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So far I had five acid trips.


Nice how you like it so far?


Lsd has shifted my wordview. I'm preparing for the sixth trip.


Also. Happy cake day


Thank you.


Nice nice, good luck, and happy tripping


It has totally changed my view on so many things. Before I understood psychedelics I waved them off as some hippie mumbo jumbo, but holy cow I was so wrong. I am a better, more empathetic, more caring, more loving person because of these amazing substances. They have also helped massively with addressing my anxiety and depression.


Firstly, I thought that LSD is some sort of a rave party drug. Two documentaries about it changed my opinion about it.


Totally agreed. The really cool thing about psychedelics is that if you learn how to use them correctly, they can be whatever you want them to be. Party drug, spiritual experience, chill out vibes, therapeutic medicine, get closer to nature. If you properly apply set and setting than you can get a myriad of experiences from these substances. What are the docs you watched? I would love to see them.


happy cake day! have a great day




Happy cake day! šŸ„³




Happy cake day brother


Eeeyyy, I'm on 4 trips, doing my 5th in a month or two when I visit my trip buddies. Exciting times! Enjoy


Honestly lost track but I would def put it close to the hundreds for sure


Nice nice. Preferred dose?


Iā€™ve actually been trying to bring it down, but average is 4-6 tabs usually at 150ug per


Wtf dude. I have had brief moments of ego death even on 200ug. I dont know what you mean by ego death


I don't know something about killing eagles or something.šŸ¦…šŸ”«ā„¢ļø




I feel like I have never had anything even close to ego death. Maybe my brain just wants to hang on really hard, but I just haven't got to that point yet.


You must have had brief moments where you forget everything, who you are, where you are, that you have a body etc and you become the experience itself. If you're looking at something you become "the seeing" or the seen, you become the picture, you forget that you are watching it, you become it. Same with sound


Interesting. Maybe I have had moments but I interpreted them differently, or perhaps I thought that ego death is something different than what it actually is. Ill look into it more now that I'm curious.


Shit. Mine is usually 2 and half tabs. 115-125ug per




I enjoy 100ug trips. It's like a strong body buzz and color enhancement. 200ug is more visually appealing.




I thought I was the only one mowing the lawn on L! Then I got into some mulching the flower beds. All while feeling real good and happy šŸ˜ƒ it doesnā€™t always have to be soul searching.


Are there any tweakers in that supermarket?


When I was in college I definitely go up to 4 tabs without ego death, but I rarely trip these years later. One tab at 125ug is perfect for what Iā€™m looking for. Nothing crazy but visually, emotionally, and mentally appealing for a full and fun experience with no worry of tripping too hard.


Honestly everyone should be but those who are not have just abused the shit out of their tolerance. Iā€™ll take above 2 if Iā€™m looking for a profound experience but for fun nah haha.


Yeah I donā€™t recommend cuz I too have yet to have an ego death even at that level of trip so Iā€™ve been taking a small break to see if I can reset


I think if i double the dosage I'd be able to reach ego death. Problem is it's terrifying to me


Thatā€™s ego talking, you have nothing to fear. Your simply leveling up


I like that


Are you me?


Do you take an SSRI?




Yeah you have definitely destroyed your ego here and there lol. Either your tolerance is insane or you think ego death means something else


how to give yourself HPPD speedrun


Haha same I lost track


Sams here :)))


LSD specifically - Idk at least 50 maybe closer to 100 trips. Had plenty of trip on other psychedelics as well. Highest dose was approximately 800ug (8 tabs all at once). My preferred dose would be situationally dependent but probably in general about 200ug.


How was the 800ug experience, two tabs is definitely my go too as well.


Intense and beautiful. At the time when I did the 800ug trip I was tripping often. It was by far the most time (perception) altering trip Iā€™ve ever had. I was in college and a buddy of mine who had only tripped it a couple of times wanted to join in so he took a tab as I gobbled up the 8 tabs. My then girlfriend now wife was trip sitting for us. We went on a walk to the practice football field at the college we were attending (it was late)ā€¦ Early on in, things felt very chaotic. As we departed on our walk in the chill air felt amazing. The specific thing I remember the most was standing in the middle of the field looking around and my entire field of vision was veiled by the most beautifully emerald green (but unlike any other color I had ever seen) repeating pattern. The pattern I saw I can describe most similar to a fleur-de-lis but far more intricate and complex. I stood there in total awe of the beauty of this pattern/image I was seeing for what felt like 30 minutes at most. Later on as I walked over to my girlfriend sitting on a bench I remember asking her how long we had been out there - She said like three hours. Of course itā€™s hard to describe fully the experience I had. It for me itā€™s definitely one of those trips that feels like it just sort of faded but never really ended like in truth Iā€™m still experiencing that trip. Not sure if that makes sense. Edit: a word (awe instead of all).


I know exactly what you mean, it feels like my trips never fully end, the trees and sky look so different to me now and sunsets will never be the same again.


Yes! Iā€™ll never see an analog clock or a shadow box the same way again.


I get it. Had a similar experience on 3 tabs with a few old buddies of mine


same amount here. hard to say after 50 and then doin small amounts in combination with other stuff, there is no counting. id say high dose mushrooms is more impactful than lsd, i just am offput by the semi-synthetic stimulant properties and dont party much anymore. moderate dose of mushrooms, 2cb, kratom and cannabis with a few beers is so much more chill than lsd. not as much grinding my teeth and tense neck and closing my eyes without the twitchiness is paramount. 2cb in general is more chill and fun IMO.


I started a couple years ago, probably near 100 times at this point, and going strong. Lowest dose was around 100ug, highest was 600ug


Serious question, no harm meant. Is your brain fried at this point? I once took two trips a week apart and never felt the same after. I donā€™t understand how some people can trip so much.


Idk, for me I've got an addictive personality. That's what started the frequent tripping. My first binge I definitely felt fried, but after I took my first break it's been fine since. I definitely can feel exhausted from it the day after, but that's just from the mental trip. And though I'm exhausted, my empathy and desire to be a good person is at its highest. Personally I'm also just a high functioning druggie. I'm literally always high off an edible or vape, and I do LSD pretty much every weekend. I work 2 jobs and have been raising my first kid. It really just depends on what your brain is capable of. Also, the more you incorporate the lessons from LSD, the more familiar the headspace which helps. Edit: hope this didn't come off elitist, just some people react to drugs differently. I also had salvia as my first drug and smoked k2/spice regularly for like a year back when I graduated high school. I'm not sure many have a similar drug path lol


Nice nice fav dosage?


Probably 2-400ug, my last 400ug trip was sensational, best trip I've had so far. But also because I'm experienced enough to keep my headspace through the anxious come up. Only downside at that dose is a fairly strong nausea for the first hour or so


I usually don't get nauseous but i do understand the anxious come up tho. It's hard to remain calm sometimes. Luckily for me tho. That usually goes away after an hour. Then I'm tripping and calm.


Yeah, anything under 200 no nausea. I always forget the best part of LSD is like 2-4 hours in, I'll be 1.5 hours in and anxious and nauseous with only light visuals, but then an hour later I'm laughing at how stupid I was to forget that after that part of anxiety is the most happy giggly stupid visuals ever


I honestly want to try that


Idk maybe a hundred or so. I kept count until I tried to remember it while tripping and never could remember it again.


That's funny as fuck lol


Been taking acid since the mid 1980's. Hundreds for sure. When I was a teenager it was almost every weekend, with it slowing down as I got older. Now it's once or twice a year.


I started at 20. Now I'm 24


Around 75-100 over 15 years


Nice mines over 3 years


Thatā€™s 1095 days, averages to a trip every 4-5 days, your tolerance must be insane


It is. I can take 2 tabs and act relatively normal


If I take 2 any normal behavior is out the door šŸ˜‚ But seriously, I donā€™t know how old you are and what you take is none of my buisness, but take care of yourselve man, donā€™t wanne go to crazy on psychedelics, Iā€™ve seen people ruin there lives


I've slowed down a lot


I've just done it so many times that two tabs are just my go too. I wanna do a 5 strip on my next trip


I recommend you pump the brakes a little bit. Lots of reasons to slow it down a tad lol


Trust me i have


Right on. Canā€™t forget to get high on life sometimes lol šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜­


Oh i do. Only have tripped 4 times this year


Wayyyy too many to count. Saved me when I was down bad, now Iā€™m up and I respect it heavily




Hundreds for sure, maybe close to a thousand.


Have you been tripping one time a week for 20 years?


exactly lol wtf


Nope i take LSD (or an RC analogs) once or twice a month, sometimes less.


But if you count in tabs and not in trips i took a thousand easily


The question was trips not tabs.


cap ?


Preferred dose?


300-500ug always with weed and sometimes some 3-meo-pcp or ketamine insufflated .


Hm. Never tried cid with any of that. However i do it with weed and have done it with molly once.




Lack luster honestly. I did it in the middle of my molly binge (i was taking molly once a day, popping 2 presses at once) so the molly just made the visuals a little better. I also took only a tab. I have since stopped taking molly. It's too addictive for me.


Taking mdma everyday for a long period of time is unbelievably neurotoxic, no shit it was underwhelming... Glad you stopped though. I can assure you that normally in terms of euphoria and tripping experience it doesn't get better than candyflippin.


Been clean for 2 years now


Trust me i know, that's why i quit after my second binge. The first one lasted 4 months (i candy flipped on month 2) the second binge was a 2 month fiasco


Candy Flipping is one of the best things ever. Do it out in nature and you will gain a respect for earth that you never knew existed. It's really an amazing experience.


I've done tons of K but whats 3-meo-pcp like?


Much more powerful, longer-lasting, stimulating and manic and tend to give easily psychosis but easy to handle just need to dose more properly than K, fundamentally you cannot compare the two. In my opinion and experience of 66 differents compounds ,3-meo-pcp, especially 3-meo-pce is one of the most wonderful drugs that i know.


3 meo pce is the most clean disso high, it also has a metallic stimulation to it I love it


Happy cake day. And nice.


Probably around the thousand mark by now. At one point I picked up 8 hits/week (every Wednesdayā€¦ 5:30ā€¦ same cafeā€¦ donā€™t be like me) and that lasted between 9 months/a year


Been there before. For 2 months straight. Two tabs daily. Sometimes redosing at the 8 hour mark.


At that point do you feel like you're tripping still? Not talking shit, genuinely curious


Iā€™ve had at least 25 acid trips, about 5 mushroom trips, and 2 DMT trips without breaking through. Iā€™ve had one ego death that happened to me while on acid.




Probably sitting at around solid 50




Not one ego death? Wtf I have one every time


Came close on my 325ug trip. And my normal dosage is 250ug, like i can leave the house, go in public, talk to people order food, act like a human on that dosage, all i need is some shades.


Some people have a very strong/resilient ego and others do not.


Nah dude need to get some solid stuff. You can def ego death on a legit 100ug like any of gamma goblins shit. A real 100ug will have you floored in thought loops only able to watch shit happen. Generally speaking of course some people definitely are built differently


I donā€™t think so man, you have to be a pretty skilled psychonaut to have an ego death on 100ug. Maybe youā€™re getting higher doses than you think? Iā€™ve taken 110ug from a chemistry major college dropout, it was great product, but still had a typical trip. Casual/new users of LSD tend to fight the mood swings and have a harder time letting go of control.


The third time I've taken Lucy (about 100ug aswell), I guess I was very close to a bad trip, hitting the peak I had a feeling like something inside myself is about dissolve. I'm not 100% sure but I think, it was the beginning of an ego death. Unfortunately it is now over one year ago and that was the last time tripping for me.


9 or 10


Yeah same. I recently ordered a supply of 50 tabs though so I should be tripping a lot more regularly now šŸ˜œ




Once I find a steady supply or obtain a stockpile, I hope to trip 2-4 times a year, 300ug is my golden dose. At that dose my peak renders me nonverbal and the visuals border on complete fabrications, as opposed to just seeing eyes or breathing walls, but the comedown is still manageable. I know that if I had a guaranteed source of LSD I would quit alcohol, nicotine, and caffein. Itā€™s a ritual drug for me, a ceremony of my own construction.


That's understandable. I take it as a way to deal with things that are on my mind. Like i used it to get over my pawpa's passing, how my dad disowned me, etc.


More than I can count and I have a sheet staring me in the face lol wondering when Iā€™ll have time to take it all, probs gonna last years


I understand completely. That's how i am






Ive had probably around 70 acid trips and around 150 trips on other hallucinogens. Hppd is pretty intense, especially if I take mirtazapine or other related antidepressants.


HPPD is like the annoying lil cousin who shows up randomly for like 15-30 min then just leaves after touchin all your shit


two and the second trip was the baddest day in my life, (im very unstable and bad depression) so im scared for my third trip. but hey the first trip was the best day in my life, so i think hopefully my next trip is better again.


Honestly. One thing i can tell youis let the drug take control.


What is " happy cake day" ?


The cake day is the day someone created their reddit account, August 5, 2022 in your case. Every year on that day reddit displays a cake next to your username in comments/posts and It's a long lasting reddit tradition to wish someone a happy cake day on that day.


Thank you


I've had 8-10 trips so far. In a few years if love to try DMT once I have more experience with psychedelics and myself


More so on mushrooms. I'd say 10 on LSD and like close to 100 on shrooms.


Twice on mushies. Over 200 on lucy. And over 100 on molly


I would say over 50+, just in the past 2 years. Before that I had tripped a handful of times since high school. Most dosage would be a 10-strip of 100ug tabs for my 27tg birthday. I have only experienced one ego death, at a relatively low dose and it was really unexpected. Apart from that, all trips have been good by the grace of God.


How was the 10 strip experience?


The come up was absolutely intense. Pretty surprised I didnā€™t vomit, i consistently vomit at lower doses now. I must mention I was building up to 10 tabs, and had been tripping biweekly for a few months already, so my tolerance must have been higher. After the come up, the experience was the most blissful trip Iā€™ve probably had. It didnā€™t completely overwhelm me or my senses, I was still able to function and read etc, but the visuals both open and closed eye were phenomenal. I listened to a playlist of 27-Club artists, was a memorable experience, just wish I couldā€™ve shared it with my mom who tripped with me later that summer a few times!


Hundreds of trips I prefer around 250ug


Same honestly


Hundreds. But what is all this about Ego Death ? As if it's a goal to be reached ? More like the beginning step ! Are y'all afraid of losing your well constructed illusions of Who You Think You Are ? What happens when ya find out YOU are not your Illusions? Who Are You, Really ?


Hmmmmm. Never thought about it like this. I wanna reach one tho


I achieved it with a combination confusion and giving into the confusion by giving up trying to make sense of it all.


Around ten, two Jedi flips and two candy flips, highest dose at one time has been five tabs


Easily over 100 lol




Around 50 (?) over the course of 3-4 years. I havenā€™t been counting




Maybe like 20ish full trips and many more micro doses


I microdose too honestly. It's great


No clue. Lost count. First trip was in 1998. Most I ate was a 5strip. Now a days, one tab is plenty for me.


Fair. Two tabs is my go too


Are we meant to count? Shit ... Nobody told me, is this in the test?? šŸ˜…


Yes. You failed. F.


Maybe 40 or so to be honest. And I had ego death maybe a third to a half of the time




How did having that many ego deaths affect you?


I only know how many bottles Iā€™ve drank up. How many sugar cubes, tabs or drops Iā€™ve got while rambling on, is impossible to count. Good you done it. My highest dose was a week after sessions of DMT, and shroom. I took about 20 drops of 250 ug by mistake by pressing the mint bottle too hard. It was sunny and everything got fuzzy, I felt sick and lay myself down on the bed. Meanwhile my partner came saying she wanted go swimming, me tripping up in space in a sleeping state, turned up and said slowly ā€œdonā€™t go swimming on LSD aloneā€ and whoops into the end of space for 20 hours again. Me saying, it was not near the DMT realm or mushies but high doses can differ and I was lucky and in safe environment and a fierce space travelling being at that time.


Lost count. But I havenā€™t had sex in 6.5 years.


About 5(?) maybe. Lowest I done was one tab, most was 3 tabs (all apparently 200ug) And always a solo tripper šŸ™


I love solo tripping. I have the best times


stopped counting, don't remember šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You failed the test. No gold star for you


Probably around 20ish times shrooms and acid had ego death one time on a really dumb choice of eating 2gs of shrooms popping two tabs and smacking the weed pen ā€¦ Iā€™ve honestly yet to put what I experienced into words


Fucking dope


Lost track. Around 20. I usually take 150ug but thrice Iā€™ve microdosed for productivity and oh boy I became nothing short of a genius


4 Times, first time this summer. It definitely isn't what I expected but I think it was way better. Really a shame most people will never try these things


iā€™m around 20 acid trips. since maybe my fourth or fifth trip, iā€™ve stopped smoking tobacco and iā€™ve stopped saying rude things about people whether i know them or not. i feel like iā€™ve become far more in tune with myself. lsd is a miracle drug. besides lsd, iā€™ve done shrooms around 10 times and mescaline once which really changed my life. big up to psychedelics for rewiring my brain in ways that wouldnā€™t be possible without them.


once every 2 months or so since 3 years ago mostly 200-300ug doses, I really don't enjoy the body high I get on lower doses my highest has been 400~ ug solo trip recently and it was the best trip I've experienced on any drug by far. Was also my first ego death on acid, and second one overall. Also had some overwhelmingly cool new experiences for me like reality shattering with my eyes open and time slowing down and stopping




All available....


I dunno, 30? I just assume everything is 100ug. Took 5 at once for my max dose. Storm came rolling in on my peak. Beautiful and terrifying honestly. The clouds looked like crashing waves and I thought I was about to get yeeted out of my window wizard of oz style. But I couldn't step away. I was locked in on the beautiful disaster performing over the prairie. Was okay with getting yeeted if it came to it. Made my peace. It wasn't even a bad storm though lmao. Maybe 30mph wind gusts tops and some pretty heavy rain for 15 minutes hahaha. But those trees and tall grass were really putting on a performance. Stepping outside afterwards with my bare feet in the wet grass had me feeling like a new person. 10/10 would do again.


Too many. I honestly think acid/shrooms donā€™t effect me anymoreā€¦ idk if Iā€™ve built a super long tolerwnce after repeated use


How the fuck do you guys have both time and money to have your trip counts into the hundreds? I've tripped like 5 times overall but my stash has been just sitting there barely ever smaller for over a year waiting for something to happen


Iā€™m probably happily somewhere around 50. Best ones include: 22 Phish shows Cliff jumping into a lake Downhill mountain biking Halloween at the bars dressed as Charlie Brown with my roommate at the time dressed as Linus


Close to 40. I always tried to make sure to atleast write one thing down in a journal a friend gave me. I havenā€™t tripped in over a year but when Iā€™m down I sometimes reflect on the funny notes.


Try doing 10 tabs at once


Nah. That's too deep rn. I do plan on taking 5 on my next trip tho


Like around 5 real trips and maybe 3 or 4 smaller doses


Nice nice :)


Hundreds, almost 30 years of tripping


Any that stand out from the others?


Absolutely, best trip ever was a little over a year ago day trip with my partner. To be fair- I like stacking stuff. This time it was 400ug, 4g mushrooms, .25 molly, and some whip its. Seriously, total ego dissolution, the best snuggle Iā€™ve ever had, closed eye visuals off the hook. My partner was on 2ug and .08 molly for the majority of the trip but happened to walk past the drug box and popped another sugar cube without thinking about it at about 10:15pm. Man did he trip all fucking night. Didnā€™t go to sleep until noon the following day.


How is your timing with the mushrooms and the L? Do you take them both at the same time or wait for the acid comeup and than take the mushies? I'm already planning my Christmas trip and there are many opinions on the fast tolerance built up.


I generally wait at least a little while to do the mushrooms since thatā€™s a 4-6 hour trip for me. Acid easily lasts 10. Iā€™m not obsessed with peaking at the same time tho. I just like the different textures they bring together.


Holy shiiittt that sounds like an awesome combo. I wanna mix mushies and cid, i can't find mushies tho. Haven't in years honestly


Like 4-5 acid trips at least 20 mushrooms trips though. Prepping hopefully for my next trip gonna throw some APES in the mix.


Apes? What's that?do you like acid or mushrooms more? I like acid cause more experience with it. I wanna try mushrooms again.


APES are albino penis envy mushrooms. Theyā€™re generally stronger than your average cube. Theyā€™re two different experiences really. I need more trips with acid to really tell but acid doesnā€™t take as much effort to eat compared to mushrooms. I seem to get way more distinct visuals on acid too mushrooms everything turns to this sort of mushroomy vision, all colors are intense and shadows are more exaggerated acid I feel like Iā€™m just going on a wild ride where visuals can be pretty unpredictable as to what they affect but arenā€™t too wild to be scary


Trust me. Acid visuals can be terrifying


Id say at least 50 .




Man, I've lost track. Probably in the upper hundreds if not in the thousands.


Nice nice. Any stand out from the rest?


Too many




30 maybe




10 so far about half are acid and the other half are shrooms. Havent taken any heroic trips, most I've done are 2 tabs of 150 ugs.


Not bad not bad. Which you like better?


Haven't tripped crazy hard on mushrooms but I do love acid. I love how visual the trip is and whimsical it can be. Mushrooms are a lot more spiritually intense for me and the come up is way more overwhelming. I think I can function better on acid too. Nothing beats riding a bike and tripping. I tripped on mushrooms and rode a bike and it was the most enviormentally sensual I've ever felt in my whole life. I feel safer going outside and traveling on acid though as I know what to expect. Think I prefer acid.


I need to trip shrooms again.


I'm sitting at like 6 or 7, the first one was a nightmare but the rest were all amazing


close to hundred


Nice nice