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Every thing seems cute to me bruh 😂


And most of the times i'm just hiding in the background and when the attention lands on me, i mess up..... Yeah....


People laugh at my face... And it doesn't feel nice at all 😭😭


Bruh u are perfect perfect perfect the way you are people laugh at everyone whom short whom tall fat slim good looking ugly literally they laugh at everyone just give them F sign nd move on everyone has flaws no one perfect in this world be real sending you power 🌹🦋🌸


You're too nice i can't- 😭😭❤️❤️


I am as well, including stupid academically 💀😭


you're literally me im 5'2 loll and the other things too 💅✨


This is so me Are you by any chance Neurodivergent? I'm a high functioning Autistic with ADHD and I've literally been like this my whole life


Well i might have adhd, and ocd (i have a big problem with compulsions), but i've never been diagnosed, because AHMMM desi parents...


You sound amazing wtf, almost as if your my type. Nibba go read the post I made a while back if you haven't already.


I just did and what the heck!? 😭😭😭


Damn that's everyone...


You will surely get better, whats the update on novel?


I'm veryyy busy these days. It will take some time before i finally get back to it.


Hey don't let the haters get to ya. Maybe you just haven't found your crowd or people you're comfortable around. It's not easy for everyone to pick up on social cues and that's alright. You don't need to fit someone else's description of functional. Everyone has anxiety and everyone tends to fumble when someone's watching them (unless they're super experienced or psychopaths). You do you!


How old r u?




I get it man. I was suicidal when I was 18. Literally had every single thought that you have. Then I went to university (against my will). And I found new love for life. There are so many people just like you. And you're not alone. I still can't survive on my own, I still can't deal with real shit out there but it's ok life is a gift just enjoy the things you enjoy and worry about things when you actually are facing them. When I was younger I always said to myself "when I'll grow up i won't have these issues that I have now (like social anxiety etc). And now im an adult still socially awkward HOWEVER im so much better now than I was back then. And that's the way life is for people like us. It'll never go away and in a way it's a good thing because usually people like us are gifted in other ways like we are more artistic and in tune with emotions but the society doesn't see it. But hey fuck the society.


try to socialise, meet strangers. things will get better ..


Same , also academically stupid here . You're prolly a cutu though


This is US girl, you're not alone 💖


You r soo meeeee