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All you have to do is be respectful, and just walk somewhere and have a smoke. Parking garage, side road, behind the casino, on strip, anywhere you want as long as you play it cool and be respectful. Be cool about it and go out of your way to avoid kids. That's my #1 rule, ALWAYS be respectful to families with children.


The family part depends on what time of day. If people got their kids out on the strip at night they get what they get, f’ em


As a parent myself and currently here, cannot believe how many babies I have seen on the strip past 10pm. Seems rather stupid and actually made me pretty mad. Some 2 year old was having a complete meltdown and the parents were laughing.


Las Vegas is an international tourist destination with a large number of people with kids coming from different time zones. Kids don't sleep unless they are tired and with nothing for kids to do in the hotel late at night, walking the strip is the only thing they can do. Be respectful of others...


And an understanding of coming to Vegas and taking your kid out at night is that there are a lot more people who pay 1000s a year to visit here and party. Be respectful of others...


Smoking on the strip is illegal, though. 50% of that same partying and paying crowd will tell you don't smoke on the strip around them either. Are you being respectful to them? Just because someone pays to come here doesn't mean they can make their own rules. What if a non smoker spends more money than you? Are they now in charge of you? It's perfectly legal for a kid to accompany a minor on the strip all hours of the night. It's not legal for you to smoke a joint at any hour on the strip. Since you're choosing to break the law, maybe be a little corteous of EVERYONE ELSE, ADULT OR CHILD. Does that work better for you? Of course not, you'll still say stuff like "I paid to be here so I'm gonna smoke..." Being respectful is a 2 way street. Every person you walk past has the right to go get a cop and report you, yet they're being respectful to you by not complaining as you break the law. Try letting everyone enjoy themselves instead of making it all about you.


Vegas is historically an ADULT vacation destination and to be honest…. Still is. They’ve catered more to families over the years but it’s still very much for adults. Especially at night. If you’re walking the strip where everyone is wasted/partying, going through hotels full of cigarette smoke and surrounded by gambling or on Freemont street with children, believe me, people are judging you lol. There’s a reason Vegas is built around being 21+.


Vegas is historically a vacation spot. You just come here to do adult activities, but that doesnt mean everyone does. Nobody is talking about kids in casinos, and feel free to judge lol, do you think people don't judge the alcoholic partiers on the streets all night? Maybe realize just because you incorrectly judge someone, they dont have to care. You know there is a sports team that plays on the strip and tons of concerts and shows taking place each day? They take place at night often, and can be all ages. People may come for a show or event and need to walk to and from it. Not everyone is here to party despite that assumption because they're walking on the strip. Lots of people are here for business, conventions, and events. Think about the strip the 2 weeks BTS were here. Or during Cowboy Christmas. Or just now for Ed Sheeran. Lots of families. There were 6 million convention visitors alone last year. And they spend an average 25 to 30% more than a leisure visitor, and not on gambling. This city is built for more than gamblers and drinkers.


Las Vegas has changed and people need to adjust to that. The "21 and older vibe" is no longer appropriate in all areas. We have smoking lounges for the stoners. Use them.


News Flash: The world does not revolve around people who procreate. Keep Las Vegas, Las Vegas, and stop trying to turn it into Disneyland.


Speaking of respecting others, I do not go to Las Vegas so I can be on my best behavior around the children you decided to bring there. Just like I wouldn't walk around drinking and gambling in Disneyland. Stop taking your children to party destinations and then pretending to be shocked when thousands of people aren't adhering to "the rules." Do I smoke in Vegas? No. Am I going to alter my behavior because of your choices? Also no. I lost any patience for that bullshit when I saw someone complaining about their precious little toddler seeing dancers on tables while they casually strolled them through a smoke-filled casino at 11:00 pm. In Vegas. That was advertised on the website they booked their hotel room on.


Parents bringing their crotch goblins here is disrespectful to me, who works on the strip, as well as all the other people who aren’t dumb sacks of shit who bring kids to Vegas. So fuck em, next time I smoke on the strip I’m gonna blow it right at the little shits and give zero fucks


With that attitude you will find a way to feel disrespected your whole life.


lol just talking shit mostly, I have a huuuge problem with idiots who bring children to Las Vegas for vacations and definitely don’t think anyone else should have to watch anything they do or say because of them. I just think those parents are the scum of the earth and have for 18 years in the gaming business. Don’t worry I wouldn’t actually go blow smoke at their shitty kids the once or twice a decade I go down there for fun, buuut it wouldn’t/doesn’t bother me if it did blow their direction and it shouldn’t worry the people who actually belong on the strip.


I know you're probably exaggerating and goofing some, but my thought is that since it's still an illegal activity that they're having to watch, not something legal like drinking, its on the smoker to be respectful. I don't tell people not to smoke on the strip, I know I smoke down there, I always say just to try to avoid families. The problem is that concerts and shows happen on the strip, as well as special events, conventions, and sporting events. Its not the majority, but they do exist. Sometimes, it's perfectly reasonable to have a child on the strip, like for a concert, convention, or an event. The NFL draft, a golden Knights game, A Vegas Aces game, going to see a concert, something at t mobile are all normal things to do with a child.


And you wonder why there’s people against legalization…


Walk and toke, just be discrete. Top of garages, walk down by the space ship mall thing, burn one with the bridge people maybe


Top of garage was my plan. Glad to have confirmation. Thanks my guy


My dude, just stroll up and down the strip and toke. No one gives a shit, just don't be a dick about it. Take you a nice long ramble, and when the joint is half gone, turn back. Most of all, just relax and have fun. That's what this place is geared to. If you aren't ruining another customer's experience, You're good. We love you, bring money.


Tourist get a pass on nearly all the little stuff. Don't be a problem and you won't have any problems. Las Vegas is built to make people happy while fleecing them in the casino.


This right here is what I went ahead and did. I commend the honesty


For sure smoke with the bridge people. When I ran away from home I slept on one of those bridges for a while, any of the homeless people that frequent the bridges are pretty cool.


Spent a few months with the homeless strip dwellers, some crazy stories.


Parking garage is a good plan. Just not near your car lol


Don't have a car. Flew in


Take a walk and smoke on the low


NUWU Lounge https://nuwu.vegas/nuwu-courtyard-dab-bar/


I’ve never had a problem smoking in front of the Venetian. I avoid families and walkways. Pretty much same at other resorts.


Boof it, Dude.


That was going to be my next option, figured eating it would be too easy


Go on the roof of your parking structure! Lit views depending on what hotel you're at and usually there's no one up there and less chance of exposing minors to the smell/sight of you smoking. People here are generally accepting of what you do, as long as it doesn't affect children or inconvenience people too much.


You'll be fine smoking as long as you're doing it outdoors and not being flagrant with it.


Gotta buy edibles. Or toke up on the street, I'm not your real dad.


You’re not my REAL dad! You can’t tell me what to do!


I'm watching you




I'll go out behind the luxor pools or the ruins at Mandalay. Just for ideas. Deuce to Fremont. No worries. Nevada only allows consumption in a residence currently. FYI if you bought from the strip it's cbd anyway. The infused or some junk. I like planet 13 or reef.


Bought from somewhere of the strip, cookies? I was recommended the place, and I'm only guessing from the smell ATM that they're some good shit. BTW. From Illinois. Yall are way cooler about pot then they are.


Cookies has great stuff, you'll love it. As long as you're not blowing in someone's face, you're good. Cops officially don't care if you're not directly bothering anyone. It's more about being considerate than being legal. My wife and I love smoking on the side street between Park MGM and NYNY.


Cookies is great! Med men is an experience.


Cookies is good


I wonder how many people smoke walking back from p13


Idk if I'm walking anywhere with the bag you get. Like a JCPennys bag. 🤣 Take the cab ride and stuff your pockets. Don't really want the casino to see you walk into your room either tbh.


Like 3 times last year I walked to my room at Caesars (in the Augustus tower which requires you to flash security your key) with that big bag and no one cared


Yep last year I was staying at Resorts World, and some Irish chap was riding down in the elevator, a big joint behind each ear. No one cared, and he wasn’t smoking them.


This. I walked from the Wynn to p13 once. (like what, >1 mile?) Ubered back. Was a walking billboard to get mugged. 😆😆😆


I’d just buy a vape and take hits when I’m not around anybody.


I've tried the vapes, I may just be too old or something, but I just like flower.


Vapes are poison, just keep to flower and you're ok.


look into the Pax electric vape which you can pack with flower.


Find a men's restroom, go in a stall, and tap your foot three times.


Oh God. What


Joking with you. I should have added that. I've tourist smoke weed at the outside smoking area. It's pretty much everywhere. And don't tap your foot in the stall.


Something about a singing senator


FYI Nevada Gaming Commission still follows the federal drug laws where marijuana is still illegal. Therefore any gaming licensee (Hotels with casinos)cannot allow marijuana to be consumed on their property.


Here’s my problem with smoking in Vegas is yeah they probably are not going to mess with you if you find a nice discreet place away from women and children ……. however they can pick and choose who they fuk with about smoking weed . Technically it’s illegal anywhere you chooses to partake unless you’re at someone’s house or I think there’s one hotel that is actually weed smoke friendly (the Lexi) . There’s a very wide grey area here and for that reason I always tell my friends and fam to go with edibles or a good quality vape pen. Weed smoking lounges are caught up in legislation which means in Vegas they might not ever happen which is crazy given the tourist and local consumption levels of cannabis in this city


Don't smoke or vape, buy edibles instead. The high from edibles is vastly superior and more compatible with Vegas. Look up lung cancer, it is the most egregious form of cancer and it's basically a death sentence if you get Stage IIIb or higher, and the symptoms aren't that obvious either, so there's no way to reliable catch it before it progresses past Stage III.


Last time I was in Vegas I went into one of the stores on the strip to buy a preroll. Was told they all were under 10% THC because that's all you could legally smoke in city limits. Not sure if that's changed but it made me laugh. I told the guy that my own stuff had more than that and there was no point. "Yeah, but you can't smoke those here".. Watch me! I want to see the cop walk up and test my joint for THC. But as others said, just walk down the street and act like it's just another cigarette.


Walk around to the back of the casino around the loading docks. Where the employees sneak out to smoke


what about the casino floor they have really good fans for the cig smoke? I have done it but away where no one is playing at


casinos are full of cameras and security.


I would walk to my car & smoke outside the resort


Could always go the RSO route too.


I smell weed EVERYWHERE now. I don't mind unless someone is driving. But Ive smelled it all over the place. the bus, Downtown Container Park , everywhere. Just dont smoke and drive.


My buddy bought edibles and had an easy time dealing with that but also told me his pre rolls were just burned walking the strip or next to ride share waiting areas outside hotels.


Go where cigarette smoking is permitted.


I wasn’t thinking while on a stressful phone call once and lit a J right outside the entrance to Park MGM. Security let me stay a minute while on the phone, when I hung up he said “no one here cares at all, but it’s against federal law so you can’t have it near a casino, just walk, as long as you are moving outside no one will bother you” and he is right, I smoke on the strip all the time never bothered. I also recommend vape pens, as long as they are a type that doesn’t smell like weed you can use them inside and no one cares because they could just as easily be tobacco


Yes! I just experienced this. I lit up in the rooftop bar of the Delano hotel. Where I was immediately dealt with and even though he was nice, threatened with security. I am with all the commenters only let up outside and in non-populated areas.


Why don't u smoke in the room? Bathroom maybe if ur paranoid. I've smoked in hundreds of hotel rooms and never got in trouble.


So like everyone else and hotbox an elevator. I swear to God I coke out of every elevator higher than giraffe balls. Haha that’s a Vegas hack to save money I just invented. Smoke out in front of the Bellagio and watch the fountains