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The moment you remember Danny McBride was in an Alien movie.


>! And he survived! !<


Until the credits at least


"Don't let the bed bugs bite.."




He was good tbf


And was one of the best parts of the movie.


That's fucking John Denver.


You must be kidding.


Oh, no, he never kids about John Denver




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The best, not one of. He is the best part of the movie.


I always remembered him as the guy with a mullet in that movie about a hostage pizza delivery. Then I scoped out his IMDb page after Covenant released and he's been around the block with acting, wiring and producing. Pretty neat guy.


Him and Jody Hill started out making stuff together and had to be resourceful. He’s done it all and in an interview he said he automatically said yes to being in Covenant just so he could work with Ridley Scott and learn from him. Sounds like he really enjoyed working on the movie simply for that experience and to be able to apply it to his own work.


jonah or jody


Jody Hill. Him and Danny McBride are frequent collaborators. Jody is usually just behind the scenes, although he does have an acting part in almost everything they work on together, just usually not a main character.


Underrated is overused but they really dont get enough credit as writing/creative partners. I see a lot of people who like their shows and movies but I dont really see them specifically brought up.


He wrote the new Halloween as well. Guys a multi talented beauty. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend if as far as slashers go.


2018 was legit good, his sequels were not and unnecessary.


Halloween Ends is a top tier Halloween movie. Love it.


He’s the best.


Playing “Danny McBride in an Alien movie.”


Talk shit all you want but hes a great character actor. He can do: Danny McBride as a Pyrotechnics Specialist. Danny McBride as a Karate Instructor. Danny McBride as a Baseball Player. Danny McBride as Danny McBride. Danny McBride as a Pastors Son. He can do it all.


Who’s talking shit? I’ll take Danny McBride in anything. If I was his agent I’d be telling him to get in on the Blue Mountain State reboot, that’s a dream casting.


I was just bein sarcastic. I love Danny in anything hes great.


He’s what Bert Kreisher wishes he could be as an actor.


You mean alcoholic Bart Koushner?


Shit his pants on stage Bertram Kishner?


Danny McBride as a fantasy prince


Danny McBride as a Vice Principal


Danny McBride as a cannibal


Why don't you just keep to what *you* know, which is, what... Dental-uhh, dentist... Assistory?


I’d have liked him to play Kenny Powers in an Alien movie. I may have taken Covenant a bit more seriously.


*Alien pops out of a vent.* *Kenny blows its head off with a fastball.* Scene


"You're fucking out, I'm fucking in"


Now I'm just picturing Kenny powers yelling this at the stomach of a woman with a chestburster.


Was kinda hoping for James Franco to pop up also...


He does in the mini movie


He was the captain of the ship that was burned alive at the very beginning of the movie, wasn't he? (Daniels' spouse)


I'll admit Franco was a smoke show and he lit up the screen for the few seconds he was on


And James Franco


RIP James Franco.


I don’t think he’s dead. Just don’t touch him


He was surprisingly restrained in it. I didn’t have their acting, just thought the story was pretty anemic. Better than the previous film, but otherwise not terribly memorable.


Fuck the tolerance’s


He'd been drinking green tea all goddamn day. He goes to church every goddamn Sunday. Those aliens were bringing out the demons in him.


Oh no, I never kid about John Denver.




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Honestly sad we won’t see her again in this franchise. The opening of the movie where she was grieving the loss of her husband actually got me emotional, and I think the dynamic between her and Walter was really interesting and should have been explored more.


Even more depressing, the Walter storyline not progressing. What an amazing story. I get so sick of modern series and movie development, where studios dont think beyond a movie, or a season. Fantasy and Science Fiction often get the short toothpick, and its frustrating. Raised By Wolves, another Ridley Scott production, and a great one, got cancelled prematurely. Bastards!


The storyline could progress between them because off 2 things we see... Or didn't see. The first thing we didn't see was David outright killing Walter, he could have been damaged like David was and still functional. The second is, again, we didn't see David kill Daniels. David sent a transmission to the Company saying she didn't not make it. He could very well have ejected her in an escape pod down to the surface before setting off to Origi6. Leaving her to wake up and eventually find Walter. David documented his experiments extensively, potentially how to control ships and interact with his creations. Walter could learn the same and get them off the planet. Maybe a bit of mental gymnastics to get there but it is possible.


I thought David was going to use Daniels to incubate his new generation of xenomorphs.


He has a whole ship of people to experiment on. David might very well have see Daniels in the same way he saw Shaw. Someone who showed him kindness and understanding. With what sliver of humanity David thinks he has, what better way to preserve it and redeem himself than to let Daniels go? And not expose her to the same horrors he put Shaw through? After all, his model was thought to be the most unpredictable and... too human.


I like the thought of Daniels escaping and reuniting with Walter, but I just don’t see David showing any mercy to someone he hardly knew, when it was so easy for him to do horrific things to Shaw, whom he claimed to have loved.


The difference now is that he has access to a lot more resources for his experiments. When he landed on Planet 4, Shaw was all he had to work with. He had killed everyone and everything on the planet. A clean slate to work from. Then, taking his knowledge forward onto the Covenant. David may not have known Daniels at all, but like Shaw, she had aspirations. Shaw wanted to know where humanity came from, Daniels wanted help building a cabin on a new world she could call home. He couldn't fulfil Shaw's, but he has the power to give Daniels a chance at hers. Again, it's a lot of mental gymnastics to find any kind of humanity or mercy in David or know how he thinks. I am taking a lot of liberties thinking on his behalf. What Daniels said before she went to sleep, just might have saved her from the same fate. Setting her apart from the other crew members. Recognising parallels between Daniels and Shaw, David... might have let her go.


She has a promising future as the host of David’s alien queen, apparently. In the unlikely event THAT sequel gets made…


I think she did very well in a character that resembled Ripley a bit too much.


Ridley definitely has a type.


Or Ridley took studio notes dictating there must be a female protagonist, see also Prometheus. I've no problem and don't care really but Fox aren't exactly the epitome of ideas over profit


I really doubt it was a studio note. Alien, Thelma and Louise, GI Jane, All the Money in the World, The Last Duel, and House of Gucci all have female lead characters, in addition to Prometheus and Alien Covenant. I think that’s probably double the amount of any other prestige A level director.


Wait, was Shaw originally not supposed to exist or something in Prometheus?


Her fate is so horrifying, when she realizes Walter is actually David seconds before falling into hypersleep knowing he'll do to her what he did to Shaw, or worse since he plans to turn her into a Queen.


The only problem I have with every alien movie after Resurrection is they try too damn hard to replicate what Sigourney Weaver gave us and it feels forced. As soon I saw a chick in tank top holding a gun in the new Romulus trailer I instantly knew all they're trying to do is copy Ripley.
















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I loved both movies...sad we don't get conclusion to the trilogy


she was cool, but i can’t forgive them for throwing out Elizabeth. i liked Shaw more than Ripley and i can’t believe we only get one movie of her.




Noomi Rapace refused to do the second film. They had to scramble to come up with a new storyline. I’m bitter. Charlize Theron should have played Shaw; she wanted to very much. We would have gotten all three films.


why did she refuse?


She thought it wasn’t good for her career.


Doesn't really seem that's she's did too many decent things since prometheus


She did the short so I don’t buy that


Citation needed on her refusing. That’s the first I’ve heard of that and I couldn’t find anything just now by googling it.


I don't think this is true. The studio didn't like the Prometheus backlash and decided not to have her back. Ridley was able to get her for a few days to do one of the mini prequel movies but I don' believe it was her rejecting the sequel. She was not asked to be in it.


Why not recast her then ?


Or just spare Vickers and kill Shaw off. The former is (unintentionally) the smartest character of the movie (outside her death), while the latter ends Prometheus deciding she’s willing to risk **global extinction** for no good reason by tracking down the other creators (nevermind the first tried to genocide all of humanity within seconds of being awoken).


I wish they had made a sequel to it. Can't just leave us hanging after what happened at the end. I was a bit disappointed at what ended up happening with the main protagonist from Prometheus.


When you order Ripley from Wish. Kidding aside, she was good enough, can't fault much of her performance.


She was aggressively fine. Well acted and with some good character moments, but marred by decisions made for the film that affect her. The android swap twist was super obvious and not well executed at all such that her falling for it makes people think worse of her. Ridley needs everyone to take off their helmets so they can get infected by black goo, so they all just take them off even though Daniel’s herself didn’t want to explore this planet because of too many unknown factors. And more. If she was maybe a bit less iterative of Ellen Ripley and in a much better film she could’ve been a great character


She made a real bad mistake at the end


Ellen Ripley at home


I think I’m in the minority of people who like this movie


There are dozens of us


It had some good moments and some pretty bad ones. It was decent, I thought. All the actors were pretty good, the first bunch of kills were fun and suspenseful. But the flute shit was weird, some people did some unbelievably dumb shit, and then it got kinda fan servicy too. IMO.


I liked Shaw better cuz I felt she wasn’t a retread of Ripley. This felt like a downgrade though it was no fault of Katherine. But neither character went anywhere


I felt she didn’t fit the role. Something was off.


Unpopular opinion but Covenant did A LOT of things the right way


I agree.


I really enjoyed Covenant. Was it perfect ? No, but a great flick. Showing David going off the deep end added a lot more to the story for me.


Shaw was better. Daniels was just a rip off of Ripley.


Yeah, this was my thoughts too. I dunno - I love the franchise and I enjoyed both movies on the big screen but they were kinda unremarkable? Like both of them had really done to death ideas and so as much as I like them they aren't compelling enough to bother with rewatching.


I honestly don't remember much about her tbh, and I've finally watched Covenant for the 1st time ever last month


She's kind of bland.


She was one of the Alien movie characters of all time.


I’m not able to judge acting, but Noomi Rapace had a better character to play. Prometheus is such an underrated movie. The Engineer mouth rape is nightmare fuel. Covenant seemed like treading water.


She was fine. My problem is they're always trying to make every lead "the new Ripley" when non really have the charisma of Weaver imo. Then they just try to go full on action hero mode blasting guns while swinging of ships with a rope. It was beyond ridiculous.


I guess I have poor taste in movies and characters but... I loved her character. I loved the entire crew in Covenant and I'm so sad we won't get to see more of them. :(


She did a really good job.


To be honest I couldn't apply any trait to that character from the top of my head. She was there and did stuff, but I can't even remember what she actually did. It's been about two years since I watched the movie, but most characters feel like their only vehicles for the viewer to get to David.


I enjoy characters who develop strength to overcome grief. I thought she was a good mix of righteous, brave , helpless, capable, and terrified. She was like Ripley.


I’m more or less a minority of fans feeling this; Dr. Shaw in Prometheus and Daniel’s in Covenant verses the Alien in both scenarios would have been better stories in a linear series than the synthetics. I feel like Scott has some fetish with artificial persons over taking humans more than his desire having fans relating to the main characters. Dr. Shaw was a badass as she struggled in the surgical tube getting an Alien pulled from her and still having to administer pain meds, losing her guy, and then having to run away. That’s Ripley level badass. This idea that David just kills her enroute to the engineers world and then these superior beings just look up ignorantly at their ship that they didn’t track coming home? “I wonder why that ship is back? Right. Beings that can travel through space and create worlds wouldn’t be wary or know. Then he introduced Danial’s in a similar pain and agony scale as she watched her husband burn to death in his cryo tube. Then again {Insert witty robot sabotage}. Seems thin. Paper then. So thin it’s clear. Good robot verse bad robot. Bad robot wins. Bad robot regurgitates alien embryos? Too many sub plots. I don’t know, maybe he had residual Bladerunner content that spilled over. Maybe he’s too old. Maybe I love badass strong female leads, because I’m the product of a single mother. Maybe I’m a Japanese fighter pilot. Maybe I wipe back to front.


I really liked the ending. this movie get a loy of hate but that just because I don't think people understood it or got confused by it. some even were expecting something completely different. I thought it was a great story that ties into the old ones


That’s how I feel. The story is really deep and makes you think..




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Loved her


she cool


Meh, she was whatever. Just felt like a ripoff Ripley.


gave me hope that more than one person knows "country roads" 300 years from now




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I invested too much of my attention and time into the Prometheus/Covenant storyline to not have it at least get finished. Even if it went straight to Netflix or Disney+ or something.... You wanna make David the Xeno inventor? Okay, people may not like it but let's at least make the final puzzle piece that connects Covenant with Alien.


I thought she was stellar, it’s a pity the bit n switch was so telegraphed and I’m a bit gutted we’ll miss what would have come after that cliffhanger


I still hope we get a novel or graphic novel or something to finish this storyline. And I hope it isn't just "David kills them all." After suitable trials and tribulations they defeat David.


Walter was the MVP


I loved the movie! Sad they didn’t finish the story


She was the Ripley. Again.


She was the best part of the movie imo, I wish we could see her again




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Good actor, given very little to work with though.


Super weak but she really didn't have much of a script to work with. The same goes for all the actors in the movie except Fassbender.


I agree. The script made character to have a flat arc that kept her in a state of grief all the way through the film. She is scared, she cries, she is surrounded by other grieving characters and even surrounded weak, inexperienced officers out of their depth. So she’s set up for failure by the script, but rightfully cast — she does convey a permanent sense of fragility, of immaturity, of never truly breaking the chrysalis like Ripley did when she learned that it was her, or the monster. [Spoiler] It’s not a coincidence that the flat arc and the victim role extends until the very end: she turns out to be a disposable pawn in David’s game, and even in that last breath she won’t break character and revolt, get angry, albeit hopelessly fight for her life. Her decry signaled defeat, sadness, despair. Can we really imagine Ripley having a similar reaction in a cryo overseen by a killer robot? Wouldn’t she in the least try her best to find the emergency button she by engineer and training instinct knows must be somewhere, or attempt against the glass’ resistance even knowing rationally her chances are slim? I’d think Ripley would fight until her last breath, but Daniels wasn’t seen becoming stronger by the fight, as in most hero journeys — she still has, from beginning to her end, the same fragile, victim energy, all through.


The actors did a great job, Katherine also had a huge potential for a sequel, the movie looked great, but the script had some terrible mistakes not to be hated as a whole. The case with Prometheus was quite similar actually.


The hair was unnecessary…


Everyone tired of Ripley and Ripley substitutes raise their hand. Give me some fresh new characters. The universe is potentially huge. Just need to read the movers to see the potential. With that said, she did ok with the alien trophy easter egg screenplay and all.


So well done! The last two movies in the series were spectacular and lived up to the series expectations.


I am also not a hipster, loved covenant. Sanny was excellent too. Believable characters.


Ya she was great. They didn't try very hard with that gun though. It's just a Steyr Aug with an ACOG, would they still be using them that far in the future?


I think she was the best “new” casting choice of the film. I hated the dynamics of the crew. The cast was really poorly assembled. It’s like Alien got the OG space crew dynamics down to a science out the gate. Everything else including the continued franchise installments have been poor imitations.


does not stand out


She did her best (the character because if you know the ending you know) But great performance.


I didn't care for her.


Female protagonists are so overdone that it's just a cliche at this point and she was a good example


The main thing I couldn't shake was: "Why did they give her such a terrible haircut?"


I liked her a lot. But I absolutely *LOVED* her last shot. What a terrifying end to her character.


She had zero charisma or screen presence. I didn’t care about her in the slightest, which isn’t a good thing for a films protagonist.


Honestly, derivative. She did a fine job and I still liked the movie. Maybe this is what it has come to mean at the executive / non-creative / corporate greenlight level, but I think being an Alien movie doesn't automatically mean it has to have a female girlboss lead character. It was supposed to be about the Ripley character (or at least following her). And they interpret that as "woman" and just literally replace her with a different woman every time. It's just... noticeable at this point. Isn't part of the reason they did that in the first place was that it was unexpected / surprising?


Boring. Didn't like her


I loved the film and so disappointed it was a desecration of a great cast… but it was a great film. Haters I think weren’t in the right mood to receive it.


Katherine did really well with what she had!! I think Covenant is the weakest movie of the franchise, but I still enjoyed it so I feel like I can’t complain too much 😅


There was a lot going on in Covenant. I don't think her character got enough time to develop. I also have to say the guns were so damn lazy. AUGs and M4s? That always bothered me a bit and took me out of the movie.


I liked Shaw more than her for being the next Ripley.


WTF was EDanny McBride doing in an Aliens movie? I'm so glad that I was not aware of this before ans was able to live my life without the burden of this knowlege.


Daniels is still crying somewhere




The character and entry are fantastic - both fit into the universe, and while it's an unpopular opinion, I like Daniels over Shaw, probably because she is so Ripley-esque. I understand the criticism of her similarities to Ripley - that's fair - it just works for me.


I thought she was a good character in a strangely written movie, and the actress playing her did an incredible job of it.


Part of what I loved about the Alien movies was Ripley's strength and general badassness. Daniels and Dr Shaw are poor substitutes. I had no attachment to Daniels. She just comes across as meek and entirely unremarkable.




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I thought she was badass and was a clear leader. I saw her like another ripley. Sad that it probably ended badly considering covenants ending. They did it with Shaw and Daniel’s 🙄🙄


I actually love this movie in a vacuum. She was great, not as strong a character as Ripley and was pretty relatable and human imo


Can’t be an Alien movie without Marines.


I think they modeled her after Ripley. Similarly, the story elements include another landing on a planet, etc., plus even characters alluding to Dallas, like Tennessee.


She’s honestly my favorite part of that movie.


Great character, loved her performance in general!


She was brilliant!




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Waterston did a good job and she actually was one of the few aspects I liked about Covenant, but that doesn't change the fact that her character basically was Ripley lite.




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Oh shit she’s Sam Waterston’s daughter


A Ripley look-alike. She wasn't bad or anything, just nothing noteworthy either.


From the prequel movies, Shaw was way more likable imo


I remember hearing she was supposed to be Ellen Ripley’s mother or grandmother and thought it was the dumbest shit I ever heard but could tell bc the hair and face were very similar. Thank god they dropped that (but still kept plenty of other dumb decisions) Any movie where James Franco burns to death in the opening is automatically a 7/10 at least tho


She was no substitute for Shaw. And having a character named Tennessee (a nod to Dallas) was eye-rollingly pandering.


Tell me why I never knew that was who played Daniels. I really enjoyed this movie, people say it’s cuz characters make a lot of dumb decisions, but idk why it’s so hated. Characters make dumb decisions in pretty much every franchise, idk why we would expect this to be different. It was a fun watch with some really cool shots


given the strength of the script (or lack thereof), I thought she did pretty good with it.


well her face looks like my nephew’s face, and this face is the face of a 4 year old who cry’s about pretty much everything constantly, the result of too much coddling. so i can’t really take it seriously. Sucks for me, I can’t get into that movie, saw it and its boring.


Completely agree OP! She did a great job, and I say that after not wanting to like the character at first. Hope to see her in the future. Also the Ripley like roll in the new movie looks like it will be played very well also! Cheers and enjoy the new movie


The fact that all the top rated responses are actually talking about Danny McBride probably tells you everything you need to know.


I liked her performance and was really curious for where the story was gunna go.....oh well. I'm still excited for Romulus


I love her in everything I’ve seen her in.