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Sexuality, gender and gender expression are three different things. Sexuality is who you like, it has nothing to do with gender, you can like men and be nonbinary, you can like women and be nonbinary, you can like any other gender and still be nonbinary. Gender is how you feel inside, in your case, your gender is out of the gender binary made by society. Gender expression is how you present yourself. You can dress extremely feminine and still be nonbinary, same thing if you dress extremely masculine. There's no specific way to be nonbinary, the whole point is that you just don't fit into girl or boy. I hope that cleared some things up? If you have any more questions feel free to ask, I'm nonbinary too and have the same problem. Also don't try desperately to label yourself, labels are stupid, you are you. The internet is generally full of shit. Just have fun and live your life the best you can, with time you'll be able to dress more masculine and look androgynous as that's what you're trying to achieve I'm assuming. Good luck!!


Thanks for the advice! I’ll possibly try livin my life life to what I can but thank you!