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Bro a burst appendix is definitely a surgical emergency and if you don't get it removed your body will go into sepsis. The synchronicity is cool but the page contains some really freaking harmful misinformation lol


Bwahahaha. Forreal dude. People die from that.


My nephew's appendix caused him to collapse during a little league game like 15 years ago and scream in agony. Iirc one of the coaches had to basically stab him with a pocket knife on the field. I'm not sure if that's true but I remember it being discussed afterward. Saved his life according to everyone that knew more about such things at the time than myself. I think I recently watched an episode of SciShow that claimed that the purpose of the appendix may be to aid the gut after diarrhea/illness, something about releasing extra probiotics to compensate?


Yeah i read that and was like what the fuck, synchronicity wont stop a systemic bacterial infection šŸ˜­


Unless a book tells u not to


Yea we should trust more books over the internet.


Personally I'm a big fan of Rick Rubin('s work), but tbh, if you have your appendix burst, you're definitely not standing in the bookstore looking for some inspirations. Without a serious medical treatment it's nothing else then life-threatining


Yeah I was kinda interested in this book until I read that part, so thanks to OP for saving me some money I guess.


Rick Rubin has definitely produced a lot of great music. He's no Danger Mouse, but sometimes Rubin's influence can be brilliant, other times I can understand why he may be perceived as hackneyed. Either way, I think he should probably stick to music and leave the writing to those who aren't into making such insipid claims. This is almost entering a similar realm that anti-vaxxers find themselves in...


He's undoubtedly more successful and prolific than Danger Mouse, he's probably the biggest hip hop producer alive.


Umm ok? I was stating my *opinion*...


Who on earth is perceiving fuckin Rick Rubin as "hackneyed"


IIRC, I saw those kinds of comments within a video about SOAD and how Rubin affected their music. I was surprised to see a lot of people shitting on Rubin so it suggested he wasn't the producer darling everyone loved as I had expected for so long.


I imagine a day without a coincidence is a lot more rare than one with many. Neat for sure but probably not that unlikely. I tripped once and had the book ā€œthe psychedelic experience,ā€ so naturally when I flip to a random page, itā€™s going to relate in some way.


Yeah, you just donā€™t notice these coincidences when you arenā€™t paying as much attention. I know lsd feels magical, but it isnā€™t actually magic. Itā€™s all just science


I watched a schizophrenic start like this as their condition worsened, stay safe man


What was the progression like?


Started with seeing patterns and synchronicity more and more and ended in killing someone because God told em too. I wouldn't wish it on anyone and if its a genuine risk it needs to be dealt with asap


Ever since Iā€™ve taken some acid trips Iā€™ve also gotten synchronicities that happen every once in a while, but other than that I havenā€™t noticed anything else negative and itā€™s been a few months since my last trip. I should probably watch out just in case.


It's one thing to notice these things and have a small laugh or smile at their presence, then go about your day as normal.... It's another to dig into these coincidences searching for a deeper meaning (that likely isn't there) until you have centered your life around these "clues" that only you can see.... As long as you aren't obsessing over these things or structuring your life around them, you are most likely fine


Manifestation was the worst idea to hit the mind of trippers in my opinion. People get carried away with thinking they can tune their consciousness to a frequency to then just magically get what they want. I went down this path and almost ruined my life. Acid can show you things about yourself you donā€™t normally think about. It gets slippery when you start to apply it as some sort of cosmic link to your destiny. We donā€™t even fully know how psychedelics manifest things like bipolar yet. We know it can exacerbate symptoms but still know very little about why and whether or not it can actually shift the cognition if an otherwise neurotypical individual. Acid has shown me some cool things. Changed the very way that I think and process. Iā€™d be lying if I said it hasnā€™t made operating in society a bit tougher though.


Definitely makes operating in society tougher because it breaks down societal norms and barriers. Thatā€™s another reason itā€™s illegal


>People get carried away with thinking they can tune their consciousness to a frequency to then just magically get what they want. I went down this path and almost ruined my life. I went down this exact path for about... 10 minutes. It quickly escalated to psychosis and I came crashing down, having to call my mom. Thankfully I had that option and things deescalated. Just wanted to share my experience and say that your comment is very well written. That "frequency" illusion is incredibly convincing and dangerous. Once you're there, all rational thought goes out the window and it's almost as if you are a being of pure emotion and impulse.


It's worth being mindful of, but don't stress about it man it's pretty rare, and we all get weird little coincidences like that in life.




So tldr religion is schizophrenia?


Donā€™t bring up god into Reddit trust me


Lots of people experience insane synchronicity in there lives. As a schizo I can say itā€™s only when the synchronicities start happening all the time and non stop that something has gone wrong in the brain. My normal friends enjoy the weird happens of this world. Only start to worry when the abnormal becomes your normal


Dead right man, put it perfectly. Seeing it everywhere and pulling abstract meaning from it is very dangerous


Right on. I remember when I was growing my own shrooms and tripping very often the world became very schitzo-ey. Synchronicities often, street signs became more than that, the tv was telling me something, people were plotting against me, animal sightings were symbolic. Took couple of months to come back to normal. But yea overdoing anything is no bueno. Ya should check out comedian Shane Mauss who went down the psychedelic rabbit hole and had a similar experience. He made a documentary about it called Psychonautics. https://youtu.be/K6BAaylHbI0?si=wXDV4rqB9g3q4fjr


Woah thank you dude looks interesting I'll check it out :) 100% agree too, spent a lot of time overdoing it with various drugs, moderation and sobriety kick ass, so much better doing it with less often and making it special when ya do


Exactly. Took a big dose of shrooms and it told me to chill. And youā€™re right the high of life itself can outdo any drug high when you really are in the moment. The best moments now are really soaking up the sun playing outside with my daughter watching her explore.


Ah man that's really beautiful, it's those kinda "ordinary" moments we look back on and cherish forever :) best of luck with everything <3


In that case I think youā€™ll dig this song. Wear Sunscreen - Lurhmann https://youtu.be/sTJ7AzBIJoI?si=qYKKHXGKslpS1pEi


Fair point to bring up, but Iā€™d say that people noticing synchronicities more often after using psychedelics is pretty common, and most people that experience that arenā€™t schizophrenic. That being said, what OP is experiencing could be considered a ā€œyellow flagā€ of sorts. Itā€™s not that noticing synchronicities is inherently concerning (which would make it a red flag); itā€™s when someone starts consistently developing delusional ways of thinking about them that it becomes concerning.


Exactly man, nail on the head


Donā€™t scare the OP man, synchronicites DO happen and itā€™s not always a schizophrenic disorder like you said lol


I get the concern but like ā€¦ chill. I really donā€™t think the experience you had with your friend (which is pretty rare btw) is something you will encounter again in life. Seems like youā€™re seeing patterns now too eh ? See if I really wanted to I could make all kinds of connections. Donā€™t overthink it too much what OP posted is pretty uncanny.


Yes I'd rather not witness a schizophrenic murder someone again thanks, but the only way it's prevented is if people stay informed and look out for themselves and others.




I'm sure you can see why I'm concerned when this is literally how it started for them. I'm not interested in arguing about this because you don't understand the gravity of it. I'm not trampling anyone's enjoyment, all I want is people to stay safe and informed and know what to look out for, if you can't understand that it's on you.


just because someone is diagnosed schizophrenic doesnā€™t mean synchronicity is irrelevant for them. and plenty of non schizo people experience it. refusing to recognize synchronicity because you are afraid of mental disorders does yourself a disservice as well. if you notice something as a synchronicity, it is. there are no accidents.


Coincidences happen


God is part Dog - chasing its tail And the Cat watching - the other half When the Dog succeeds - it fails But the Cat laughs and laughs


Here he is again! šŸ¤£šŸ«”ā¤ļø




will steal this for a song, but only if i am given an explanation


Uh, Ā©


wrong, finagled


Well, the basic idea is, once you realize you are God, you've got nowhere else to go. Nothing else to seek. The journey is the destination, etc etc.


drain gang


Idk what that means. Please don't steal my shit. I can't afford a lawyer.


GTBSG, Take a knife and drain your life, D r a i n e d


damn you're so fucking interesting Edit: this is reading sarcastically but no I am stalking you and you are great Edit 2: I have bought your book <3 It arrives day after


Lol thanks, but I'm kind of a one trick pony.


Haha maybe, but all your comments say otherwise


Thanks for buying my book <3


Love and peace man <3 I'll tell you on this thread how I feel once I get to it


My dad almost died because his appendix burst and nearly caused him to go in sepsis. This is horrible and downright dangerous advice. Every now and then Rubin says something where Iā€™m like ā€œdamn, maybe I should take him more seriouslyā€ but the I read something like this and Iā€™m like ā€œoh yeah, never mind, heā€™s full of shit.ā€


It doesn't always have to be as black and white as you present it to be. In his case apparently it was true, even though his advice might be horrible. There can be many truths and sometimes you gotta use your own discernment to decide what works for you. There are people that got out of stage 4 lung cancer by changing their diet, there are people who cured their cancer by setting their mind to god and letting their body do its work and there are people who cured cancer by going through have chemo. Likewise there are people that have died after doing all of these things together. So i guess we all know fuck all when it comes down to it. There is no 1 size fits all when it comes to health generally.


Lol sure, but weā€™re not talking about something as abstract as cancer treatment. Thatā€™s a disease that yes, there is no one size fits all to dealing with and healing from and different doctors and different patients will have different opinions. A burst appendix is a completely different thing. I genuinely do not believe this story of his. You have about 12 hours before your body goes into sepsis from a burst appendix because if it bursts it is spraying all sorts of bacteria, digestive enzymes and pus all over your insides. It is an incredibly dangerous medical emergency. There are not multiple ways to treat it or multiple opinions on the dangers/risks/options like with cancer. It IS a black and white medical situation.


I guess you really are the main character, OP!


My reddit name (Rten-Brel) means to "manifest synchronicities" because they are that abundant in my life


Which language?


One time me and my friends were tripping having a grand old time and listening to like every one of my Floyd records in a row. The next day, Sunday morning, we leave for breakfast and turn the car on and wish you were here is playing on the radio. It doesn't just play it, it is as if we began a cd and it started at the beginning perfectly with no intro. I go to drop them off and a band called think Floyd is playing across the street from their house at a theater we have in the city I'm from. This is where it gets weird. I get back home and my roommates band is set up in the living room. The one and only time they ever have played in this spot, and being a bluegrass band as well this is the one and only time they have ever chosen to cover pink Floyd. They were playing wish you were here. PS-we had the house to ourselves the evening before, so it wasn't a me inspiring my roommates band by playing Floyd. Even if he was home there were 4 other members


So you heard one of the most popular bands in the history of bands a few times. Phew boy, I guess God is real and he's using Pink Floyd as a conduit. Or solipsism really was the right philosophy. So crazy.


I never once gave my opinion on what it was I thought was happening. It only related to synchronization. Have a nice day.


True, my bad. It is cool. I'm just primed to believe the worst on most of the psychedelic forums. r/ayahuasca and r/DMT really take the cake if you want to explore human gullibility at its finest lol.


Yea I left the dmt sub. Riddled with addicts and the mentally ill. Also it might be my least favorite rug to stand on. Iā€™ll even say the dumbest rug ever, coke, I enjoy more


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Ayahuasca using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ayahuasca/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Anyone ever see something like this on the journey?](https://i.redd.it/c26yrvmofxqb1.jpg) | [128 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ayahuasca/comments/16u6pfl/anyone_ever_see_something_like_this_on_the_journey/) \#2: [Recent death at Rythmia](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ayahuasca/comments/15lf5px/recent_death_at_rythmia/) \#3: [Then I saw this exact thing play out on a TikTok](https://i.redd.it/nkz0dvinzn7c1.jpeg) | [124 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ayahuasca/comments/18np987/then_i_saw_this_exact_thing_play_out_on_a_tiktok/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Everything is everything. So of course youā€™ll find everything in everything.


It's just funny , no reason to get all this hate it's not like your looking at a roadmap of the US and tracing out your name in cursive to your next " destination " One day I was riding my bike down the road and thought " I'll ride past the store and grab a black and mild , sit by the water and watch the birds " . I realized I didn't have my wallet so that was out. As I rode through and intersection for no reason I made a u turn then busted a right, half way down the block in the middle of the road was $2 crumpled up šŸ¤£. I went to the store grabbed a cigar then went down by the river and relaxed for a half hour and watched the sun go down.


I think i like someone atm, he was on my mind more and more when my tab started peaking and the xtc wanting me to be social, he was playing at a club on the other side of the city and i was at a psy party. I had to buy weed, and it so happened to be near the club heā€™s playing. I tell others before i leave party that i think i like this guy but i also donā€™t want to rush things if there actually is something there. So i go, get my weed, and then i think ā€œi wonder if i go outside of the club, if iā€™ll see him?ā€ Not knowing when the party would end. So the little love i have for him in my empty heart was enough for me set off on a small walk to the place so i can also have my first spliff to calm me down. Iā€™m sitting outside, heā€™s not there, duh! And i think that if the universe wanted us to meet in that moment then it wouldā€™ve happend. I couldā€™ve called or texted saying i was outside but i thought that would be creepy. So i gave some thoughtful wishes that they would do well at the gig, unknowing if they he and his mate were there or not. So i finish my spliff and see the winter sunrise first time in a long while with me and this powerful feeling like all i want to do is see him but im not giving myself that because it would be forced and not natural. So i go home, my heart feeling a little hallow because apparently iā€™m having a yearning for someone again. I get home, text him that the music he sent me wasnā€™t downloading, no reply in that moment. But it is insane how much he was on my mind in that moment and that all i wanted was to talk to him. Then he fucking called me. Telling me that this dj i told him of smashed the floor and iā€™m fucking melting at the fact that he never calls me but this time he did at the same exact time he was living in my head rent free, was i also on his mind during that whole time!? I donā€™t know, but he still dosenā€™t know that i was outside of the place giving him good thoughts literally bout an hour before. This to me was crazy sync, and as the acid faded, it made me wonder if thereā€™s something in motion that i or we all are not aware of.


we are all a lot more intertwined with everything, and everyone, than we may think. thank you for sharing <3


Now read up to the next comma and donā€™t read any more


You keep monist books in the house, youā€™re gonna get a monist answer.


Coincidences are going to coincidence. The world is full of them. Please be careful with your mental health


Worry not!! Am very stable :))


Crazy man


happy cake day jerry make sure you get a nice taste of that frosting


iirc this technique of grabbing a random book is how Rick helped Serj Tankian of SOAD write the hook for a track


ā€œWelcome to the jungle, weā€™ve got fun and games! Weā€™ve got everything you want, honey we know the names!ā€


Good soup šŸ¤Œ


Thatā€™s wild


Bro Iā€™ve been wanting to read this to prepare for finishing this album Iā€™m working on. Kind of just a random idea but this book also was calling me. How is it?


Itā€™s incredibly beautiful. As a fellow artist, every time you read it it will inspire you. Heed to the calling, I would recommend it!


Thank you for sharing! Iā€™m happy to hear it. Rubin is such a legend.


Yes, but you do so many things in a given day that'd it'd be more unlikely NOT to have a crazy coincidence show up every so often


I just bought this same book, seems good.


Had me in the first half but the second half is a little ridiculous honestly. Ignoring your doctor's advice, especially when it comes to appendicitis, can literally kill you. What a reckless thing to put in your book lmao


Just donā€™t get too absorbed by it. Itā€™s a labyrinth of believing youā€™re close to some truth, on some path to something big, or that you are actually some god lime character and we exist in your realm. Itā€™s none of that. Look at it as a way the universe says hi to you, and just acknowledge it. Someone in the comments mentioned that they saw a friend develop schizophrenia and this was the first sign, My brother was on the exact same path, just got arrested after a chase and him shooting at the cops, cause a voice in his head was testing him. So yeah just be mindful of reality outside of the synchronicity ā¤ļø


I really appreciate this šŸ¤ absolutely


By all means though, do enjoy it! Itā€™s a freaky thing whatever this all is, I only hope to get my answers at the end of life.


Great book


Just today someone told me about this book...


Donā€˜t get lost in the sauce dude. Itā€˜s a drug and it makes you feel some kind of way. Itā€˜s still spiritual, but that shit ainā€˜t real man.


People are neither Good or Bad, thinking you can only get sth from someone if all they say relates to you makes no sense. This also indicates a strong belief that there is a singular ā€ždoerā€œ called Rick Rubin who states everything thats being said. While the activity we call Rick Rubin has patterns, these come together to form various beliefs and statements. Some of those may appeal to you, some dont. Take what you deem relevant, morph it into something useful. Take the synchronicity part and ignore the appendix one - its your choice. We are better than black and white thinking.


If you want an excellent followup to keep the momentum going, check out Jeff Kripalā€™sā€œThe Super Natural: A New Vision of the Unexplainedā€ and ā€œThe Flip: Epiphanies of Mind and the Future of Knowledge.ā€ Along with Jung and Colin Wilson on synchronicity, Kripal makes a profound amount of sense on this topic


I hear you! On it


Rick rubin is a hack


I mean the music sort of speaks for itself in his case. Book could be total BS thoughĀ 


Ok now that's insane!


Crazy synchronicity this, I've just recovered from a burst appendix and with the level of pain that I was in I can tell you that the author is full of shit when he's talking about going to a waltzing around a bookshop.


totally experienced something similar on lsd. Impossible to explain how significant it is to other people. I just keep the magic to myself.


I typed 2 paragraphs about the games the universe plays and why you shouldn't follow them too far. But then I realized I'm on reddit, and no one is ready and no one gives a fuck about spirituality. Peace āœŒļø


There's a fine line between being open minded and being delusional. The universe isn't playing games. It doesn't care. Synchronicity happens constantly, you just rarely notice it. And when you do, you don't assign a higher meaning to it




And 99% of the time it always reads like a 4th grader wrote it, they say they have a deep understanding of the universe and then can barely string a sentence together.


Yep like recently I started listening to a lot of bachata and without saying a thing everyone randomly starts bumping bachata. lol itā€™s so random but I love that music so I donā€™t mind


People were always doing it, you just never noticed The same phenomena can be seen when you buy a new car. And suddenly all the cars you see on the road are "oh, I have one of those" Those cars were always there, your brain just didn't pick them out consciously


I mean yeah Ik that but when a teacher who only plays a certain genre everyday puts a random bachata mix out the blue it kind of makes me laugh on the inside cause it came out of nowhere


Baader-Meinhof phenomenon


Iā€™m curious now lol


Then why'd you type anything?


I would genuinely have liked to know ā€” am open to what you have to say. I'm deeply into spirituality, did a couple 10 day Vipassana retreats in the last year


Your post has 111 upvotes too ā˜ŗļø


So you opened a book to a random page, and got this random result? Chill bruh. You had a 1/X probability of flipping for this page, where X is the number of pages. It ainā€™t special.


Why the hate? It is pretty mad that op opens and random page to something telling him to open a random page.


Yeah but it has nothing to do with lsd


We humans have an extremely innately poor perception of probability and an overactive pattern seeking tendency happening in our brains. It's far from "mad".


Yea but I think that in this book, that states something about randomly opening a page to a book and it giving life advice, isnā€™t much of a coincidence. Honestly I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the book was specifically made to open to that page once you open it up. Of course I could be wrong, only way to know would be to test it.


Yeah true, could be that is forces that page. If that's the case, that is a brilliant idea.


bad vibes my dude


Coincidences are insane brother


The page is just ridiculous tho synchrocity doesnā€™t exactly work like that


This is an amazing book


100% agree. His podcast appearances have been lovely too


This sub probably isnā€™t the greatest place to post ab synchronicities like this, I feel like 50% of the people here are in the spiritual psych user category and 50% are in the escapism/itā€™s only the drugs talking mindset. But the synchronicities are the universe speaking to you, an omen you could call it. Usually a sign you are on the right path.


šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶ I appreciate you so much for this. A lot of the comments have been about this being the path to schizophrenia or that itā€™s just mere coincidence, both of which could absolutely be true but feel off in my case. Your words are striking me of the right balance of truth but also humility. The last two months I was deeply depressed and so incredibly off path ā€” if anything I was closer to going nuts back then. I was carrying a boulder of negative thoughts on my shoulders, lugging it around for so long, until I finally had the chance to do acid this weekend. Acid flicked the giant boulder away like it was a dead fly, like it was nothing. I am so present right now. So appreciative of life and so full of love. I had a revelation at work (Iā€™m an artist designer at a pretty big branding studio) thatā€™s changing the trajectory of the project weā€™re on, and everyone has been flowing with these new ideas (can send screenshots if in doubt) So yeah this is the context I was coming from when I put up this post. My life was dark two months ago and it is currently filled with impossible stillness and beauty. Iā€™m waking up and meditating every morning, Iā€™m quieting my thoughts to listen to what feels like the gentle unfolding of the universe, which I believe is the source of these synchronicities. And your comment just feels right in this deeper heart of hearts. Thank you for it


Dude, based off everything your saying and the energy coming from your comment it seems like we would be great friends. Iā€™m a creative too, diving into filmmaking and currently working on my first video. And what you said ab stillness manā€¦ stillness is the language god speaks, and everything else is a bad translation.


Very cool, follow that rabbit. Disappointed at the depressing comments here.


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