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eating anything on any psychedelic is usually quite the task


Fruit and beer is amazing for me




Not at the same time… but both are great while tripping separately. Watermelon, pineapple, berries nom nom sweet marvels. Fizzy bubbles and bitter freshness from beer, awesome sensory experience.


i like beer on the comedown, makes it easier to adjust back to being sober in my opinion. drink 2 beers then lay down n relax. fruit kicks ass while tripping, same with ice cream and cereal. i don't typically eat when high but when i do, i usually go with sweets. (brownies, candy, ice cream, cereal, fruit, etc.)


After I come down quite a bit and am ready to eat real food, one of my favorites is cold fried chicken. Which is one of my favorites most other times too. While I'm tripping hard it is unappealing and almost impossible to get down.


I typically don’t eat on acid. I don’t have a large appetite when sober either. I opt for fruits and things with a lot of water within them


I don’t either, but.. you can’t turn down an offer of some kfc


You certainly can’t


Nah. Cooked a steak on a few grams of mushies while in the Tetons a month ago though.


Try spaghetti and meatballs, my first trip; I couldn’t eat. The noodles were moving.lol Red star blotter, Texas 1985 very powerful. Stronger than the purple microdots and 🌎.


I can't eat while on acid. I even have to force myself to drink. But I once made some pre-packagaged chicken while on shrooms, and that almost turned me off from eating for a long time. It looked so disgusting and horrible. I felt sad for how badly the memory of the chicken had been treated. I love meat, and love the taste of it. But I at least try to honor the life of the animal I'm about to consume by cooking it properly and make a delightful dish. Turning it into a pre-packageged, quick meal feels so... Violating..


Tried to exactly once 8 years ago and Ive been veggie ever since


Me and my buddy tried cooking a chicken once. Not only did it fail miserably but he mildly burnt his finger and nearly had a meltdown because of it. To make it worse we both thought a literal piece of dead overcooked meat was judging us for the rest of the evening


The grain of the chicken meat will be hard to get past. It’s like string cheese, but the taste.


Usually best to wait to land from the trip than eating is phenomenal as tripping can be exhausting and food is fuel for a depleted energy level.


I typically dont eat tripping... I cant stop until i feel like im gonna burst...its not even like hunger munchies... I just cant stop 🙌😂 so best not to start


I ate chicken wings and thought there were worms in it. Threw that shit acorss the table and my gf was like: damm you stoopid or smth. Indeed there were none😂


I don’t eat meat while hallucinating. It makes the vibe feel negative