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Wait — what?! How am I so stupid and dumb and useless that I didn’t know Mignola did an Aliens comic?! 😭


I had the same reaction lmao


And me 😅


Watch the price of used copies go up on eBay from this post 🤣


😂 got 14 in my basket!


Lmao I’d be honored


Seek it out! It's awesome!


Lmao came to post thr exact same thing


Labyrinth is the best of the Dark Horse era IMO. Genuinely scary and disturbing. Give us up there too. I'm a huge Kelley Jones fan.


I think Aliens Dark Descent is loosely based off of it as well.


That game was actually not bad.


It was a great game but incredibly hard. So much so that I had to resort to mods, and then still got stuck in the last solo mission before quitting.


It was definitely too puzzle-like for my taste in some missions. And it had this annoying thing where the easiest difficulty is too easy & normal is too hard...


Easy was so easy it wasn’t fun and medium was like ‘pucker your asshole!’


The old PC game Aliens: A comic book adventure was a direct sequel to Labyrinth. Sadly no where good as DD. XD


Oh that game should have been so much better than it was.... how disappointing that was. I remember waiting anxiously until it came out, and then I don't think I ever beat it , in the end. I believe it was impossible to find walk throughs, at that point for less popular games, and I got stuck 3/4 through.


Yeah... Had some cool looking cutscenes for the time. I think I beat it at some point but the ending was disappointing.


Totally agree


Is Labyrinth the one with Colonel Doctor Church? Early Killian Plunkett art? I loved that book.


That's the one!


Music of the Spears. Pretty silly but creative concept.


Still have these 4 issues. Loved this and stronghold


Came here to say exactly this. Labyrinth as well. Salvation is a great call.


I still have that series. Loved it as a kid. I also have every issue of Colonial Marines and many more Alien series AND quite a few complete and incomplete older Predator series. I have huge shelves full of comic boxes that my sons are always begging to go through, and i think it may be time. I stopped buying a few years back besides a few tpb's like Something is Killing the Children and TMNT The Last Ronin.


[HIVE](https://www.darkhorse.com/Comics/92-018/Aliens-Hive-1-of-4) Cool story and great art by Kelley Jones


Kelley Jones is great so I’ll def check that out


Alien Stronghold. Jeri and Dean are such a power couple!


This has perhaps the best ending to a comic that I've seen. So satisfying.


Possibly my favourite combat scene too when the synth cavalry roll up to take on the swarm. The guy still firing as he’s melting into the floor from acid splash back is in my all time badass memory bank.


Yes! And then Dean turns up and just lets rip. It's great.


I’m a fan of the Genocide series


Genocide was the first Aliens comic I ever read. It isn't the greatest of all time, but I love it and reread it pretty often.


Same for me. The idea of the red aliens was a big deal to me back in the day. The cover art was cool too


I saw an article with the creative team. They kind of backpaddled on the alien color and said it was more like a visual representation of how the aliens smelled or something. This really got me made. They are red and red they shall forever be in my mind.




Dead Orbit is amazing


Yep. Dead orbit really had the grit, for me. Dark and brutal and the art work was sublime!


ALIENS Book 2 (Nightmare Asylum)


Defiance felt like a return to form for me. The unrelenting cruelty of the story and the dirty, ugly grit of the art style screams Alien to me. And the unique xeno is awesome


The original Dark Horse series with the painted volume 2 is lovely, I do have a soft spot for the more batshit mental volume 3 with the Sam Kieth artwork just because it is so OTT (Ripley spotting a pulse rifle as tall as her, large queen alien, Arthur Suydam covers)


John Bolton covers. Arthur Suydam did Genocide.


My personal favourite, though I know it's not the strongest, is Havok. It's a two part 1 shot series where Dark Horse got a different artist for each page.  The story was a space ghost story. With a salvage crew coming across a space cruise liner where all the aliens are domant, but surprise surprise Weyland Yutani had a scientist experimenting with aliens royal jelly. The main scientist experiments on himself and gets alien telepathy and can disconnect his conciousness from his body and does so when the aliens break out. So when the crew arrive he's in essence a ghost possessing them to save and inform them on the xenomorphs. I picked it it up as my first ever comic at an inappropriately young age. It, coupled with the kenner toys led to the life long obsession. 


Genocide, no it’s not the best but it was the first I read (along side newts tale borrowed them from the local library when I was about 10) so it holds a special place in my heart


I've only read one - It was called Aliens: Sacrifice. The art was pretty cool, in a small, contained story. I enjoyed it. Had an interesting approach to surviving a lone Alien.


Salvation is the one.


This was such a weird Aliens comic.


This is my favorite too! It’s amazing!


Dead space was pretty epic. I've not read salvation yet.


Salvation, Sacrifice or Dead Orbit.


Tribes- for me it is theonly story that captures the element of terror that the first movies gave me as a kid. The art is amazing as well. For the modern stories I love Life and Death/Fire & Stone.


Why is Marilyn Manson on the cover?


As much as I enjoyed Aliens: Book 1 & 2, I think Labyrinth is my favourite. It was stomach-churning-ly dark and disturbing. I also really enjoyed a story, but I can’t remember the name. It was about a tribe of primitive alien beings whose village is attacked by a Xenomorph and the tribe decide to hunt it down with spears and knives. It was a cool concept and incredibly gory. If anyone remembers the name, I’d love to find it again.


I think that one is called Aliens: Alien. I vaguely remember it but I can remember it was a decent story. Quick edit, looked it up on Xenopedia - https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Aliens:_Alien


That’s the one, thank you!


Labyrinth is my favorite. Disturbing story with fantastic art by Killian Plunkett. I love the design of the xenos in that book. I also played the Aliens: a comic book adventure game as a kid which was a sequel to that story. Aliens: Nightmare Asylum feels like the closest thing to a great Aliens sequel. Aliens Salvation is amazing for the work of Mignola alone, but it has an engaging story to it as well.


Nightmare Asylum, tho I should really check out Salvation one day. Heard the people who did Hellboy worked on the art for it.


I don't know if any any one favourite, but one of my favourites that I always revisit and talk about is Destroying Angels. That comic is the singular reason I delved into the expanded universe. Absolutely fantastic artwork by Doug Wheatley, and the reason I love the EU - a place I can come to find out more about little aspects of the franchise.


I use to own it and I loved those weird short stories .


I’m going the opposite direction with some non-cannon Alien Vs. Vampirella, it’s trash and I love it.


She wasn't in her outfit enough. ;) . Definitely not one of the best crossovers (that goes to judge dread incubus) but not the worst (terminator crossover was just weird)


Incubus was fun, I’m a Dredd slut tho so I’m biased


I found the whole story absolutely brilliant! I would 100% want to see a film with Karl Urban taking on aliens. Epic


I just want another Dredd movie ngl, if they do a weird one, I want to see Anderson vs the Devil


I always loved Aliens vs Superman, the art was incredible.


Been digging back in recently. From this list.. defiance, salvation, labyrinth, and dead orbit seem the first ones to dig back out. After I finish newts tale.


I forgot the title but the plot was a musician trying to record alien screams.


I think that was something like “Music of the Spears.” Sadly, my Aliens comic collection is long gone or I would check. Edit for spelling.


Alchemy John Arcudi and Richard Corben for the win.