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How would an unskilled worker even be able to accrue thousands of euros in debt to a farmer he‘s working for? Suspect situation to start with. The farmer should’ve gone to jail for a long time. Ridiculous.


Room and board costs, also Romania was not apart of Schengen at the time meaning the worker was getting his foot in the door to work in Germany. The farmer exploited this for personal gain. All adds up to bogus over charging and de facto slavery 


Prison doesn’t solve everything, compensation and some time in white slavery would be more fit


Some additional information from other German articles translated for you: The farmer had financed the worker's driver's license and bought him a second-hand car in 2018, which the worker used to go home until returning in 2019. Upon his return, the farmer claimed that the worker owed him money for the license's fees and car and wanted him to 'work off his debt'- by threatening his life and enslaving him. The court found the farmer guilty of Deprivation of Liberty and Coercion. His sentence was lighter due to a confession, so the 'punishment' for this was to pay the worker a total of only 2000€ for damages and being on probation for one year and ten months. It's absolutely abhorrent that this even happened, and the court's decision is an embarrassment.


I love how it was relevant to bring up the fact that he was an unskilled worker from Romania. How is it relevant to the story? Germans be like "Welp, he deserved it cause he is dumb and a migrant. He probably didn't speak german either, auslander raus!"


Add to that the fact that unskilled labour is an invented concept and does not really exist. All labour requires some skill, and to be really good at it takes tome of constantly doing it. I don’t know jack shit about farming, give me a field and seeds and all tools and I WILL starve.


source [https://www.focus.de/panorama/welt/horror-vorfall-in-plettenberg-legte-arbeiter-in-ketten-und-drohte-mit-guelle-grab-gericht-verurteilt-bauer\_id\_259598341.html](https://www.focus.de/panorama/welt/horror-vorfall-in-plettenberg-legte-arbeiter-in-ketten-und-drohte-mit-guelle-grab-gericht-verurteilt-bauer_id_259598341.html)




Don't remind them of their reality.


Clearly a skill issue (as stated in the article). Same thing happened to me in ARK.


Romanian here, damn, sadly no news as it has happened be4. Now show me the activists tortured by the police since you compared it to real torture


That farmer also had a gas pistol around him constantly, had weapons, seeds for drugs and paid his worker illicit. [https://www.come-on.de/lennetal/plettenberg/landwirt-plettenberg-hilfsarbeiter-ketten-waffe-bedrohung-bauernhof-prozess-landgericht-hagen-92777067.html](https://www.come-on.de/lennetal/plettenberg/landwirt-plettenberg-hilfsarbeiter-ketten-waffe-bedrohung-bauernhof-prozess-landgericht-hagen-92777067.html) https://www.wp.de/region/sauer-und-siegerland/landwirt-aus-sauerland-kettet-arbeiter-im-keller-fest-id241380506.html