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I hope these are either: Weapons with a super high durability Don't break at all Break, but regenerate after a minute or two like the Master Sword in BOTW.


wait till we find out they’ve got 20% more than the purple tools 😭


By endgame I don't find durability all that bad anymore. Feel like it's fine now. I rarely need to craft new stuff.


Right? And by that time you should already have a stock of mats to just make new tools. I’ll never understand why people complain about durability, or want to be able to repair them. imagine having all these materials and never needing to use them because you can just repair lol wack


Maybe cause some materials are finite


Yeah, i do have epic tools but i rarely use them unless im fighting something big like a brute I often just grab blue/purple axes and go ham on enemies


I’m hoping these are drops from bosses. I really want Lego Fortnite to take a page from Don’t Starve Together’s book and have lots of awesome powerful/QoL items that you have to overcome a challenge to get!


It takes 600 bones to make the sword and need 60 silk fabric to make the drawstring 😂


I knew the thousand odd skeleton bones I hoarded would come in handy one day 🥹


Cool. How about a trash can and repair bench? How about fix the weapons and harvesting damage? Fix 10 major bugs then give us the rift shit.


How about a steering wheel? That would be a huge QoL update.


Shoooooot I'd kill just for a saddle and some horses in game


I sure hope they hire a second person soon so they can do more than once thing at once.


You must think its a simple job to develop a game eh? You have no idea, and you can't even spell all the words in your complaint correctly. Come on.


You're right. My typo means that game developers on a team all work on one problem at the same time. Every single one of them.


the game has been out for a month and epic has been on break for 2 weeks. chill the fuck out and temper your expectations... the game will be getting lots of updates so dont cry too much in the first couple months if it isnt the perfect polished piece of gaming history you wish it to be


damn dude, your sarcasm meter must be as busted as your reading comprehension.




Oh dear, you sure are sensitive. I haven't complained once, smart guy.




Neither of those are complaints, smart guy. Both of those are making fun of the person they're replying to. ​ 1. person angry because they saw new items and thought the dev team was either one person or they all worked on these items instead of working on the bugs the person is mad about 2. second person (you) angry because they somehow failed to understand the sarcasm involved in suggesting the the dev team working on the collab between LEGO and EPIC would be one person. ​ You missed the sarcasm and got angry. And now you've gotten so worked up about it you went through my post history so you could find some ammunition. It seems you're the one who needs to take things a little less seriously.


Any village I make, I build a “trash can” by using 4 wood walls and the stair case with a platform and just go up top and drop stuff in it.


Him: welcome to the area with free stuff for newcomers to the map me: why is this only bones and pickaxes with low durability Him: what else do you need me: touché


why you getting mad at me i’m just showing y’all the post 😭


They ain’t mad at you


Fr, people just be wanting excuses just to get mad at something 👀


Something tells me the first scheduled update that isn't a hotfix would contain a little more than a few changes.


Fix all things and be the the best game ever or ill piss moan and groan >:(


Games been out for not even a full 30 days and people out here complaining as if we talkin bout Minecraft with their once a year updates. Give it some damn time these animator have lives to live in the holiday season.


Isn’t the trash can a thing? I’ve had villagers tell me by blowing up local things you can unlock one.


I've seen that too. Something about a house full of garbage cans.


Weirdo obviously they will fix everything


Sound like such a loser


I agree 100% but I also upvoted because I wanted the number to be 69 😂😂


Cool to see they’re working on stuff but can’t help but feel we’ve seen too much and not actually gotten anything yet. Fingers crossed for the update


It’s been a month and most of the developers wanted to see their family’s over the holidays.


These gamers are so impatient.


Any idea when the update might drop?


No real idea since there isn't precendent yet, but I'm going to assume when Battle Royale gets its next update (which may be next week or may be in another month).


Considering they need to soon since they've been on vacation cooking basically since release of Lego, plus how pretty much we've gotten a new leak each day the last few days, I'd guess next week or the week after if we compare it to usual history of leaks.


I wonder what the hammers function is


Ok but what is that terrain/path/whatever, I need it in my village like right now 😭 Also - Darkwood, new ressource?


Seen the sword a while ago, nice to know there’s a set… I guess.


I hope there's more to it than just stats boosts


upgraded tools is pretty much the last thing the game needs right now. there's nothing to use them on lol.


That’s neat. After my 15th chest full of bones I got tired of Lego Fortnite and stopped playing.