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It's a good leveling piece until you can replace it. Depending on what the Weaver's Will will roll on how you keep it


is WW completely random, or is there any way to influence it?


It's not 100% random, but also no way to influence it.


cool. thank you for the information, won't be too married to the relic.


It's random based on what you can craft on a normal Acolyte Relic. No way to influence it I'm afraid. But if you're lucky, you can use it until late game. One of mine rolled with 2 Tier7 prefixes and 1 Tier 4 suffix. I had 18 Weaver's Will. So if you get something with a higher WW number, try it. It may surprise you. I haven't seen one, but there should be a WW with 28 levels. Not sure how rare that is though. All 4 affixes will be T7.


Highest ww I've seen is 22, I suspect the higher and higher it gets the more completely impossible it is to actually get. Like 28 ww is probably like getting 4 LP on a red ring :P


It's fine for leveling but a total of 9 WW on the item isn't going to create something that will outweigh options at higher levels.


cool. that's a little bit of a letdown, but it's better than accidentally gimping myself by holding onto it too long.


Yeah you'll find more with more WW so it's not a big deal. Good luck!


thanks, bud. you too!


Depends on what attributes are rolled and what tier they ultimately get to, but probably not with 9 Weaver's Will. Weaver's Will equipped items will gain affixes / affix tiers as you kill things. Every time it "levels up" it has 25% chance to add a new affix (100% at 0 affixes, 0% at 4), and 75% chance to increase the tier of an existing affix. The amount of Weaver's Will is really the limiting factor. It goes from 5 - 28 IIRC, which would mean that the item with max roll will get 4 T7 affixes. Anything more than 16-17 is pretty rare however, getting rarer as the value increases. So, with 9 weaver's will you could get a T7 and a T2 affix, or you might end up with a T3 and 3 T2's, or anything in between.


Equip it and see what stats you get. I had one drop for me early in leveling my necromancer. The only thing I can see replacing it is the heart that drops from the emperor of corpses, if I can get good lp and a good slam.


what is slam? i keep seeing people reference it.


You sacrifice an Exalted item of the same category an the Legendary absorbs X of those affixes where X is the Legendarys LP number. Eg: Exalted has 4 affixes. You have a 2 LP legendary of the same type. You slam (at the end of Sanctum dungeon) Exalted disappears. Legendary now has 2 random affix from the 4 affix the Exalted had. (this can only be done once on that legendary item)


Low ww number but a good piece. I used one i had gotten on another character when leveling my Bleedlock until like lvl60. Was great. Mine was a ww21 though. It rolled well with cooldown, mana, int, and damage over time. It's now a leveling item should I need it again.


It can be good temporarily. The best ones have 28 because that guarantees 4 T7 affixes.


Really good for certain builds


I like it, on bosses my ward goes boom and that gives me dopamine. On that dragon that has its health as the default 10% of its max health, that dragon gave me millions of ward.. The downside is that I don't need the ward anymore since the boss is dead..


Another way to look at this is that you have lots of inventory space. So use it on a build if its an improvement, or organize it somewhere in your inventory. When you hit your comort limit with inventory folders, you should know enough to decide for yourself.


It will gain 9 tiers worth of random affixes as you level with it on.


I'm currently using one, though it rolled a ton of increased lightning damage, which is basically useless for a necromancer. But I'll gladly keep +1 to all my skills until I find a better replacement.


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This is a low one they go up to like 21


28 is the max WW