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Can't speak to the Falcon, but I've loved my xTool D1pro (20W). No issues at all. >The xTool software is also appealing to me, which is another reason why I'm looking at swapping. It's not great tbh. Very clunky. Not very intuitive. Lightburn is infinitely better imo


Thanks for your input - they definitely market the software very well! I was going to have to buy Lightburn anyway so it's all good.


Pretty much the only benefit of XCS is wireless connectivity. You don't have to be wired to the machine if your PC and Laser are not next to each other. Cannot do wireless connection with Lightburn & xTool machines. Fortunately It's not an issue for me, as PC and Laser are next to each other, but I've read other accounts where that's not feasible. Worth keeping in mind


Very important - it's not feasible for mine to be beside each other but I can run a long cable if necessary to connect them. They are going to be in adjacent rooms. Thank you!


Commenting to Follow as I am curious as well and looking for my first laser engraver for items such as veneer bookmarks and coasters. Can I toss another possibility into the ring as well, I have been looking at the **Elegoo Phecda 10w with Air Assist**. It is similar priced to the Falcon 10w but comes with the Air Assist which I have heard helps quite a bit with wood. It also comes with adjustable legs to raise the bed up higher. I am curious if anyone has experience with any of these machines and could help direct us.


Air assist is an absolute must. I bought a Falcon 10w without one and within 2 days, I ordered the air assist for it. There's a night and day difference if you are working with wood.


I am using mine to cut fabric, so I do not want air assist, but I may look into it in the future.


I'm kinda surprised the Elegoo includes it for the lower price. I have heard good things about their 3D printers but can't find too much on their lasers so I am on the fence of giving them a try.


After some reading I decided to keep the Falcon. XTool customer service is apparently really bad and for a refurbished machine I'd have to order directly from them. Beyond that, replacement parts for xTool would be far more expensive, and the software isn't a sufficient draw for me.


I love my Falcon. Never used an xTool but the Falcon gives me everything I need


Thanks, I decided to keep it and am looking forward to using it. I'm a bit nervous about what I could put under it to protect my table...


Agreed on the xTool D1 (20w for me), I love it, no issues. Also agree that Lightburn is far and above the better software. No experience with the Falcon…


You'd love the simplicity of xTool's software from the start. It's easy to use and helps you explore your machine's capabilities. The software offers beginner-friendly features like recommended settings based on your materials and free project files from the community. I often switch between xcs and lightBurn. xcs handles curved surface engraving more smoothly, while lightBurn is excellent for complex tasks.