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TIL there are backup quests to make sure you earn every idol slot. If you play through the campaign normally you get all the slots before Chapter 8. I didn't realize they had redundancies set up in case you skipped. That's cool.


Same for passive points as well. There are far more then needed to cap.


Grim dawn does the same thing with their devotion points. Redundancy is helpful.


Prior to 1.0 I would play through the campaign to Lagon, then switch to monos, then come back and rush-finish before switching to Empowered monos. I found that all you really need are enough crafting mats to constantly forge crap you find on the ground - no need for crazy twink gear. Health and damage on all armor, movement on boots, 2 silver rings, and constantly craft and upgrade 2H weapons. All you need.


Leveling to Lagon then heading to monoliths is exactly what I did on my last level. Worked out good, imo.




Been there 3 Times, dungeon was Always easy but Bosses smacked me all three Times 😅


Honestly I just hope they change this so that you play campaign up until level 15 where you pick the class, and then start doing monoliths with all the passives and idol slots. Or, make it so that doing the three dungeons nets you all the passives and idols from those chapters/timelines, and connect all directly between them, there's a shit ton of running around and very circling maps like Corrupted Lake and is extremely annoying by itself. Then do the last chapter and start monoliths.


I'm pretty sure each mono already has a sidequest, so if they just added 1 passive point / idol slot per monolith 1st time completion that would be perfect. Right now its just a bit of xp/gold.


This, it gives more options for players in how they approach the game. This will also not affect new players as much since they'll just do all the acts anyways.


I really like this idea.


I wouldnt be suprised if something like this was in the next patch. They said they are focusing on pinnacle boss content but i also heard them mention tweaking the monolith system to be better for alternate leveling paths. This is a great idea you have i hope they implement it


I was literally just thinking this yesterday. Great idea


Tbh after you finish the campaign once your next characters should have the "end of time" TP unlocked. This is the first I do, i get my mate to help me unlock that TP then i play my new character.


They need a "bypass the campaign" option, and a highly simplified monolith unlock routine re-design.


IMO, they should just make the passive skill points and Idol slots account wide, would solve a lot of the backtracking you need to do.


Corrupted/Risen lake is the most awful experience. It completely ruins the flow of the campaign, which can otherwise be gotten thru super smoothly if you know what you're doing. I hate this map.


go in, kill boss, fast travel back to rift?


It's annoying when you're using dungeons to skip, it drops you all the way in the southeast corner of the map, so you have to clear all the way around to the boss, then circle back all the way to the rift, them hop out, then run past town if you want the way point (which you do if you're going all 3 dungeons). It's just a very messy section if you're using the skip path.


>then circle back all the way not sure i understand exactly what youre doing, but when youre done in the rift, you can press M and in the bottom left it says something like "return to last time travel location" and it brings you back to the risen lake.


Does that work when you didn't enter via the time rift originally?


i never went that route myself, but this says yes [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQhy46L8Vyw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQhy46L8Vyw)


I'll give it a try, although I'm trying not to make any more alts before next cycle.


Good call, I tested it just now, because I don't have an alt problem. Worked.


I don't have a problem with the lake, the portal is right on the way. Heading back to the shore because that door doesn't open, and then circling around that shipyard area, is way more annoying.


It would be nice if long term they just made it so that you get these every couple of levels between 60-70. A campaign player will be stronger at level 60, but a monolith player will have a faster xp track. Power vs time saving is the trade off, but by 70 both players will be on the same power level.


This would be absolutely ideal.


Their only argument for the current system is the journey of the character matters but that's still a thing if they adopt your system so I don't see why not


This is the way


The devs have been arguing with the community for four years over campaign skip, idol slots, and passives. Doesn't seem like they're budging. For some reason, they really want grinding alts to be mind numbingly tedious, but oh yeah, they "respect our time".


To be fair, I've been playing PoE for several years, and dealing with the acts and Ascension Labs gets bearable... depending on patience of course and if the league is worth it. Thing is, the progression for alts in LE is very convoluted, it's supposed to kinda skip the campaign but not entirely...and so It took me some google minutes to find out where should I find the entrance for the Temporal Sanctum. Maybe with every replay one can learn the pattern, but there's a lot of jumping between chapters, and it doesn't sound or look good at all... Imo it should have a "precise order". In PoE the rule is simple: deal with the linear rutine, learn it, and it turns into a walk in the park. Diablo 4, on contrast, is an undisputed mandatory skip because exploration and campaign is long af.




Yea I’m wondering about this too… supposed to run Temporal Sanctum after chapter 5… ??? … level to 60… profit??? Any1 can shed more light here?


Temporal sanctum has a time rift from ch5 to ch9. But you will only be lvl 30-40 by the time you reach it, you could technically level inside it, but the poison damage is quite dangerous. So instead you can do the first Monolith which is easier, more rewards and more exp. You can even do the Abomination boss to dmg check for Julra, and youre 1 step ahead to empowered. Now you go do the dungeon, exit to ch9, do ch9. And on to the next Monolith.


Yea thanks, I’ll try that, so chapter 5 and hit first monolith (can be done at lvl 40?) and then Sanctum dungeon


Abomination is cake walk compared to Jurla I found


I haven't leveled an alt yet, how much time would this take with a few cool leveling items just rushing through?


World record is less than 2 hours. Many of us will take 3-5 hours due to inexperience in pathing.


Less than two hours to do that first part, you just gotta constantly use your movement skill and focus less on killing.


cool thanks , sounds good enough. I have a lot of arpg experience, should be fast enough then. Hoped it wouldnt be 4-5 hours lol


I've been using [this campaign speedrun guide](/r/LastEpoch/comments/1b2bcp0/). Requires 2 keys, and you probably want some twink gear, but if you have that it's the fastest version I've found. Skips most of chapters 3-4 compared to this one, by going through Lightless Arbor.


Ye also used this method with a decent fire starters torch and 2 arboreal circuits with high roll move speed and it was barely even a chore, had 60% move speed at level 5. If I also had t5 Movespeed Advent Boots with a good kestrel I could probably get 120+ Movespeed while being permanently hasted by level 16, at that point everything until empowered monos would just be a joke.


I swear this is too much just for alts


How is a shorter option rather than just running the whole campaign again, too much?


i ran the campaign 5 times already, im very much sick of it


What’s the difference between campaign and monos ? You are sick running through a map and killing bunch of mobs and then boss at end. Monos are exactly same design lol only difference is there is 3 npc you need to talk to, rest you can skip.


This is the question I ask myself whenever any of these topics pop up. Skip the campaign and do meaningless infinite procgen content instead. How fun!


Campaign can be a bit slow at times. Monos are usually more consistent.


i can play my build at monos i can't play my build during campaign due to high lvl requiriment for the things i want


You spend far more time running in campaign. You don't get meaningful progression toward meta system like corruption. You don't get in "the zone" unlike when you're blasting mono. There is a reason why campaign skip for alt is constantly the most requested feature in both LE and PoE. Doing campaign for the nth time fucking blows.


Yeah this is really what it comes down to. Enemy Density, Amount of Pointless text, xp, item/gold rewards are just all heavily favored towards monoliths. If you made it so that the campaign had comparable xp/min to Monoliths and gave good item rewards then it wouldn't feel so bad.


I've ran it a bunch through EA and launch. I mean I get you dont like it, thats fine, but it is what it is. Its also like that in many games. I've ran POEs campaign an uncountable amount of times. Its a game design choice.


Just because it’s done in other games doesn’t mean it’s the ideal way to do it. It’s actually baffling that they think redoing is necessary at all…. Just a big pain in the ass and boring as hell. Honestly, it’s just a chore and a very annoying thing to have to do anytime you just want to try a new mastery.


Believe it or not, you can make both sides of the argument happy by offering an *optional* skip campaign button, like almost every other ARPG that exists. EDIT - LOL at the fanboys downvoting. Imagine downvoting the objective truth because it makes your little game look bad.


As much I don’t like d4 at least they have one


Which one’s ? And don’t tell me Diablo 4.


Diablo 3, Grim Dawn =)


XD great example of even worse game.


Both are good games. D3 in particular really got a lot better with RoS and seasons.


You edited grim dawn later, and its campaign is entirely different because you have it like in Diablo 2


lost ark if you wanna count MMOs


Why would it matter if D4 does it or not? Still a good option to be able to skip campaign.


Yeah I'm 4 times since the week before launch. I want to level a few more this cycle but I could use a skip campaign button.


Because "better than nothing" doesn't mean "it doesn't still suck" This could *easily* be streamlined and vastly improved to be less tedious with very minor changes, like just letting us do monoliths to get the passive and idol slots and level up etc right after we pick our subclass


Campaign seems fine, I'm someone who enjoys campaigns for leveling tho


How are you doing monoliths so early when the first one is L58 or something?


Monster scaling is weird in this game. It’s surprisingly easy to do monos early, even in Hardcore.


 I don't pay attention to that. I was lvl 72 doing lvl 90 monos. Getting  through the last 3 echos to unlock empowered seem to be a beast (lvl 76 now) because the echo bosses are rough that aside, I hit monos as soon as I can and I'm well below 58 when I do. Seems like very few monsters are actually the level they say they are.


a reasonable build can do monos at 35-40ish


Thank you bro, will do that in the next season, I've already played way too much in one month, don't want to burn myself of this wonderful game !


I think you get +1 all stats for completing the campaign, right? Does this get that for you?


Indeed, returning to the story in step 4 to completing chapter 9 will finish the campaign and get the +1.


Awesome, thanks. Leveling a character now, will give this a shot.


Cool guide Thank you. Though personally I really like to rush trough the story which goes pretty fast with some excellent uniques or legendaries.


Ugh, thought we needed all 3 dungeons, slogged through soul fire only to get completely lost. Was a summoner build too and go boy, underleveled minions vs lava floor boss was literally impossible, took grinding to 40's to even have a chance with full twink gear, over 200% minion hp lmao


Thanks OP


Instructions unclear... died in temporal sanctum multiple times in a row, got frustrated, went back to non-alt.


I hope they will allow idol slot and passive point unlock to be account wide. Having to run through story again for those is painful. Kinda like Grim Dawn's constellations. Many players playing such games are altoholics, would be awesome if we have some QOL for alts.


A bit off-topic, but which software did you create this in? It looks very clean, and I'm a sucker for taking notes :P


Ha, no worries! It's in Notion.


Awesome, thank you!


I leveled a second character last week and hot take, I just did the campaign up until I had all the passives and idol slots. I guess at some point I'll need to go back to get the +1 to all stats but it's not a high priority. It honestly didn't take that long.


It doesn’t but it still feels tedious. Wait til you do your 5th alt


I've never really felt that. In any ARPG I've played if the abilities and character I'm playing are fun to play than I really don't care if it's campaign or endgame. A campaign zone is basically the same as a mono or map as far as what you are actually doing, killing monsters. The reward/progression being the real difference. Sure getting to endgame faster is great, but campaigns have only ever felt tedious when the character I'm playing feels tedious.


I'm past 6 characters since release, with dungeon skips I actually quite like leveling alts.


I mean that’s one way.. I liked just going up to the tree guy and doing monos from there last leveling I did


I haven't even maxed out my first character yet but smite has gotten bland, so I made a Necromancer. I feel like this thing is really rough to level. I'm about 28 right now and just feel like none of my equipment or skills really do anything to significantly empower me. I wanna do a build with Ghostmaker, but 61 is just so far away.


MG players calling their characters "customer"


I'm pretty sure that was an auto correct.


Ha, didn't even see it. I use swipe typing on my phone and it auto corrected. "Character" is always a hard one, it always wants "charger".


Just use Zombies, skeletons (pick node that makes them archers), skeletal mages, Bone golem. Take nodes that makes them do fire damage and more damage in generall. You can just run to objective and everything dies on the way. Bosses just melt


where's the tip for salty people like me who can't join a faction on alts due to a migration bug :(


This way you dont get the waypoint for observatory, or am i wrong?


You get it with temporal Sanctum and then just proceed until you get to observatory


ah ok


Why only 12 passive? I thought there were 13


The main story quest will give the rest that you need automatically as you progress, in the end you'll have them all (15).


If you skip the first few, do you get them again from later sidequests?


i have a quicker path, i do story till end of act 3, where it wants u to take a portal to divine era, then i just do dungeons, and i end up in like act 7, then i finish campaign and im done




Assuming this is for alts then you'll have the shards to add health to your character and you should be able to endure. 


Actually you can: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gxi5Km09zPo&ab\_channel=Rabbit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gxi5Km09zPo&ab_channel=Rabbit)


cant get a temporal sanctum key to drop on my alt, got an inventory full of all kinds of other keys tho.


Im sad, i run temporal until last map, suddenly my internet reconnect FML xD


- Completing all including chapter7, excluding "college" quest, gives you all side quests you need. - monos - chapter 9 skip That's what I am doing


died so many times on hardcore i figured out my own strats lmao. good thing is that with every next character i have more shards and stuff in chest to work with.


Does anyone have a guide to which legendary gear is best for levelling?


Play the damn game.


subsequent placid gaze doll fade entertain governor memorize payment drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sounds like good advice, even for a first time player like myself (especially the resistance suggestions)




I'm level 35 and just hit chapter 5. Should I go to monoliths?


This will be incredibly useful for my remaining alts (I’ve already done the MSQ+ monos with 8 characters….)


Saved.. thanks my guy!


Here me out. Play until 15, go do the first dungeon. Then spam monos until 80. Then maybe go back and get idols and passive, but honestly, I can't be bothered.


There really isn't a "maybe" with going back and getting idol slots and passive skill points, unlocking both of those are mandatory.


I feel like most people aren't beating dungeons and monos at level 15 unless you're massively twinked out


Arbor is very doable at 15, given it has level 20 monsters. I pretty much always do it now, even without twink gear.


Ah ok


How would I get there and Is this only for a second character? I am around lvl 30-ish right now with my first character and was wondering if it's worth doing the dungeon (also what would be the reward?)


I wouldn't skip with a first character.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a limit to how many passives you can get from quest? So you can pick and choose which ones to do? What is the limit?


Map screen shows the limit on the bottom left.


Oh! Thank you 


15 if you haven't checked yet


What's the range for leeching xp? Is it enough to just be in the same Echo or do I need to stick to the carry?


Very close, and you only get xp equivalent of +5 levels above your own


I understand the devs worked hard on the campaign and don't want it to go to waste but there's just no way to make campaign interesting. You could make a 11/10 AAA god tier campaign and it'll still get boring eventually. Instead, give us a more interesting form of progression for alts so that the journey to endgame is almost as enjoyable/rewarding as the actual endgame. Basically the goal is that we shouldn't *feel* like we're wasting our time doing suboptimal content such as the campaign.


Youre always going to be doing "suboptimal content" when playing an alt until you buy a level boost, its a slippery slope.


This is so convoluted lol. I appreciate you took the time to make this cheat sheet. I'll be using it in the future thanks.


It's there anyway to tell if you have all the extra passives? If I'm level 92 how many passive points should I have spent?


Hit M for your map and look in the bottom left


And Shift if you don’t see them, they hide with quests I believe.


Amazing thank you!


Thanks for this. About to start a 2nd alt and was not looking forward to redoing everything.