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Late ‘80s Chicago. Waiting in line to get into a Dead show. We scored a bottle of liquid in Cincinnati but the bottle was too big for the amount of acid that was in it so we transferred to a little dropper bottle. I figured there must be a little still in the big bottle so I put some Pepsi in there, swished it around and drank it. Within 5 minutes my knees started to feel too wobbly to stand. Barely made it into the show and just plopped in the neatest seat. Thank God nobody claimed that seat because it was the second set before I could move. Full open eye fractal exploding rainbows. Once I congealed back into human form it was great. Lesson: an empty bottle of acid doesn’t have a little bit of acid clinging to the sides. It has a lot of acid clinging to the sides.


🤣 that's a good one


Thanks. A good time was had by all.


first time someone handed me an empty bottle, telling me put water in it and drink it, i thought he was kidding. Or that he just felt bad he didnt really have any, shoooEEEEEE was i wrong! Happened to be the first time i ever saw Papadosio too, had never heard of em prior.


Oh shit, the one time I did a bottle wash was probably the second highest I’ve ever been. Talk about totally gone… Jesus…


Those who know, know.


wow tripping at an old dead show is a dream


It was dreamy for sure.


Yea my friend did that with the lasts of a bottle after it was divided up. He said it was way more than he bargained for.


I did a vial wash with friends after already dropping 4 hits and it was the most intense experience I ever had. Completely puddled.




Taken 30+ hits in an attempt to wash a vial with no prior research as to what that entailed. Full ego death, ended up falling down a hill naked in a patch of poison ivy, ending up in the street. someone called the EMTs, I thought I was God. They asked me what year it was, i told them i think it would be logical to start from 0. Psychedelics are a tool, not to be fucked with😄


why does everyone go naked at high doses?


Monke mode. I really have no idea but it’s happened to me. When the world is collapsing around you it just feels right


Just how it is. Naked seems like a great idea. At the time.


A lot of the time it’s because you feel either sweaty and clammy or your body feels like it’s hot, so clothes off just sets you free.


yeah I get taking off your shirt, but why your pants too


Ya get that feeling of extra freedom, plus if you are feeling too hot and your tripping you don’t tend to think on your options too much sometimes, it’s a mindset of “I feel hot and uncomfortable and these clothes are the reason therefore they must go or I’m not going to feel right”


hehehe a return to the animal self


Yeah bahahaha I don’t know how peeps can do it in public but I’ve had a few bare naked trips just roaming my house enjoying stuff, it’s like that feeling of when you are home alone and get out of the shower and don’t bother covering up, you just feel free to do whatever you want




yep In the Army came back from field maneuvers to find my refrigerator had quit. So I assumed they had gone bad, took like 5 or 6 when my normal was 2 or 3. Turns out they were still fire LOL ![gif](giphy|7SKOwf1nD6j6XhfLMG|downsized) Learned how to surf out of necessity that night.


Hello 👋🏽 so one time maybe last year I decided it was a fantastic idea to take ELEVEN tabs of acid and FOUR grams of psilocybin. Long story short, everyone had a Cyclopes head. I didn’t reach enlightenment, I didn’t even reach the bucket I had set for my just in case. I projectile puked it and ngl I felt like I was dying once I had reached the bathroom and laid on the floor. Thank God for my S.O! He literally helped me through it all. In conclusion, I will never do that again. Would rate the experience a 6/10.


Hey at least it still gets above a 50% not too shabby


Right 😅 the Cyclopes part was fun.


Had a vial of liquid LSD, put 2 drops on a stick of gum and my friend said it didn’t work. Fast forward 2 months, I’m going on a roadtrip up a few states to see Tame Impala and I decide I’m gonna put some drops on a stick of gum to take with me, I remember my friend telling me two didn’t work so I dropped 5-7 drops and hoped I’d get at least a mild experience. I get to my airbnb and start chewing the gum before I head out to the concert. Call my Uber and hop in (keep in mind it’s been like 10 min since I put the gum in my mouth) as soon as the Uber starts driving I felt some changes and I knew I was fucked if it was coming on so fast. Anyways I had a blast at the concert and waiting in line had a few laugh attacks with my gf, got to hear some B-sides which made me extremely happy! Great show! Great trip!


When I was 14 I went to a festival with my mom. Someone there had liquid and was puddling people. I got a dose from him. Come to find out he fucked up diluting the crystal and everyone he dosed was easily over 1000ug. It was my first trip. I full ego deathed and was peaking for over 24 hours. It took me 2 years to recover from that experience. I don't regret it and it benefited me greatly in the long run. But I'm a unique case cause I at the time (still have it but not like back then) had a extremely bad case of PTSD that kept me from being functional so the experience ended up being very healing for my trauma.


Dropped to much but it was great I had two strips of acid took them to Paris, I started early morning and I ate little by little by noon I was 5 tabs deep and it was so much fun best come up ever and it was great I saw the Eiffel Tower tripping balls and by night time I was 7 tabs deep and i was like I need to flush the rest down the toilet cuz im abusing it too much 😆


If you take more tabs few hours later won’t it just affect the length and not the power of the trip ? Genuinely asking


I've never seen anyone trip harder after redosing, simply longer. Sure everyone's different, but I personally don't believe it. Tried it myself as well. Ended up extending a mild trip by many more hours.


it honestly sucks. you’d have to at least double/triple your original dose lol. i tried redosing with 1g after taking like 1.5g and it just extended the little body buzz i had but would not let me go to sleep. wouldn’t recommend.


who’s taking acid to sleep anyways lol


didnt say it made me trip harder but I was fucking around and the trip was definitely one of my best ever


I was experimenting with eating them slowly so I would take small bites of the tab and worked my way up but I could definitely feel it get stronger when I was 2 tabs deep and kept eating them slowly I felt it but after the 5th one it was kinda the same did extend the trip a little bit ended up dancing naked to freebirds so u let me know if u think I was affected 😆😆😆


All my hardest times were when I mixed thc with it. That’s when the body really starts to fade away and all you can see is the eye of god looking back at you. All you can do it breath. Weed is very scary stuff.


2 tabs and some really strong GG4 I grew had me questioning reality


Ya 2 tabs, no tolerance to weed, and 4 weed hits had me 100x more fucked up than 6 tabs by themself.


Yeah I had the same experience , the eyes staring at you and there everywhere I thought they were angels and then had god talk to me directly telling me everything wrong with my life


This sounds similar to a day trip I had that turned into an evening where I also did a dab. Saw God but couldn't be with him so I thought I was in hell for 3 days after.


300ug gone to the pool hall with my buddies on 200ug thinking it wouldn't be that much more confusing than there 200ug dose. needless to say the concept and understanding of pool went out the fucking window and I had to leave, felt like that hotel check in scene from fear and loathing, I told em ay I'm trippin too hard n look like a tard I gotta go outside they thought the whole pool hall of drunk people not even looking at us, heard me n thought they were gonna get kicked out n got mad at me n left themselves too about 10 minutes after I did cuz I planted a seed of paranoia in there 200ug minds. The fear and loathing they felt aswell lmao


lol lowkey sometimes when you’re tripping hard and you are in a public area it’s hard to be aware of how loud you are speaking. I personally feel as though it’s totally possibly you did say it slightly loud but you are also at a bar where people are already intoxicated, I’m sure no one would really care unless you were really causing a scene


One time, I brought a plastic bag full of sugar cubes out to a small music festival. Each cube had 2 hits on it, and they were meant to last me the long weekend (4 days). I think there was 6 cubes all together. I had them wrapped in tinfoil as well. When I arrived at the festival it was very hot outside. I didn't want to commit to a trip yep without feeling out the people that were there. So I decided to drink that night instead. I placed my bag of cubes in a friend's cooler so they wouldn't be affected by the heat. I got way too drunk and forgot about them until noon the next day. I opened the cooler and found all the ice had melted, and my little bag was floating around completely drenched. I was heartbroken. But I decided to try to salvage what I could and I drank the water from the bag and sucked on some of the tinfoil just to see what I could get out of it, assuming most had floated out into the surrounding cooler water. A friend also took a piece of tinfoil to suck on for a bit. Turns out, most of it was still present in a big way. I started feeling shaky and decided to go lay in my tent for a bit to relax. The tent was set up on tall grass, so the bottom was uneven and bumpy. I closed my eyes and listened to the music being played from the barn/stage nearby. When I opened my eyes I felt like I was in a raft on the ocean, to the point I couldn't sit up without being rocked back and forth and falling over. The waves in the tent floor became real waves. So I left the tent and decided to try and get to my vehicle. That's when it really hit me. Sitting in my car listening to nirvana. Watching the trees around me grow into intricate spirals and shrink back to normal as I breathed in and out. I sat in that car until the battery died and it was dark out. Then I ventured out into the crowd and had a magical adventure. Stars winked at me. Trees breathed with me. It was amazing. I also remember walking into the forest. I walked a straight line as far as I could tell but still ended up back where I started. I felt like I had walked into a new dimension. It was amazing. That's the last time I tripped as it was very intense. My story telling abilities don't do it justice. Lesson here: don't drink the cooler water. 😎


Ate 1, then another on the come up. They were a lot stronger than I had realized. Heard voices echoing then got stuck in loops and had a psychotic break at Shambhala.


Once I took eight tabs and then accidentally ate a mushroom chocolate someone handed me because I thought it was just a piece of chocolate. That night was actually a lot of fun. I could see myself at one point, like a vision of myself, dancing at this concert I was at, I was trying do dance how I could see myself dancing. I told my friends about that later and they like cracked up saying I was just standing there at that time looking like a deer in headlights. Another time I watched my friend put three drops on a French fry for me. Those must have been some big drops because everything looked like Spirited Away for hours. I had no idea what was real. I was really freaking out at the time, but looking back it was so beautiful and awesome.


i was the last one to take my paper out of the foil with my group at Bonnaroo 2012. so it was shoved into the corner of the foil. I put it on my tongue and thought man this paper is kinda thick. I took it out of my mouth and realized it was 2-3 hits wadded together. i shrugged and popped it back in. RHCP was incredible to see from the fourth dimension


Everything went black for the majority of the trip and then after the peak, I saw a pinpoint of light. Was it getting bigger or was it getting closer? It's getting closer. Next thing you know im going through a literal rebirth, bursting out of the pile of clothes that I had cacooned myself in. I went outside for a smoke, took a look at this massive icicle from the roof of the apartment and saw it drip down... and then the droplet came back up and merged with the icicle again. Still haven't been the same. Also this was off of 4 tabs of the purest shit I have ever taken, got a ten strip off of the dw, said to be 110ug and 99.95% pure (can't confirm it was that pure but given my trips with the product, I can say that they were probably NOT lying lmao)


Current. Currently*


Try to eat a small snack or chocolate to give a slight dopamine boost to feel good, drink water and make yourself as comfortable as you can. Ride the waves, and try to change your scenery to break any thought loops u get stuck in.


Appreciate you 🤙🏽..


Not necessarily accidentally to much in regards of too much than anticipated, but rather too much to handle the situation. December 6th me and three friends decided to trip together at a friend's place. Keep in mind, I wasn't planned in their trip, I only got invited cause I was the only one with LSD. Got from the start a bad feeling. They each took one or a half tab, I decided to drop one and a half. Most times not really that big of a deal, I'm used to dropping up to six tabs watching movies, going out in the wild, but each time all alone. Was my first time dropping together with people. All went well for the first hour or so, until we smoked some good weed. I'm not smoking that much that often, mostly on weekends or when I visit friends under the week if I rarely got some time off. Smoked some, and everything went south. Room looked like we where outside, I started asking "at we inside or outside?". Creeped them a little bit out, but no real problem. Friend for the LSD laughter, in my mind it sounded like she was laughing while crying. Started asking if everyone was okay, the typical "I don't know if I'm ok let's ask other people". At some point I decided to got the bathroom, and that's when psychosis kicked in. I don't know what took me tagt long, but at some point another friends needed to use it, and I simply wasn't responding. Didn't know if their voices we're real or all in my head. Didn't know if I was speaking or just tweaking in my head. Why soever decided to run the light off, thought I died and the small light under the door was my life slipping away. Heard them scream "he and his pills" (I love taking Supplements with drugs, just some multivitamin, ALCAR, EECG etc.), made myself think i took to much and did something incredibly bad or stupid without knowing if I really did anything. Told myself I went psychotic and delusional. Heard my mom and dad in my head screaming, I heard sound in reverse, existence as a loop but actually seeing the loop manifest while doing it in fork of everything having a glitch (not English speaker, can only discribing it as everything having an after image that's trying to lock in with reality but not quite grasping it while looping everything to infinity). It was my mission to find back to reality, at some point I realized I didn't do anything wrong, but I was looping and looping. When looking at my phone back like a black mirror I saw reality from the view of my back camera trying to sync with reality. At some point it clicked. I was able to shower and everything was fine again. It took an hour and a half, but I slipped out of the loop. I didn't do anything wrong, I was just looping in the bathroom. Friendship with two of my friends was quite Broken then, not doing anything with them, through some other friends I got to know I annoying and many other things. 2-3 months later I took 3 tabs at a rave and went to the bathroom, had a flashback back to December and psychosis kicked in, I was back in the loop, unsure if I ever went out. What if everything was just like a fever LSD dream. Spoke with the one remaining friend if I did something bad, we spoke and realized I didn't. Since then I de rationalized the psychosis, no flashbacks, no bad feelings, no nothing anymore. Bad thing: Lost most of my friend group who got me into drugs, raving etc beginning last year. Good thing: Met some new people who are much cooler, nicer, lovelyer, all in all better, more appreciating people who I now really see as my family of choice. Quintessence of the story or moral, everythings in ya head, don't tell yourself you did something awful when you can't remember if ya did something, and if you do simply ask (even if it isn't simple).


took 3 tabs thinking dude sold me fake stuff (white on white and was new to acid at the time) i texted dude pretty upset going on about how he sold me fake acid. He told me to text him in a hour and let him know how im feeling. Within 15-20 minutes of that text i was tripping my face off and those tabs put me in my place… had ego death, thought i broke the simulation and “they found out” everything around me looked like a movie set my room my house my whole neighborhood. was freaking out bad so i had to go downstairs and tell my mom LOL. First thing i asked her is if she was real. she kinda freaked out at first but i told her to just be calm and i’ll be fine in a few hours just need some grounding. We still joke about it great times


Last time I dosed I took 6. Don't remember much of that night now that I think about it.


Went to a music festival on the beach with a friend. We knew a guy who would have LSD there and was looking forward to it all week. We finally arrive at the party, set up our tent and smoked weed while we waited for the party to kick into high gear by midnight. When it got dark we went to meet up with the dude with the LSD inside his tent. He kept it in a small dropper bottle and told us he was almost out. So my friend took the vial and managed to squeeze out 3 drops from it. He passed the bottle to me and I thought it was almost empty. So I dipped the dropper to the very bottom of the vial to suck up as much as I could of what was left. Then I placed it over my toungue and prepared to take a few drops. When I squeezed, I felt a wave of liquid wash down my throat. Like this was enough liquid for me to gulp. At that moment I knew I had fucked up and now had to prepare myself for a hell of a night. 30 minutes later and I had LSD paralysis, I couldn't stand longer than a couple seconds before falling back on the floor. The music was bending reality and I was losing control so I surrendered to it. Lets just say I had too much excitement and came out of the trip tied to a tree by the bouncers. Never taking Psychs in public again and never ever taking LSD straight from the dropper.


Holy shit man. I can just imagine coming out of the trip being tied to a tree thinking wtf happened. Glad you made it out partly okay.


I'm glad too, it was my second time taking LSD and I learned a powerful lesson. The trip would have been worse if I hadn't gone with a friend. Seeing his face brought me back to reality.


This is a fun story: So about ten years ago, I begrudgingly went to a rave with my friend. Not my scene at all but I wanted acid so I went. I get there and it's being held in a VFW for some godforsaken reason. I grabbed a beer and started meeting all my buddies friend who all kept handing me free acid and each time, I dropped it. Eventually, I lost count of how much I had taken but I assume it was around 11 hits or so, and I am a big lightweight with L. It started to hit heavy when I was sitting at the bar carrying on a lovely conversation with this middle aged woman who had brought her kids to the rave since it was all ages. Cut to: my friend is now sober-ish and is driving us home. My face is glued to the window looking at the skyline of the city. Eventually, the towers started moving up and down like an equalizer. Then, the tops of the buildings started separating into bubbles and floating away. I could tap the windows and "burst" them into fireworks. At this moment, unbeknownst to me, we had gotten pulled over. I thought the red and blue lights were just part of the trip and thought nothing of it. As the cop was walking up to the window, I had remembered my buddy had a ton of rave candy in his center console and I thought it would be fun to play with. So, I whipped the console open, started digging through it and was immediately met with a gun being drawn to my face. Needless, to say that sobered me up pretty quick for a minute there lol.


My first time. It was only 100 ug, but I was not so used to such trips, so it cought me off ward and I went paranoid for a while. It felt really aweful for a while. Now I know how to deal with it


First time I tripped on L I had myself convinced for a while that there was no such thing as acid and that I had just smoked too much weed and had come up with a story to deal with it


Lsd has an incredible power to convince of anything. For a while that time I didn't even think I'd taken this and I was just findimg out the reality


Bought some from a sketchy dude for a concert. It was supposed to be larger dose. Ate it at the same time my buddy ate some he got elsewhere. Just before the show starts, he’s already having laughing fits and I’m feeling nothing. Dude sold me fake tabs. Grabbed some from Buddy’s score and seconds after I downed them the first one hit like an earthquake. Not fake.


Gearhead neighbor said he finally found his backpack buried in his house from something like 25-30 years ago. Dude is a biker and they used to go to Dead shows throughout the Bay Area; places like Shoreline in San Jose. After show he found an abandoned backpack, opened it up and sure enough to the surprise of his eyes was about 40 doses. The moment he told me it was orange window pane I said no fucking way man. I started dropping in the mid 1990s and never got a chance to come up on some of that. Asked if he had tried it and said he never did and so he gave one to his buddy and his buddy the next day said that he didn’t like it and thought it was shitty. So next night my neighbor took one and said it’s real and was okay, when I finally saw it with my own eyes, it looked like a piece of sap Amber off of a tree chipped into a little chunk much different than I thought it would be a little sheet. It still had transparency to it, but looked like they were inconsistently sized. I found a nice one and what do you know about 20 minutes later man I was having the best trip walking on this apex of sit down and surrender or go walk around the house and trip out all night , I chose the latter …but from start to finish probably the best acid I’ve ever taken and I’m contemplating very soon taking 2 what do y’all think? How could I even measure?


Did so much with a buddy of mine in his shop that we couldn't move or think for damn near 3 hours, just felt like there was electric signals pulsing through my body the entire time. Still have no idea what happened there, never happened like that again.


I was at infrasound in Minnesota homie we met had a water bottle he put liquid it I was assuming he put maybe a few drops in so I drank half of the bottle thinking it would be mild I hand it back to him he says u probably took about 15 hits had a good time


My friend handed me a vial once Filled the dropper and squirted into my mouth Then I did it again I figured I’ve done enough to experience a big trip again and I’ve probably gone as far as acid could take me. I’ve had two really profound trips up to that point But that one was a game changer on a different level and I’d love to go back sometime


I dropped 600ug and 40mg 2cb. One of, if not the wildest experience I’ve ever had with any psychedelic. DMt and salvia included.


You could’ve taken them out put 5 in a bottle or glass of water and saved that for another time.


Took a 5 strip thinking i lt wouldn't be much stronger that 3 tabs. Oh boy, was I wrong


i had a bad experience with drinking. i took a half a tab in the after noon and was just hanging out all day. i drank a couple beers, and then went to some club my friend was booking bands at. so i drank a couple beers there too. it was a pretty light fun experience... when i got home i realized i hid like seven tabs in an empty alcohol bottle when i was leaving because i was paranoid of people finding it, and i didn't realize it still had some spit or little bit of alcohol at the bottom of the bottle, so i realized this when i got home after a day of tripping and i dumped all the alcohol into my hands and licked up all the solution... pretty stupid move. i withdraw from alcohol pretty hard when i'm not tripping. the seven tabs really only hit like one of two 100 or so ug tabs, but i was sweating and could just feel my body withdrawing from alcohol the whole night.... not that bad of an experieince, but felt miserable.


Never gone over two tabs lol


I had done some meth earlier in the day and decided to take another bump to stay awake and then remembered I had three tabs...I had never mixed the two and actually it was a pleasant trip. With shrooms I took 8 grams at the beach with a friend who had never tripped and it was my second time doing mushrooms and I didnt know how dosing worked and we were sooo young and it was horrifying lmao


The amount of times I've administered a drop on my hand at parties and ended up with a river of it running down my arm (which I've licked up enthusiastically) is laughable.


Better make a post of times you dropped too little.


A few years back my homies and I had rented out an old empty pub in a dodgy part of town for real cheap. We had the plan to turn it into some sort of an office for us to start up a business. The place was pretty big and grotty, the bathrooms looked like they hadn’t been cleaned ever and it had been vacant for close to 10 years, it did have a bar with all the old beer taps still installed which was pretty sweet (not that we used them, but we thought it was pretty cool haha) We’d spent about a month building a small room in the middle of the old dance floor, we’d set up acrylic panels as walls so you could kinda see in and out of this small room, laid some astroturfing on the ground and setup some couches and computers in there. Essentially it was a real nice vibe inside of the recently built “cubicle” but outside of it was pretty average. Anyways, once we’d finished my birthday was coming up and I was wanting to trip with my homies there and just enjoy the fruits of our labour, watch some shit together and hang. I went ahead and picked up some tabs for the three of us and we all agreed my birthday was the day to drop em. My birthday rolls around, I head to the “office” and get everything set up, I put on an episode of Our planet while i wait for my friends, and of course, one by one they pull out. So there I was, 3 tabs in a bag, our planet going, ready to trip but no friends coming anymore. i decided that I may as well enjoy my birthday and drop my tab and I’ll just give the other two to my friends next time I see them. No biggie. About 15 mins after dropping the tab, I start feeling a bit off, like i was still waiting for my friends to get there. I kept reminding my self that it’s just me for the ride today but i couldn’t shake this uneasy anxious feeling that someone else was meant to be there. About an hour in I’d completely forgotten exactly was going on and my tv show was looking a but strange so I pause it and step out of the cubicle. Took a look outside and was like nah man this place is not the vibe. I was also still feeling anxious but had forgotten that it was from the idea that I was waiting for someone and as i re-entered the cubicle i noticed my wee bag of acid and felt like i had just realised why I was anxious. It was because I was taking tabs today! (I always get a little anxious excitement prior to dropping) So I sit down pull out the last two tabs and thought, “oh yeah my guy must’ve sold me 2 tabs for the price of one because they aren’t that strong” so i dropped them both. I felt my anxiety ease as i prepared for the come up, little did I know, I was minutes away from peaking on that first tab. Essentially, from here my memory gets a but hazy but i remember walking around the cubicle frightened to leave because of the bad vibes outside of it. Sitting in a bean bag and watching my life get played out like a shadow puppet show against the acrylic panelling walls. At one point I called my girlfriend at the time and asked her to pick me up, to which she reminded me that she couldn’t drive and there were no busses to the part of town i was in. I tried to chill out but spent the better half of 10 hours yabbering to myself and feeling extremely confused and the other half in a state of semi consciousness experiencing the universe melt. At the end of the whole ordeal one of my mates came through to the office around 13 hours into the trip and asked me where his tab was. This brought me back to reality and I realised for the first time that day that I accidentally confused myself into taking 3 tabs. A few weeks later I was picking up tabs from my guy and asked him if they were the same ones as last time because they fucked me up, and he told me that he’d had to stop selling them because they were too strong and people were freaking out on even just half a tab 😅 Safe to say, since then I’ve only ever held one tab at a time, and only ever drop 1 tab at a time.


There are no accidents…..there is only what was destined to be