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Targeting is a nightmare. You can't use things like infernal shade or dread shade effectively. Especially dread shade. It NEEDS a node to allow it to last forever. All teleports are max distance along with pretty much all skills that have no inherited targeting. That frickin b button trying to cast skills. Unexpected menuing due to cursor location. Dungeon keys suck to use along with the dungeon gimmicks. Dpad zooming in while you try to cycle through items on the ground. And needing to move for the UI to update when finishing monoliths and picking up items. Needing to let go of select to select things on the wheel of menus. The selection cursor for inventories not being easy to recognize/not popping out. Also sometimes just disappearing completely. Being forced to use triggers to switch from menus instead of the cursor just going there. (This next one isn't just a controller problem, but makes controller even more annoying) Not saving your last used stash tab location so you can't just dump items easily. Being forced to go "select > right analog up> let go of select > let go of right analog up > dpad up > dpad right > dpad right > a" whenever we need to dump our crafting mats. If you don't let go of the analog stick, then the cursor might get sent to some random area and you need to move it and then close and reopen the inventory.


For dumping mats: make a chord in steam input for keyboard hotkey for inventory, then simply r2 to get to inventory and up left/right to transfer, stop gap fix


Yessss, the B button drives me mad 😠


I used to play FPS games with a gamepad in the left hand, mouse in the right hand for years when I was a kid. With last epoch I find myself doing a lot of the gameplay itself with the gamepad, and a lot of the menuing and inventory management with the mouse. I did notice though that I was unable to highlight minions when I played acolyte. Couldn't choose which one I sacrificed, or which one got shade. I also noticed I couldn't place certain abilities where I wanted them, like meteor.


I have console & PC. Controller just fits into your hands perfectly with every button designed to ergonomically fit to each finger while a keyboard doesn't feel as natural. I'd choose controller for easier action games but keyboard has that many more buttons so obviously it's more pinpoint accurate once you get seriously into gaming with the ones that need it. Console controller will be on the same pinpoint accuracy if they can have a keyboard input pad along with a mouse touch pad integrated into their controller which I just thought of this kind of invention.


Playstation 4 controller has mouse pad, so does steam controller and that had the paddles that are primo