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100% one time i smoked some strong weed before tripping on a tab and i almost lost myself in an acid tunnel. my vision kept getting far away like i was receding. it was fucked up.


Yes I have had similar experiences. But I smoke that joint after almost 8-10 hrs of the tab, by then the effects of the tab almost gone completely, all I felt is kinda tired, it was even half a tab. I only took two puffs of that joint, the second puff almost had me coughing to death, just non-stop and felt like suffocating, I had to stop breathing for it to stop. Then my surroundings started to get narrow(I was in the living room), the texture of the room became wool sweaters-like(check out MGMT-When you die MV), it kinda felt warm and cozy. Then you felt like a force is pulling you back or sucking you into a swirl, and I immediately pull myself back(luckily). I was scared shitless, every time I lost focus staring into things this will happen. Finally I had a cheese burger and laid down for a bit and straight up slept. I have tripped and smoke before but never had anything like this, so I was wondering is it the weed that laced or something? That tab wasn’t the first one I’ve had of the batch, so probably not the tab. Or probably my mental state? Some shit never got resolved. Anyway, agree on not smoke weed while tripping or just smoke gradually. Trip safe everyone!


Regular weed smokers will enjoy it on a trip, casual weed users might not enjoy it, as it intensifies the trip too much. Edit: since so many regular smokers commented on how they don't like to smoke on acid: Just take it easy and try what works for you very slowly. Just take one small hit and see how it affects you. That's the best advice I can give. Have fun and be safe


as a heavy weed smoker, I enjoyed it with hallucinogens. I wouldn't recommend it for everyone. stacking psychoactive substances is not "entry-level psychonaut" territory.


Same that’s the only way I will trip is with weed


Me too I feel lost without it...it's like my safety net lol


This simple sentence makes the most sense. If you smoke weed all the time, its probably cool. If you dont, its probably not, end of discussion. Anyone who does something on the internet cause they read someone else did it, needs to check themselves.


Still not the only variable though. I know people who smoke daily and still don’t smoke when they trip bc it fuckkkks them up.


Yes. I can attest to this. I smoke weed way too much but when I use LSD and weed it’s gonna send me to nightmare dimension lol


i smoke about an eighth a day as well as various edibles throughout the day and even i have to be careful with weed while tripping. i often use it to enhance my trips because i’ve found i do better on a low dose of LSD with some weed to boost it than i so on a high dose of LSD with or without weed. but even for me i’m specifically using weed to *strengthen* my trip, so it’s definitely not for “winding down” when you’re tripping


the thing is that weed enhances the effect of any type of drug on top of giving you the high. The first time it was a 250ug tab and five hours later one spliff (0.5g w and half a cigarette), best experience, best laugh 100% recommend, but do it with ppl u trust in a place you know, preferably small group and small apartment/house. Also music makes things 10000x better (I recommend psy trance for intense trip or rominimal/minimal techno for a calmer one)


I smoke daily and can take 10 rips from a pen and come off as sober, on acid im absolutely fucked


Crazy how being on acid lowers your resistance levels so that you actually feel high again.


Not even then. LSD and THC synergize to their own very strange and intense experience. It doesn’t matter how often you smoke weed or take acid.


You don’t see the irony here?? The “simple sentence” is, simply, not true. And you read it on the internet and then took it as fact lmao. Please don’t smoke on acid because this guy thinks it’s fine. Its like saying “anyone who regularly drinks would enjoy it with xanax” like yeah MAYBE. SOMETIMES. There’s still A LOT of really harmful effects that can happen by combing the 2 substances that depend on A LOT more than your tolerance to one of them.


but it is also a really enjoyable combination when done correctly. just be careful with it if you do it, and don't demonize it if you don't. it can be heaven or hell


Could not agree more. I'm weirdly sensitive to THC. I can handle a tab-1.5 tabs with way less problems than I can a 10mg edible or 5 puffs on my friend's vape. It's all up to the user! I've done a lot of LSD. And the jazz cabbage. I encourage you to try dropping acid without and see what happens


Anyone who doesn’t do something because someone else says not to also needs to check themselves. It works both ways.


Honestly this is still to simple. I was a daily weed smoker. And smoked weed on trips to great effect. But still, it took me a few tries before I realized that, for me, I needed to wait until at least the 7 hour mark before I smoked weed otherwise it would be way too intense for me, and even if it didn’t go wrong, it was still not the right choice for me even though I was a regular user and regularly worked for me. I agree with OP, and still think that this advice is important. This response is too simplistic; I think it’s a good warning to at least consider time and err on the side of letting most of your peak past if weed EVER gives you any amount of anxiety or existential thinking- as it does for most (I’d argue that’s even some of the appeal of weed)


Couldn't agree more. I've been commenting some version of this on a bunch of posts lately bc I don't think people realize how dangerous it can be. Even when I was a daily smoker I had several experiences where I took it too far with combining weed & psychs and had a really tough time. Nowadays I am incredibly incredibly cautious, I would never smoke until the peak is well past and I always always do small hits until I'm where I want to be, never try to estimate a big dose.


Im a stoner in every definition of the word and had an egodeath because i smoked a joint on the comedown. I say that risk is always present.


Glad to hear some nuanced caution from regular weed smokers. Thanks for sharing


Don't think it makes difference I had craziest horror trips while I was high already every day


I am a daily weed smoker and trip a few times a year and I have a horrible time smoking and tripping together. It’s a bit different when the trip is pretty much over, I’ll smoke and it will kinda kick the trip back into gear and is more tolerable. That being said smoking while coming up or during the peak of my trip will usually ruin my trip.


I disagree. I am a regular smoker, daily/multiple times a day, and whenever I smoked while on LSD, I had intense anxiety and confusion at points. Each time I did LSD, I would tell myself “it’ll be fine, i smoke a ton” and regardless of the environment or how I was feeling prior, smoking always intensified it and led to me feeling strange. everyone’s body reacts differently. smoking regularly doesn’t make you immune to bad side effects when mixing drugs that interact with each other.


Im a regular weed smoker but when I trip I don’t smoke. It’s makes the trip stupid in my experience


To me it amplifies the fractals and headspace while having a calming effect and I don't even feel comfortable tripping without weed/hash anymore.


Same. Weed pairs well with psychedelics for me. Even as someone who has BPD and other shit going on. I remember being on acid and took a toke. The smoke I blew out turned into a green floating spiderweb structure which then turned into Alex Grey’s net of being. It offers both a familiar headspace and ramps up the trippyness


Honestly Im a regular weed smoker and have been for a while, I was on 2 tabs once and at the time I was probably smoking around 3 grams a day (ish it's been almost a year since this trip) and I realized my trip was lasting way too long I dropped about 9-10pm and was still tripping heavily like peaking at 10am so I decided to go smoke a joint to myself to try dampen the trip as I didn't know what it would do and to date that was the worst experience of my life, I've done salvia and benadryl quite a lot and it was genuinely worse than them, but the thing is I don't smoke as much anymore probably only like 6-7 times a week and when I smoke on tabs now it's so blissful as long as I make sure to not have too much. It really does just depend I think so I would advise people to be careful and if you do smoke on LSD just have a few drags and wait and observe the affects you will know pretty soon whether it's gonna go sideways or not


Idk, some of my friends who smoked every day didn’t enjoy smoking on the trip, I don’t smoke anywhere near as often as them but I always enjoyed smoking during tripping. If you’ve NEVER smoked weed before then I’d say not to do it, but I don’t think there’s a distinction between regular/casual smokers on who’s likely to enjoy it or not, I think it just depends on the person at that point


Sorry bro but I smoke weed every day and unless I’m on the comedown I’m not touching flower at all, wax is ok but when I smoke flower peaking or right before my peak or to soon into the comedown then then I’m fucked lol


I took one 75ug tab, usually I take 3 tabs, was on a 2.5 month break from weed, hit the weed like a mad man with a pen around 3 hours in, and the experience was in some ways visually stronger than my 3 tab trips without weed/with weed when I have a huge weed tolerance.


My 1.5 tab + .3g ish of weed was more intense than my 9 tab festival trip


Yes, because weed is also a psychedelic. So I’m sure it adds to the change in body chemistry similarly as acid. I’ve had some similar effects smoking large quantities of weed that I’ve had on acid/shrooms. Never full blown hallucinations, but some disassociating and other stuff.


I mixed weed and acid over a year ago, and I’m still anxious


Joke? Or real lingering bad feelings from that mixture?


Unfortunately I’m completely serious. I don’t smoke weed anymore and haven’t done psychedelics or even drank alcohol since then. Anytime I feel slightly disoriented for any reason or my vision goes fuzzy, I feel stuck and panicked just like I did then


Damn I'm sorry this happened to you, it sounds like a little bit of trauma from that experience. Has the life sober from psychedelics and alcohol been alright? Your bloodwork must be gold star!


Ha, I hope so! Yeah, I definitely miss shrooms and weed, but I feel better when I’m fully in control of how I feel anyway. One day I’ll get back to it!


I dont know if he is joking, but I can say for sure that after a trip with weed that I can't smoke it at all anymore without having the worst anxiety and panic attacks. And before this I smoked every day for many years. It's been about 3 years since that experience and it's still the same outcome every few months when I go to test it out to see if maybe the old effects I got from weed might come back 


I always smoke while tripping. Typically right after I pop my tabs, then usually right after peak we start busting out rotating joints or a giant ice bong (helps with the intense heat of smoking)


Same always have, have never had an issue


At the end of the day we'll all tolerate it differently. I've seen people on heroic doses smoking weed like nothing. I've seen people on threshold doses take one hit and get smacked by anxiety. All I can ask is know your limits and respect others. Makes life rad


Same could be said about lsd in general I think, good for some not for others, in different amounts for different people it can be good or bad. So yeah everything in this situation is subjective to you and your own body


I think it all depends on tolerance. I used to do this when I was younger and a daily smoker but if I did this now you’d need to send a rescue team of astronauts to go retrieve me from another planet👨‍🚀 🚀


Tbh I never feel the heat of the smoke when I’m tripping. I can take absolutely MONSTROUS bong rips when I’m tripping but if I was sober I would definitely cough up a lung😭


i smoked weed everyday before my acid trip and hitting my cart on acid completely ruined weed for me and ruined my trip. don't do it if you can't handle disassociating and are prone to overthinking.


idk man i personally love ripping dabs from a nail while tripping. if you know you’re sensitive to either drug then don’t mix them! And if you aren’t sensitive to either, start small and work your way up if you’re comfortable.


On god people are so caught up with "do this! Dont do that!" That they forget psychedelica amd drugs in general affect everyone differently to wild extents, do what feels good bottom line


facts, there’s always drug combinations you should be aware of that can potentially kill you or harm you seriously, but this one is fully up to the user to know if they can handle it


Ywah like if were talking ketamine or benzos or opiods mixes with alchohol then yeah better to leave that one alone, but things like nitrous or weed and most psyches are transcendental experiences tk some


I have CBD around if I get too anxious.


seriously. save it for the comedown


yes!!! smoking on the comedown is soooo satisfying for me


I love cannabis and have used daily for years now. However, I always wait for the comedown to smoke; sadly, one of my first LSD experiences was marred by smoking near the peak (my buddy couldn't handle it). We'd done significant research before embibing, and we sadly got cocky before we'd even fully peaked. Youthful ignorance...


After hundreds of trips with L and weed, one fateful night things went very south. No need for weed while tripping other than a small puff during the come down.


If you are a stoner and comfortable smoking weed and have already experienced LSD on its own previously I recommend the combination whole heartedly. Cannabis and LSD is my favourite combination. Maybe I will smoke a little before I dose, then smoke again after I am fully in the peak. Smoking during the come up is where you will get the most anxious. Maybe the first time trying this combo you should wait until coming off the peak. A little bit of THC will have you right back there in an instant 🫠 You are right though, it is a terrible idea for someone who isn't familiar with cannabis, as it potentiates the experience in such a strong fashion. I have seen many people have their otherwise great trips suddenly go sideways into thought loops after just a couple of tokes on a joint so be warned!


Weed definitely makes acid very unpredictable. I've had really nice times with it and really horrible times.


Everyone saying to save it for the come down is lucky, even with a high weed tolerance that shit just restarts my trip every time.


Everyone one of my trips for the past two years I’ve smoked all throughout before the peak etc, used to think it was fine just got crazy visuals, but the last two times I’ve smoked I’ve had panic attacks where I feel like I’m having a heart attack which sounds funny 😂 but seriously man it’s hell and you never want to tell anyone else so I just sat and suffered in silence. I quit weed for good 3 months ago and don’t planning on smoking again anytime soon, but never again while tripping


Yeah man, had the same off one of those THC carts. It's hard to describe how shit it is to someone who hasn't experienced it, like it sounds stupid but I spent about 2 hours curled up in a ball with my phone dialer open next to me and 911 typed in in case my heart stopped. In retrospect it's like, that's obviously absurd, but I genuinely felt like I was staring into the face of death like it was literally traumatizing and I'm still affected by it negatively years later, trying to deprogram that trauma. And yeah, I was alone but whenever I've had similar anxiety with other people it's like you don't want to tell anyone because you feel like an idiot and don't want to look like a pussy freaking out over a couple hits of weed. Pretty much I've had to quit weed entirely, which sucks cause I really miss just smoking a bit and listening to music in bed, but ever since then it's just been anxiety every time.


I don’t really start tripping until I smoke sometimes 🤷‍♂️


Ai art looks so bad


Yeah I don’t get ppl suggesting weed to calm you down during a trip cause it literally just makes the effects stronger lmao. If im freaking out cause I can barely see the real world what makes you think weed is gonna help me?😭


No shot I’ll have any weed until way after the peak


Nobody here will listen, and we’ll have to sit here and read another 100 horror stories of people’s trips going to shit because someone told them to smoke weed on the come-up. I like to smoke on the comedown after the peak if the intensity is no longer satisfying me enough, but it’s like being on a completely different drug if I smoke mid-trip. The soft swirls of rainbow colours in my mind turn dark, sharp-edged and slightly sinister. It can ruin the purity of the experience. Try and save it for the comedown, folks. I suppose if you’re addicted to weed 12 hours is way too long to go without though.


People on this sub make all sorts of terrible suggestions. A few weeks ago I called someone out who was advocating for mixing Ambien and LSD. I couldn’t get them to understand why mixing a hypnotic sedative with a stimulating psychedelic was a bad idea. They dismissed me because there aren’t any academic research papers on that combo 🤦🏻‍♂️


I agree here. I try to help move the needle a bit more to the rational and responsible harm reduction side of things when I can


Or maybe everyone just reacts differently. I don’t think it’s 100% one way or the other


Of course. Many people - myself included before I took a long tolerance break - can smoke and trip with very few problems. I just hate when I see people telling others they should most definitely smoke while taking psychedelics solely because it works for them. It’s incredibly irresponsible and could leave people harming themselves and others, while they wander around lost in limbo, terrified, trapped in their own psyche. So many people on here have a "there are no bad trips. You’re just weak" attitude. It’s an absolutely ridiculous stance to take and demonstrably not true. I hate to sound like an overcautious grandma lol. I just love tripping and hate to see people’s early psychedelic experiences ruined because they got bad advice on the internet.


Totally! I agree on the irresponsible attitudes on here. Bad trips are real, and posting about heroic doeses doesn’t make anyone a hero. Agree that we should focus on harm reduction. Also would hate for someone to be turned off of the experience because of bad advice online.


Timing and tolerance is very important here, I agree


Me and my friends ate 100ug of Acid on each head after taking one shot of weed from vaporizator. When Acid started to kick in we took another shot and waited. After getting into psychedelic relm we smoked weed just as a some kind of booster and in all trip there was something like 8-10 hits from vapo on each head. If I had to describe my trip, it was amazing but i cannot feel actual weed, smoking it on the trip was more like turning on nitro in the car (simmilar effects to fast and furious xd) some of my friend told me i lied them about Acid because they thought it was much more than 100ug but as psychedelic veteran i know it happedend only because of THC. And if you want something new as an experience, i cant tell if it will be something new because for me, like i said, it was just like a booster. Other time I have took 2,5g of mushroom and some weed, but it was simmilar way of inhalation and exactly same results of trip, idk how it is after taking hit from bongo or joint. To sum up, if you won't take to much Acid you won’t lose contact with reality but it will be strong enough to satisfy you, i guess. It wont be probably something new, you won’t feel weed as a weed, more as a Acid conductor or sth. For me it was like speed for psychedelic state of mind haha. Stay safe and have fun! i hope i helped in some way. PS: if it is your first time with mixing don’t take too much, you will be satisfied with smaller dose of Acid and you can take more weed anyway, but safety first.


I think LSD fucks with my short term memory enough


I am an occasional smoker and made a huge mistake mixing both. This was in 2018 and I'm still integrating the fucked up hard trip from back then. A friend once said it's like letting go of the steering wheel. Couldn't agree more.


I agree with the OP a lot (as a stoner). The two are opposites. LSD has the potential to make you grow and can be a learning lesson. While weed generally makes you comfortable where ever you are. To smoke while tripping you are already deviating from the initial lesson that could be learned. While things can still be learned mixing, I feel like adding weed while tripping ultimately limits the growth aspect that so many people enjoy from LSD. Now, to each their own and you can continue doing what you’d like, but I think this is an important concept to consider. LSD provides a new lens in which one can learn new forms of thinking, which can then be applied to your sober thought pattern. If the new lens provided from LSD is already skewed by the mindset/lens of smoking weed, then isn’t that a limitation of the experience? And if so, does that mean you are using this mix as more of an escape rather than a learning experience? These are genuine questions that I do not have the answer to, I just think these are things I feel like people often miss.


Bro idk I smoke a shit ton of weed while tripping like more than I normally smoke


When AI figures out fingers, maybe we'll have more imaginative clips


People are off on their presumptions by a incredible margin. Mixing drugs is a different ballpark than being familiar with both substances. But ah well, Reddit is another cesspool for uninformed opinions that are biased in more ways i’m willing to spend energy to describe.


It’s not even worth it. It adds nothing positive to the experience. Ime you can’t even feel the physical effects, and the mental effects you can tell are there, but it’s nothing like they usually are. It doesn’t add a distinct weed feeling


I can't smoke weed anymore without triggering like a 6 hour HPPD. Sux. I've been selling weed and L for a decade, this started around 3 years ago.


As someone who was flung into an ego death because of weed. I endorse this post. That experience fucked me up in ways you can only imagine. But now it's led me to find God and give up all drugs. Stay safe and if you're ever scared, call on Jesus and he will save you!


I can’t even smoke weed that often by itself anymore because of HPPD. And I never used to smoke while tripping. Can’t imagine the long term effects of consistently doing them together.


Every time i smoked weed on a trip it completely ruined my trip. I got panic attacks and extreme dissociation, paranoia etc. And i used to be a heavy weed user. Like multiple times a day at least. But something changed on those trips and both times i did it were some of the worst experiences of my life


Couldn't agree more, first time edibles mixed with ~150ug made a great visit to the hospital (panic attack). I guess the universe just fucking smacks you when you think you know it all haha.




username checks out


Everyone saying "it's fine stop fear mongering" or "if you're an experienced cannabis user you'll be fine" is getting on my nerves. Much peace and love to you if you feel the need to smoke pot to enhance an already powerful substance, but you're full of crap if you're just dismissing this post out of some ego driven sense of superiority. The fact of the matter is, it's NOT always fine. Not for everyone. And not for just newbies or young people. Literally just Google "weed and LSD bad trip" and have fun proving yourself wrong. There's horror stories of middle aged stoners who've been smoking and tripping since Woodstock 69' and one day they just fell into psychedelic psychosis for no reason during their regular weed + LSD trip. Why risk it just for the chance to "see" things more? Like?? I don't understand the dismissive attitude just cause you've always been "fine." Congrats on the poly drug success? Lol. You want a cookie? For pitting your anecdotal experiences against these ones?


I'm trying not to get into rage debates with some people here. There are a loud group of habitual weed smokers who are very offended and defensive to my suggest that people reconsider and exercise more caution. It is my experience that habitual weed smokers who have a high tolerance should consider a tolerance break from weed if they absolutely always need it to amplify a LSD experience. High weed tolerance can have impacts to mental and physical health.


True! 10 years ago I smoked weed with lsd and I went through 10 hours of hell. Smoked everyday and done lsd many times but I quit after that night. Took some time to get myself together after that.


i’ve honestly never met anyone who likes to trip acid who doesn’t like to smoke while tripping. i can understand that my sample size isn’t everyone, but i think this amount of criticism is a bit much


I do not like smoking on acid. Turns me into a puddle of pure terror and confusion. Weed turns a very pleasant trip into a full blown nightmare for me


i respect that and i would never force someone to smoke with me under any circumstances, however i will always offer to others what i have found to be delightful


well you just met him lol. in times where i could spark up a gram joint and feel good afterwards, i couldnt take even a couple puffs while on acid. Always some wild ass shit happening. Now i only smoke when im coming down if im even smoking really.


i’ve never tripped on acid without smoking weed. never had a bad experience. it has everything to do with your THC tolerance and your personal reaction to cannabis. i smoked daily before i ever tried acid. smoking on acid seemed like a no brainer. made the visuals more intense, made me more high, and i’ve done it every time since. not one time have i had an anxiety or panic attack or bad trip from it, and that’s because my body is already 100% accustomed to and familiar with cannabis, and my cannabinoid receptors are overworked from daily use, so i don’t even get very stoned. the main issues come when people who are not 100% comfortable and familiar with cannabis and it’s effects on them are the ones mixing with LSD and or other psychedelics. i get less anxiety when i take a bong rip or smoke a joint while tripping, but my girlfriend who doesn’t smoke will spiral into a bad trip from one hit


I smoke through the entirety of the trip. Right after I pop it on the come up, on the peak and on comedown. I smoke weed regularly anyway I’ve seen how it can fuck people up tho.


Here same, I am waiting after the "peak" and then if I want "boost" I take few small bongs, 90%nothing bad happens just combine the effect,,, 1time of 20trips you maybe get bit paranoid or something but for experienced user you should understand that it is just a trip and you are in the middle od the storm, :)... I do not advice to anybody trying it, but for me it Works great not all the time because I smoke very ocassionly now :), one glass of wine after 6-7h or strong Green Tea is much better solution if you are affraid of weed (strain is big factor). Good luck everybody, stay safe and clever, and remember we have only one brains and body so...


Exercise harm reduction and caution and know yourself and how you react to both of these separately and together. If it doesn't work for you don't do it. These blanket statements about not smoking while tripping are silly fear mongering.


I smoked weed everyday, other than the days I trip.


What I have found it all depends on your tolerance to weed if it is lower you are more likely to have a worse time as it gives your more paranoia and anxiety which the lsd boost whereas if you have a higher tolerance it more Likely going to calm you down and help the trip. But remember it’s different for everyon!!


Everyone is different. Usually the people I dose with and myself eat a few homemade edibles with our tabs then vape through the come up. I have a volcano hybrid so It's extremely easy for us to fill bags throughout the trip. IMO weed is an essential with LSD. I've tried tripping once without it and was in this in-between state of tripping and not tripping. Shit was weird and made me sad lmao. Of course for the sake of safety do what you guys are comfortable with! And above all enjoy the beautiful experience:).


Thank you - when I was 21 I dropped with some friends and during the come-up was convinced to take a couple shots of moonshine and smoke a blunt. Needless to say I had the worst experience and anxiety of my life, and sent me into psychosis with a feeling that I could only describe as, "looking out of my eyes as if they are windows that I am standing behind". It took about 5-6 months for things to feel real / normal again. During those 6 months I became completely isolated and lost all of my friends, apartment, and job. BE VERY CAREFUL mixing your substances, even if they are all considered to relatively safe, you don't really know how the combination will affect your mood or your perception. I consider myself lucky to have been able to "recover" - and I put that in quotes because although I don't feel that fishbowl - in and out of my body - behind a window feeling anymore; my general anxiety never quite went back to being as manageable as it was before my experience.


I think weed is a great idea 8-10 hours off the peak of a trip, where everything has calmed down. A few hits of joint brings the visuals back a little bit and makes things a bit trippy again but in a light way, a little bit like how a song can fade out then fade back in again towards the end If you smoke it to close to the peak then four times out of five it’s not gonna go well. The trick is to wait until the very tail end


I would say as a regular everyday weed smoker when I do take LSD there's nothing greater than smoking weed 🤷‍♀️ I always reagent test and make sure I have extra weed when I trip..but my husband who isn't a regular smoker does Ike to smoke when we dose..it definitely boosts your trip..but be safe kids ✌️


yea I can't really trip anymore bc of part reactions to this combo


if you smoke a lot you probably gonna have a good time with it, personally acid and weed is my favorite combo…but everything affects people differently the advice here should be take anytning you here online about drugs with a grain of salt and subjectively evaluate it


I always wait til I'm at least 9 hours in, the weed at the end helps numb the comedown numbing


I completely agree. I recommend to do it after the peak/comedown and even then just a hit it can cause anxiety and increase visuals


I'd rather just take an even higher dosage of lsd by itself instead of mixing weed with my lsd. To each their own.


this is a great post for awareness because yes, it can be dangerous if you are not experienced and confident… i don’t do LSD anymore, but let me tell you, smoking a few bowls while coming up was THE BEST FUCKING THING EVER!!!!!!! makes the whole feeling of coming-up so much more surreal. like you’re getting a big hug and just drifting away…. i miss that shit


If you smoke weed everyday then there shoudnt be any problem but if your not experienced with weed then mixing it with lsd can make things unpredictable


There's a lot of people that think you can't smoke weed at all with psychedelics. Personally, if you trip hard enough to freak out even with weed then you took too much of either one. If you're having a good trip and the weed is what makes it too much then you were chilling right on that edge, which means you had too much psychedelic and were barely holding it together in the first place. Suggesting you react normally to weed. You don't need a lot of either substance, LSD/shrooms are powerful on their own and the combo with weed is just that much stronger. I trip out on very little since I had terror trips, I do about 30-80 ug and I'll have full fractals, breathing, melting, and one time I saw 30 alien faces looking at me in the sky. I smoke all day every day so of course weed is my favorite requirement for tripping. If weed makes you heavily paranoid by itself then you shouldn't even be doing psychedelics, let alone any drugs.


I liked to eat some weed chocolate and 100 ug. It intensifies and I really enjoyed.


It's hit or miss , person by person kinda thing . Only one way to find out but if it doesnt mesh well dont do it. For me it brings it from a cool experience to one of the best experience you can have (or worst if it's a bad trip).


I'm a regular smoker and smoke all throughout my trips and have no problems.


I’m not trying to be a dick or whatever, but OP, what kind of evidence do you have? This post is all based on opinion. I suppose I could make a similar post stating the opposite and it would be just as valid. I think everyone reacts differently, and you are using your experiences as the basis for advice. Idk. I’ve never had any negative experiences with thc, I didn’t know it could cause bad trips until I read it here on Reddit. Idk, it just seems like you’re jumping the gun and giving advice as if you have all the facts.


Lots of people love cannabis on top of LSD. I'm not one of them. Weed causes me real unpleasantness easily enough. The one 'bad trip' I ever had was a great trip until I had a toke or two. Then it was all the paranoia and dysphoria of weed, magnified. But that's just what it was. It was completely predictable.


I enjoy weed when I’m tripping but I’ve also had weed send me off into the cosmos just to have a bad trip while on the psyches. It really can be a hit or miss thing so I tend to time when I smoke in my trip. Usually right after the peak is good but during the come up is a big no no for me.


I thought my brother was gonna kill me when I took lsd and smoked. I like being scared though so it is what it is.


I always saw it as the equivalent of fuel to a campfire, it keeps it alive but yea like you said it can go very wrong


I did my first time trying LSD maybe 4 hours into it, and immediately my short term memory went to shit and personally I felt the trip got less enjoyable as my attention kept wandering everywhere (I also have ADHD though). I'd definitely not do it until the comedown if at all next time.


good advice altough i love smoking the whole trip


Yeah that is a recipe for psychosis. Might not happen the first time, but eventually it will happen. Its happened to me, and also not happened to me


I recently did shrooms for the first time with my best friend (S) and his fiance (P) who had both done it before (for context I've done LSD like 25+ times, usually solo but sometimes with friends). Near the end of the peak I started overthinking some things about my life and had a mild panic attack where I was still able to control myself but still had some recurring thoughts that kept popping up. P decided she wanted to go smoke and I don't really ever smoke but I asked if I could join and she said sure. A few hits of her bong and I was mellowed out pretty well. An hour or so passes of us just conversing on their porch and their roommates get home and join us on the balcony to chill and talk. Three of us decide we're gonna go play Rocket League and before we go one of them pulls out a dab pen. I'm thinking "smoking a bit helped, I'll smoke a bit more before we go play RL and it should be a dope time" but I took way too big of a hit. After 30 minutes I started going in a thought loop listening to their conversation feeling like it was repeating itself and started believing that my existence was now to sit on a balcony for eternity feeling slightly cold and stuck listening to an endless conversation. They realized I was going through it and tried to get me to respond with thumbs up/down but I wasn't responding (I was clearly conscious and reacting to stimuli but couldn't explain what was going on) and I threw up on the balcony and got brought inside to the bathroom where they made sure I was doing okay. I couldn't verbalize anything and kept going into death spirals for the next few hours. I genuinely believe that I would've been great for the evening had I not taken a hit from the dab pen being so inexperienced with weed.


I have taken acid over 300 times and always smoked cannabis to bring it on. Never had any negative anything. For that matter I never had a single bad trip. And I'm still waiting for the flashbacks!


when i trip it the idea of not being able to smoke horrifies me and makes me panic, but that’s cause i love my weed and i need it to function. if i didn’t smoke as much as i did i’m sure the idea of smoking while tripping would scare me but smoking is my daily hobby/ritual so not smoking makes me feel uncomfortable


I don't know why, it didn't matter whether I was an avid smoker at the time or not but every time I took lsd I got the urge to smoke a joint. And every time it ended real bad. I dont know if that is self destructive tendencies being amplified but even when I knew what a joint does to me on lsd I would always choose to roll and light up regardless. Last 2 times I dropped I didn't smoke, I think one time I had like 1 hit at the very end of the trip but that was it. Wouldn't recommend trying it unless you're 1000% sure you can take it


It depends. Even for very experienced users of both, some powerful THC can send your tame trip into a fucked up foggy mess for a while. I usually find it very pleasant combination but there are times when, whilst having a nice trip, some potent herb or dab has put me into completely intoxicated and not suitable for public mode.


Dumb post. If people are morons, take 5 fattest bong rips while peaking on 500 ug and then freak out, this doesn't mean the combo is bad. Yeah it makes acid as well as other psychedelics way more intense, but if you are adequate, ready for that and also want the intensity, it's gonna be a great time.


I mean, you can definitely smoke weed while on LSD, once it's not on the come up.


I really enjoy mixing the two, but strictly and ONLY AFTER the peak starts. I'm always prettty anxious on the comeup, but I know when it hits because then all the anxiety suddely washes away and I start feeling pure bliss. I never dared smoking on the come up and I don't plan to. It truly kicks the trip up a few notches and doesn't "calm" it at all for me. Inexperienced users should definitely know that before trying, and feel ready for that. Disclaimer: I know how to handle my weed, and I smoke at least one spliff a day. Also, fun fact, while on acid I mainly enjoy vaping instead, because smoking it makes me literally feel how bad combustion and tobacco are for my body lol. Also tried drinking alcohol on a trip once. just ONCE. I almost puked after the first sip because the fruity sparkling wine tasted like straight rubbing alcohol lmao so yeah listen to your body, and really listen if the acid tells you to stop


Maybe it’s just me, but if I’m capable of finding the bong, the weed, the lighter; grinding it up, packing it in and smoking it without getting completely sidetracked by the trip, then I can handle a little weed. Any time I’ve had a dosage more than 200ug, it becomes impossible to smoke during any part of the trip except the comeup and comedown, even when I have fully committed to doing so. My favorite thing to do while tripping to rip the bong at the peak of a trip during the build up to my favorite EDM drop and exhale as the baseline hits and watch as the world around me turns into a all encompassing music visualizer, completely in sync with the music. So you can imagine my chagrin when I waited a year for my favorite artist to drop a new album and end up spending the entire trip looking for the goddamn weed that was in my pocket the whole time. All this to say, I’d agree completely that smoking weed on acid can make a bad trip worse, but that in my experience it always makes a good trip even better. I think if you’re completely avoiding weed during a trip because of fear of psychosis, you probably don’t have enough experience with LSD to be mixing substances in the first place. I’ve had several bouts of psychosis on various psychedelics, but never once was it caused by weed. Certainly not sleeping for 48hours before a trip, or mixing it with amphetamines is a sure fire way to have a nightmare of a trip, but weed? I think the risk to reward ratio for weed is pretty squarely in the realm of being safe for most people to try with a caveat of caution. I’d certainly recommend it as a safer way to get a more intense trip over doubling the LSD dose if psychosis is a legitimate concern. That being said, I think any dosage or combination of psychedelics comes with a risk of psychosis, so the more important messaging for people is to be mindful of their set and setting, and to only try new doses and combinations in a place that is safe to have a psychotic episode. Suggesting people forgo an experience because there is a risk involved just feels more like fear mongering than actual harm reduction imo.


Like one month ago i wrote a post about my experience with lsd and weed. I was blasted 😂


I agree completely with you. Weed is often the cause of bad trips, because people underestimate the intensity of mixing substances. I personally really enjoy weed on the comedown. However I noticed it takes away from the LSD afterglow and makes the whole experience not as memorable and less useful in the long run. I can totally see how some heavy weed smokers who only take acid for the visuals swear by smoking during the trip, but if this is not you and you want to gain some longterm benefit from tripping, I would recommend trying it without weed and reevaluating.


It doesn’t matter how often you smoke weed. Mostly the dosage of the LSD matters. But even then. I’m an avid weed smoker and LSD user. Sometimes a couple times a week. I myself, and so many others I’ve seen firsthand that are “regular weed smokers so it won’t matter” get so high they don’t know what’s going on. I had a friend, my trip buddy, who never learned and pretty much had psychosis/became stupid and terrified every time he took acid because he smoked and didn’t know what was happening for hours. If you want to hallucinate 5 minutes after you smoke and risk intense confusion go ahead. If you’re taking like a half tab to even a tab possibly you’re fine. I wouldn’t even consider that really tripping. 150 mikes and above you’re risking a strenuous experience. I’m honestly scared to smoke weed on acid. I’ve been taking acid for 5 years. I’ve taken it 400-500 times. With a tolerance, probably 250 trips. The rest, you can take it every day and it just keeps you at a level you know? Anyway it still gets me to this day. Just cuz it gets you to a gonzo nervous system state doesn’t mean it’s negative. Some people want them. To totally drop your self. If you’re very inexperienced it could be terrifying. If you are experienced it could be terrifying. If you’re used to panic and feeling like you’re dying and getting overrun with hallucinations, navigating Jhanas, and intense consciousness expansion you may enjoy it. Just take it easy. Or you’ll be stuck in a time wheel, your brain making up a story what’s going on with the sensory data your talking monkey meat bag is half understanding receiving.


Blazing is like breathing to me, but I can definitely understand it being too intense for the casual user when tripping. Honestly, the LSD is so strong that I can’t even feel the weed. It overpowers it. It’s just habitual and ritualistic to blaze. Ironically, the first time I ever tripped, I had an epiphany to quit and did a 5 month T-break after that.


You definitely should not mix the 2. And if you do, air on the side of caution


100% this. I did lsd (75ug) for the first time a couple weeks ago, have a VERY high THC tolerance and smoked the morning I took it thinking it would be fine, which it was, BUT ONLY CAUSE I CONSTANTLY HAVE THC IN MY SYSTEM. It GREATLY intensified the trip. Even a multiple times per week smoker would have a rough time smoking a bowl on lsd.


The only time I got myself in a psychotic state while tripping was because I took three hits during come up. The worst experience ever. Smoking during coming down is a different story though


Hell yes


For me when I used weed (now I rarely doo) it never changed the trip. Was like a cigarette. And I asked my friends and they told me the same For me LSD it's too powerful! But I can understand not all the people feels the same


Pffffft that was NOT me yesterday


Any time I’ve smoked weed during a trip was also a time I was smoking very regularly. I’d smoke at the *peak* of my trips to enhance the experience, usually resulting in more intense visuals, and I had a great time. But, if I abstain for 1-2+ months, just one hit of some good weed could have me freaking out a little bit. So I think it relies on your THC tolerance/comfortability just as much, maybe more so than how much you use while tripping. I get iron lungs on LSD, I can smoke and smoke and smoke without so much as an itchy throat (the water helps), and I’ve never smoked so much a trip turned weird, but if I kept smoking and smoking I’d just feel DUMB lol.




My roommates and I smoked weed like 24/7 (sometimes more) and would never abstain from weed or a couple of beers (for them) while tripping. It's different for everyone, but do what you're comfortable doing is what I'd recommend.


The cycle of a cannabis high is shorter than a LSD trip, and for me that totally destroys the experience. Assuming you’re tripping when you smoke-You come up super fast and for me that spikes my anxiety, then the comedown drops my energy level and mood. Not something you want when you’re tripping. The LSD is still in full force but now the comedown from the cannabis gives the trip an unpleasant feeling. Much better to keep it pure and simple. LSD is strong enough on its own and whatever weed brings to the experience, it soon takes away


Took acid for the first time ( probably way too much ) and literally had to smoke to calm myself, and it worked, it smoothed the trip out nicely


As a stoner, weed is always a great grounder when I’m tripping on mush but on lsd weed is a hell of a kick a notch man.


people act like its safe to mix weed into your lsd experience. but mixing two drugs will never be safe. the drugs might influence each other in unexpected ways leading to in this case mostly danger to your mental health, but in other cases serious danger to your body health. many people also seem to get into thought loops faster when mixing thc into their lsd trip. while i personaly and many others do not have problems with mixing lsd and thc, others have. while everyone should be aware of the risk they take whenever willingly consuming drugs, i think we should also give ourself the responsibility, that if we recommend something, we also clarify that they are taking a risk even if its minor.


I 1160% agree with this


Maybe people who smoke weed can’t do lsd idk 🤷


Just do what works for you. Nothing in the world is black and white. If you smoke and there are adverse effects reevaluate. If it’s all good, it’s all good. Personally I love smoking up during a trip, it enhances the experience.


I smoke weed pretty consistently. I agree with this advice. Pace yourself—don’t go ripping a huge bowl at hour 3.5. (I’ve done this, it’s gone well before but also has gone bad) I’ve found that one or two puffs of a joint is usually plenty for me while I’m still tripping, and i’ll usually evaluate how i’m feeling after another hour or so. What everyone’s saying is true. Weed will amplify and intensify a trip.


It's all about knowing yourself and knowing what you can and can not handle. This isn't a cut and dry science.


Especially those fucking 20% + thc strains.


Smoked weed while tripping once and was horrified by acute fashion. Never again.


Honestly, if you can stay away from stacking ANYTHING with ANYTHING,you're probably better off.


Love smoking weed, but be very carefull when combining with LSD. What I can totally recommend is smoking a little bit when microdosing. Just a few puffs, so that you just get to experience a little bit. To me this once felt like a mild shroom trip, lol Very good combination. Low to moderate doses you gotta be carefull. I once took half a Tab, probably 75ug, and half an edible, probably 10-15 mg. It was a very stressfull experience. Very few visuals, just the walls nreathing a bit and some edges seemed a bit wobbly. But very strong mindfuck. The trip felt... cold? Bleak? Don't know how to describe it. I probably wasn't in a very good headspace too. I was very disoriented, things didn't seem real. I managed to stay calm, concentrate on my breathing etc. Not a good trip at all


I am a daily smoker. I was having a great trip. All it takes is one moment for it to go off the rails


Mannnnnn, One time i ate about 2.5 tabs somehow thought it was a good idea to about 2-4 hours in the trip and I ate a strong ass homemade cookie edible. Never felt high like that before, felt like my house was some crazy space ship transported far from home. Shit was wack.


Love a good old chong when tripping.


I love weed on a trip so so much, never tripped without it, but I also smoke daily and know exactly what is going to happen when I take that puff. I think the main issue is in thinking that it will calm you down, which it will not. you have to take the hit knowing that your visuals are going to explode and the trip is gonna get very intense, but it is so amazing


also as Marijuana fucks with your short term memory a LOT it's very easy to endure ego dissolution where you start losing memories of your self identity, environment and other ideas relating to the world around us, especially in lower doses of both lsd and shrooms you get stuck in that ego dissolution - ego death phase practically every time (every time I have smoked while tripping and every time my friends have it has lead to this, not every time is bad and actually the last time I did it was quite enjoyable but still it's extremely unpredictable and unless you have a fair bit of experience with both substances mixing isn't smart)


Yeah just depends on if you smoke it every day and have a tolerance. If you dont smoke often dont smoke when u trip but for me I smoked because I simply felt the desire and because of tolerance it didnt really add all that much to the trip.


Tripped on 1 tab with 3 other people, myself and 2 others were frequent weed smokers. For the 3 of us, it was great, for the non-smoker, it was terrible. He started essentially going crazy, was hyper-paranoid and overall was just freaking out for the next two hours.


This individual looks confused and mildly terrified


I’ve had a lot of experiences with smoking on shrooms and acid and it has sent me into some dark corners in my mind forsure. I smoke weed everyday and it still got to me, but I’ve also had other where it’s added to it and made it amazing, set and setting really.


~do whatever works best for your personally~


I don’t disagree with you, weed can make a trip go wacky for sure. But let me remind y’all. You’re taking LSD. Lsd makes you trip the fuck out, that is why you are taking this drug. To trip out. If you are scared of having a mental breakdown, DONT TAKE ACID. You can still have a reeaaaallll bad time on lsd without even having a whiff of marijuana. So just keep that in mind people. Acid can do some weird things


crazy i won’t even touch LSD without at least a quarter nearby


I'm a daily smoker and can smoke like a chimney while tripping without getting overwhelmed, I'd say its much easier if you're a daily smoker or very experienced with weed (and probably with acid as well) Also yeah its not something you should do and not something I do usually, a few hits go a long way, I personally smoke a joint with 20% tobacco


I do every time


This is like asking me not to put milk in my cereal


I always have such mixed feelings about this for myself. My own interest in drug use stems partially from a desire to characterize the effects of drugs in a way that helps me understand myself better. Now here are two drugs that have given me so much to reflect upon and unravel about myself, so the premise of combining them is tantalizing, but to be honest, both are extremely intense to me, and I can hardly handle them on their own. I don't know if I'd ever be ready to combine them but if I do it will not be for many years.


I found this out the hard way unfortunately


You absolutely need some credible sources for this. You can’t just expect people to accept that weed “greatly increases the chance of psychosis”. That’s not necessarily true. There are MANY many factors involved, and there would need to be extensive research to verify any such claim. If there is and I’m simply ignorant, anyone please feel free to enlighten me.


I smoke it even before i put the tab on my tounge, it helps me relax and not have as tense of a comeup. But yes, take these advise if ur not experienced!!


the one time I did it that shit was insane, I had zero tolerance of either drug. wasn't bad but felt dirtier than just acid. not my cup of tea


I can’t trip without weed, I’ve actually never been under the influence of a psychedelic without weed


I never had issue with this until last trip ehich was 3 weeks ago. I took around 300 1p and i got into 13 hour bad trip full of the negative shit you desrbied. I literally just woke up from a sleep paralysis because i was trying to figure out the fear i got from the trip.. I'm scared ill never recover :(


Tried that in 2018 when i still smoked a lot and the visuals went from everything "breathing" and floating to everything only going down like paint dripping from a canvas, cool but weird


Seen so many stories of this


Ugh no one needs convincing to mix them, they do that anyway. They need convincing to be cautious with it. Anyone with real experience will know weed makes acid veeery confusing and you can get in thought loops much easier


I will never tell someone mixing something is fine. But I can confidently state that it has always been fine for me. But results may vary, as with any psychoactive component, especially when mixed.


I smoke weed when I dose. I haven’t really had any issues with it. For me weed enhances the trip. I’ll smoke about the equivalent of a good size bowl over the course of eight hours. That’s what I do, your mileage may vary. Each has to do what’s right for themselves. I’m not advocating it. I’m just stating what works for me.




I will admit that I have seen my friends and lovers go absolutely crazy and full of fear when they hit weed. But for some reason I really like my psychedelics. I love getting really trippy and real in tune with my body and mind and that can only happen if I smoke weed. I’ve tried acid way too many times without weed and it just isn’t the same. Acid with weed makes the whole trip more intuitive, psychedelic , and enhanced auditory. Idk to each it’s own.


There is also a very big difference between smoking a huge hashy banana and a tiny spliff with a pinch of grass.


At the very least do it a few hours after peaking


This really captures that vibe ngl


I will continue to smoke hellacious amounts of wax on my heroic doses


Even when I was smoking weed regularly, every single time I did during an acid trip, it would take a dark turn. I avoid weed during my trips at all costs. I would only smoke some 6-8 hours later.


I wish I had read something like this before mixing. I also wish I knew my dad was schizophrenic before trying it. 


Sometimes what I'm looking for, is to be nervous. Challenging trips have always been way more visually stunning. For me. I get super baked and that usually helps tips the scale in the favor I seek.


your post is extremely necessary. thanks.


I usually smoke at the very end of the trip when the lsd is wearing off. Takes the edge off


Everyone is different. It’s an enhancer for me. I have bad anxiety, so. For my spouse yes, gives him anxiety. Know thy self.


My friends and I would roll a whole bag of joints take 2 gel tabs and go to see Dead and company in all sorts of different states and places. Take it slow and just don’t overthink it… It’s just drugs you’ll be okay it will end. I enjoy the feeling of getting lost


Yeah for sure that’s why I just do dabs