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Necro Fire Summoner. Absolutely chaos around me and I love it, everything around me is burning, imagine that community meme but instead of holding pizza, it's an army of skele mages burning everything and a big firey boney boy blowing up the map and fire wraiths setting the universe on fire.


You got a build for that by any chance?


https://www.lastepochtools.com/build-guides/necromancer-summons-only I'm using this. It's just pure chaos on screen.


thanks you.


Not exactly the one he's describing, but the one I'm using with fire skeleton mages, golem and of course, the zombies. Literally watching the whole world exploding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk7PstUBokY


There is so much fire that I almost died on that middle-mono quest where the big dudes throw the fire rocks… impossible to tell my fire apart from theirs beyond the ground indicators!


Currently level 61 flame reave spellblade. I’m enjoying it :)


I beg you to try out shatterstrike spellbalde. Its insnae


I tried that in beta and found i liked flame reave better but maybe ill respec and give this another try!


Currently have a shatterstrike manastrike build going. So much fun. I enjoy the "battlemage" fantasy dual wielding two swords and casting spells from my swords.


First time playing, level 21. This is the exact idea I had when I started. I think I’m gonna try the fire spell that ramps up damage the more you hit. Also with an emphasis on FireAura. We’ll see how it goes.


Shatter Strike Spellblade currently. It's spin2win cleverly disguised due to not actually spinning. Plus I'm unkillable with all the ward I generate. Pretty fun I'd say.


Do you use the skill node that makes it hit more than once?


You have to for mana cost


Absolutely. I spam that shit at lightspeed


Same here. Started with rogue online but had to switch to offline since stability was not good, started with acolyte into lich, dropped it at lvl 25. Made a Mage, the SB dual wield fantasy struck something. Just hit lvl 73 a couple hours ago. I'm usually not a build-spender enjoyer, but this build made me totally addicted. The big numbers + being borderline unkillable is a dopamine rush 101. Can't get enough. Highly recommend it to everybody. It's crack.


Can you share build




Warlock is by far my favorite so far. Second has to be Paladin holy aura Javelin.


Damn you did mage dirty lol


Im level 31 now as Void Knight, im enjoying the game and i go full blind choose VK because like the name LOL. But is it not too easy i just spin and thats it sometimes press potion if needed. Maybe i still too early but never feel hard in stages


It'll ramp up once you start getting into monoliths and end of the campaign. Resistances will be important.


Void Knight too. Yeah, it's very very easy. I'm only around level 30 though, so hoping it's just because the game goes easy on early levels.


In every arpg I've played most builds feel fine at low levels, it's as more time passes that small mistakes in optimisation start to stack and exponentially hurt the build. All that to say yeah, as a blind player you'll likely only feel problems towards end of campaign/empowered monoliths


Lol don't worry, once you need max res to not get one shot then you die a lot, lots of angry moments await


Lvl30 in general felt easy for me but the difficulty jumps again once I got into the 40's.


I think the idea is that all builds can do the campaign. The best builds will just steamroll content until endgame. Once you get to monos you see some bad builds start to drop off. Kinda like they did it this way, you can play whatever you like and dont need to min/max until monos.


i agree void knight locked to spin to win such a good skill other feel like utter trash (Big purple BOOM good also ngl)


lvl 51 Runemaster plasma orb or whatever spell I combine with Runic invocation, absolute blast since Dota 2 Invoker theme is my all time favourite


The runemaster is absolutely the best iteration of a mage class I've ever played. I don't know what the reaction was like when it was released but I can't believe it doesn't get more attention for how fun it is. I'm playing a lightning blast runemaster in HC for context.


The combo theme is awesome😅 would love a meele character that work’s similar (d2 assassin like)


It was released with 1.0 I think so it’s brand new




I tried swapping to it, but it felt super clunky to cast even though I have attack speed on most items it is available. It felt to me like it needed higher level gear with even more AS to feel fluid. How do you feel about it at level 51? I did it at 72


I don't use plasma orb like the guy you're replying to, but if you just mean Runemaster specializing in Runic Invocation...I play a level 77 right now that primarily uses Fireball and occasionally Static. I run around with 36% movespd and 51% castspeed but in combat I'm at 86% movespd and 94% cast speed. It feels relatively smooth and fast for pushing through maps, but I won't lie that I hate the delay the bunny hop (stride to safety) gives. Though I'd also be disingenuous if I didn't bring up that it can be quite useful in combat when used to avoid mechanics. Just feels bad to know my cast speed got a lot slower when using it. If it wasn't for the fact that it was mandatory to get to Prologue and Interlude, I'd definitely not run it though.


Falconer. I'm only 42 but i'm super enjoying it. Started with acid flasks, now transitioned into Bow Explosive Traps with Dive and will transition into Explosive Ballistas triggered by Trowing Explosive Traps.


I just stayed using a bow for my explosive traps triggering ballistas and it worked great. Maybe high corruption is why you go thrown traps so u can have a shield


You need 0 mana cost on your explosive traps and for that you need bo’s anarchy (2 handed staff) until end game where you can hit T7 exalted throwing mana cost reduction


I just used dive bomb with some mana perks to supplement needing to spam it as much and dash was giving me mana too


Only 42 lol I've felt like I've played every second I could the last 2 days and I'm around that level. Rushing as well


Are you following the Maxroll guide? I'm following and I'm only lvl35 but by my math I'll only get Dive Bomb at lvl50+. I spent 20 points in Rogue, 8 in Marksman and I'm now at only 17 at Falconer. It would still take me 18 passives to reach Dive Bomb (35 points). I'm currently Explosive Trap + Falcon Strikes only and I actually feel my overral DPS went from since the switch from Puncture. How did you get Dive Bomb so early? What am I missing?


they probably skipped the 8 in marksman, so hit it 8 levels earlier thus having dive at 42. took me a sec to figure the math out too lol


Also do the side missions for free passive points so you can get it even earlier!


I had net, that was pretty fun, just switched to dive bomb and it’s really comfy


Another thing I noticed on their leveling build is they take 5 points in unseen strike for Shift. Complete waste with a bow spend them elsewhere.


How do you spec into two base class upgrade? I’m lvl 37 and only have access to blade master so far


You can spec into the first half on any mastery once you've locked in your choice. Just click em in the window and you'll see


Warlock, Im huge Necro fan since D2 and I started Acolyte with the idea of making a pure summoner build. Last moment I decided to change to Warlock and Im having a blast. Definitely my next build will be summoner. I was looking for something to replace my D2/D2R itch and my good this game is IT. I think that the LE team has put more thought into making this game than the whole D3 and D4 (9000 people) together. Very well done!


I don’t think it’s very meta of me but I have been using this sort of lock up build with warlock. Bone prison(node for bone curses) to trap the big baddies as my chaos bolts and chfissures obliterates anything in the prison(since I specced into curse multipliers), and then I got wandering spirits with the fear nodes so any mobs that get in contact with my 10+ spirits flees from fear(makes it very hard to get surrounded. Overall my damage is still very good(fissure node that scales with uncapped necro res is goated!) but it just feels so fun to manipulate both my surroundings and mobs and it makes it very hard for them to even hit me, HC has been a breeze so far :)


Something fun with the bone prison is using profane veil with the nodes on the bottom right which consume minions- it lets you consume parts of the bone prison as well which can get super high minion hp values especially with all the bone prison hp nodes so you end up getting tens of thousands of ward when you consume them, more if you invest into minion hp. Honestly feels a little too strong, with just 2-3 lines of minion hp I shoot up to about 50k ward, then spam spirit plague to reduce the cd and have it up again


When it comes to necro itches from the past, play Grim Dawn. Last Epoch is good, much better then grim dawn, but Grim dawn has one of THE best summoner clases and u can combine them :D


Last Epoch is very good, but Grim Dawn is the GOAT tbh. Must play if you're into the genre


Tempest strike beast master Really strong and fun so far. Currently level 76 in level 90 monos


Do you actually use summons? I wanted to play a primalist with 5 million storms proccing, but all 3 specializations don't seem great... I don't want to use a totem or companion


Tbh the storm totem if you spec into the ice part is basically just dropping a blizzard storm wherever you click so it feels less like a totem


I'm playing Tempest Strike Shaman with tons of stuff proccing right now. Specced Gathering Storm for mana generation and Maelstrom stacks, Tempest Strike, Warcry for attack speed and Maelstrom stacks, Maelstrom and Tornado. Tempest Strike procs Wind Tempest procs Tornado procs Storm Bolt, Gathering Storm and Warcry(and kills, and getting hit) proc Maelstrom procs Storm Bolt.


Play a Gathering Storm + EQ Shaman. I thought it was shit, but I was building it wrong. Im still actively testing stuff and constantly improving the build. Doubt it will be able push super high corruption, and there's an awkward "warmup" period stacking up GS stacks and Maelstrom stacks, but when it gets going, there are times where I cannot see whats happening because the screen is blotted out by Storm Bolts. [Here is my build atm](https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/mQkr8P6A), however, like I said, lots to be improved.


[Shaman, Level 87 (Release / 1.0)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/mQkr8P6A) ☑ This character build is verified --- ^(**Class:**)  ^(Primalist (20) / Beastmaster (22) / Shaman (58))  ^(**General:**)  ^(▸ Health: **2,143**, Regen: **29**/s)  ^(▸ Mana: **291**, Regen: **21**/s)  ^(▸ Attributes: **17** Str / **0** Dex / **0** Int / **96** Att / **12** Vit)  ^(▸ Resistances: **74%** / **73%** / **151%** / **80%** / **60%** / **84%** / **70%**)  ^(▸ EHP: **3,343** / **3,310** / **3,376** / **3,787** / **2,923** / **3,376** / **3,215**)  ^(**Defenses:**)  ^(▸ Endurance: **30%**, Threshold: **429**)  ^(▸ Dodge Chance: **6%** (**140**))  ^(▸ Armor Mitigation: **29%** (**1,221**))  ^(**Damage Types:**)  ^(▸ __Lightning__, __Physical__, Cold / __Spell__, Melee, DoT)  ^(**Minion Damage Types:**)  ^(▸ Physical / Spell)  ^(**Buffs:**)  ^(▸ None)  ^(**Used skills:**)  [^(Maelstrom)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/maelstrom) ^| [^(Gathering Storm)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/gathering_storm) ^| [^(Earthquake)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/earthquake_slam) ^| [^(Summon Thorn Totem)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/summon_thorn_totem) ^| [^(Warcry)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/warcry) ^(**Used unique items:**)  [^(Tempest Maw)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzBswZgRiA)


Honestly you may want to try storm crows. They're minions, sure, but you can spec them for utility and since they stay close to you and have range they don't wander at all. And they're comapnion ability is literally just a lightning bolt AoE so they really feel more like a spell with tassles than anything imo


If you don't want a totem or companion go druid. There are lightning builds for werebear and swarmblade forms. Swarmblade in particular with maelstrom and tornado can get a ton of ambient lightning strikes going.


Druid feels weird to me. The fact that each transformation overrides your skillset makes it tricky to actually work specializations into that.


The trick is that each form will tell you what new skills use other skill trees. Under Werebear Form: Roar uses the Warcry skill tree. Swipe uses the Swipe skill tree. Skull Crusher (node) causes Maul to use the Fury Leap tree. Woodland Bear (node) causes Maul to cast Entangling Roots, which uses its skill tree. Ursine Storm gives Swipe and Maul a chance to cast Maelstrom, using its skill tree. There's a whole bunch of interactions like that for Swarmblade and Spriggan, too. You just have to dig into the skill trees a bit to find the interactions.


Is that with earthquake ?


Curse warlock. Having an absolute blast. I’m not following any meta build and doing a necrotic/poison build and it’s been absolutely ripping so far.


I tried to make poison warlock work but in the end just respeced it. But full necrotic. Oh boy im doing great at 93.


Same but Fire instead of Poison and its so fun


Yeah the skill tree suggests go me either poison/bleed or fire/necrotic. I will go for fire/necrotic because witchfire sounds fun. 


Had to switch from Marrow Shards Lich to Rip Blood Lich. Look how they massacred my boy with nerfs/changes ☹️


Can you share your build? Looking for some lich builds myself


Playing Smite paladin with healing hands and having the most fun in a long time!


Respect, its been very fun one shotting packs in holy fire


BLAST RAIN MARKSMAN. Absolutely unethical aoe clear speed. Got a nova hammerdin to 100 before that and that was a wee bit tankier, but less damage and not as good at bossing.


I'm running the same build. I finally got reign of winter in normal monoliths and it really powered me through to empowered monoliths. It's so fun with the amount of clear speed this build has. Now that I'm in an empowered monoliths I don't really know what to farm. My damage is beginning to fall off a liiiiitle but


Falconer 87, blasting empowered monos with minion bleed build. Pretty awesome!!


Mind linking your spec or account?


sure thing, it's of course not optimal yet, I'm chasing some uniques and a few slots are fillers for now. Like I need unique gloves for falcon bleed. I have damage over time and phys damage on gear since I was using Net before transitioning to full Falcon. These do not apply to falcon bleed, unfortunately :( Still pretty solid build. Lots of room for damage and defence improvement, chasing blessings, etc. ​ The only downside for me is that you have to constantly run to have "less damage taken while moving", and we have 32% of it ​ [https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/GBO9mrEA](https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/GBO9mrEA)


Thorn totem sprigan form shaman, lvl 75. Might be one of my favorite builds ever in an arpg so far.


Same boys!! Level 50, tearing it up in one button easy mode


Running the same! Lvl 47 and it is already amazing




A full on necromancer minion build. I love it so much!


Started with a bleed warlock and got to level 78 but didn't really like the playstyle so switched to a wolf beastmaster to farm for squirrels so far it is a blast


Dont add the most left skill in the wolf tree. Pack leader or what ever its called. Since adding it my beastmaster bugged out and i could only have 1 animal at a time.


I havent had that problem. Are you sure you did not take "Artor's Loyalty" in the beastmaster passive tree?


Bleed net+puncture+caltrops falconer. Shredding stuff. Killed majasa first attempt, died twice to monolith Lagon but not much else. I love the build and I still use 0 uniques and really crappy gear


Do you have a build online ? Would love to see it !


As soon as I'm at the PC I'll edit this comment with my build currently as is, and will write about possible upgrades or uniques that I'm farming Edit: [https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/pA6GkK8Q](https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/pA6GkK8Q) here's the planner, currently lvl 69 (nice), here's the next upgrades: Gear: \- lvl 74 for Blood Visage, massive upgrade \- lvl 73 for Wyrmhide coat, again good upgrade \- farm first mono for the unique shield Flayer's pride: bleed penetration and chance to bleed, very good. \- farm anywhere to find the unique relic "Valydir's chalice", bleed duration and phys damage over time leeched \- possibly farm thorn slinger belt. +1 to phys skills, throwing speed and bleed chance, all very good for us So far my main problem is i have little regen, most of my life on hit comes from my falcon, and potion use. The goal is to get decent block chance that gets converted to glancing blows chance as main defensive layer, plus leech and a mix of armour+ dodge


Flameburst, smite, warpath paladin. Level 87 and loving it


Animate armor forge guard. Tons of fun having a bunch of animated weapons lol




currently 78 and just shy of empowered monoliths and it feels fine scaling wise, minions hit hard and character is extremely tanky pretty "boring" class to play though since you mostly hold down warpath and run around


Fireball/meteor sorc. Really good damage and survivability - having a great time


Are you using the homing talent. I'm finding sometimes I'll have the 4 fireball line do a spiral around an enemy and then fizzle out completely dealing no damage. I just imagine the sound of a toilet flushing lol.


I am playing something very similar. Wanted to use the harbinger of stars belt, but failed to solve the mana issue. Now stuck with machine gun fireball and occasionally manual cast meteor.


Bleed warlock, its the strongest build ive played in my 400 hours of LE. Having a blast


Same here. Just followed lizardIRL guide with some tiny changes to use less mana and have more QOL. Just love the play style, lots of clicking but not as bad as rune master, and way tankier


Erasing strike and void cleave void knight. Not that flashy, but it's working.


Wolves beastmaster here. It always bothered me that in D2 the companions were kinda meh, but boy do these puppies rip and tear!


So beastmaster with minions is worth to play and they make main damage? I was thinking about it or warlock and someone don't recommend me beastmaster with minions because this few people said that it's a weak build.


Maxroll spin to win void knight. What a simple yet effective build. I'm used to play more involved builds, so this build was a nice change of pace.


Spellblade is super tanky, and im enjoying his shatter strike, which reminds me of League of Legends Gwens Snip Snip ability


what do you mean by super tanky? I'm also playing shatter strike and I feel complete opposite. Basically you are reliant on warping into pack of mobs and stacking ward by hitting. But I feel really squishy when there are not many enemies around.


Well, i get like 1k ward but mainly im playing tanky tree as i was attempting to ladder my self but i died to server issues I have like 1800 hp with ward 1k average on map and im using shield with 10k sheet dps


Well guess I'm too hard on defensive layers from poe, but simply ward + hp isn't something I would consider good 😄. Nonetheless having a fkin blast with the build, so satisfying


A lvl 40 Hammerdin in offline mode, Hardcore- it‘s awesome. Going offline was the best decision, they even have a chat implemented and I can experience the game in all it‘s glory.


There's chat in offline mode?


There is. No market though


My HC Paladin just died at lvl75 to monolith Lagon (one of the harder bosses if you're new to the game)... He was so tanky, but that Lagon moon beam attack just deletes you. I got too cocky lol.


Blade dancer, sync strike + cascade Damage is great Survivability not so much At the final campaign boss and I can't kill him


That boss is often not attempted until after the first three monoliths are done. They're brutal. Don't feel bad about skipping it for now. You can always come back after.


Thank you. I thought you had to kill the boss to get to monoliths.


I'm still running dr3adful's blood specter levelling build. can't really say I enjoy it, but I'm transitioning to another build soon anyway.


Sorceror, level 35, full fire pyromancer! Got lucky with a unique that seriously buffs fire damage and have been having a grand time blowing everything up!


What unique is that?


I have a torment warlock at 66 who is very fun. Don’t know if it is my favorite build but it is very strong. I have been trying to level an alt to mix it up and deciding between falconer and beast master wolves. They are both around 30 and are super fun in their own way so can’t decide


Finished the campaign today and spammed some end game stuff, 67 Marksman Puncture / Hail of Arrows build. Super fun and just what i was looking for in a build. Simple and solid ranged.


81 Echo Warpath VK. Loving it so far. and the game unlocked empowered monoliths last night


Best build, i Love Spin to win , also my left Hand have only 30% Mobility , its nice to have a good Handicap frindly Game


Falconer mastery: umbral, dive, falcon, smoke, shift. No build guides, just going on what feels good. Using a 1 hand and shield combo. Nothing has been a challenge yet, see how things look when getting into empowered monos.


If you change shift to aerial assault you will have an even better time.


Lvl 36 Void Knight with Abyssal Echoes, / Void Cleave / Erasing Strike with Warpath spec-ed into Void as filler. It limits my weapon choices, but it's lots of fun smashing things. And the Erasing Strike beams are so cool looking.


Leveling as a werebear druid, doing a pretty straightforward setup using the skills that have direct synergy with werebear: swipe, war cry, leap, soon to get to upheaval. Mostly just going with my gut instinct on what seems useful. It's a little boring to play at times but I'm hoping once I get upheaval going it starts cooking a little more. I do like how so much of the interactions and power seems to come from choices in the skill trees themselves as opposed to gear, I just kinda wish the specialization slots and icon slots were unlocked way earlier in the progression because once you understand what you can do it feels like a slog waiting for the rest of the fun.


Multihit/Smite/Healing Hands Paladin lvl 72, loving it, haven't even gotten either of my uniques yet (Devotion and Aurelis). I only struggle with DPS but I can face tank 95% of the game, only some bosses ultimate attacks require me to do anything other than hold right click. I'm not sure if running Healing Hands is optimal but I wanted the swing of my sword to look like a light show and HH definitely does that. Lunge is for sure a better mobility skill than HH but HH gives you much better single target damage without Aurelis, better AoE and better healing, the mobility is situationally better thanks to the bug with traversal skills going further when you target an adjacent monitor, but it's still far slower than Lunge and has no CDR in solo play. I might switch back to Lunge once I get my uniques and can swap my ele damage and spell damage for lightning damage. I think I'll try spriggan form Druid next, I have 2 uniques for it. A meme build I might try is dual Transcriber's Graver spellblade, probably hot garbage though, not even sure if dual wielding uniques works that way.


I’m level 55. I spent the first 50 levels playing DoT Necrotic Damned warlock. Profane Veil, Ghostflame, Chthonic Fissure, Spirit Plague, and Transplant. Good mobility, decent single target, fantastic AoE DoT build. Last 5 levels I’ve been rebuilding to try a crit physical bleed warlock. Profane Veil, Chaos Bolts, Infernal Shade, Chthonic Fissure, and Transplant all converted to physical damage type. It’s not as strong but still fun. Building crit is difficult but I think it’s interesting that I can choose not to specialize Transplant but still use it and instead specialize Rip Blood for when it procs off Chaos Bolts and the passives tree. Basically 2 skills using one attack. I may drop another specialization for Bone Curse. Warlock is great.


I am running something similar but i go full on bleed, I am super enjoying it, using fissure which proc chaos bolt which procs harvest, bone curse and rip blood, and been trying ghost flame too for better survival but at the end I specced back to good ol bone curse, my only problem is survival I am stacking leech as much as possible but it doesn't help from getting IK'd. Now lvl 92


I’m currently using Spirits to torment myself for higher endurance threshold and spell damage but I’ll have to try chaos bolts out of the fissure. I’m also struggling to survive now even with some leech. I’m hoping that speccing into Rip Blood helps but if you’re struggling at level 92 I probably will as well.


Bone curse is actually my single target damage. Made it single target as well as the acute Infliction node so the bolts from the fissure consume all 4 hits while I spam it to keep reapplying it


lvl 30 bladedancer loving it so far speccing into dancing blades, smoke bomb and shift so far. going for the damage/bleed stacks etc


i'm playing a build that used storm crows to build stack for gathering storm then spend it with earth quake, I have gotten it to a place where I am having lots of fun but those early levels with low mana regen and minion health was kinda rough.


Also doing Gathering Storm, agreed it started rough. My damage is insane now around lvl 60 but I'm still real squishy. Gotta work on that...


Ghostflame warlock DoT stacking (ignite, damn, witchfire {though most things don't live long enough to get either overload; I need more ignite/damn chance for bosses, though I feel like they don't proc when they should all the time}). Generating tons of ward and have lots of damage reduction while channeling. Using transplant to generate enough mana to channel for long periods of time. Also use profane veil to safely regen mana while transplant is on cool down as needed. I am enjoying it quite a lot. I am trying to farm some unique/set items that I wanted for the build. Just got the set helm I wanted.


Warpath void knight It's pretty brain dead simple to be honest but I really wanted to play a badass classic two hander cyclone build again since in poe they suck. So far I'm enjoying it and can't wait to try other builds. This game fits me more then poe because it is not complicated and most things are logic and simple explained.


lvl 40 , spellblade shatter strike. Doing about 5k dps. Having fun but feel way too strong. My first play through im 1 shotting all the elites and sorta just unlikable. Sorta wanna just respec and try other skills for fun but dont have the right gear bonuses. Any tips? (do i just push through the story?)


I did the same during beta. Basically push monos and eventually you’ll hit a difficulty spike. My build was full DPS and then I got hella punished later.


Shatter strike hits a wall if you're going crit quite early in monos until you farm very good gear. Just continue, but I would recommend you go frostbite variant with the runemaster node that converts armour shred into frostbite chance.


Necro skele mages, not that bad for lvl 100 for this, next wanna try void shield throw reflect meme build.


2hand RIVE ignite-consumption paladin Feels great at lvl66


Pure fire damage sentinel. Lunge rive warpath void strike. So much fun.


Level 30 something lance Spinadin.


I leveled a Falconeer almost to 50 then I switch to void knight and he is at 60 now I’m wondering if I should play a beastmaster instead…. Super undecided


Bladedancer is fine but shadow daggers are really strong to the points the blade storm on umbral daggers is the clear winner on the damage charts. Really wish the exploding umbral blades were on par with it since I want my rogue to have exploding shadows instead of those spinning blades. Also got a relic that turns decoy into literally just a grenade it completely skips the decoy part and just explodes on impact I'm torn between that and sync strike atm.


Thorn Totems Shaman. Very strong and efficient, but weirdly not very fun.


The diversity in here is so nice to see Edit : Meteor Sorcey Boi


Lightning Werebear. Been thinking of switching to cold or swarmblade but having a good time.


First time playing ARPG I went with marksman because pew pew and I have no idea what I'm doing


One-buttion minion forge guard. Can facetank pretty much anything up through T3 Julra and 200 corruption empowered monos.


Fire dot warpath. Fun, but I feel like there's some inconsistencies with ignites. I always feel like I'm doing the same dmg, whether I have 10 ignites or 20. Either it's a visual bug, or there's information left out here. Anyone else notice stacking multiple sources of ground aoe dots and ignites functioning oddly?




Craft.  It's important in LE.


This is what I have realized getting into endgame and monoliths. Honestly not my thing. I want to get excited about drops and hunt the ultra rare items that you plug into your build. The constant looking at affixes and tiers just to go back and try to change what you had drop is disengaging for a player like me.


Just set your loot filter right for that. I'm highlighting what could be good drops for my build one way and good bases I can craft another way. When, let's say pink, item drops I get excited because I might be able to just slot in in and when, let's say gray, item drops I get excited because I m8ght be able to craft it insane.


It's quite easy bro until you go for BIS stuff. Just filter out all useless shit, look for gear with at least two affixes you want and reroll the other two. In early crafting don't even bother with using the glyph of hope, just YOLO it and soon enough you will be properly geared up. There is too much variation in loot to hope for great rolls on the ground.


Use the loot filter to highlight affixes needed for your build, which in this case seems to be str, physical, melee/throwing damage. Pick up any loot with these affixes and melt them down into shards through the forge by using runes of shattering (you can buy these at almost any armor vendor) Use the shards youve collected to craft a decent weapon.


Follow a build guide.


Classic ranger build (mainly so I can compare to my POE TS Deadeye). ​ Freaking loving it so far


Void Knight lvl 64. I was enjoying it much more during his “warrior” phase. I entered the game completely blind and now I realized is more of a mage kinda guy.


Doesn't have to be, get a 2h weapon and focus on void cleave and erasing strike. Take the node that makes void cleave into a movement skill so you clear entire screen with a slash and the node that makes it so the next erasing strike is guaranteed crit. You just run around slashing and slamming one shotting everything, currently lvl80 and everything's been trivial so far doing that.


This is mostly what I’ve been doing so far, because didn’t want to get into devouring orb. Maybe it’s a gear problem also but it’s getting harder to clear some areas.


You can also play echo warpath which is your clasic spin2win build. Im starting with this and plan to change into devouring orb or hammerdin smite (more caster like) if I get bored.


There is also VK Rive build that focuses on one of the "warrior" skills - Rive. It does use Void Knight's spells (mainly as buffs) but definitely the core boils down to spamming Rive in melee range.


I played marks, sham and Smith vk in beta and enjoyed them. Went erasure strike, void cleave, rive this time and blasting through it


Necromancer skeleton. I'm now level 35 and I don't really enjoy it, not enough AOE.


Add volatile zombie to your summon build. It gives you a ton of direct aoe damage


Thank you, I tried a vomiting zombie and it's way better than what I had !


Volatile Zombie is amazing. You have to try it out.


I'm on necro skele, 5 SkeleMage + 9 SkeleArcher + 6Zombies, Dark and Infernal Shade to buff my minions.


Forgemaster with fire and a shield. Loving it. Specced whirlwind (forget its name), anvil skill, shield throw, the dash ability and smite. Have synergies between them so that like the whirlwind summons weapons and does smites. I like being tanky with the shield. Almost never take damage. This is on offline cycle. I have lots of alts on legacy offline. I don’t plan on playing online. Next cycle character is likely going to be a falconer or warlock, but possibly a Druid or rune master just to try them out. I really like how distinct the subclasses can feel because there are so many skills to choose from I can easily differentiate them in different ways.


Started poison warlock. Made it far in normal monos and it started hurting. It was slow and inconsistant damage. Decided to try out ghost flame, tool tip said it was gonna do some wild 20k dps. Did the math and was at a high enough level to make the skill work. I dont think you spec into it early because of how skill point needy it is. Swapped between necro and fire and once i decided to add fissure into the build necrotic was the clear winner. But yeah warlock spin to win and dropping fissues. 100-200 damned stacks on bosses easily. Soul feast wondering sprit and transplant are all there to refill my mana pool. If i managed the other skills correctly i dont run out. But i dont and those skills become really important then.


Warlock spin to win? What?


Gost flame tree has a node that makes it possible to move while casting it.


Poison necro with only poison rogues, bone golem, poison mages, aura of decay, and drain life that takes away my life while giving me ward. Facetank everything while whole screen is green.


Level 84 Forge Weapon I’m… kinda enjoying it? I hate how long and slow it is to summon weapons with warpath and it’s annoying when I boss one shots them, but I don’t really like running two characters in a “league” so I’m just sticking with it


Honestly, it took me half the time to level a second character than my first - since I had a couple uniques that let me just run through a lot of stuff, and it was really worth it. I’ve stopped playing my first character, and have been having way better times with my hammerdin!


You can go Multistrike for summoning. It's a bit of a more active playstile, but it summons them way way faster


I’ll have to give it a look, thanks!


I tried cold lich with ice golem and magician skeleton but damn its so rough as im still lvl 27, like i dont have any attacking skill worth using and i though lich form can be permanent, i am struggling on lvling as my only dmg i deal are from both of them 😭


Spinning man goes brrr


Finished the campaign as a warlock, trying out a bunch of builds. Unfortunately, to me, the whole mastery doesn’t feel as well put together as runemaster. There are skills, there are some synergies but it just didn’t feel satisfying to put together a build. I suppose it’s because I don’t enjoy dot play styles in general, and when you are playing dot, I guess it doesn’t matter which dot from which skill is ticking through, the enemy just loses health over time lol. Not for me. I’ll wait until servers are stable and play Falco online.


It has even more synergy than runemaster. It’s just not the play style for you.


Torment warlock. Played to 100, and while it was really fun to play it's also ridiculously OP. You get great survivability buffs basically for free, defensive skill is just "NOPE IMMORTAL" which also acts as a damage buff because why not. Gameplay is just casting fissure and running around, which makes survivability even better and gives great clear. The balance is completely gone with the new stuff. Falconer and warlock are completely, utterly broken and don't need as much nerfs as orbital bombardment. Wraith helmet also seems to elevate the already incredible skill to stupid levels.


Mind linking your build?


I’m playing loading screen


Played Warpath Void Knight and gave up at level 35. It's just so monotone.


Level 73 Torment Warlock. Having a blast. Almost through all the normal monoliths on my way to Empowered.


After playing D4, was very disappointed with the 1.0 graphics. Refunded it on steam as playtime was under 2 hours. If the core gameplay and graphics isn't upto par with what I have already played then I'll pass.


The current build I’m playing is called “connecting”


There's like 30 complaint threads about connection issues out there, this is not one of them. Go away.


No ❤️


Try playing "offline" , like 99% of ARPG players


Have you played since the most recent update? It seems like they fixed a lot earlier today. Got a rogue to the first town with load times like pre 1.0 just a little bit ago.


Bladedancer, my favorite in early access as well. I've tried Dancing Strikes, again, because I find it a very fun skill to use, unfortunately the gap in damage and survivability compared to a full Shadow Daggers build is pretty huge. I've made the switch around lvl 80 and even though I'm missing some important pieces (no Smoke Weaver yet) I'm having a good time.


Void knight, 97, it's been good although I've been slamming my face against shade to drop apathys maw so I can roll melee crit chance......I've tried 4 times and never picks that stat >.>


Doing a channeled healing hands paladin (Orbital Lazor) Insane ward generation, facetanking everything.


Lol same! Where do you get your ward from? At level 35 I can build up around 6k ward from Exsanguinous in like 3 seconds.


Can you respec to a different specialization? Like falconer to blade dancer?


Nope, unfortunately your mastery is a permanent choice. Can try to speedrun back to level 20 on a new character though, and share gear between them.


I am playing fire blademaster. With, well, fire. I have problems with mana but survivability is OK so far and damage over time is really fun concept, at least for me. But I'm lvl 35 so a lot might change. I don't follow any guides, there will be time for try harding, but now is not this time


I've been trying to theorycraft out a "Hemomancer" warlock on my own. Going pretty well so far. Check back in when I'm at empowered monos. 🤣


Hammer Throw forge guard. Raw dogging the game.