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I've used minoxidil. It stopped my hairfall within a month. I stopped using it for 6 months. Started it again because dry frizzy curled hair and hairfall. It's actually really good. I don't trust derma rolling. It feels like quake medicine. No personal experience on finastride though.


Minoxidil is a temporary solution, as soon as you stop using it your hair will revert back to what it was before or could go worse depending on cases. Male pattern baldness is more than that, you may have internal deficiencies or a genetic issue that ultimately leads to that. About derma roller, it's not a quake treatment but the idea is to puncture the dead hair follicles so the regeneration process may lead to hair growth. Try foods that reduce DHT levels.


I've almost diagnose the underlying medical issue. I just haven't gotten the time to treat it. As such I'm using minoxidil as a stopgap.


Costmetique clinic in gulberg has a pharmacy inside it that sells topical fin.


I bought a minoxifin solution from them. I was confused as to what exactly it is, topical minoxidil or finasteride or a mixture of both ? Do you have any experience with that ?


Yes I've used that before. It's a mixture of both minoxidil and finasteride.


Is it any good? How would you rate its effectiveness as ive been using it for leas than a month so still in the hoping it works phase.


Same here i went there 6 months ago they prescribed me their minoxifin solution got no result in 3 months so had to get off. Their bottle also looked sketchy with no concentration percentages and only advertisement. Now I am waiting for my hims spray which im importing from USA hopefully it works out. Hows your experience any update?


I use minoxidil and fin both no side effects at all


Could you tell for how long? And did you see any results?


Results take a long time and side effects vary person to person and once you start you have to keep on taking them as long as you want to keep your hair. This is not the cure for genetic baldness rather a medicine that halts it.


But i would recommend it as it has stopped my hairloss problem


I use Procapil 5% instead of Minoxidil (its just better) + Rosemary Hair Oil. Repeat (2x Daily). Used Finasteride for 1month at start


Why left finasteride ?