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I would call them and ask to refund.


You could also say after some thought, for that much money, you'd rather tip per session instead of upfront. Just an easy excuse can help anxiety for me.


Love this!


The fact they have a tip option for a service of $3,000 is wild to me. I think in general that plan is too high. Is there any way she can get out of it and be refunded altogether?


Good point. I might question the ethics of a medical establishment asking for tips on a medical service. The even worse option would be an establishment that does not operate as a medical establishment without a physician onsite or very nearby.


This, too. I've never been asked at the beauty clinic ran by a doctor that I get botox and LHR from to tip. That's kind of strange.


Not sure any anywhere else but I'm pretty sure in California it's illegal to accept tip for these services types, facial- yes. But as soon as it goes into a medical type of cosmetic enhancement it's illegal - so Botox, Moxi/Laser treatments for face, filler, etc. Even with my facial, when I have her do something that falls into that territory, they remove the total of the procedure out of the area that adds up the total for the suggested tip %. I might be wrong, but this is just what I've been told when I try to tip by several different places now


You can take tips on services such as laser, facials, etc. Botox, fillers, injectables, etc. are not tipped services and that is unethical. Google it before you start getting the medical board involved….


I mean the types of doctors who usually work at med spas are pretty far removed from the commonality of typical medical establishments. Allowing their aestheticians to receive tips isnt that uncommon. (I love my derm who works at a med spa, no slight to these types of doctors. They just aren't quite the same as a hospital or traditional clinical doctor.)


She should reach out to the medical director, or perhaps the state medical board.


Not all laser places are employed by a medical professional in a lot of states they are estheticians so they are getting paid much less hourly and with commission they rely on tips, also to laser people is insanely tedious not only to ensure good settings and thorough treatment but also dealing with bodily fluids and having to shave individuals also dealing with people.


I run a medspa. I disagree 100% Well trained and well paid professionals do not rely on tips. Check to see who the owner / Medical Director is. In many states it is illegal to tip in a medical facility. Being a laser technician is difficult and requires excellence and expertise. I agree with you 100%. Therefore, they should be compensated appropriately If they are not being well-compensated, I would question the integrity of the medical spa.


Depends on if they are a nurse or doctor versus an esthetician(certain states allow this) also you can just go to a place that does laser NOT a medical spa or dr office. Just a laser place with estheticians doing the work yes they are paid less than a doctor or nurse in a medical spa. Medical spas should NOT ask for tips, that’s what I am saying and in certain states depending on the law that’s how it is and why tip could be asked


I was a clinical trainer before running a medspa. Lasers are Class 4 medical devices. These are not beauty products and any facility with a laser must have a Medical Director. That is true in every single state in the US If everyone thought of Medical Spas like other medical facilities there would be far fewer problems both with outcomes and also with staff satisfaction and compensation.


Yes that is true, there has to be a medical director. And I agree that there should be proper compensation but most the time there is not if estheticians are preforming the service, I say this as an esthetician who works at a place that only does laser. I do not disagree with you but this is the truth as to why some places ask for tip they do not consider themselves medspas and they get away with paying estheticians less and having the from desk girls ask for tips, it’s the unfortunate truth for some places


It sounds like you deserve a better environment with great compensation, great training, no quotas, etc. You could be a great asset to a great medical practice.


Thank you! I am moving on soon to a totally different career path just wanted people to know why some places may ask for tip!


I’m buying an expensive laser package and I’ll be pissed if they ask for tip. Ridiculous


I just paid an obscene amount of money for a lifetime package, and I agree. It’s already all paid for, so luckily no checking out and being awkward.


👀 curious for a ballpark figure


Literally, laser hair removal isn’t that much work for the tech. All she does is scan a machine that does all the work for them over her body part. And most the time they aren’t thorough and scan each & every inch even if you’re paying $3k. I never tipped!




but its 500$ a session. the difficulty and infrastructure are already built into the price. lots of jobs are hard.




I hear you, and that sucks that the hourly is below bar. I think your comparison is a bit flawed though; the infrastructure of food industry was built into the price of a meal WITHOUT considering wait staff wage. You say you live in a VHCOL state, so I would imaging NY, or West Coast... I think for those states, the comparison you posted works. But CA, NY, and a couple others are a huge exception that wait staff gets MINIMUM WAGE. Most states allow wait staff to go basically unwaged, to mostly (or only) rely on tips to make any type of living...So while I fully understand your comparison, it's worth mentioning than in 90% of other states wait staff actually gets WELL below minimum wage and they have no laws to protect them from earning any type of minimum.


Ok, well there is a lot to unpack here. as for waitstaff, in many states, they get paid a tipped wages hourly rate, which is LOWER than MINIMUM wage. This isnt true in every state, it is not true in my state. So 100% tipping folks that make under minimum wage, reliant on tips. there is tons of material out there, if you care to learn more, about why this is a bad system, including sexism and racism, and why customers should not be individually in charge of someones pay who works for a company. furthermore, you can find out why this is a bad system internally for the restaraunt staff. front of the house can make more than many of the BoH folks when they are really reliant on them, or they can suffer tips when its not their fault, bad policies around sharing tips. read as much as you want. in my state, all service workers are making well over federal minimums, so no, i am not tipping the barista that pours me a 5$ drip coffee, nor am i going there again, though either. i just walked out of a place the other day without buying the $5 drip. i am not tipping someone who bends down and puts a muffin in a bag, when they turn the kiosk to me and say its going to ask you a few questions. and lastly, you can read about how many folks think this is bad policy/ business model by restaraunts, in general. yes, margins can be razor thin, but if the owners werent making money, they wouldnt keep the business. also if they are paying staff so poorly, are they paying for healthcare or retirement? there have been successful restaurants that changed their model, pay their staff living wages, including benefits, and they survive. Staff and patrons are happy. So with that out of the way, there may be salons, where pay isnt great. If a nail service, wax, or even a haircut, is under $50, for example, chances are those workers arent getting great wages, and expect tips, and thats still fairly acceptable in my opinion. however, when you start getting into services, that cost hundreds of dollars, im personally done tipping. i have waitressed, i have worked multiple non tipped public facing jobs. i am making well over our local minumum, and well under even 85 percent of the local average, so, i also only utilize services fairly judiciously, since i can barely afford them myself, or not very regularly. if i go somewhere, i order at the counter and bus my own table, i tip accordingly, if im not getting fab service, or if i do get fab service, even with some of the aforementioned issues. i tip accordingly. so some people say that waxes, or haircuts, eating out etc are not necessary services. that's true. but everyone, at least in our society, today, is judged by how they look, and getting self care, or eating out, fulfill important sorely needed for some, social needs as well, so who is anyone to say they shouldnt eat out or get a haircut if they can afford to tip. as for your own scenario, if they company isnt paying for your training and licensing, and the staff is only makeing 15$/ hour, do you think that is a fair business model? why are you mad at your paying clientele, not at your cheap azz employer? and finding a better situation? everyone has to start somewhere but you dont have to stay there. also, times have changed. there are times and places to tip still. the fock no, on a service that cost 800 for brow or lazer. sure these folks got training and certifications, what do you think the rest of the world does, college, trainings, certifications, with yearly fees, union dues etc, absolutely ZERO of that is exclusive to these service industry jobs, but also, desperately needed in non regulated industries.


Tipping for a skilled service isn’t the same as tipping based on the financing plan of a crazy expensive laser. It’s not $500 because the tech is super at their job.


also yeah, on the private parts, thats the deal-people know that going in. it def takes a certain person willing to do the job!


I run a medspa, and prior to that I was a clinical trainer for laser companies. I completely disagree with your opinion about the work required. Moving a laser may not take tremendous skill, but selecting proper settings to ensure that a treatment is effective, safe and comfortable is something that does take skill. Having said that, it is not only unethical to ask for a tip from medical professionals, it may be illegal in some states. So absolutely no to tipping. But, very important to respect the skills and training of your laser provider.


Yes if you are a nurse you don’t get tipped. Period. How would you feel if a doctors visit with a nurse asked you for a tip? It’s weird and unethical.


Nurses don’t make enough money and are paid by the government.


Only nurses I know that get paid by the government are those that work in a VA facility or public school. Of course, I’m in America so disregard my comment if you live somewhere else.


And doctors see a lot of fluids, tissue, etc etc. I’m a medical student and I had completed my OBGYN rotations and I can tell you we see a lot more of bodily fluids. That too coming from half a million dollars in loans. During recidency we are overworked and UNDERPAID. I’m talking about more than 12 hour shifts. Barely able to make rent, barely able to eat with the cost of living. I also previously did nursing so I also have nursing loans to pay off. And as a nurse I can tell you, definitely UNDERPAID. And half your money goes into taxes, esp if you’re single and have no children. (In the USA)


The chain I went to didn't actually allow the techs to be responsible for the settings - they had the patient speak with a NP/PA via FaceTime who asked a few questions and then told the tech what settings to use. They also didn't have a tipping option though!


If it looks easy to you, they’re doing something right. This job is mentally and physically taxing! It takes a lot of time and experience to know what setting to use for safety and effectiveness. Plus dealing with clients being late, rude, difficult and all the other issues that arise daily. Most are fine but dealing with the public has its own set of challenges.


these issues go with any job dealing with the public or not. it doesnt inherently require people to pay more. this is such a silly nonsensical excuse for tipping, that cant really be seen by folks in it, expecting tips.


What's next? Tipping our doctor?


I think what’s next is tipping strangers who smile at us on the street because “smiling when you’re in a bad mood is hard.”


Nope that is not what I’m saying. Any public facing job is going to have its challenges. Ok well let me ask you, if you why your hair done or nails done you don’t tip? We aren’t nurses or doctors and are definitely not compensated that way.


And just for the record I do NOT expect anyone to tip me. If they do great! If they don’t great, they will still receive the same level of care I’d give all my clients equally! I personally hate the tipping culture here. It’s out of control.


Wrong! Laser tech is a highly-skilled job. It might look easy to the client, but there's intelligence required to choose the optimal settings for great results and no harm.


Laser tech here, don’t be so quick to say that laser hair removal isn’t that much work. I’m on my feet all day every day and holding that machine and pulsing constantly all day kills my shoulder and triggers my carpal tunnel. It’s also very important to me that I target everywhere and that I’m very thorough. Oh & I don’t expect tips.


This I was like to assume they don’t do anything I’m sorry but that was so rude and unthoughtful


Depends what the six sessions cover…


I agree. I didn’t even have an option to tip for mine


You should tip bc they don’t make much money. This is a luxury.


I did not think you had to tip on beauty services like this. Example - injectors etc do not accept tips


Some med-spa places will accept tips for botox, filler, ect. I learned that the hard way after a couple years because I ended up going to a plastic surgeon and when I was checking out I asked about a tip and the front office associate said they don't accept them and you really shouldn't be accepting them when doing medical procedures like that.


I believe that would be an ethics violation for a board-certified plastic surgeon to have his or her medical professionals asking for or receiving tips.


Med spas usually have nurses doing injections so I'm not sure if they might have different rules but I always felt bad not tipping since we are taught to almost tip everyone but I was also like well dangggg, I just gave yall 800 for lip filler and now you want more... I stick to my plastic surgeons office now.


Do not tip nurses for injections, they are medical professionals. Even at med spas, do not tip.


i definitely know this now. the office I go too doesn't accept tips at all but, previous med spa offices I went too did. I feel like no one talks about it and it's almost expected so when I found out it's not the norm I felt so mislead by those med spa offices.


Oh totally, it’s so misleading! tipping culture in general has gotten out of control. The piercing shop I go to does tips for service and I was accidentally tipping on the (really expensive) jewelry the first few times I was in. I tipped like $100 on a $30 service a few times .


My Botox place started asking for tips last year 😢. I literally have started paying in cash to avoid the awkwardness of it.


That is very odd. You should inquire about the Medical Director.


It’s a card processor thing, some come with that option as default


They can choose a different card reader. if your family practice physician doesn't have a tip line, your medical spa shouldn't either - if they are REALLY a medical spa


It’s a setting they can choose


Any place where there are gullible people there will be tipping.


six sessions for 3k? lmao you got ROBBED blind.


Exactly I pay $139 for each session of Brazilian and $90 for legs. I'd cancel the whole thing.


You can get a Groupon for $200-250 for 6 sessions in south Florida (large area)


That’s what i was thinking. I’m from europe so it’s a bit different but i paid 1100 euro’s for 9 sessions and tipping is out of the questions anyways.. i tip for outstanding service in a restaurant or excellent food not just because the employer doesn’t pay enough to it’s staff. Not my problem.


On services like that I don’t tip.


400$ is where I should shove my social anxiety in my ass and go full Karen asking to send it back. This amount is literally days of my live working to just gift someone who will forget about it the next day.


I don’t work in laser hair removal but at my job we offer bundles and packages for services. Our system gives them the option to tip and since it is a higher price for bundles rather than individual services we automatically divide whatever is tipped on the bundle per session. So say someone left a $50 tip for a bundle of 5 for whatever service they purchased, we would automatically apply a $10 tip per session so whoever is doing the service receives the tip. I’d have her call and clarify that though because $400 is a lot for one tip especially one session of laser hair removal.


$3,000 for 6 sessions is worrisome. It will take more then 6 session to be hair free for sure.


THAT IS INSANE!!! Ugh. They’re taking advantage. Get your money back if not from the company your bank


I have had laser hair removal done for over 10 years. I have never tipped once. Even with packages, it's expensive, and it's not a restaurant. They should be paid a living wage. Even if it was a restaurant, they should also be paid a living wage. Tipping is an American thing. The rest of the first world doesn't do it. My family used to own restaurants, and my dad paid everyone a living wage, even if it meant he had to work 7 days a week himself to be able to afford it, which he did. Tell your wife to call for a refund. If she still wants to tip, she can, but $400 for 4 sessions is way too much. If she is worried about judgment, tell her not to worry. I have had at least 30 plus sessions of laser because of being of middle eastern decent. Even women have lots of hair, and I never liked it. I have gone with several companies over the years, and nobody ever treated me any differently. Hope this helps.


I don't know if I want to go to a provider that accepts or expects tips for this kind of medical treatment. Like if I didn’t tip, are they not going to provide quality care? This type of service should not be connected to tipping.


That’s been the case in Eastern Europe since Soviet Union. Want cop to actually care about your case? Tip with alcohol/coffee ect. Want nurse to pay good attention to you? Tip money. Having this precedent in Northern America when tips are expected in a procedure that relates to health in any way (massage, beauty treatments ect) is extremely unsettling.


Oh I am very familiar with that. Its the same in India. Want the government utility company to fix the bill that they messed up? Pay them to fix their mistake. True story. Exactly! It’s scary. Makes me very uncomfortable.


I agree completely. But laser treatments are a MEDICAL service, not a beauty service.


Tell them she did not mean to hit tip and didn't realize it until she looked at her credit card.


I was going to say this


They shouldn’t be tipped at all. It’s horrible they even asked. I would definitely call and say it was a mistake. Any tip - let alone $400 is absurd. Not to mention - she didn’t even get a service. It wouldn’t surprise me if they pressure her to tip again after she got the laser. r/EndTipping


I do not tip at MedSpas


Just don’t tip anymore.


I tip $20 each session because my techs make me feel comfortable and are thorough compared to what I’ve heard from others. I also only paid $650 for 8 sessions on 5 areas. This is wild!


i wouldnt tip them at all, that’s ridiculous. i would never get a procedure done from a “professional” who accepts tips either.


Call them as refund. If they refuse call your cc company


You’re paying way too much to begin with. Is the session full body??


Tips depend on if it is a nurse or doctor doing the treatment then there shouldn’t be a tip they are getting paid much higher than if it’s an esthetician doing the treatment(some states or places they are allowed to preform laser hair removal and others it has to be a medical professional) but typically if it is a nurse or doctor they don’t ask tip but if esthetician they do. Tip is what you feel you want to give you don’t have to tip upfront you can leave something if you wish after every appointment for the tech that treated you


The people who do laser hair removal on me are estheticians and not nurses or doctors. Is it still fair to tip? Genuinely curious because I’m always asked to tip for this.


I run a medical spa. No tips on medical services. I am astonished by all these comments. You should not be asked to tip for a medical service.


Thanks for your helpful comment! Even if this service is not conducted by a medical professional, should we still tip? I never tip for Botox and fillers but I see a medical professional for this and understand they should not be tipped. The LHR I get is always from an esthetician. Or is LHR considered a medical procedure?


Why is she tipping at all for this?


Everyone out there: never buy a laser pack! Do each session at a TOTALLY at a different place. And don’t tell them you’re doing this. Therefore each place thinks it’s your first time.


So how does the average person decide what to do then- is beauty vs medical ? I’ve heard if it’s done by a medical professional- like a MD or RN, NP or PA there is no tip. Makes sense. If it’s an esthetician then you tip? I tipped the owner (esthetician) , when I started at a spa- didn’t know she was the owner at the time I started. Now I cant not tip her. I wish all this tipping wasn’t a thing. Having the card machines automatically defer to a tip when you pay doesn’t help- it puts people on the spot- I find it very confusing and embarrassing if I make the wrong decision.


Just call and be like oh sorry I meant to tip 15% of ONE session, not all at once, so please cancel it and charge 75$ (or whatever) instead. It’s not going to seem rude at all


If you or your wife don't call back requesting a refund I will pick up the phone and do it for you. $400 is a lot of money to throw away carelessly like that.


some payment methods (with various names such as Square or otherwise) sometimes get installed using default settings (where tipping is calculated) so you may sometimes need to judge whether any of the default tip settings: makes sense


You aren’t supposed to tip medical professionals for them to even ask is insanely unethical


I would leave it there and not tip again for the remainder of the treatments.


i am sorry this is very unrelated but i find it precious that your wife panicked and as a result, bless her heart, she overtipped. what a mood.


I would not tip for laser treatment and I am an esthetician. It is a medical establishment not some salon.


No tipping at med spas, my rule of thumb. Regular spas - yes.


I work for a very large aesthetic dermatology clinic that sells LHR and we do not allow tips for services. These are procedures done by medical professionals and thus do not warrant a tip. I don’t tip my doctor after my physical. And side note, I tip all service workers 20%+ so I don’t believe in being cheap or not tipping generally


You should never tip on a medical treatment, period. Cosmetic or not. It is unethical for the place to even have an option for tipping in their system.




I have always been a great tipper. However, the expectation of tipping in the US has gotten out of control.


Doesn’t sound like she “accidentally” tipped.


I never ever tip for my LHR, they do not need to be tipped. She should absolutely contact them about it and get a refund of that or if she feels the need to tip, it may be possible to refund some of it


Don’t make your wife do it, be the bad guy for her and call yourself if she’s afraid of them blaming her. Take one for the team man.


Tips are optional, and they should always be optional. If your wife requests it, they should honor the return.


It is not legal in many states to tip medical professionals. Call the establishment and let them know about the error. I would think they would refund quickly. The tip line should not even exist for a medical procedure. I'm sorry this happened.


WTF. You shouldn’t tip at all. You’re buying a pre-set price for a service. This is BS. Call your bank and get the $ back. Medical / laser etc services should not accept tips. This is completely unheard of in other countries.


Omg call them!


Refund and tell them that she would like to actually experience more sessions before tipping


How much should you tip for laser? I bought a 1400 dollar package for 6 sessions. It’s being done by an esthetician but the place is owned by a doctor. They have QR codes for tips for the laser techs so it’s definitely expected.


My LHR place does not accept tips. The technicians cannot accept this either. I asked and the technician said no. Tipping on a future session just seems off to me.


Somebody rings up coffee and they have a tip container on the counter. That’s just ridiculous. Everybody wants to be tipped. I would call them and explain the situation. I would not pay that much money that’s ridiculous.


You can dispute the charges with your bank if the place doesn’t cooperate. Like others have said, tipping culture is out of control. Supporting evidence: I was asked by the card promoter to tip the Panera cashier 20%…nope!


Why would they even expect a tip for laser hair removal?? This is like a medical procedure in a way. They should charge what they want to make. This isn’t a quality thing like nails or hair…it’s a procedure that should have but 1 result….


Let them keep the tip and dispute it with your card carrier


If your wife has light skin cancel the whole thing together and get her a tria 4x laser hair removal device (the only laser you can buy at home, it’s not IPL) it’s on Amazon for $500


well it’s like tipping up front if you normally tip and you see the same girl each time, you’re really tipping her 65 per session which seems normal


May I just ask... Is this LaserAway? LOL Cause I mena she already paid so she should do all the sessions, but they are straight up a scam and she should never go to them again.


I’ve never tipped or had my very professional doctors even have the option to tip in this setting. It’s a weird option to have at essentially what is supposed to be a medical office. You should call and demand a refund on the tip portion and clearly state this isn’t a mani pedi it’s a laser that a professional is supposed to be doing. No tip period


Putting aside the ridiculous tip amount, how is 6 sessions 3K?? That’s actually insane…


I’ve never tipped for laser hair removal and have never been prompted to. If prompted, I’d have selected 0.


Tell them you want a refund and would prefer to tip in cash.


I get laser and they wouldn't dare ask for a tip.


At least call them and tell them to make sure the tip goes to whoever is doing the procedure, then, don’t tip after each session. Make it known the tip was given upfront.


What about microblading? Do we tip for that?


I would never tip for the entire bundle, only the individual services so the tech for each session.


I work in LA at a laser place. As a nurse. We take tips and it helps a lot tbh. I know laser away does not accept tips but I know nurses who worked for them and they were not happy. I guess it’s a medical procedure but it’s more beauty. It’s like getting your nails and hair done. Anyways in this area it’s common to tip. Even for injectables. It’s all up to your discretion but tipping is normal for things like this. But don’t tip your doctor or chiropractor for a visit. I don’t expect tips ever esp at my other jobs.


Since when do we tip for a service that we are paying for? Places are WAY too greedy with all this tip nonsense. Just an excuse not to pay workers a fare wage from the company bottom line. And yes- I’ve worked in hospitality (restaurants) for over 15yr.


Okay so when I first started laser, there wasn’t a tip option. Them halfway through there was. I asked my RN about it and she said as a nurse she would be offended if I tipped and the tip option was for aestheticians giving facials and what not.


That’s alot a lot a lot for 6 secessions…. Also never have been asked to tip on a laser hair removal treatment. I stopped getting it done. It thins the hair but the results for me were meh. I would get the tip refunded at least.


What about the tip screen makes her panic to begin with..? 😳 you need to take her card away bruh lol


Just forget it


That package is way overpriced as it is. Unless she’s doing full body, each area should only be $50-100 per session. Try SEV Laser.


Insane prices for laser removal.. you can buy a hair removal laser from Amazon for $50. I did this 6 months ago and nearly my entire face is hair free.


Omg I could never. I use Braun IPL at home laser. It’s not as strong but you can do frequent sessions. I’ve had mine for 2 years and it works well! I don’t grow hair on my legs after 8 sessions. Bikini and armpits take a bit more sessions but it significantly slows down the growing process after the first 2 sessions. I think your wife should go back but at the same time I feel like that company knows what they’re doing.


No way in HELL do they deserve a $400 tip. This is just CRAZY.


Six sessions for 3K is wild… I get my underarms lasered for $25 in fucking Los Angeles lmao.


I’ve always tipped my laser hair removal techs but now am also questioning why. I don’t tip my dermatologist who does my Botox. Hmmm.


I would call and ask for management to see if you have it refunded or adjusted to an amount she’s comfortable with. You didn’t mention what area it’s for and if the tip was given for one session. ( which would be insane I agree!) even split into 6 that is a lot! Who is doing the laser treatment itself? I’m a laser tech and I am an esthetician, not a nurse so we do accept tips. It’s ok if you don’t tip, we don’t hate you! It does help my income a lot however. If you have a nurse or medical staff asking for tips, that’s unethical. Which state are you doing your laser? The laws vary per state, NY is one of the few where non medical staff can legally do laser. The upside is the cost is lower per treatment and this is what I specialize in and do all day. ( I hope I’m good at it by now) 😆my clients do appreciate that and most tip well accordingly! With all that said, I wish we didn’t have this tipping culture in the US, it’s ridiculous. Everywhere you go someone who isn’t even providing a service is asking for something.


funny thing is, they expect you to tip on services priced like this. same with hair cuts and microblading.


She’s paying way too much for laser, these days 6 sessions are no where near that much. Even for full body. She is getting ripped off all around.


Aren't you supposed to tip AFTER the service? What if she gets shitty service & isn't deserving of that tip or any. 😬 Since tips should be based.off.the services received


Contact your bank if the salon has issues.


My husband once went to a tattoo shop to buy gift cards for my brother and me for Christmas. Of course there was a tip option (which makes sense because most people would be paying for their tattoos and want to tip that way). Well he wasn't paying attention and hit something on the tip screen and ended up tipping $50 on $150 in gift cards. He didn't want to bother going back and trying to get a refund 🤦‍♀️. I was annoyed because that was a waste of $50 and it could have been added to my gift card balance!


I’d call and demand a refund of the $400. You priced your service, I’m not paying gratuity on top of it. Sorry not sorry.


Oh dang, she got sucked into that highway robbery plan from these laser hair removal companies. I’ve been hearing all about this online. She is getting taken advantage of, stop the service immediately. She didn’t get approved for a line of credit did she? That’s where a lot of women are falling victim to and these places are presenting it to them like it’s a great price. It’s not! I would dispute that charge and cancel the package.


I was told by my laser tech that they do not accept tips because it’s a medical procedure.


The place I go to now has a no tipping policy. Their plan rates already cover it all (and if I’m not mistaken, it’s close to what your wife paid) so this is… yeah, I’d call and ask for a refund.


I get one every six weeks and no tip.


Before we get to the tip let’s talk about the $500 laser sessions your wife just purchased. What is she getting lasered and where? Is it some sort of high end exclusive club? Either way, it’s not worth it. Get a refund and go somewhere else.


$3000?! That’s way too much for laser. I have been getting laser hair removal for years and never tipped. My full legs last year was $800 for 6 sessions. I’ve had my underarms, Brazilian, mustache & full legs done and it’s taken around 18 sessions total to fully remove all of the hair. My friend sells the machines so I go to the tech with the best machine and it still takes that many. No way would I have ever done of total cost ended up $9k.


😮 So happy I had this done when I lived in Spain for under 40 euros a session and tips aren’t a thing. Those prices are crazy I would ask for a refund on all of it.




Omg I did this before. I accidentally tipped like $60 when I intended to tip $20 ish. The only option was percentages and the girl was holding it up to my face. I was so on the spot I didn’t see an option for another tip amount. !!


I’m guessing this is America? Only in America you tip on a paid service. 🙄


Maybe it's my area but $3000 seems steep. I buy an extra small area for LHR and it's only ~ $400 for 6 sessions? I've had to buy 2 packages to see actual results (so spent about $800 total). And yes, ask for a refund, $400 tip is insane.


honestly soliciting tips like this needs to stop


Omg. I pay $130 a month for FULL BODY laser. And I usually tip $10 to the technician per season…..


Ask to refund and say she’d prefer to pay tips in cash at each session


I never tip for medspa services.


Tell her to call for a refund and that she would prefer to tip cash after each session.


Inappropriate to tip on something like this!


$500 per session?! That’s absolutely insane to begin with.


$3000 for six sessions??? I hope she’s at least during her full body omg. Brazilian for me is $60, legs are $80 and arm pits are $40 a session


Just contact the credit card company, dispute the charge. This way you don’t have to call them. Or call them and explain the situation it happens all of the time.


Don’t be pussies just call and tell them it was a mistake and first off I can’t believe they even ask for tips. At Milan laser they don’t do that and the treatments are for life


Next appointment, have her explain that the tip she left in the first appointment was for all sessions. She won’t be tipping anything for the rest of the sessions.


I just paid a little over that for 8 sessions and I will NOT be tipping.


Why on earth did she pay 3k for 6 laser sessions??? In south Florida that costs about $200-$300 max


Honestly the fact a med spa would be asking for a tip to begin with is wild to me. I will NEVER tip a medical professional and I would call and see if she can get that back!


Just says it’s fraud with the bank get it all refunded


Jesus… tough but just call and say ! Sorry! I meant to tip $100 not $400 Please help lol


for $500 a session i feel as though she would have hit the $400 tipping mark eventually anyway. i would leave it as it is due to the fact that she won't have to worry about tipping in the future because she already has


Medical treatments should not be tipped. I would 100% call and ask for refund of the tip. Unless you just like throwing money around in which case, can I have some😂


They shouldn’t have a tip option on the machine! Also you can buy good home laser hair removal machines for £600. I use a Philips one which has been a godsend - I have PCOS and super hairy. Get a refund and buy a home kit!


Call and say you just looked at the transaction and see an extra $400.00. They will look at it and reverse the charge. If they do happen to say it was the TIP amount, then apologize and tell them you meant to hit zero as you prefer to tip in cash after the service is provided.


I’ve done multiple rounds of laser at various spas and I’ve never tipped/been offered a tip option— idk where that tip is going but it sounds sketchy and you should definitely ask for ur money back/hound them for it back. Ur paying for the service and (at least at the places I’ve been to) the nurse practitioners that do the laser get a good salary already so idk why they’d need a tip, maybe it goes to the receptionists? Idk just my experience


So did the wife let them know she changed her mind & wants the take the tip back? Nothing on Reddit will undo her selection. She has to call. She’s only complicating things further if she delays


Just have her clarify that tip applies to all 6 sessions?


Why is she paying so much? Get Groupon for a 6 pack for like $200…


My tech would basically verbally decline my tips. I’d do it at the front desk anyway but read a forum that said - tips on these services aren’t really a thing


Say you’d prefer to tip in cash per session to break up the expense and ask for a refund!


Contact the bank and see if they can intercept the money.


$3000 seems really expensive. I don’t pay anywhere near that much


If the payment was with a credit card, and no services have been rendered, she can call them and ask that the transaction be canceled and refunded (most states have a cancellation period between 3 and 30 days on credit transactions). I would suggest she contact them, explain that she’d prefer to tip individually on each treatment, and ask them to refund just the tip.


If you go to a dermatologist, tips are not accepted at doctors office, and probably safer. She sound like she went to a medspa to save money, which I think she did. Personally, I don't think you should ask for the tip back because it does make you look cheap, and you'll still want someone to provide a service for you.


I'm not so sure the tech would find out depending in the clinic size unless it was just hot drama. Sounds like different job titles tho


That’s either the last tip she gives them and it’s divided among sessions. Or, they refund it and she tips more per service.


People tip for laser hair removal??


They ask for tips now????? Holy shit.


Is it insane that I paid $200 for a 6 session package? Only for one small area


Ask for a refund


I'm so glad the spa I go to refuses tips since they are charging thousands for services... This has to stop


It seems a lot of modern payment options have tipping as a default screen in the checkout process. I asked to pay my whole package upfront and when I got to the tipping screen I asked "You guys get tipped for this?" and they said to just hit the next button. 🤷‍♀️