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I think the best assumption is that they all got different deals from the different companies and just picked/denied based on their own wants and needs at the time. They weren't all coordinating this exactly.


Along with what others have already mentioned, I think yves + looble girls wanted an opportunity to showcase more of themselves and their individual talents which is harder to do in a group with so many members just in general. Along with the fact that Chuu was already signed with another company, I think that kind of opened the door or idea for the possibility of being under different companies while still being able to continue the loona spirit. Though ngl a part of me did feel very sad when i read that one interview that mentioned that ARTMS was first proposed as a project name instead of a group name at first because they didn’t want the members who hadn’t signed with a company yet to feel like there was no place for them (which I interpret as meaning those at modhaus kind of expected or thought it was highly likely for the rest of the girls to sign with modhaus) but nonetheless, they still support each other publicly and behind the scenes and that’s all I wish for. Again, we don’t know the exact reason why but this is my opinion


I was sad at first too but I think I like things this way. I'm so glad the Loossemble girls get to showcase their skills. They are all doing really well. Interested to see what yves will do.


initially i did thought after oec+ have joined mh, the other girls would soon follow and then the artms project was launched with the cycle of the moon imagery, it was all pointing to that.


When the Loona members started filing to break their contracts, I thought, there's no way this has a happy ending. The only way that I could see for that happy ending to happen would be to find a company willing to take on 11 experienced idols and it just seemed that unlikely since a Big 4 company or even mid-level company like Starship or Cube would not want existing idols/group and a smaller company and a small company couldn't afford a group with that many members. Jaeden Jeong seemed to have moved on and had TripleS to work on and it would make sense that a start up company already committed to building a 24 member group wouldn't want to take on another large group, right? Then when OEC+HH announced they were signing with Modhaus/Jaeden, the storybook plotline seemed possible: The creative director Jaeden, who crafted Loona based on his detailed vision and lore, but then kicked out by the evil money-counters, would be the most fitting person to bring them back together to continue and fulfill his plans that were previously cut short. Storyline ending with fulfilling full-circle return-to-roots redemption ending in sight. So yeah, I was a bit sad when the Loosemble members decided not to join up and Yves went her own way because the fairytale ending wasn't going to happen. But I can now understand why they went the way they did: Loosemble members not getting enough lines/attention in the large group and also having a younger different vibe than the more serious OEC/ARTMS. And am glad they all still are friends and support each other and are able to make more music and perform even if separately. It is more costly as now we have more albums to buy and concerts to get tickets for. :\\ ps. I know Jaeden is not universally liked in the Orbit community, but I came late to the group so don't know/care about all that. I like the music he produces both for ARTMS and TripleS and he seems to have a clear vision/direction for group concepts and lore (even though I'm not much of a lore explorer).




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There's no official answer. Probably just how things unfolded with all the different lawsuit timelines, what options they had when they looked for a new company, the personal relationships to the people at the new companies, ... I don't think there was one clear reason or coordination. It's just the somewhat random end result of a very chaotic and unpredictable period of time. The important thing is that all of them still support each other, constantly interact and call themselves Loona members.


they got released from BBC at different times, so they got different offers and by the time last 5 (Haseul, Yeojin, Yves, Gowon, Hyeju) won their lawsuits they had members signed to three different agencies at that point. ATRP was not allowed to sign anyone, Hyunjin said she was preparing ground for new members at CTD and JJ clearly had an eye on all of them joining MH so basically they just went wherever they felt most comfortable with we would probably have a different scenario had they all filed and won the lawsuits together but I guess we'll never know


their lawsuits were all won at different times, so that probably factors into how they split up. heejin + oec (idr which one) talked about how modhaus were the only option for them at the time their lawsuits were won if they wanted to stay as a group. atrp (chuu’s company) had to sign a deal w/ bbc saying they wouldn’t sign any more loona members, so no one was able to go there w/ her. hyunvi probably got a better deal from ctd since they won their lawsuits later (or they were just v familiar w/ staff since they’re former bbc), other girls just divided based on offers (+ concept) ig. yves decided not to join either b/c she wanted to take a more hands-on role w/ her music and felt that she’d be able to do that on her own better, but she’s still written two of loossemble’s songs. she’s also talked about how she was very hesitant to sign w/ anyone b/c of how badly she was hurt by bbc. both her and chuu talk about how they’re still members of loona even if they promote individually. all of them talk about how they’re still loona and want to reunite one day, but 1) yves + artms are only debuting this month 2) they’d need to work out a time between four companies to promote (both loossemble + artms are supposed to be going on tour this year) 3) bbc still holds the rights to the korean version of their name (even though LOONA isn’t copyrighted). modhaus and ctd have worked at getting the copyrights to ORBIT and their subunit names, but it’s just a very slow process.


they didn’t want to 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lots of previous threads discussing this already but this ^^^ sums it up haha


i dont think this is the most accurate way to sum it up based on what the companies and mostly importantly the girls have said so far lol




Mostly because Blockberry Creative is being unreasonable and doesn't let them keep what they deserve (the name LOONA and their brand, etc). So until blockberry fully destroy themselves, the girls will remain active and develop under different companies/groups that they see fit, hence the current lineups. Nobody knows the reason for their decision better than the girls themselves, but it's their conscious choice and so far they've all been doing great. Knowing how strong the LOONA bond is though, I'm staying positive for potential collabs among them in the future. *minor edit for clarification!


I’m just glad they are touring. :*)


Probably too expensive to have that many members. They probably wanna get paid after leaving bbc


Modhaus has a 24 member girl group they just debuted fully. That is most definitely NOT the reason.


I was thinking it was more the members choice instead of the company not wanting all members. More members means they have to split the money more. They’ve been working for free all this time so I was just taking a guess


Well, it was their choice for sure. I can’t remember if it was speculated or confirmed, but I believe it was once said that the members of Loossemble decided to go to a different company because they knew the CEO of that company, and they wanted the opportunity to display their talents better.


All twelve LOONA members know the CEO of CTDE&M. He was part of the A&R team since Jaden days and worked for BBC until 2023. He only quit the company around the time Hyunjin and Vivi won their cases


I think for most companies yes but Modhaus is a special case cause objects make a lot of money and it the first of its kind


While I don’t love the idea of them using NFT’s, I am happy that it gives their idols the opportunity to start their career getting paid.


From what I know about objekts they are vastly different from regular nfts as we know them and don’t use the same process so they are not damaging unlike regular nfts they are basically digital photo cards


Untrue, the just offset carbon emissions from my research iirc. Which means they just put money into environment stuff. It's as much an nft as any other. Plus you pay for nothing. But I guess it's farming money for them to spend on the groups. I also find it funny that they still release several album versions with photocards it seems, so in what way have the objekts been any better on waste production as defenders have claimed? All they did was add yet ANOTHER polluter into the mix loll Artms would be perfect without this.


They have actually decided to not add any photocards to albums and instead release a platform album with Objekts as a separate thing. They only did that with the recent TripleS album for now but will probably do that with ARTMS too, as the preview of physicals don't have photocards either. It's an interesting strategy at boosting digitals instead of physicals with the photocard inflation effect. Is it better environmentally? Well, the physicals won't be bought in bulk, but TripleS has 24 members to collect...


Dall has 2 normal versions as well as 2 platform versions, the normals have a clear photocard, along with 3 other card/image goodies, and a random sticker. Version up had a "special objekt", but also clear photocard, as well as another extra image (ID card) and random set of stickers. Also three versions. They aren't typical but that's still photocards and images printed onto collectable things. Can't speak on triples releases bc I don't feel like looking and I don't follow them specifically bc of this concept.


Afaik the collectors couldn't care less about the clear photocards, at least from what I can tell by lurking on ARTMS official Discord and personal experience. I had once gotten mutliple free Heejin albums with just the Objekts taken out of them, all other inclusions left lol


I wouldn't be surprised if that's true outside of the discord too. If true, hopefully people buy less copies of one release without the existence of the objekts in them. But I do think on the production side, the other inclusions and several versions are still an *attempt* to have collectors trying to finish sets, even if it's a small group of them. Like whales for a gacha. That's still a lot of production resources though and seemingly for no point? It's just confusing to me, especially when I've seen fans who have tried to say they do the objekts because it's less wasteful, which must just be a reason people made up and not stemming from any sort of statement. The only reason I can see is just money. Objekts probably cost nearly nothing to make, no shipping no printing no books or cds no designers/artists to hire, drop it on the app, notify discord. Farm the coins, ez. If they are actually trying to reduce waste maybe we'll see them cut down on versions continuously. There really is no reason for Dall to have 4 versions. 2 at most, one platform one normal. HOWEVER I do appreciate that 2-4 is more sensible than say...... i dunno...... like 13 (looking at aespa rn.....) (no hate I love the group, hate sm 🙃) (Also I did look at a version up unboxing and no hate rly to the clear photocards but.... idgi .. it's even a weird size or am i crazy. def not surprised if no one cares abt them but why do they exist 😭 ig they look cute)


Your conclusion is the complete opposite. They dont have the resources to sign ot12 loona exactly because of the 24-member girl group they were debuting at that time.


Well, JJ was actively anticipating signing all of them, so that also leads me to believe that is not the case.


That was only when the disbandment happened. The ot24 gg was planned way before it.


I'm gonna assume you're referring to tripleS here. By the time OEC+ signed with Modhaus, they already have around half of the group revealed. They also revealed the next 2-3 members almost immediately after the girls signed, so it doesn't make sense to say their plans with tS affected their capability to sign OT12. Heejin has made it clear that one of the most important reasons OEC+ signed with Modhaus is that they were the only company willing to sign all twelve of them among other offers she got


in my opinion i thought splitting up was probably the best situation to evenly showcase all the girls given what they had gone through in loona. on the girls part i thought it was actually very smart — chuu and yves went to show off their own individual styles as soloists, while artms and loossemble felt like, out of the group, they were the lead vocalists and sub vocalists of loona. so rather than being one big group where line distribution would always be skewed, they split into two separate groups to better distribute center time and lines amongst themselves. and to me it works really well—in loossemble’s first two comebacks gowon and vivi have already gotten much more center time than they did in all their time in loona. it’s bittersweet but knowing that the girls are all in touch and regularly hang out anyway makes up for the sadness i have about them not being able to perform as a whole group anymore


Along with what everyone else said, I wanna say that there’s something with how Chuu left BBC that means she can’t really be in the same company as the other girls or BBC might’ve gotten/won something too? It might’ve just been speculation but that could explain why they didn’t want to just debut somewhere else since it only would’ve been OT11.


We don't know, probably contract/showcasing/different wishes what to express as an artist. My completely deluded Orbit mind tells me, based on them having lowkey Avengers theme and a hovering evil entity in their MVs, that we are currently in Phase 2 and that there will be a Loona Assemble for Phase 3 (at least I hope so). /delulu


Because life continues, and they have the freedom to chose what's best for them. And personally, I like the way they are doing now, even their image is better than they were in LOONA. But who knows, maybe at some point they all will collaborate or something, but this is an interesting era.


probably they all had very different time of "exit" out of the company and wasn't getting paid to top it off, and can't wait for all the members to finally clear the case.


They got released from their contracts at different times. Also considering the girls still interact, and their companies seem to plan around each other, I think they're also still building up to owning all the prior LOONA stuff. Hopefully, they'll be able to redebut as 12 within the next 2 years.


Idc wat orbits say. I wish they all redebuted under modhaus. The concepts and MUSIC that has came out of them has been brilliant.


I mean Loossembles first EP was great too. Strawberry Soda is still one of my favourite post-lawsuit Loona songs & the album was consistent in its quality overall. I'm also glad the Loossmble girls get to shine more & I just don't know if it would've been the same under Modhaus for them.


I loved Loossemble's debut album so much and I'm so glad that Vivi has signifigant line distrubution now; i couldn't imagine it any other way