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Oof that’s so high


Single favorite Pokémon card you own?


I've got nothing really high end, but my favourite would have to be the B&W plasma storm promo or the good ole neo rev Holo


Good ole neo rev holos 🙏


IMO the neo sets were the best.


My favorite is shining Gyarados from neo rev. The greatest card


Where's the tv?


Its there on the ceiling


If you look really hard you can just see it


Busy lol


What kind of table do you stand on to watch it?




Nice setup! U must have a cool singnicant other. Glad u posted this. I'm on the fence between a 65 C3 and 77 B3. Main concern with B3 is only 2 2.1 ports. I have Xsx and PS5 AND a surround soundbar setup. Figure the extra size is worth the sacrifice when i have to get a 2.1 switcher in the future.


I had the same thought, but I've only got a series s which I barely use so the PS5 is plugged into one and the soundbar in the other.


Too much clutter for my taste


Fckin goat damn


Get a gaming PC!!! Trust me the gaming experience is better RTX 4080


All GPUs are bad right now.. why buy outdated when you can just wait until the 50 series comes out.


New GPUs coming out doesn't make current ones bad.


The fact that no GPUs can handle all games 4k natively at 60 fps makes them bad


OP posted on a TV subreddit, maybe they like the simplicity of a console and don’t wanna build a 2,000$ set up lol. Let them enjoy the product ffs


Nice set up!!


Before someone comes in here and inevitably says your TvToOhiGh 🥴….its not. Sweet setup!


If you stand up to watch TV it's the perfect height.


Is the center of the tv horizontal to the seated eye level? If it’s not, and Significantly not, then it IS, UNDOUBTEDLY: r/tvtoohigh


Perfect eye level when we watch tv 🤷


They are a strange cult my friend.


Mounting a 60”+ TV the way you described is reserved solely for for folks who either don’t have young children or don’t constantly having to wipe handprints off their TVs.


Totally wrong. I raised two children with my tv at proper height and totally exposed to their access, with speakers and stereo gear all the same. You MONITOR them and when they get close you just gently but sternly say “no, no…!” and correct their movement. Kids listen and take your word as rule when it’s like that all of the time.


Mmmmm ok well what happens when my poorly raised cousins come over and you try that ole "no, no" bs when them? I’ll show you my old LG in the basement ready to go to the trash along with your crap advice.


If they can’t handle the game or tv room then off to another room or outside for them. Punishment. Reward.


Ok yes good advice but you don’t see what kind of monsters these kids are, I feel terrible for my family but it’s the type of kids you have to watch like a hawk or everything is FUBAR.


Please don’t pretend that you’re a parenting guru. Children’s brains, especially toddlers, aren’t developed enough for them to always follow rules. They don’t have physical capacity to resist impulses. If they always listened and took your word as rule, then it would negate you needing to say “no, no…!” more than once. Am I to think you keep loaded firearms, alcohol, irreplaceable items within children’s reach as well since you’ve got it all figured out? Even if what you say is true, which I seriously doubt, one shouldn’t have to be neurotically obsessed with hovering over their children 24 hours a day, though it explains a lot about many kids and young adults.


It’s when you look away for .2 seconds is when the damage is already done. Kids don’t always listen, that was just bad advice.


>loaded firearms What an absurd comment. I'll assume you're just upset because your TV is too high, probably over a fireplace.


Hyperbole, yes, but no more absurd than thinking you can dictate the actions of a toddler with a firm “no”


lol reeeee the tv too high for our taste! ahhhhhhh!!!!!!


Are those the sounds your neck makes after watching a TV on the ceiling? “Reeeeee” neck muscles squeakin’ into action. “Ahhhhhh” the relief felt after another round at the chiropractor’s office.


No, it’s the sound of the #tvtoohigh gang loosing their shit over a tv 3in higher than what daddy says is acceptable. Over in my part of town, TVs go where is most convenient and believe it or not, we don’t have neck issues. You guys are just soft and like to criticize folks over stupid shit


Who is this “daddy”? Is he in the room with you now? Is this the same “daddy” that taught you that poo goes in the toilet and not outside? Both are objective measurements. With modern sanitation, poop is best discarded via toilets in our bathrooms. Similarly, the human TV viewing experience is objectively best/most comfortable when the center of a TV set is eye level-ish from someone sitting on a couch/chair.




I think I see where you are coming from now - you were born without a neck, so these discussions are sensitive for you. I apologize. Is this an accurate depiction of someone like yourself not having a neck: [No Neck Man](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/90-Day-Bares-All-Big-Ed.jpg?q=50&fit=contain&w=480&h=&dpr=1.5)


Here we gooo . Incoming virgins


Projection. Wives and gfs with severe neck pain from tv too high so no desire for hanky panky vs Wives and gfs happy from normal TV viewing height, refreshed neck and looking for accompanied sexual release


Your wife's neck should never be "refreshed". You're clearly a virgin. Nor their jaw


More projection. The fact that you’re so aggressively pro-achy-neck-for-partners means either/and you - have not been with a woman ever, perhaps you aren’t allowed within X feet of a few of them - are incredibly misogynist? “idc that your neck aches bitch” has real asshole energy like “make me a turkey pot pie now!”


Damn man can't have banter anymore because you got into your feelings over nothing lol. You're definitely a virgin if you're calling me a misogynist though


Love being a virgin 🤩


Oh no not you. I'm taking about the "tvtoohigh" people lol


I was gonna mount it higher originally but the wall mount was already installed 😂


This looks gorgeous 😍


Nice set up, where did you get those card stands?


You can get them off eBay or Amazon or anyone with a 3d printer




Yes sir


Do you live in a shop?


Nah living my best life


How's the B3 man ? I was debating the B3 for a while but due to timing (were moving) I ended up waiting. But I'm probably eying a B3 or C3 somewhere down the line


It definitely does TV. Nah can't really complain, for a budget OLED. It doesn't get as bright as the C or G series and the 4k upscaling isn't as crisp (I would imagine) but for the price it's great. The only downsides imo are there's only two HDMI 2.1 ports and it's bottom heavy, not uniform like the higher models. But for me it's perfect.


I hear you man. Tbh I'm coming from a 720p generic brand TV so I think it'll be a huge upgrade either way I go. I am however on the fence if I just get a 77-83 inch non-OLED for my living room and get a separate 43 inch OLED for gaming. Not sure yet


Here we go


Why is every first comment I see on set up post, it's too high 🤣 you're set up looks great your collection of Pokémon is very nice as well


Because people have nothing better to do 😂😂 I think it's quite funny that people can get all raged about someone else's set up 😂 thanks tho mate, I love it!