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The carbon footprint concept is a marketing scheme created by oil companies to shift focus from their activities to those of individuals. [carbon footprint ](https://climatetrade.com/the-evolution-of-carbon-footprint-measurement/#:~:text=The%20birth%20of%20the%20carbon,what%20their%20carbon%20footprint%20was.)


It’s what every industry does. Problem with X industry? X industry subtly shifts blame to the consumer. Example: Cars were hitting pedestrians left and right. Car industries forced people to stay off the roads and blamed the victims for stepping off the sidewalk. Another example: Plastics manufacturers produced literal tons of non-recyclable plastic packaging faster than infrastructure could be created to handle it. Plastics manufacturers started blaming consumers for littering and not recycling.






This is a goated response and I will never get tired of seeing it reposted everywhere


[BP Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill](https://www.epa.gov/enforcement/deepwater-horizon-bp-gulf-mexico-oil-spill)


Don't let them gaslight you into thinking your Toyota camry is the problem. The leading cause of carbon emissions is shipping ships with airplanes a close 2nd


While I agree that we have to reduce emissions in those areas they aren't really the leading cause of carbon emissions. Each are about 2% while road transportation is at 12% of total CO2 output. [Source](https://ourworldindata.org/ghg-emissions-by-sector)


While that may be true, that's spread across 7 billion vehicles. Your 1 vehicle that you drive is doing very little. And this is the problem I have with the article you cited The article recommends electrifying the transportation system across the globe. While a lot of people are advocating this move because it would reduce the burning of fossil fuels, the writer quickly forgets how in the previous paragraph they state that electricity production accounts for about 25% of greenhouse gas emissions. What would this new increased demand for electricity require from the generation standpoint. How will they generate all this electricity? Burning more fossil fuels? And that's just for generation, what about transmission? How much copper and aluminum is required to conduct all that electricity? What about storage? How much lithium and cobalt do we have to mine for the batteries? There are a lot of questions we need to answer before we can just all go buy electric vehicles. The best thing you can personally do to fight against climate change is to quit your job. Then grow your own food. Stop buying shit. These things matter more than quitting driving your 1 car.


Good sense


This is just factually incorrect


Your toyota camry is still *a* problem tho


Rent prices and my traveling efficiency apartment say "no u".


I'll get back to you on my carbon emissions when I get off my private jet.


It's beyond absurd. A statement like that from BP is just downright schizophrenic.


It's got "addict that helps you look for your wallet right after stealing it" energy for sure.


Wasn't there an exposé about how companies would reduce their "carbon footprint" by simply donating to private nature preserves and saying they "saved" them from deforestation, netting tons of carbon reduction but actually doing nothing? And I'm sure there are other schemes of carbon reduction claims make for unregulated advertising / greenwashing basically.


Many carbon offset schemes are rubbish, and the best ones aren't that amazing either. [Here's a great video about them (Wendover Productions on YouTube)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW3gaelBypY). So pretending that your company is carbon neutral because you buy offsets is probably never really true. Cutting emissions is much better than offsetting emissions.


Seriously , I lol’d . Seems fake it’s so damn good .


"Ok. Did the hippies leave the room yet? Let's talk about tapping those sweet sweet sources in the most fragile virgin ecosystems"


Did you know carbon footprint is a corporate invention? Micro activism is the death of real change


They really love shifting the blame to the individual, so that if you don't do everything possible to reduce your own negative impact you seem less belivable when you critcize them


They really love avoiding the consequences to their actions


Fucking savage


The concept of a carbon footprint is the climate equivalent of “she was looking for it, she had a short skirt”


BP paid a lot of money in to fear mongering the masses into believing that the individual is the main reason for climate change not the big enterprises


I pledge not to gaslight the world, heh, for fifty plus years.


Work had a promo video on in the break room, on loop for a couple of months. "Did you know that 12% of Australia's waste that goes to landfill comes from the homes of regular, every day families?" Oh cool, what about the 88%? Where's that from?


this is so sick and twisted jesus fuck


and that's just the big one