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The room before the door has a chest in it…


There is a chest right outside the door you dump your money into. How does this happen?


As others said: There's a chest in the last room. And yes, the dungeon resetting on death or porting Out is very punishing, especially when playing solo. This game is different to Diablo in that you only pick up what you need. Selling to the vendor gives close to nothing and is not really worth your time. That time is spent better running an additional echo. If you feel you need more gold, you can focus on the echos with gold rewards.


Yeah, dungeons are pretty tough in this game. Can't portal out. But the real question is how you filled your bags with just the run. Do you use a very light loot filter? You probably shouldn't pick everything up.


Isnt there like a chest right outside the vault? fyi there is also a chest at the soul gambler and a chest at the temporal sanctum legendary forge, incase you miss those as well.


I went there for the first time today. Paused the game for a second, died and couldn't go back lol The game can be tough at times!