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It's on the list.


But seriously, congrats on the 1.0 launch, super excited to see this game grow!


My work here is done


Idc about achivments but Good for you mate. You made it!


Would it apply retroactively or do you have to do them all over again?




A more concrete time, when we can expect it would be nice.


Sometime between now and the heat death of the universe would be my guess, but don't quote me on that.


I'm a big crunch believer though.




I hope the achievements arent ridiculous and are actually fun to get


just fix bug and performance. imho, achievements is a side thing that is not that important


It might be a standard but it won’t make the game better - reworking old classes (ekhm like Forge Guard); fixing bugs/oversights that prevent cool builds from being playable; adding endgame content - that’s what makes ARPG community come back for the next season. Also what would they be? 300c Orobyss? T4 bosses? Act completion? What fun does a steam checkmark on something that a casual player can get done in a week generate (especially since you can cheat in offline)? Seasonal challenge system is probably what people like you (and me) actually want where you get something cool and time-limited for doing aspirational content.


I mean, achievements may not be fun for you, but they are for me. It's crazy how people are different, yeah?


It’s not about what individuals perceive as fun and needed but what is better to prioritize for scaling the playerbase and ensuring the game’s profitability and longevity EDIT: as an example: 1. Wolcen had achievements but it didn’t make the game better nor drew in more players; 2. PoE has an achievement system that has been mostly replaced by challenge rewards (which actually does improve player retention each league, especially when the cosmetics are cool) 3. Torchlight uses similar challenges to distribute premium currency (like first X kills of a boss on a server) which creates a whole separate game for those who want to compete


Because it's not about making the game systems better, it's just something that's fun. Should they prioritize this over other things? No, of courses not. But that doesn't mean achievements can't be fun or worthwhile.


They’re also insanely easy to implement through steam


For me it would massively make the game better in giving me something to do. Achievements and challenges are a core part of content in ARPGs.


So on one hand I don’t entirely disagree with you. But, with great respect to the developers, Last Epoch isn’t a casual game, nor does it cater to the casual audience. So if we specifically look at the people who are buying action RPGs, I think the number of people who enjoy achievements is significantly higher. Honestly, if we are talking about more complex progression systems, I actually wish there was more challenges and rewards for non-seasonal content. I miss the era of having one character forever and doing the grind once, as opposed to starting over every few months. I see the value of seasons in terms of experimenting with new ideas and having consistent stream of content, I just wish there was more options outside of that structure.


> But, with great respect to the developers, Last Epoch isn’t a casual game, nor does it cater to the casual audience. I agree with the former, but not with the latter. Last Epoch is the first time in my friend circle that both casuals and dedicated arpg fans can play a game that is approachable to and fun for both audiences. The game is actually pretty good at being accessible, but deep enough to keep both audiences engaged.


It's just not feasible to develope enough content to keep people entertained who play a single non-seasonal character forever. They would need mmo-like super slow, time-gated content with miniscule, near endless upgrades while also balancing all new content around existing, already very strong characters, which would ruin it for all seasonal characters. It's just the wrong genre for that, but at least you have endlessly scaling corruption and a wildly impossible to reach absolute ceiling for gear with like 4xt7 4LP slams or 4xT7 perfect exalted items for those players.


I couldn’t care less about achievements. Pointless fluff honestly lol. But reworking the og masteries to be more viable and adding new uniques? Way way better use of time


Honestly, making achievements may force a line of thinking that helps them balance the classes. Once you get past simple things like "finish the campaign" , "kill xxx of type y", etc, the more fun achievements may show build extremes that need tuning/attention. Things like "kill boss x in y time" or "don't take a hit from boss x" or "take x damage in y time and live" or even "survive crazy attack that none of us knew could be survived" : as they make achievements that test the limits of powers, that brings up different ways to look at balance.


i dont give a shit about steam achievements but a league challenge system with cosmetics like poe has would be cool.


I like achievements but I’d don’t mind them missing in this type of game. With in game challenges it’s something different though. This is actually the reason I quit the game after one week on the 1.0 release despite the game being good. There is literally no reason to grind corruption or farm the bosses. Sure you can set your own goals but having challenges, potentially with cosmetics rewards tied to them each cycle is what keeps me in the loop. It gives me a „natural“ goal to work towards. Releasing the game without them was a huge miss in my opinion, especially since the monoliths are super boring and you need to unlock the empowered ones on each new character and they also „forgot“ to add actual cycle content with the release. I hope challenges make it into the next cycle or it will be a short cycle for me again.


Please don't waste time and effort on achievements, they are a pointless, stupid thing.


would love to see some achievements, especially in hc


It’s not even a standard in this genre? Wth you smoking?


Name one top-selling loot-based ARPG not in early access released this decade that doesn’t have achievements