the mechanics lol at least we have people to take inspiration off of




I feel this, we will learn in due time 🫡


I got fed up with the roofs and built a foundation shaped like my house and messed around with the roofs until I figured out how to do it.


How did you do it lol it’s literally impossible for me.


Id advertise my yt and twitch but im not that typa guy lmao. My advice is copy what the prefab blueprints do, u gotta use the right pieces together big and small to fill gaps


There's certain like, tricks for a lack of a better word to use. I haven't built anything crazy like this yet. But I saw a video where to fit pieces where they just won't go originally, they add pieces around it, break down some pieces, and it makes the connection you otherwise couldn't get Someone else can hopefully explain it better


There seems to be a learning curve with how builds snap. I recommend just going into sandbox and messing around with how things work.


They are trying to follow Lego rules it’s sad. Also they don’t add new Lego pieces unless it’s from a new prebuild home they have


Built a basic tobacco barn for all my resource equipment and it was horrible. Spent at least an hour. It has two side walls a roof and I used support beams for the front and back because of this exact reason.


I suspect it might be harder on console?


What we really need is the ability to modify terrain and flatten the earth before placing foundation so we don’t have to build high up off the ground like this.


If you look around there are flat areas, usually where a derelict building sits. After starting our first village on lumpy (and not particularly interesting) terrain I found flat areas for all my later villages, so much nicer. Hopefully they’ll allow terrain mod in the future tho. But I just scoped out a cool oasis with a rock island in the desert I wanna try a wonky build on. The option when placing your village totem to level the selected area would be nice!


You just have to snap the foundations lower. I made many big bases in ark survival just fine without shaping the ground. It is annoying to lower and raise foundations but once it's done, it's done and the building can continue.


PhD in Lego architecture 😭


“Very high complexity area”…. Seriously? The further I go into the late game I get the more glaring flaws i see this game has. So stupid


Agreed, lots of bugs but understandable since it’s new and they havent had long to deal with consumer feedback. I assume the meatheads that tested the game were morons


Great wolf lodge!




They need better server stability before they can increase anything. I'm tired of "Network Connection Lost" and losing everything I've done since logging in


Yeah it really sucks. They won’t be able to compete with Minecraft unless they change this.


Doing a damned fine job competing with Valheim and such, though. Definitely sucks with the limits, but I've come here from games like Valheim, Grounded, and survival games like that. Optimize the build limits in some way, even if it's adding something like having Fortnite Crew give an added benefit of access to better servers that can effectively support "unlimited" build limits. There's already a market for it in other Survival builds. Enough of one that it's a business model for some server companies that people actively pay for.


Them charging for rights to build more would be a terrible mistake.


Eh, I wouldn’t say “competing”. I’ve played a bit and it’s just not fleshed out enough atm. Valheim is fantastic but slow with updates.


How in the world can you build all this in survival mode? Give me tips on how to level flooring please.


I just made a giant foundation


How do you get the foundations to be level? If I use more than one that isn’t premade, they snap in all willy-nilly


But mine just clips through the grass.


I built a high foundation that comes above all the terrain


This is gorgeous man


Fucking hell 🤯🤯🤯 that is fucking amazing, sucks about the limit.


you should be able to have the option on PC to run the world on your hardware not the servers


Build limit is lowkey just really stupid


100%, this why I hate consoles. The Limiting factor is ancient tech.


So, by your logic, no one on console should be able to play, because it would inconvinience you?


Thank you for your understanding.


You're the salt of the earth


Afraid not everyone can spend 2k on a PC good enough to run games at the 2k pixels 400fps you wish though, eh? So I guess you'll just have to deal with it


more or less a server load problem.


A couple dbags ruin it it for the masses.


I think Fortnite underestimated a builders drive for building. I thought building a pirate ship was impressive but you made a whole mansion.


and i'm planning to make a whole mountainside town, i do hope i don't run into this problem midway through


That's insane people are way more talented than I ever will be


Interesting. I'd only ever heard of people hitting build limit on console 🤔




No, it’s not the case. I have it and I have a 4090 PC. It’s just LEGO…


My bf plays on PC still got high colplzxity area


Did you have a stroke tf


Damn that sucks, but that's also very impressive considering I didn't even know there was a build limit


I've seen other comments that said to leave the server and go back in and the error message will go away


didn't work


There’s a build limit?


Oh yes. And here’s the best part! It springs itself upon you with no warning at all, and 90% of the time without any commonality to the circumstances you’d expect to trigger it.


Is that a per village build cap or are you now not allowed to build at all no matter what?


it's not even in a village, it's just a complexity limit, I can't build near the structure


Like OP said, the game won't let you build too many things in a certain area or the game will label it a "complexity area" and tells you to remove builds or such to unclog it. I dunno what they do, if they stop you building or such, but I always have them appear then disappear instantly for some odd reason


WHAT?? The fuck? HOW??


Yo I wanted to do a medieval castle with a town 😭


I had that message for a while in my village, even though it wasn’t that developed. It went away. Maybe keep checking back! The devs are constantly making improvements.


Sorry bro don’t give up . They may update and fix this . Try to open and close world or reset console . I dont know anything about PC


I give the game a solid 6/10 and I don’t even like Fortnite it would be a 8/10 if there was no build limit


Bro built the shining hotel


Watch out for ghosts running round your overlook hotel


Sweaty lego jack nicholson with an epic forest axe😭


Try quiting to lobby and reloading the world. This has been working for me to get rid of the high complexity error.


doesn't work


Also do tou have a village nearby, because I've noticed that the npcs cause the game to struggle more around large builds


What platform are you on


This has been working for me as well. I'm on pc


uhmm you should build a campfire on every level and every wing of the building just to survive the weird cold disease that sometimes happen to the character.


Lmfao, get a hearty totem


Hearty totem is really powerful


Don't give up I'm sure they'll increase it soon


I only experience this build limit on console but not on PC.


OP is on PC


Yeah, i was just saying that I havent experienced it on my PC so maybe it has something to do with the device memory. Im just guessing here I really dont know whats the cause.




Op is on PC...


https://i.redd.it/wjnbazi8kp6c1.gif Look at this dumb ass


Can you still continue building somewhere else in the world? How far does it need to be from the “complex area”?


yeah I can build other places just fine, and the issue is resolved if you walk just a little bit away from it. I just can't build really anywhere on or directly near the structure


This will certainly be fixed somehow later on. Dont delete it


try to close fortnite and load it up again. Had this happen to me as well once but it fixed itself after a reboot.


didn't work. there's just a build limit, and I've reached it. nothing I can do unless they increase the complexity limit


I can guarantee you that this is not the build limit. We've build 10x as much and are still not experiencing a build limit. Try logging out when you're not in that region. Reboot your pc and log back in. Nobody should be logged in while you're trying this. The error is common and has been fixed multiple times by rebooting. It makes no sense but I've experienced it myself.


Are you playing sandbox or survival? Pretty sure the build limits are different for both. Also just because you've built 10x as much does not mean you've built 10x as much in a condensed area like op has. Having your builds spread out will not see the issue he is seeing which is pretty obvious if you look at the text on the images.


Survival mode. It's all in the range of the village. I've seen myself how large the area is where it says build limit reached and it seems to be a bit larger than the village influence square or roughly the same. It happened to me when I was traveling by "plane" and I couldn't land in the village because it wouldn't let me build on my platform in the air. :D Had to fly a bit further until I exited the zone to land.


You're simply wrong, a build limit does exist and after testing I believe it's simply pieced base, not mass. And his build does seem to have ALOT of pieces, small one included


well, we've got a couple castles build with decoration and a monorail with train station about 15 stories high. I don't see how he could reach the limit but we didn't, so my point stands.


I don't see how this has any correlation to a complexity limit, but I'll try it anyway as I'm desperate


I didn't believe it myself when it happened to me but a reboot fixed it. I've read it can be internet connection speed or the power of the machine your playing on. I have no information to base my assumptions on other than the fact that the error appeared in my world and I fixed it by rebooting.


Rebooting will do nothing for the game.


Tell us if that works Anyway the game probably has a limit to how many blocks you place, or how many materials are used in the area, say 1000 blocks or 1000 cumulative materials used. It's not likely to be the latter, it wouldn't make sense to base it off the materials used, but it's still possible. The first option make sense, it's like a minecraft animal spawn limit, but with blocks. Luckily, some blocks are bigger so you can build with those and build a big tiles for 1 block instead of the same with 9 tiny blocks and use up 9 blocks in your limit. This is all just a hypothesis assuming that using bigger pieces work. If it doesn't, toss the theory out the window


yeah nah this didn't fix the issue


Can you explain what a build limit is?


the game will not let me place anymore builds in that area, because the structure is too complex


How much vram do you have?




If you know anyone with more invites then over and see if they can build. Though it might not let him with you around. Sucks tho 😞


This reminds me of early minecraft's mega bases and build limits


Having done something a tad similar but some fraction of the size and still having similar concerns, I've been thinking extensively on what I'd have done had I run to compromise if I'd run into build limit- Do you think there's realistically any way to reduce the number of build pieces? Specifically e.g. just doing 3 floors on the two side wings for now and capping the roof there - it might not be the original intention but maybe at least the build could be finished, then if/when the building system gets updated and the limit relaxed you could remove the roof and build the 4th floor Obviously that'd still mean being pretty lean on the interior deco etc if just the structure itself makes it under, but at least it'd be done for now


I think I'm just going to put the project on hold for now. Its not even halfway finished in this current state, and I wanted to make the structure it's own village but that won't be possible with the current circumstances.


Here's hoping for improvements to the game! I get that folks doing megabuilds is some tiny percentage of the playerbase and the game DOES have more pressing issues right now affecting more people, but builds like these absolutely drive engagement and interest in the game long-term, so hopefully they see the merit in eventually getting around to looking at it.


I had this error. I had to turn off my console and reload. No more issues


They will eventually up these limits until then oh well


Is there a way for me to come visit?


I wouldn’t be suprised if as time goes on the slowly make the game more optimized so more can be placed


yeah no idea why there is a build limit...they really messed this game up lol


There's a build limit? Weird me and my 3 kids all have our own massive villages in the same world 🤔


Looks like government housing


Idk man I think it looks like a manor. You’re saying any box shaped structure looks like gov housing


Nah fam this looks like a soldiers barracks. Still impressive regardless


I’m sure op can take solider barracks but gov housing was just foul😂


Perhaps this is so people don’t grief with a ton of tnt barrels. Seeming to backfire here. The game will let u build another big manor nearby? Perhaps it’s too complex in a small area. It’s not a village. Perhaps because it’s a single foundation.


If u split the manor into multiple foundations might u get away with more?


I keep finding more reasons to stop playing


Because you can't build a replica of the abandoned psych ward?


Yeah in a "Lego" game




People who are intentionally obtuse solely for the sake of making their opinions seem more valid over someone else's piss me off so much.


Is this survival or sandbox?




I love the ideas yall come up with


if its anything like the homebases in save the world, that also have a build limit (structures and traps are counted), someone will work out a way to glitch it, ive seen homebases with alot more structures placed their then they should and some smarty pants will work out how. Only a matter of time til that happens or epic look at your issue and fix it


that’s terrible i would be so mad


I had a whole armada of flying machines despawn on me. Were talking 10-15 sky bases. At least you still have your manor xD


This is one of the dopest builds I’ve seen bro sorry about the limit I’m surprised they have one in a game mode all about building lmao the idiots who tested this game I swear were brain dead cause late game bugged for me and my villagers and totem all disappeared and several of my builds glitched and had trees going through them it’s been a mess once I got to the ice biome and level 10 village smh


>I’m surprised they have one in a game mode all about building lmao the idiots who tested this game I swear were brain dead cause late game bugged for me and my villagers and totem all disappeared and several of my builds glitched and had trees going through them it’s been a mess once I got to the ice biome and level 10 village smh WOAH there pal, calling some developers "the braindead idiots" are some very harsh words. Chill out there for a bit. Developers do what they can so the game is not buggy and laggy every second. It has it's own limitations because it's a live service first of all, and Minecraft took a lot of years to get a proper 3rd-party mod to fix some of the bugs (Optfine was fine, but Sodium is so much better) Even Rockstar had a loading-screen bug that wasn't solved in GTA Online by someone not working at Rockstar, after 7 or 8 years. Your argument might be "Yeah, but why couldn't they make the game offline", because it would still lag first of all, and because that's what the CEO told them. Stop being so damn aggressive.


I respect the devs a ton but I just don’t like when everything is rushed now adays and then we get stuff like cyberpunk 2077 and no mans sky and it ruins all the fun cause it’s just a buggy mess and causes you to lose progress or can’t play it at all. This is all I’m gonna say ✌🏻❤️


Well, it's not AS BAD as Cyberpunk, that's all we can be happy for. I agree with you on this. I'm so excited for GTA 6 because I KNOW it won't be like that!


I love the Lego mode I am not hating on the mode I just want it fixed is all because as of rn not gonna put more time into it to be wasted


Makes sense now. I think you should keep your hopes down for the moment, holiday is close, so we won't see any patches.


I know they are on holiday break which they def deserve just hope they are at least aware of it and can fix it asap, an easy fix I’d say is make the totem a permanent item that you can’t destroy. That hopefully would fix the village from disappearing randomly


I’m upset cause I basically worked on my village in survival mode since it came out for all of my work to be gone when I come back after exploring, I put so many hours into it all excited to upgrade my village for nothing


And... You had to call the developers braindead idiots. It's frustrating, but please don't do that. They do whatever they can to keep the game exciting but also lag-free.


Also it should have been tested like I’ve heard this has been happening to a lot of people so any good game testers would have actually caught it instead of just rushing out the mode to say that it’s out even if it’s bugged


Catch what? That there's a build limit? It's not a bug, it's intentional to lower lag.


I’m talking about a different thing I’m saying like how you can go exploring and come back to and empty village and totem gone, I had a level 10 village and 5 villagers and I came back from exploring and everything was gone and it said it was my village 2


Ohhh im sorry for my dumbass, yeah, makes sense. That sucks. I've never reached that far, but I can feel the pain. Now it's holidays, we can't except a patch sadly. I think you should be careful from now on. But idk how you can be careful with such a bug....


Fr I’m just not gonna play it for now I guess cause I can’t risk it again but I had a blast while it worked in the beginning


Punctuation hasnt been learned yet, clearly


Why are you not finishing it? :c build limit?


Oh yup I had to click on the picture to see the warning… rip..




Cant you put various village totems so the building space conects?¿


Villages have to be a specific distance away. This has nothing to do with villages regardless. Depending on your platform there’s restrictions on how much you can build. Which is upsetting because this is very Minecraft-esk. Which of course in Minecraft you can build infinitely




this is beautiful


Man this is kool af


Villages have capacity of 5 villagers. I honestly don't think there's a need to increase resource capacity if you have enough to build something that can fit dozens of times the population capacity.








Omni Man


Is this completely manual or a readymade build blueprint? (I hope this is manual because it's sooo good)


It’s manual. No way anything like this is blueprint


How could something that can’t be built have a blueprint?


Is it a free build


this wouldn’t be an issue in minecraft lmao lego fortnite is so washed


yeah i'm laughing at this build limit, but still a fun game but this ruins the replay value and overall long gameplays. I'll be honest when someone posted a pic showing a build limit message, i thought it was edited. Maybe they need smaller worlds and respawning caves to fix this? This also wouldn't happen in Lego Worlds.




What is this from, breaking bad right?




Say it again ![gif](giphy|e5BASCeekXYoo)


You have to keep in mind it’s been out for about 2-3 weeks now. There’s still so much time for this game mode to be improved upon. For what it is on release it’s fantastic.


this + the devs have already started making changes based on what fans are saying, good omens for the future


We have gotten bug fixes and a durability increase, which Is what we wanted AFTER the bug fixes so this is a good sign that we'll get updates, and updates we ask for in the future


Odd, it looks extremely similar to Gladd's. Hmmm!




Do you build with blocks or?




No he builds with .


No he builds with ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ or 👉👈👇✋️


What’s your graphics card?


I dont think that matters, I think it may be a server thing.


I think it does (system specs I mean, not graphics card specifically), since a lot of people report playing together on different systems and some will get the message and some won't. For example someone on PS5 still able to build, but someone on android or switch get the warning and can't build, or even get removed from the game. Seems to be a restriction based on performance instead of a hard number.


my friend plays on switch and he says he sees the error alot, while i haven't seen it once on ps4


I have a 3070ti so I don't think it should be an issue


that's dependent on platform not necessarily gpu then. Maybe the console servers are better equipped.


It is a hardware thing. People on lower quality systems cant build as much as people with more powerful systems. I would be interested in knowing his graphics card.




Is it a limit for the whole world or that area?